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Résultats 221-230 de 325
Biochemical markers of pollution by polycyclic aromatic compounds in mussel and fish: field studies on the French coast of the Mediterranean sea
Narbonne, J.F. (Universite de Bordeaux 1 (France). Laboratoire de Toxicologie Alimentaire) | Ribera, D. | Michel, X. | Lafaurie, M. | Monod, J.L. | Raoux, C. | Garrigues, P.
Xenobiotic-inducible alkoxycoumarin and alkoxyresorufin dealkylases in higher plants
Batard, Y. (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Strasbourg (France). Institut de Biologie Moleculaire des Plantes, Departement d'Enzymologie Moleculaire et Cellulaire) | Zimmerlin, A. | Schalk, M. | Durst, F. | Werck Reichhart, D.
Nitrate reductase activity in aquatic plants as an indicator of ammoniacal nitrogen contamination
Rolland, T. (Institut de Botanique, Strasbourg (France). Laboratoire de Botanique et d'Ecologie Vegetale) | Robach, F. | Tremolieres, M. | Dester, S.
Joint effects of copper sulphate and methidathion on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) EROD [ethoxy-resofurine-O-deethylase] and AChE [acetylcholinesterase] activities
Flammarion, P. (Centre National du Machinisme Agricole du Genie Rural des Eaux et des Forets, Lyon (France). Laboratoire d'Ecotoxicologie) | Migeon, B. | Garric, J.
Nonpoint-source pollution issues
Makuch, Joe
Ectomycorrhizae of an Alpine spruce forest
Pillukat, A. (Munich Univ. (Germany). Inst. for Systematic Botany)
The ectomycorrhizal biodiversity of selected Norway spruce stands on an Alpine limestone mountain was studied by inventories of occurring fruitbodies and descriptions of new ectomycorrhizal types. Based on fruitbody surveys a total of 137 ectomycorrhizal and 48 saprophytic species was recorded. Dependent on elevations as well as microclimatic, soil, and stand conditions there were significant differences in the fungal composition and number of species between the investigated forest plots.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cytogenetical and biochemical investigations in bioindication of common oak forests
Papes, D. | Besendorfer, V. | Zoldos, V. | Littvay, T. | Peskan, T. | Krsnik-Rasol, M. (Zagreb Univ. (Croatia). Science Fac.)
Cytogenetical and biochemical investigations of common oak (Quercus robur L.) were applied in order to find suitable markers in bioindication of oak populations. In cytogenetical analyses the chromosome aberration and mitotic index were recorded. Chromosome banding, B-chromosomes, location and number of nuclear organizer regions were indicated using Giemsa C-banding method, fluorescence staining and silver impregnation. In biochemical analyses SDS-electrophoresis of soluble proteins and isoelectric focusing of isoperoxidases were used.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The use of lichens in atmospheric trace element deposition studies in Slovenia
Jeran, Z. | Jacimovic, R. | Smodis, B. (Jozef Stefan Inst., Ljubljana (Slovenia)) | Batic, F. (Ljubljana Univ. (Slovenia). Biotechnical Fac., Agronomy Dept.)
In 1992, a monitoring survey on a national scale was carried out using Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. as a biomonitor for trace element air pollution. The primary aim was to analyse epiphytic lichens collected at 86 sampling locations of the 16 x 16 km bioindication grid using k(0)-based instrumental neutron activation analysis (k(0)-INAA), and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) for sulphur and lead, to obtain information about the levels of elements in the atmosphere and to identify significant pollution sources. The geographical concentration patterns of the trace elements obtained from the lichen data were mapped and compared with the index of atmospheric purity (IAP) calculated on the basis of data from lichen thalli type mapping, obtained on a more dense bioindication grid in 1991. The results obtained showed good agreement between the mapping of sulphur and trace elements with the status of lichen vegetation. The most exposed regions with elevated trace element levels and lower values of IAP were in the north-western Alpine part of Slovenia which coincides with high precipitation, and in the east of Slovenia, where many local pollution sources are situated.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Molecular marker technology to study the role of abscisic acid
Quarrie, S.A. | Steed, A. | Semikhodsky, A. (John Innes Centre, Norwich (United Kingdom)) | Pekic, S. (Belgrade Univ. (Yugoslavia). Agriculture Fac.) | Lazic-Jancic, V. (Maize Research Inst., Belgrade-Zemun (Yugoslavia)) | Calestani, C. (Bologna Univ. (Italy). Agronomy Dept.) | Tuberosa, R. (Parma Univ. (Italy). Biology Dept.)
With the development of molecular marker technologies to construct detailed molecular maps of crop species it has become possible to study much more precisely than before the possible roles of ABA by analysing the distribution of quantitative trait lici (QTL). This has been done with mapping populations of maize and wheat to study the importance of endogenous ABA in determining stomatal function, water-use efficiency and root growth in plants growing under water-stressed conditions. An F2 population of maize was mapped with 100 RFLP markers and F2 plants and their F3 progenies sampled for leaf and xylem ABA contents and stomatal conductance. Correlations using genotype mean data at QTL significant for ABA content showed that stomatal conductance was more likely to be regulated by xylem ABA content than leaf ABA content. The same maize F3 population was used to identify QTL for root growth was positively associated with root ABA content. Water-use efficiency, measured as 13C discrimination, was measured in a mapping population of doubled haploid lines of wheat. Leaf ABA concentrations were also measured. Comparison of QTL for the two traits showed that leaf ABA concentrations were unlikely to have had an effect on plant water-use efficiency in those field conditions. QTL analysis is a very powerful technique for testing the likely roles of endogenous ABA.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of nitrogen in forests on root production, root system and mycorrhizal state
Kottke, I. (Tubingen Eberhard-Karls-Univ. (Germany). Botanisches Inst.)