AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
Recherche avancée
Date de publication

Résultats 171-180 de 286

Man-made lakes and their problems


Obeng, L.E.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy

Radioactive contamination of the aquatic environment


Mahdavi, A.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy

Marine fisheries in Africa


Ssentongo, G.W.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy

The role of education in pollution abatement


Siamwiza, M.N.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy

Toxicity tests with aquatic organisms


Lloyd, R.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy

Fertilizer industry


Sittig, Marshall

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Atomic absorption spectrophotometric determination of cadmium, copper, lead in organic matter with high molecular weight amine extraction


Matsuzawa, K. (Nagano-ken. Research Inst. for Health and Pollution (Japan))

The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Information Technology Center - Japan

Pollution studies in the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea


Curi, K.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy

[Hydrocarbon pollution of western Mediterranean surface waters -Pt. 1: Tar balls]


Ros, J. | Faraco, F.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Italy