AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
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Résultats 21-30 de 4,926

Monitoring of Zn and Cr in Downstream Water from Uzunçayır Dam in Turkey


Topal, M. | Arslan Topal, E. I.

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Prioritization of Environmental Sensitive Spots in Studies of Environmental Impact Assessment to Select the Preferred Option, Based on AHP and GIS Compound in the Gas Pipeline Project


Padash, A. | Ataee, S.

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Remediation of Lead-Contaminated Soil, Using Clean Energy in Combination with Electro-Kinetic Methods


Hussein, A. A. | Alatabe, M. J. A.

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Microbeads in Sediment, Dreissenid Mussels, and Anurans in the Littoral Zone of the Upper St. Lawrence River, New York.


Schessl, M. | Johns, C. | Ashpole, S. L.

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Three-dimensional analytical models for time-dependent coefficients through uniform and varying plane input source in semi-infinite adsorbing porous media.


Yadav, R. R. | Yadav, V.

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Adsorption and Leaching Behavior of Copper, Zinc and Lead Ions by Three Different River Nile Sediments at Aswan, Egypt


Rashed, M.N. | Toufeek, M. E. F. | Eltaher, M. A. E. | Elbadry, A.O.

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Adsorption of heavy metals (Cu, Mn, Fe and Ni) from surface water using Oreochromis niloticus scales


Kwaansa–Ansah, E. E. | Nkrumah, D. | Nti, S. O. | Opoku, F.

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Experimental and Theoretical Study for Hydrogen Biogas Production from Municipal Solid Waste


Ali, A. H. | Al-Mussawy, H. A. | Ghazal, M. T. | Hamadi, N. J.

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Risk assessment and mitigation measures on the heavy metal polluted water and sediment of the Kolleru Lake in Andhra Pradesh, India


Das Sharma, S.

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Landfill Leachate Treatment through Electro-Fenton Oxidation


Mohajeri, S. | Hamidi, A. A. | Isa, M. H. | Zahed, M. A.

University of Tehran - Iran (Islamic Republic of)