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Long-term exposure of Daphnia magna to carbendazim: how it affects toxicity to another chemical or mixture
Silva, Ana Rita R. | Cardoso, Diogo N. | Cruz, Andréia | Mendo, Sónia | Soares, Amadeu M. V. M. | Loureiro, Susana
Aquatic organisms might be exposed episodically or continuously to chemicals for long-term periods throughout their life span. Pesticides are one example of widely used chemicals and thus represent a potential hazard to aquatic organisms. In addition, these chemicals may be present simultaneously in the environment or as pulses, being difficult to predict accurately how their joint effects will take place. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate how Daphnia magna (clone k6) exposed throughout generations to a model pesticide (the fungicide carbendazim) would react upon an exposure to another chemical compound (triclosan) and to a mixture of both chemicals (carbendazim and triclosan). Responses of daphnids continuously exposed to carbendazim and kept in clean medium will be compared using immobilization tests and the comet assay (DNA integrity). The results showed that triclosan presented similar toxicity to daphnids exposed for 12 generations (F12) to carbendazim (similar 48-h-LC₅₀ values for immobilization data), when compared with daphnids kept in clean medium. However, at subcellular level, daphnids previously exposed to carbendazim for 12 generations (F12) showed different responses than those from clean medium, presenting a higher toxicity; a general higher percentage of DNA damage was observed, after exposure to a range of concentrations of triclosan and to the binary combination of triclosan + carbendazim. The patterns of toxicity observed for the binary mixture triclosan + carbendazim were generally similar for daphnids in clean medium and daphnids exposed to carbendazim, with a dose level deviation with antagonism observed at low doses of the chemical mixture for the immobilization data and a dose ratio deviation with synergism mainly caused by triclosan for DNA damage. With this study, we contributed to the knowledge on long-term induced effects of carbendazim exposure, while looking at the organismal sensitivity to another chemical (triclosan) and to a mixture of carbendazim and triclosan using lethality as an endpoint at the individual level and DNA damage as a subcellular endpoint.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Design and analysis of a novel furnace throat for removing dust particles in flue gas emitted from copper smelting furnace by a computational method
Yang, Zhihui | Xiao, Gen | Zeng, Weizhi | Li, Bo | Liu, Shan
A novel furnace throat structure was designed to reduce dust particle concentration in the flue gas emitted from the copper smelting industry. A two-stage turbulence model of the furnace throat based on the RNG k-ε model combined with the stochastic trajectory model was developed to analyze the gas flow and particle trajectories in this furnace throat structure. The resulting turbulent flow fields and particle trajectories under different operating conditions were shown and discussed. It indicates that the furnace throat plays an important role in separating the dust particles from the flue gas by applying centrifugal force and subsequent resistance force. Moreover, the effects of the radius of the inner flue, the number of the spiral plate, and the number of the spiral plate turns on the particle collection efficiency were analyzed to optimize the throat structure. The simulation results show that the furnace throat with inner flue radius of 0.05 m, two spiral plates, and two spiral plate turns has the highest particle collection efficiency. Furthermore, a series of experimental tests were conducted to validate the accuracy of the simulation results, and the measured experimental data show a good correlation with the numerical results.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The Chemistry of Sub-Alpine Streams in Mined Regions of the North Cascades Range
Bannerman, Brooke G. | Bodensteiner, Leo R. | Sofield, Ruth M. | Rawhouser, Ashley K.
One hundred and fifty years of mineral extraction throughout the mountainous Ruby Creek watershed, Washington has left a legacy of historical hard rock mines and placer claims and their wastes. We conducted a watershed-scale chemical analysis of these gold-bearing tributaries, accounting for seasonal variability in streamflow, to identify spatial and temporal changes in stream chemistry and attribute them to natural processes or mining activities. We used hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) to group chemically similar water samples based on concentrations of 23 metals, pH, and conductivity and compared the chemistry of HCA-generated clusters of water samples using pairwise comparisons to find chemical patterns. Total concentrations of As, Ba, Ca, Mg, Na, Sb, and Se, dissolved concentrations of Fe, and conductivity increased as streamflow progressed from snowmelt-influenced to baseflow. High total concentrations of Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, V, and Zn during spring snowmelt and after rains were attributable to acid mine drainage at historical hard rock mines and prospect sites. Smaller-scale placer mining, by way of suction dredging and motorized gold panning, was associated with high concentrations of Al, Ba, Cd, Co, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, and Zn downstream. Stream biota may be adversely affected by exposure to Pb, which exceeded USEPA’s Aquatic Life Criteria, and exposure to particulate metals suspended in the water column.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Hybrid Carbon Nanochromium Composites Prepared from Chrome-Tanned Leather Shavings for Dye Adsorption
Arcibar-Orozco, Javier A. | Barajas-Elias, Bertha S. | Caballero-Briones, Felipe | Nielsen, Lilja | Rangel-Mendez, Jose R.
Every year, the leather tanning industry produces substantial quantities of residues such as chrome-tanned leather shavings (CTLS), which contain considerable amounts of Cr(III) salts. The residues have no particular value and under natural conditions can transform into toxic Cr(VI) wastes. The objective of the present work is to evaluate the transformation of these residues into carbon adsorbents at low temperatures (< 600 °C), using ZnCl₂ as an activating agent. The pyrolysis temperature and residence times were studied. The materials were characterized and qualified by Acid Black 210 (AB) adsorption. The results indicated that low amounts of chromium oxides (less than 2% of Cr), in the form of 50–200 nm particles, remained after the synthesis procedure. The deposited chromium oxides were present in (II), (III), and (IV) oxidation states. The low preparation temperatures employed prevented further chromium oxidation to Cr(VI). Maximum surface areas of 439 m²/g were obtained. The materials efficiently removed AB (maximum experimental adsorption capacity of 44.4 mg/g) by means of electrostatic interaction caused by the positively charged distribution of the carbons. The adsorption capacity was not affected by temperature, but pH had a mixed effect due to the combination of a shift in surface charge distribution and dye speciation. The results demonstrated that it is possible to obtain a value-added product, i.e., carbons modified with chromium nanoparticles for dye removal, from a hazardous residue of the tanning industry.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Estimation and exposure concentration of trihalomethanes (THMs) and its human carcinogenic risk in supplied pipeline water of Dhaka City, Bangladesh
Ahmed, Fahad | Khan, Tanzir Ahmed | Fakhruddin, Abu Naieum Muhammad | Rahman, Mohammad Mahfuzur | Mazumdar, Reaz Mohammad | Ahmed, Shamim | Imam, Mohammad Toufick | Kabir, Mohammod | Abdullah, Abu Tareq Mohammad
Formation of trihalomethanes (THMs) through excessive chlorination in the supplied water and its carcinogenic nature is a public health concern in many parts of the world, including a couple of neighboring countries in Asia. However, the issue was not yet addressed either in the public health policy or in academia in Bangladesh. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to determine the THM concentration in supplied water, its multiple pathways to the human body, and an estimation of resultant carcinogenic risk to urban dwellers in six different regions of Dhaka city. Thirty-one supplied water samples were collected from 31 different water points located in Purana Paltan, Naya Paltan, Kallyanpur, Shyamoli, Malibagh-Rampura, and Panthapath regions in premonsoon time. Total chlorine and chlorine dioxide (ClO₂) and trihalomethane (THM) concentration were determined using UV-VIS spectrophotometer; total organic carbon (TOC), total inorganic carbon, and total carbon concentration were measured using TOC analyzer, and chloroform concentration was determined by applying gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS-MS) in the supplied water samples. Research findings indicate that THM concentration exceeded the USEPA acceptable limit (80 ppb) in all regions except Panthapath. Study results showed that carcinogenic risk via ingestion was higher than the USEPA acceptable limit of 10⁻⁶. Carcinogenic risk via dermal absorption and inhalation exposure was lower according to USPEA acceptable limit. To conclude, this study represents the current knowledge about THM concentration in supplied pipeline water and adverse health risk, which signifies that regulatory measures should be taken to reduce the THM concentration.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cellular Responses of Chlorococcum Sp. Algae Exposed to Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles by Using Flow Cytometry
Evaluation of 50 nm zinc oxide nanoparticles’ (ZnO-NPs) effects on the microalgae Chlorococcum sp. growing in high salt growth medium (HSM) was investigated by using flow cytometry parameters (cell size (FSC), granularity (SSC), chlorophyll a fluorescence (FL3), and formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS)). Algal cells in exponential growth were exposed to 0–100 mg/L of ZnO-NPs and their physiological responses were measured after 24 and 96 h of treatment. Behavior of ZnO-NPs was analyzed in HSM and results indicated that ZnO-NPs formed agglomeration with a large distribution. Total soluble Zn concentration increased when initial ZnO-NP concentration increased. Significant negative effect on algal cells was observed after 96 h exposition and at high ZnO-NP concentration. This negative impact was evaluated by the significant increase in ROS production, inhibition in the photosynthetic electron transport, and reduction in cell growth. In this study, using flow cytometry multi-parameters might help to prevent and evaluate inhibitory effect of oxide nanoparticles on aquatic photosynthetic microorganisms.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Indoor inhalation dose assessment for thoron-rich regions of Indian Himalayan belt
Semwal, Poonam | Agarwal, Tarun Kumar | Singh, Kuldeep | Joshi, Manish | Gusain, Gurupad Singh | Sahoo, Bijay Kumar | Ramola, Rakesh Chand
²²²Rn, ²²⁰Rn, and their decay products are significant contributors to background radiation dose. Their concentration level, pertaining exposure, and consequent dose are prime concerns in indoor environments. The present study was performed in 101 dwellings of different villages of Almora district situated in Kumaun hills of Indian Himalayan belt. Measurement of gases and decay products were made in three different types of dwellings (i.e., mud, cemented, and stone with plaster) in three seasons (winter, summer, and rainy). Concentration values for ²²²Rn and EERC were found to be varying in the order of winter > summer > rainy while obtained least in rainy season for the case of ²²⁰Rn and EETC. Concentration values for ²²²Rn and EERC were found to be lesser for cemented houses. Relative standard deviation of concentration values was found to be higher for the rainy season. Yearly averaged concentration values for ²²²Rn, EERC, ²²⁰Rn, and EETC were noted to be higher than the global averages but comparable to some Indian studies. Annual inhalation dose due to ²²²Rn, ²²⁰Rn, and their progeny was found to be 0.55–4.71 mSv/year with an average value of 2.36 ± 0.83 mSv/year. These values were measured for the first time in the study area and provide a link for future studies in the dwellings representing higher concentration values.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Toxicological study of the degradation products of antineoplastic agent etoposide in commercial formulation treated by heterogeneous photocatalysis using SrSnO3
de Sousa Filho, Idio Alves | Lobo, Tatiane Martins | Grisolia, Cesar Koppe | Weber, Ingrid Távora | Osugi, Marly Eiko
Etoposide is an antineoplastic agent used for treating lung cancer, testicular cancer, breast cancer, pediatric cancers, and lymphomas. It is a pollutant due to its mutagenic and carcinogenic potential. Disposal of waste from this drug is still insufficiently safe, and there is no appropriate waste treatment. Therefore, it is important to use advanced oxidative processes (AOPs) for the treatment and disposal of medicines like this. The use of strontium stannate (SrSnO₃) as a catalyst in heterogeneous photocatalysis reactions has emerged as an alternative for the removal of organic pollutants. In our study, SrSnO₃ was synthesized by the combustion method and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman, UV-Vis, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques, obtaining a surface area of 3.28 m² g⁻¹ with cubic and well-organized crystallinity and a band gap of 4.06 eV. The experimental conditions optimized for degradation of an etoposide solution (0.4 mg L⁻¹) were pH 5 and catalyst concentration of 1 g L⁻¹. The results showed that the degradation processes using SrSnO₃ combined with H₂O₂ (0.338 mol L⁻¹) obtained total organic carbon removal from the etoposide solution, 97.98% (± 4.03 × 10⁻³), compared with TiO₂, which obtained a mineralization rate of 72.41% (± 6.95 × 10–3). After photodegradation, the degraded solution showed no toxicity to zebrafish embryos through embryotoxicity test (OECD, 236), and no genotoxicity using comet assay and micronucleus test.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Phosphorous-doped TiO2 nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, and visible photocatalytic evaluation on sulfamethazine degradation
Mendiola-Alvarez, Sandra Yadira | Hernández-Ramírez, Ma Aracely | Guzmán-Mar, Jorge Luis | Garza-Tovar, Lorena Leticia | Hinojosa-Reyes, Laura
Mesoporous phosphorous-doped TiO₂ (TP) with different wt% of P (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5) was synthetized by microwave-assisted sol–gel method. The obtained materials were characterized by XRD with cell parameters refinement approach, Raman, BET-specific surface area analysis, SEM, ICP-OES, UV–Vis with diffuse reflectance, photoluminescence, FTIR, and XPS. The photocatalytic activity under visible light was evaluated on the degradation of sulfamethazine (SMTZ) at pH 8. The characterization of the phosphorous materials (TP) showed that incorporation of P in the lattice of TiO₂ stabilizes the anatase crystalline phase, even increasing the annealing temperature. The mesoporous P-doped materials showed higher surface area and lower average crystallite size, band gap, and particle size; besides, more intense bands attributed to O–H bond were observed by FTIR analysis compared with bare TiO₂. The P was substitutionally incorporated in the TiO₂ lattice network as P⁵⁺ replacing Ti⁴⁺ to form Ti–O–P bonds and additionally present as PO₄³⁻ on the TiO₂ surface. All these characteristics explain the observed superior photocatalytic activity on degradation (100%) and mineralization (32%) of SMTZ under visible radiation by TP catalysts, especially for P-doped TiO₂ 1.0 wt% calcined at 450 °C (TP1.0-450). Ammonium, nitrate, and sulfate ions released during the photocatalytic degradation were quantified by ion chromatography; the nitrogen and sulfur mass balance evidenced the partial mineralization of this recalcitrant molecule.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]How does intensification influence the operational and environmental performance of photo-Fenton processes at acidic and circumneutral pH
Salazar, Luis Miguel | Grisales, Claudia Mildred | Garcia, Dorian Prato
This study evaluates the technical, economical, and environmental impact of sodium persulfate (Na₂S₂O₈) as an enhancing agent in a photo-Fenton process within a solar-pond type reactor (SPR). Photo-Fenton (PF) and photo-Fenton intensified with the addition of persulfate (PFPS) processes decolorize 97% the azo dye direct blue 71 (DB71) and allow producing a highly biodegradable effluent. Intensification with persulfate allowed reducing treatment time in 33% (from 120 to 80 min) and the consumption of chemical auxiliaries needed for pH adjustment. Energy, reagents, and chemical auxiliaries are still and environmental hotspot for PF and PFPS; however, it is worth mentioning that their environmental footprint is lower than that observed for compound parabolic concentrator (CPC)-type reactors. A life-cycle assessment (LCA) confirms that H₂O₂, NaOH, and energy consumption are the variables with the highest impact from an environmental standpoint. The use of persulfate reduced the relative impact in 1.2 to 12% in 12 of the 18 environmental categories studied using the ReCiPe method. The PFPS process emits 1.23 kg CO₂ (CO₂-Eqv/m³ treated water). On the other hand, the PF process emits 1.28 kg CO₂ (CO₂-Eqv/m³ treated water). Process intensification, chemometric techniques, and the use of SPRs minimize the impact of some barriers (reagent and energy consumption, technical complexity of reactors, pressure drops, dirt on the reflecting surfaces, fragility of reactor materials), limiting the application of advanced oxidation systems at an industrial level, and decrease treatment cost as well as potential environmental impacts associated with energy and reagents consumption. Treatment costs for PF processes (US$0.78/m³) and PFPS processes (US$0.63/m³) were 20 times lower than those reported for photo-Fenton processes in CPC-type reactors.
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