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Monitoring of Zn and Cr in Downstream Water from Uzunçayır Dam in Turkey
Topal, M. | Arslan Topal, E. I.
In this study, the concentrations of Zn and Cr in downstream waters from Uzunçayır Dam (Tunceli, Turkey) were monitored during spring (March, April, May) and summer (June, July, August) season. Zinc and Cr concentrations in surface water samples were detected using the ICP-MS device. According to the data obtained the lowest Zn and Cr concentrations in the spring season were 65.43±3.2 μg/L in March at 10th day for Zn and 0.28±0.02 μg/L in March at 10th and 20th day for Cr, the highest Zn and Cr concentrations were determined to be 83.12±4.1 μg/L in May at day 30 for Zn and 0.48±0.02 μg/L in May at day 30 for Cr. The lowest Zn and Cr concentrations in summer season were 55.48±2.7 μg/L at 30th day in August for Zn and 0.54±0.03 μg/L at 10th day in June for Cr. The highest Zn and Cr concentration in summer season were found as 69.48±3.5 μg/L in June at day 10 for Zn and 1.23±0.06 μg/L in August at day 30 for Cr. The Zn and Cr concentrations in the downstream of Uzunçayır Dam were found to be smaller than the Zn and Cr concentrations given by the Surface Water Quality Regulation (SWQR). As a result, it was determined that there was no harm in using water from the Uzunçayır Dam as irrigation water or drinking water in terms of Zn and Cr concentrations.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Prioritization of Environmental Sensitive Spots in Studies of Environmental Impact Assessment to Select the Preferred Option, Based on AHP and GIS Compound in the Gas Pipeline Project
Padash, A. | Ataee, S.
Environmental assessments are essential in order to align the process of country's progress towards sustainable development. It is important for the project to be implemented in direction of sustainable development, which is to carry out a project in such a way that in both short and long term, the greatest advantages and the least harm are inflicted on the environment, economy, communities, and culture. Environmental assessment of gas pipelines is classified as a linear projects; therefore, the design and implementation of an appropriate method in accordance with the project's linearity, due to the use of GIS tools and multi-criteria decision-making methods, can be a good innovation for this study, in comparison to previous similar projects. The purpose of this study is to identify the best option for gas pipelines. Once the project's study scope is specified, the study based the sensitive environmental parameters of the area (based on the requirements of environmental impact assessment reports) on two methods of Analyzing Hierarchical Process (AHP) and overlaying methods for sub-parameters, ranking and prioritizing the area of evaluation. Based on the results, the first and second priorities belong to the parameter of distance and position in the protected areas with a weight of 29.9% and hydrology with a weight of 24.7%, followed by slope, vegetation, land use, and fault, which are ranked third to seventh, respectively. After identifying the best map option, the study extracts the critical points for the construction of pipelines, identifies the negative effects of the project, and presents the environmental impacts and preventive measures, reduction and compensation of negative effects in both construction and operation phases, along with a summary of the Environmental Management Program (EMP).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Remediation of Lead-Contaminated Soil, Using Clean Energy in Combination with Electro-Kinetic Methods
Hussein, A. A. | Alatabe, M. J. A.
The present study aims at investigating the feasibility of using solar energy as a power source to run electro-kinetic remediation in order to clean-up lead from three types of Iraqi soil. In order to do so, it carries out six tests with enhancement conditions, involving pH control and injection wells. Conducted in the city of Baghdad, Iraq, the experiment, is divided into two groups so that the effect of applying continuous and constant voltage from solar panels study, by means of charge control and battery along with non-continuous and non-constant DC voltage from solar panel could be studied. The DC voltage has been generated by two Solar panels, each with a maximum voltage of 17 volts. All experiments have commenced in March 2017, wherein the soil has been contaminated with a concentration of Pb, equal to 1500 mg/kg as well as initial moisture content equal to 30%. The remediation lasts for seven days, with a potential gradient of about 1.2 V/cm. At the end, the experimental results show that the overall removal efficiencies of 90.7%, 63.3%, and 42.8% have been achieved for sandy, sandy loam, and silty loam soils, respectively, when using solar panels with charge control and battery.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Microbeads in Sediment, Dreissenid Mussels, and Anurans in the Littoral Zone of the Upper St. Lawrence River, New York.
Schessl, M. | Johns, C. | Ashpole, S. L.
Global plastic production has exceeded 300 million tons per year (Plastics Europe, 2015). In the marine and freshwater environments, larger plastics abrade and photo-degrade resulting in persistent environmental microplastics that are not effectively removed by existing wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The ecological effects of microplastics on the marine environment are poorly understood, with even less attention to freshwater systems. To assess whether microplastics have infiltrated food webs of shallow nearshore ecosystems of the St. Lawrence River, we sampled four sites along the international section of the St. Lawrence River, from Alexandria Bay to Waddington, NY. Twelve sediment samples along with one hundred and forty-nine Dreissenid mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and D. bugensis) were collected from the littoral zone, and forty one road-killed anuran amphibian specimens were collected adjacent to the river. Sediment subsamples at two of four sediment sampling sites contained plastic micro-particles. No microbeads were detected within any of the Dreissenid mussels or anuran digestive tract samples. The Dreissenids were likely too small to ingest microbeads greater than 35 microns. Microplastics congregating in the littoral zone may pose a threat within the food web through potential ingestion, requiring further methodological development.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Three-dimensional analytical models for time-dependent coefficients through uniform and varying plane input source in semi-infinite adsorbing porous media.
Yadav, R. R. | Yadav, V.
In the present study, analytical solutions are developed for three-dimensional advection-dispersion equation (ADE) in semi-infinite adsorbing saturated homogeneous porous medium with time dependent dispersion coefficient. It means porosity of the medium is filled with single fluid(water). Dispersion coefficient is considered proportional to seepage velocity while adsorption coefficient inversely proportional to dispersion coefficient. Solutions are derived for both uniform and varying plane input source. The source geometry, including shape and orientation, broadly act major role for the concentration profile through the entire transport procedure. Initially the porous domain is not solute free. It means domain is throughout uniformly polluted. With help of certain transformation advection-dispersion equation is reduced into constant coefficient. The governing advection-dispersion equation, initial and boundary condition is solved by applying Laplace Transform Technique (LTT). The desired closed-form solution for the line source in two-dimensions and point source in one-dimension of uniform and varying nature are also evaluated as particular cases. Effects of parameters and value on the solute transport are demonstrated graphically.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Adsorption and Leaching Behavior of Copper, Zinc and Lead Ions by Three Different River Nile Sediments at Aswan, Egypt
Rashed, M.N. | Toufeek, M. E. F. | Eltaher, M. A. E. | Elbadry, A.O.
The present study was carried out to investigate the adsorption and leaching behavior of Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+ by sediments collected from the western banks of three different sectors along River Nile at Aswan governorate, Egypt. The feasibility of sediments for the removal of Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+ from aqueous solutions was tested under the effect of three conditions (pH, initial metal concentration and contact time). By increasing pH, the adsorption of Cu2+ and Pb2+ by sediments decreased while that of Zn2+ increased. The optimum pH values for Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+ removal were determined as 5, 8.5 and 5, respectively. The adsorption capacities of sediments for metal ions were in the order of Pb2+ > Cu2+ > Zn2+. The maximum uptake for Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+ by sediments occurred at contact times of 48 h, 24 h and 72 h, respectively. Adsorption data were fitted well by Freundlich, Dubinin–Radushkevich and Temkin isotherms. The experimental results obtained were analyzed using two adsorption kinetic models, pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order, in which pseudo-second-order equation described the data more than pseudo-first-order one. The average leaching percentages of Cu2+, Zn2+ and Pb2+ from sediments were 0.77%, 2.72% and 0.38%, respectively, with respect to pH, 0.83%, 2.49% and 0.38%, respectively , with respect to temperature, and also 0.79%, 2.34% and 0.38%, respectively with respect to contact time. The leaching percentages of metal ions from sediments were in the order of Zn2+ > Cu2+ > Pb2+.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Adsorption of heavy metals (Cu, Mn, Fe and Ni) from surface water using Oreochromis niloticus scales
Kwaansa–Ansah, E. E. | Nkrumah, D. | Nti, S. O. | Opoku, F.
Surface water contains a large number of pollutants, particularly human pathogens, organic toxicants and heavy metals. Due to the toxic nature of heavy metals towards marine organisms, its removal from the environment has been a growing issue. The biosorption of heavy metal ions from surface water using fish scales has emerged as an environmentally friendly technique. This study assessed the degree of heavy metals accumulation in the scales of Oreochromis niloticus and determining its efficiency as a bioindicator for Cu, Mn and Fe ions removal in the environment of Wewe and Owabi rivers. This study shows that the levels of Cu, Mn, Fe adsorbed from the Owabi river were 685.70 ± 16.51, 247.06 ± 50.46 and 892.90 ± 96.29 mg/kg, respectively. Moreover, the levels of Cu, Mn and Fe adsorbed from Wewe river were 501.60 ± 77.78, 300.89 ± 54.61 and 413.04 ± 9.92 mg/kg, respectively. Under best optimum adsorption conditions, Cu was the best removed heavy metal ions in both surface water reservoirs. Multivariate analysis showed that Cu and Mn showed association in Owabi river, while Mn and Fe were correlated in Wewe river signifying their similarities to a common anthropogenic activity. The Fourier–transform infrared spectrum revealed the existence of a nitro, amine, and carbonyl groups in the biosorption process. This study highlighted that Oreochromis niloticus scales was an efficient bio–sorbent in removing Cu, Mn and Fe ions from Owabi and Wewe rivers.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Experimental and Theoretical Study for Hydrogen Biogas Production from Municipal Solid Waste
Ali, A. H. | Al-Mussawy, H. A. | Ghazal, M. T. | Hamadi, N. J.
This study carried out to investigate the production of hydrogen using the organic fraction of municipal solid waste OFMSW, where the anaerobic digester was depended as a method for disposing and treating OFMSW and producing bio-hydrogen. Bio-hydrogen production had been studied under different parameters including pH, solid content T.S%, temperature and mixing ratios between the thick sludge to OFMSW. The optimal conditions were found at pH, T.S%, temp and mix ratio of 7, 8%, 32oC, and 1:5, respectively where the hydrogen yield was (138.88 mL/gm vs). To found the most important parameters in this process, the ANN model had been applied. The effectiveness of temperature, total solid, mixing ratio and pH comes in the following sequence 100%, 75.8%, 71.9%, and 57.2% respectively, with R2 of 95.7%. Multiple correlation model was used to formulate an equation linked between the hydrogen production and the parameters effected on. Gompertz model was applied to compare between theoretical and experimental outcomes, it also given a mathematical equation with high correlation coefficient R2 of 99.95% where the theoretical bio-hydrogen was (141.76 mL/gm vs) under best conditions. The first order kinetic model was applied to evaluate the dynamics of the degradation process. The obtained negative value of (k = - 0.0886), indicates that, the solid waste biodegradation was fast and progresses in the right direction.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Risk assessment and mitigation measures on the heavy metal polluted water and sediment of the Kolleru Lake in Andhra Pradesh, India
Das Sharma, S.
The Kolleru Lake is a famous Ramsar wetland of international significance. In this study heavy metal contents in water and sediment samples are reported. It is found that certain potentially toxic metal ions like chromium (4.5-80 µg/L), copper (1-20 µg/L), manganese (1-313 µg/L) and zinc (1.2-57 µg/L) are present in variable quantities in the lake water. When normalized with respect to concentration of each element in clean surface waters, the normalized ratio is found to be highly heterogeneous (chromium=4.5-80, copper=0.3-3.3, manganese=0.07-20.8, zinc= negligible to 2.8). At several places, the normalized ratio is greater than 1, indicating anthropogenic input. The concentration of iron (4-20 µg/L) in water, however, is less compared to the clean surface waters. Chemical analyses and quality assessment of Kolleru Lake sediments have been carried out through estimation of four pollution indices, which include enrichment factor (EF), geoaccumulation index (Igeo), contamination factor (CF) and pollution load index (PLI). Evaluation of these contamination indices with respect to average sediment composition of Taylor & McLennan (2001) confirmed that the Kolleru Lake sediment is polluted with a number of heavy metals that include cobalt (EF=2, Igeo=0.64, CF=2.4) , chromium (EF=1.5, Igeo=0.18, CF=1.7), copper (EF=1.6, Igeo=0.29, CF=1.9), manganese (EF=1.3, Igeo=0, CF=1.4), vanadium (EF=1.5, Igeo=0.19, CF=1.7) and zinc (EF=1.5, Igeo=0, CF=1.5). The level of contamination, however, is minor to moderate and is in good agreement with the heavy metal chemistry of the lake water. Based on these results some measures for environmental rehabilitation of the lake and its surroundings have been proposed.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Landfill Leachate Treatment through Electro-Fenton Oxidation
Mohajeri, S. | Hamidi, A. A. | Isa, M. H. | Zahed, M. A.
Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) have been employed to degrade biorefractory organic matters. This study investigates the combination of classical Fenton reaction with electrochemical oxidation, the electro-Fenton process, for the treatment of semi aerobic landfill leachate, collected from Pulau Burung Landfill Site (PBLS), Penang, Malaysia. The investigation has been carried out in batch reactors with aluminum electrodes to establish the optimal treatment conditions. The effects of applied current, pH, reaction time, electrodes separation distance, H2O2/Fe2+ molar ratio, and H2O2 and Fe2+ concentrations, significant process parameters by themselves, have also been investigated. According to the obtained results, electro-Fenton process is very efficient for the treatment of landfill leachate. Optimum oxidation efficiency has been achieved when neither H2O2 nor Fe2+ are overdosed, so that the maximum amount of OH radicals is available for the oxidation of organic compounds. The highest COD and color removals have been 92% and 93%, respectively; obtained at initial pH=3, H2O2/Fe2+ molar ratio=1, applied current= 2A, treatment duration= 30 min, and electrodes separation distance= 3 cm. The current efficiency declines from 94% to 38% when the current rises from 0.5A to 2A.
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