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Résultats 271-280 de 345
Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching from fertilizer applied on golf course: lysimeter study
Wong, J.W.C. (Hong Kong Baptist Univ., Kowloon (Hong Kong). Dept. of Biology) | Chan, C.W.Y. | Cheung, K.C.
Invertebrates in woodlands polluted by heavy metals: an evaluation using canonical correspondence analysis
Read, H.J. (Bristol Univ. (United Kingdom). Dept. of Botany) | Martin, M.H. | Rayner, J.M.V.
Assessment of the exposure and loads of acidifying and eutrophying pollutants and ozone, as well as their, harmful influence on the vitality of the trees and the Speulder forest ecosystem as a whole
Erisman, J.W. (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiene, Bilthoven (Netherlands).) | Draaijers, G.P.J. | Steingrover, E. | Dijk, H. van | Boxman, A. | Vries, W. de
Levels of lead and other metals in citrus alongside a motor road
Caselles, J. (Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid (Spain). Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Dept. de Quimica Aplicada a la Ingenieria)
Sulfate adsorption-desorption in a Swedish forest soil
Gobran, G.R. (Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala (Sweden). Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Research) | Selim, H.M. | Hultberg, H. | Andersson, I.
Three species of genus Pinus suitable as bioindicators of polluted environment
Micieta, K. (Comenius Univ., Bratuslava (Slovak Republic). Inst. of Cell Biology) | Murin, G.
Base cation supply in spruce and beech ecosystems of the Strengbach catchment (Vosges mountains, N-E France)
Fichter, J. (Equipe Cycles Biogeochimiques de l'Unite Ecosystemes Forestiers INRA, Champenoux (France).) | Dambrine, E. | Turpault, M.P. | Ranger, J.
Investigations on interception and translocation of airborne (85)Sr, (131)I, (137)Cs in beans, spinach and radish plants
Singhal, R.K. (Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Bombay (India). Health Physics Div.) | Narayanan, U. | Bhat, I.S.
Lead (Pb) in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) from oligotrophic alpine lakes: Gills versus digestive tract
Kock, G. (Innsbruck Univ. (Austria). Inst. of Zoology and Limnology) | Triendl, M. | Hofer, R.
Effect of organic materials on partitioning, extractability and plant uptake of metals in an alum shale soil
Narwal, R.P. (Agricultural Univ. of Norway, Aas (Norway). Dept. of Soil and Water Sciences) | Singh, B.R.