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Résultats 221-230 de 325
Biochemical assessment of cellular energy allocation in Daphnia magna exposed to toxic stress as an alternative to the conventionnal "Scope for growth" methodology
De Coen, W.M. (University of Ghent (Belgique). Laboratory of Biological Research in Aquatic Pollution) | Janssen, C.R. | Persoone, G.
Measurement of MFO [mixed function oxidase] levels in roach as a biomarker of PAH [polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons] levels in freshwater systems in UK
O'Hare, D.B. (University of Derby (Royaume Uni). School of Environmental and Applied Sciences, Department of Biology) | Siddall, R. | Gill, R.A. | Robotham, P.W.J.
The reliability of lichens as biomonitors of lead pollution
Deruelle, S. (Universite de Paris 6, Paris (France). Institut d'Ecologie, Equipe de Lichenologie)
Atrazine effects on the evolution of phytoplanktonic lakustrin populations
Berard, A. (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Thonon (France). Centre de Dijon, Institut de Limnologie) | Pelte, T.
[The amphibian micronucleus test: a new biological tool for the detection of genotoxicity of fresh water]
Ferrier, V. (Universite de Toulouse 3 (France). Centre de Biologie du Developpement) | Gauthier, L. | Zoll Moreux, C. | L'Haridon, J.
Antioxidants as indicators of stress in Norway spruce needles
Ribaric-Lasnik, C. (ERICO, Velenje (Slovenia)) | Batic, F. (Ljubljana Univ. (Slovenia). Biotechnical Fac., Agronomy Dept.) | Grill, D. (Graz Univ. (Austria). Plant Physiology Inst.)
Among a variety of stress indicators for early identification of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karsten) decline the sulphur content, photosynthetic pigment content, activity of the enzyme peroxidase, watersoluble thiols and ascorbic acid in 4 age classes of 5 spruce needles were analysed. The 10 sampling sites were selected according to the degree of forest decline, sea level, distances from the Thermal Power Plant Sostanj and air pollution.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ectomycorrhizal response to environmental perturbation
Afs, T. (Sheffield Univ. (United Kingdom). Animal and Plant Sciences Dept.)
The use of ectomycorrhizal fungi as possible indicators of ecosystem response to disturbance is discussed with emphasis on the analysis of individual species by direct observation of their mycorrhizas. Some examples of such studies are given. The possible role of fungal diversity and differential tolerance by individual species to pollutants are also discussed in relation to observed changes within ectomycorrhizal fungal communities.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of forest soil sampling methodology
Kalan, P. | Simoncic, P. (Forestry Inst. of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia)) | Hudnik, V. (Chemistry Inst. of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia))
Forest soil was sampled on two different observation plots by following well described methodology. Sampling sites had been chosen in place with typical soil conditions for the observed forest site. To make sampling easier some natural forest site characteristics were considered. Mg, Zn and Cd were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy in all samples. Results were statistically evaluated and different sources of variance were estimated. It was also estimated whether the number of samples was sufficient for our requirement for accuracy of analytical results.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]GIS-Applications for forest pollution problems - combination of models with GIS databases
Lenz, R. | Stary, R. | Schaller, J. (Munich-Weihenstephan Technical Univ. (Germany). Chair for Landscape Ecology)
It is often difficult to predict how synergistic effects work and how dieback may be expected to spread through an area over time. On the other hand concepts and methods for compensation of acid deposition, melioration and restauration of acidified forest areas represent a major management problem. The following examples show how GIS may be used to find answers to these questions.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ten years of forest decline inventorying in Slovenia - an overview
Kovac, M. | Kobler, A. | Ogulin, A. (Forestry Inst. of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Slovenia))
The article presents a state of art of forest decline inventories in Slovenia. The first part deals with methodological and technological aspects of forest health inventories, while the second one describes some hints and directions of further forest inventories development.
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