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Quality and wastewater treatment propositions for technological process of beer production in brewery "DD Pivara - Nis" [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Stanisavljevic, M. | Krstic, I. (Fakultet zastite na radu, Nis (Yugoslavia). Smer zastite zivotne sredine)
The purpose of this work is finding a solution to the brewery wastewater refining problem. As a result, a preliminary treatment for wastewater emission in the town sewage is given. For huge ecological recipients demands, a possibility of the complete refining is presented. After giving the analysis, conceptions for solutions to recycling plants are displayed. The contribution of this paper is in solving the problem of the treatment of the wastewater generated during technological process of beer production and is based on several years investigation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Application of bioindicators in evaluating the water quality of the Sumanka Hydrosystem [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Miljanovic, B. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju) | Maletin, S. | Djukic, N. | Pujin, V. | Markovic, Z. | Ivanc, A. | Teodorovic, I. | Zivic, N.
In the period from May to August in 1996, the samples for hydro-biological and inchthyological from the following localities were collected: the Klaicka river, the Radevacka river, the Sumanka river and the Lipovacka river (Serbia, Yugoslavia). The water quality was determined n the basis of bioindicator values and the abundance of particular species of phytoplankton, zooplankton, bottom fauna and fish community. According to the portion of plankton organisms, the saprobic index for the Klaicka river was between 2.01 and 2.57, for the Radevacka river it was between 2.83 and 2.93, for the Sumanka river between 2.59-2.78 and for the Lipovacka river this index had a value between 2.72 and 2.83. Among the botton fauna, 10 zoobenthic groups were determined. The highest frequency and abundance was registered in the groups of Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera, and the water quality is between oligo- o-beta-mesosaprobic (the Lipovacka river), -beta-mesosaprobic (the Klaicka river), o-beta to alfa-mesosaprobic (the Radevacka river) and beta to alfa-mesosaprobic (the Sumanka river). The ichthyofauna of the Klaicka and Sumanka rivers include the species like southern barbel, chub and spirlin. Basing on the fact, the water quality was determined as beta-mesosaprobic (1.65). The majority of results point to the satisfactory biological quality of water in this hydroecosystem, which is, therefore, considered to be one of the potential sources of water supply.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Some of trace elements in the water of Bokakotorska Bay [Adriatic sea, Montenegro, Yugoslavia]
Joksimovic, D. | Kljajic, Z. | Filipovic, S. (Univerzitet Crne Gore, Kotor (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju mora)
In this work, we were investigated level and source of trace elements in industrial and sea waters in Bokakotorska Bay (Adriatic sea, Montenegro, Yugoslavia). The ranges concentration in (microgram/cubic dm) in seawater are as follows: Hg (0.1-0.4); As (0.1-0.9); Pb (2.3-10.0); Zn (3.0-12.0); Cu (2.3-8.4); Cr (0.8-3.0); Cd (0.1-1.0); Ni (0.9-3.0); Mn (0.2-0.5). The average levels of trace elements in the samples collected from industrial effluents of factory ILK were 110 - 16500 times higher than concentrations of trace elements in other industrial effluents.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Eco-technological procedure of treatment of the sludge generated in the galvanic wastewater purification
Stanisavljevic, M. | Krstic, I. (Fakultet zastite na radu, Nis (Yugoslavia). Smer zastita zivotne sredine)
The subject of the paper is eco-technological procedure of the treatment of the sludge generated during conventional purification (Cn(-) oxidation, Cr(6+) reduction, chemical precipitation of the other metals) of the wastewater from galvanic process. The detailed analysis of the waste sludge with the determination of high flow (the water eluate) and low flow (HNO3-eluate) fraction as Cu(2+), Cr(3+), Cd(2+), Ni(2+), Pb(2+), Zn(2+). The point of the paper is the treatment of the sludge as the dangerous waste into useful product glass-ceramics, with eliminating of the generation of the dangerous and harmful materials in environment. Experimental investigation has achieved the point and approved that with this procedure it is possible to transform chemical active matters (Cu(2+), Cr(3+), Cd(2+), Ni(2+), Pb(2+), Zn(2+)) using the phase and chemical transformation into very stable structure where the pollutants can not be activated even under critical conditions as high temperature, influence of acids and alkalines, etc.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Proportional presence of phytoplankton group in touristic part of Palic lake [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Dulic, S. | Mrkic, B. (Zavod za zastitu zdravlja, Subotica (Yugoslavia))
The analysis of the phytoplakton and phytoperiphyton communities in the Palic lake (Serbia, Yugoslavia), has been performed with aim the water quality evalution. The determining and following proportional presence of phytoplankton were in the fourth sector of lake during 1998, 1999, and 2000. During the period of investigation, the phytoplankton community was characterized by forms of Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta and Bacillariophyta. During the investigation it was perceived the change in proportional participation in the presence of the four alga group mentioned above. The most representative percent was the Chlorophyta group, with values from 44.4%, to 54.7%. The other phytoplakton group has less values of percentage in the values.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-][Monitoring the decontamination degree of the slurry using the alternative aerobic and anaerobic fermentations]
Tibru, I. | Nichita, I. | Savescu, E. | Mircov, V.D. (Facultatea de Medicina Veterinara, Timisoara (Romania))
This paper presents the results obtained after an alternative treatment (aerobic and anaerobic) of the animal slurry. We discussed only about the problems related to the effects of denitrification and dephosphatation on coliform bacteria. We noticed a good decontamination of the slurry using alternatively the two procedures. To determine the decontamination degree we used the classical multiple tubes method. The same samples were examined through the field microbiological test (FMT) adding Kovacs reagent. There is a concordance between the coliform bacteria determined through the classical method and the number determined through FMT to which the Kovacs reagent adding increases the sensitivity degree.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Summer aspect of zooplankton and microzooperiphyton of some water course in the Republic of Srpska [Bosnia and Herzegovina]]
Bobic, M. (Institut za vode Republike Srpske, Bijeljina - Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina))
In the scope of the Program of surface water quality examinations in the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina), hydrometric measurements and water quality examinations had been realized, where zooplankton and microzooperiphyton researches have been performed. Sampling were performed in the period from 6th to 20th May 2000, at 13 water courses with taken in total 21 samples. In qualitative structure of examined fauna, Rotatoria, Cladocera and Copepoda groups were treated, with ascertained in total 109 taxa from 41 genus. In qualitative structure periphyton taxa are predominant. On the basis of bioindicatory species structure it is noticed that dominant species are oligasaprobic and oligobetamesosaprobic character.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-][Lake Prespa [The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia]: comparative investigations of watershed and lake water]
Jordanoski, M. | Veljanoska-Sarafiloska, E. (Hidrobioloski zavod, Ohrid (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia))
Criteria for obtaining quality indicators of surface waters: an example of the South Morava river basin [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Veljkovic, N. (Vodovod, Leskovac (Yugoslavia)) | Milenkovic, S. | Dopudja-Glisic, T.
The work gives the regime of surface water flows with hydrographic net and the regime of waters at hydrologic stations for the period of 1988-1998. Consequently in this paper will be designed a resonant indicator which is derived out of the composite index group of WQI for the flow field in the period under research. Depending on the index points won at the examined profiles, estimation of waterflows quality will be adapted to the goals of indicator users, in this case to the public. Indicators of the type very poor, poor, good, very good and excellent. Hereto it is important to mention that hereby validity of original composite indicator will have to be sacrificed.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Sapromicrobiological aspect of the water and mud quality of the most polluted sector (Bezdan-Bechey) of the main canal of the DTD [Danube - Tisza - Danube] canal net [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Gajin, S. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju) | Matavulj, M. | Petrovic, O. | Radnovic, D. | Simeunovic, J.
As a result of this study the overload by pollutants and low quality of canal water in the zone downstream of Vrbas and Srbobran towns (Serbia, Yugoslavia) has been recorded. Regarding to started work on demudification of canal bottom in the industrial zone of Vrbas town, in the course of 2000 the additional investigations of mud profile downstrean of wastewater discharge into the canal have been done. In the investigated mud samples the extremely high number of organotrophic bacteria was found (up to 1.7 x 10**10 cfu/ml), but also high number of conditionally pathogenic bacteria (opportunistic bacteria) was recorded. Also, the high number of fecal (thermo-tolerant) coliform bacteria (Escherichia coli and Klebsiella - Enterobacter - Citrobacter group of bacteria), as well as the presence of colifags was found. Such findings indicate possible bad consequences to the health of humans contacting this mud, as well as to the ground water quality, indirectly, via drainage water.
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