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Résultats 1911-1920 de 1,950
Determination of pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and pesticides in surface and treated waters: method development and survey
Caldas, Sergiane Souza | Bolzan, Cátia Marian | Guilherme, Juliana Rocha | Silveira, Maria Angelis Kisner | Escarrone, Ana Laura Venquiaruti | Primel, Ednei Gilberto
Water is fundamental to the existence of life since it is essential to a series of activities, such as agriculture, power generation, and public and industrial supplies. The residual water generated by these activities is released into the environment, reaches the water systems, and becomes a potential risk to nontarget organisms. This paper reports the development and validation of a quantitative method, based on solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, for the simultaneous analysis of 18 pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and 33 pesticides in surface and drinking waters. The accuracy of the method was determined by calculating the recoveries, which ranged from 70 to 120 % for most pesticides and PPCPs, whereas limits of quantification ranged from 0.8 to 40 ng/L. After the validation step, the method was applied to drinking and surface waters. Pesticides and PPCPs were found in concentrations lower than 135.5 ng/L. The evaluation of different water sources with regard to contamination by pesticides and PPCPs has been quite poor in southern Brazil.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Functional groups of marine ciliated protozoa and their relationships to water quality
Jiang, Yong | Xu, Henglong | Hu, Xiaozhong | Warren, Alan | Song, Weibo
Ciliated protozoa (ciliates) play important ecological roles in coastal waters, especially regarding their interaction with environmental parameters. In order to increase our knowledge and understanding on the functional structure of ciliate communities and their relationships to environmental conditions in marine ecosystems, a 12-month study was carried out in a semi-enclosed bay in northern China. Samples were collected biweekly at five sampling stations with differing levels of pollution/eutrophication, giving a total of 120 samples. Thirteen functional groups of ciliates (A–M) were defined based on their specific spatio-temporal distribution and relationships to physico-chemical parameters. Six of these groups (H–M) were the primary contributors to the ciliate communities in the polluted/eutrophic areas, whereas the other seven groups (A–G) dominated the communities in less polluted areas. Six groups (A, D, G, H, I and K) dominated during the warm seasons (summer and autumn), with the other seven (B, C, E, F, J, L and M) dominating in the cold seasons (spring and winter). Of these, groups B (mainly aloricate ciliates), I (aloricate ciliates) and L (mainly loricate tintinnids) were the primary contributors to the communities. It was also shown that aloricate ciliates and tintinnids represented different roles in structuring and functioning of the communities. The results suggest that the ciliate communities may be constructed by several functional groups in response to the environmental conditions. Thus, we conclude that these functional groups might be potentially useful bioindicators for bioassessment and conservation in marine habitats.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Capillary electrophoresis finger print technique (CE-SSCP): an alternative tool for the monitoring activities of HAB species in Baja California Sur Costal
Herrera-Sepúlveda, Angélica | Hernandez-Saavedra, Norma Y. | Medlin, Linda K. | West, Nyree
In Mexican waters, there is no a formal and well-established monitoring program of harmful algal blooms (HAB) events. Until now, most of the work has been focused on the characterization of organisms present in certain communities. Therefore, the development of new techniques for the rapid detection of HAB species is necessary. Capillary electrophoresis finger print technique (CE-SSCP) is a fingerprinting technique based on the identification of different conformers dependent of its base composition. This technique, coupled with capillary electrophoresis, has been used to compare and identify different conformers. The aim of this study was to determine if CE-SSCP analysis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene fragments could be used for a rapid identification of toxic and harmful HAB species to improve monitoring activities along the coasts of Baja California Sur, Mexico.Three different highly variable regions of the 18S and 28S rRNA genes were chosen and their suitability for the discrimination of different dinoflagellate species was assessed by CE-SSCP.The CE-SSCP results obtained for the LSU D7 fragment has demonstrated that this technique with this gene region could be useful for the identification of the ten dinoflagellates species of different genera.We have shown that this method can be used to discriminate species and the next step will be to apply it to natural samples to achieve our goal of molecular monitoring for toxic algae in Mexican waters. This strategy will offer an option to improve an early warning system of HAB events for coastal BCS, allowing the possible implementation of mitigation strategies. A monitoring program of HAB species using molecular methods will permit the analysis of several samples in a short period of time, without the pressure of counting with a taxonomic expert in phytoplankton taxonomy.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Dynamics of cyanobacterial bloom formation during short-term hydrodynamic fluctuation in a large shallow, eutrophic, and wind-exposed Lake Taihu, China
Wu, Tingfeng | Qin, Boqiang | Zhu, Guangwei | Luo, Liancong | Ding, Yanqing | Bian, Geya
Short-term hydrodynamic fluctuations caused by extreme weather events are expected to increase worldwide because of global climate change, and such fluctuations can strongly influence cyanobacterial blooms. In this study, the cyanobacterial bloom disappearance and reappearance in Lake Taihu, China, in response to short-term hydrodynamic fluctuations, was investigated by field sampling, long-term ecological records, high-frequency sensors and MODIS satellite images. The horizontal drift caused by the dominant easterly wind during the phytoplankton growth season was mainly responsible for cyanobacterial biomass accumulation in the western and northern regions of the lake and subsequent bloom formation over relatively long time scales. The cyanobacterial bloom changed slowly under calm or gentle wind conditions. In contrast, the short-term bloom events within a day were mainly caused by entrainment and disentrainment of cyanobacterial colonies by wind-induced hydrodynamics. Observation of a westerly event in Lake Taihu revealed that when the 30 min mean wind speed (flow speed) exceeded the threshold value of 6 m/s (5.7 cm/s), cyanobacteria in colonies were entrained by the wind-induced hydrodynamics. Subsequently, the vertical migration of cyanobacterial colonies was controlled by hydrodynamics, resulting in thorough mixing of algal biomass throughout the water depth and the eventual disappearance of surface blooms. Moreover, the intense mixing can also increase the chance for forming larger and more cyanobacterial colonies, namely, aggregation. Subsequently, when the hydrodynamics became weak, the cyanobacterial colonies continuously float upward without effective buoyancy regulation, and cause cyanobacterial bloom explosive expansion after the westerly. Furthermore, the results of this study indicate that the strong wind happening frequently during April and October can be an important cause of the formation and expansion of cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Taihu.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Predicting the sensitivity of fishes to dioxin-like compounds: possible role of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) ligand binding domain
Doering, Jon A. | Giesy, John P. | Wiseman, Steve | Hecker, Markus
Dioxin-like compounds are chronically toxic to most vertebrates. However, dramatic differences in sensitivity to these chemicals exist both within and among vertebrate classes. A recent study found that in birds, critical amino acid residues in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) ligand binding domain are predictive of sensitivity to dioxin-like compounds in a range of species. It is currently unclear whether similar predictive relationships exist for fishes, a group of animals at risk of exposure to dioxin-like compounds. Effects of dioxin-like compounds are mediated through the AhR in fishes and birds. However, AhR dynamics are more complex among fishes. Fishes possess AhRs that can be grouped within at least three distinct clades (AhR1, AhR2, AhR3) with each clade possibly containing multiple isoforms. AhR2 has been shown to be the active form in most teleosts, with AhR1 not binding dioxin-like compounds. The role of AhR3 in dioxin-like toxicity has not been established to date and this clade is only known to be expressed in some cartilaginous fishes. Furthermore, multiple mechanisms of sensitivity to dioxin-like compounds that are not relevant in birds could exist among fishes. Although, at this time, deficiencies exist for the development of such a predictive relationship for application to fishes, successfully establishing such relationships would offer a substantial improvement in assessment of risks of dioxin-like compounds for this class of vertebrates. Elucidation of such relationships would provide a mechanistic foundation for extrapolation among species to allow the identification of the most sensitive fishes, with the ultimate goal of the prediction of risk posed to endangered species that are not easily studied.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Emission characteristics of air pollutants from incense and candle burning in indoor atmospheres
Manoukian, A. | Quivet, E. | Temime-Roussel, B. | Nicolas, M. | Maupetit, F. | Wortham, H.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particles emitted by incense sticks and candles combustion in an experimental room have been monitored on-line and continuously with a high time resolution using a state-of-the-art high sensitivity-proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometer (HS-PTR-MS) and a condensation particle counter (CPC), respectively. The VOC concentration–time profiles, i.e., an increase up to a maximum concentration immediately after the burning period followed by a decrease which returns to the initial concentration levels, were strongly influenced by the ventilation and surface interactions. The obtained kinetic data set allows establishing a qualitative correlation between the elimination rate constants of VOCs and their physicochemical properties such as vapor pressure and molecular weight. The emission of particles increased dramatically during the combustion, up to 9.1(±0.2) × 10⁴ and 22.0(±0.2) × 10⁴ part cm⁻³ for incenses and candles, respectively. The performed kinetic measurements highlight the temporal evolution of the exposure level and reveal the importance of ventilation and deposition to remove the particles in a few hours in indoor environments.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The reciprocal relation between lightning and pollution and their impact over Kolkata, India
Middey, Anirban | Chaudhuri, Sutapa
Aerosol loading in the atmosphere can cause increased lightning flashes, and those lightning flashes produce NO X , which reacts in sun light to produce surface ozone. The present study deals with the effect of surface pollutants on premonsoon (April–May) lightning activity over the station Kolkata (22.65° N, 88.45° E). Seven-year (2004–2010) premonsoon thunderstorms data are taken for the study. Different parameters like aerosol optical depth and cloud top temperature from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer satellite products along with lightning flash data from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission’s (TRMM) Lightning Imaging Sensor are analyzed. Some surface pollution parameters like suspended particulate matter, particulate matter 10, nitrogen oxides (NO X), and surface ozone (O₃) data during the same period are taken account for clear understanding of their association with lightning activity. Heights of convective condensation level and lifting condensation level are collected from radiosonde observations to anticipate about cloud base. It is found that increased surface pollution in a near storm environment is related to increased lightning flash rate, which results in increased surface NO X and consequently increased surface ozone concentration over the station Kolkata.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Electro-Fenton decolourisation of dyes in an airlift continuous reactor using iron alginate beads
Iglesias, O. | Rosales, E. | Pazos, M. | Sanromán, M. A.
In this study, electro-Fenton dye degradation was performed in an airlift continuous reactor configuration by harnessing the catalytic activity of Fe alginate gel beads. Electro-Fenton experiments were carried out in an airlift reactor with a working volume of 1.5 L, air flow of 1.5 L/min and 115 g of Fe alginate gel beads. An electric field was applied by two graphite bars connected to a direct current power supply with a constant potential drop. In this study, Lissamine Green B and Reactive Black 5 were selected as model dyes. Fe alginate gel beads can be used as an effective heterogeneous catalyst for the degradation of organic dyes in the electro-Fenton process, as they are more efficient than the conventional electrochemical techniques. At optimal working conditions (3 V and pH 2), the continuous process was performed. For both dyes, the degree of decolourisation increases when the residence time augments. Taking into account hydrodynamic and kinetic behaviour, a model to describe the reactor profile was obtained, and the standard deviation between experimental and theoretical data was lower than 6 %. The results indicate the suitability of the electro-Fenton technique to oxidise polluted effluents in the presence of Fe alginate gel beads. Moreover, the operation is possible in a continuous airlift reactor, due to the entrapment of iron in the alginate matrix.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Challenges with tracing the fate and speciation of mine-derived metals in turbid river systems: implications for bioavailability
Cresswell, Tom | Smith, Ross E. W. | Nugegoda, Dayanthi | Simpson, Stuart L.
The fast-flowing and highly turbid Lagaip River (0.5-10 g/L suspended solids) in the central highlands of Papua New Guinea receives mine-derived metal inputs in both dissolved and particulate forms. Nearest the mine, metal concentrations in suspended solids were 360, 9, 90, 740 and 1,300 mg/kg for As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, while dissolved concentrations were 2.7, 0.6, 3.1, 0.1 and 25 μg/L, respectively. This creates a significant metal exposure source for organisms nearer the mine. However, because the Lagaip River is diluted by a large number of tributaries, the extent to which mine-derived metals may affect biota in the lower catchments is uncertain. To improve our understanding of the forms of potentially bioavailable metals entering the lower river system, we studied the partitioning and speciation of metals within the Lagaip River system. Dissolved and particulate metal concentrations decreased rapidly downstream of the mine due to dilution from tributaries. As a portion of the particulate metal concentrations, the more labile dilute acid-extractable forms typically comprised 10-30 % for As and Pb, 50-75 % for Cu and Zn, and 50-100 % for Cd. Only dissolved Cd, Cu and Zn remained elevated relative to the non-mine-impacted tributaries (<0.03, 0.5 and 0.3 μg/L), but the concentrations did not appreciably change with increasing dilution downriver. This indicated that release of Cd, Cu and Zn was likely occurring from the more labile metal phases of the mine-derived particulates. Chelex-labile metal analyses and speciation modelling indicated that dissolved copper and lead were largely non-labile and likely complexed by naturally occurring organic ligands, while dissolved cadmium and zinc were predominantly present in labile forms. The study confirmed that mine-derived particulates may represent a significant source of dissolved metals in the lower river system; however, comparison with water quality guidelines indicates the low concentrations would not adversely affect aquatic life.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for atrazine monitoring in water samples
Lima, Diana L. D. | Schneider, Rudolf J. | Esteves, Valdemar I.
The implementation of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) requires the establishment of monitoring programs. However, conventional procedures for sample preparation prior to chromatographic analysis are rather expensive and time consuming, being the development of cost-effective and easy tool a necessity. The aim of this work was to develop an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) able to determine atrazine in water samples. Matrix effects evaluation showed that the increase of humic acid (HA) concentration leads to flattened calibration curves and to the loss of the sigmoidal shape. However, such interference was overcome, by the presence of an environmental sample buffer, incubated together with the samples. Recoveries from 88.5 to 119.2 % were obtained in the presence of HA concentrations up to 20 mg L⁻¹. An analytical range from 0.003 to 1 μg L⁻¹ was obtained, and atrazine was detected in a sewage treatment plant with concentrations ranging from 14 to 52 ng L⁻¹.
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