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Experimental Investigations on the Effect of Pretreatment in Anaerobic Digestion of Coir Pith Agro Waste
Smitha Krishna Warrier and P. Sindhu
The coir industry in India’s southern coastal regions, especially in the state of Kerala, is becoming increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of the accumulation and incremental increase of coir pith each year. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of pretreatment on the anaerobic digestion of coir pith. The characterization study of coir pith shows high organic content, which can be anaerobically digested to produce biogas. But, the high lignin content (30.91%) makes the process slow. To overcome this, a biological pretreatment method was tried using two microbial cultures belonging to fungal genera known to be lignin decomposers, viz., Trichoderma and Pleurotus. By using Trichoderma, lignin content was reduced by 3.7%, and the maximum gas production was obtained in a shorter time (19 days) in comparison with the sample without any pretreatment (24 days). When Pleurotus was used for lignin degradation, the lignin content was reduced by 6.78%, and the maximum gas production was obtained in a much shorter time period (14 days) in comparison with the former two methods. The gas produced comprises 74 ppm of methane, which has fuel value. The sludge after digestion was tested, which indicated a marginal increase in NPK value and hence can be used as fertilizer. The results of the study appear to be quite promising in the transition towards green energy by providing scope for the process of biomethanation, with the conclusion that further research can transform coir pith into a good renewable energy resource.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Removal of Nickel from Industrial Wastewater by an Agro-based Composite Adsorbent
R. M. Bhagat and S. R. Khandeshwar
For many years, especially in emerging nations like India, the environment has been threatened by the increased output of industrial wastes and heavy metal toxicity. The usage of inexpensive adsorbents has recently attracted a lot of attention in studies on the removal of heavy metals like nickel from industrial wastewater. The use of agro-based adsorbent is an alternative to conventionally used activated charcoal. In this research, adsorption experiments were carried out using agro-based adsorbent prepared from rice husk, wheat husk, and soybean husk to reduce nickel from industrial wastewater. The adsorption process is simple, economical, and effective is the most preferred method used for the removal of toxic metals like nickel from industrial wastewater. Adsorbents prepared from these husks can be effectively used for adsorption due to low cost & high availability. Characterization of agricultural material by various tests like XRF, proximate analysis, bulk density, and iodine number was conducted on agro-based adsorbents to know the co-relation between removal efficiency and adsorption capacity. The effect of turbidity and pH parameters on Ni removal efficiency is also studied. Results indicated that wheat husk adsorbent appeared to be the most effective for the adsorption of Ni from wastewater as compared to soybean husk and rice husk adsorbent. Wheat husk, soybean husk, and rice husk have removal efficiency in the range of 62.50 to 73.33. Composite absorbents CA-2 with the proportion of 50% wheat husk, 33% soybean husk, and 17% rice husk have 82.50% efficiency, and CA-3 has 80.83% efficiency in removing Nickel. Wheat husk adsorbent, CA-2, and CA-3 are more effectively and sustainably used for the treatment of industrial wastewater to remove heavy metals.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Enhanced Solar Photovoltaic Power Production Approach for Electric Vehicle Charging Station: Economic and Environmental Aspects
J. Techo, S. Techo, A. Palamanit, E. Saniso, A. A. Chand and P. Prasannaa
In recent years, Electric Vehicles (EVs) are contributing a major share in Thailand and benefit the environment. Most of the EV charging stations are sourced from solar energy as it becomes a carbon-free source of energy production. Secondly, Thailand is rich in solar irradiance, and higher irradiance leads to higher power production. On the other hand, in tropical conditions, solar Photovoltaic (PV) module temperature increases following the solar irradiance due to high ambient temperature, resulting negative impact on the efficiency and lifespan of photovoltaic (PV) modules. Further, to increase PV power production, in this study, different rates of cooling strategies are proposed. The study found that reducing the temperature by 5% to 25% resulted in increased average power outputs of 5947.94W, 6021.43W, 6094.92W, 6168.41W, and 6241W, respectively. Notably, 25% of the cooling rate achieved higher production. However, it is lower than the nominal power production. Following that, economic analysis and environmental impacts are analyzed for Thailand’s EV charging station using a different cooling rate of PV module. Overall, it is concluded that, depending on the economic viability of the EV charging station, cooling technology can be applied, and it will benefit the EV charging station both economically and environmentally. To further enhance the solar PV power production approach for EV charging stations in Thailand, it is imperative to prioritize future endeavors towards optimizing cooling technology, integrating energy storage, and implementing supportive policies.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Sustainability Analysis of Landfill Cover System Constructed Using Recycled Waste Materials by Life Cycle Assessment
G. Sanoop, Sobha Cyrus and G. Madhu
The sustainability of using industrial by-products for the construction of landfill cover was determined using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). LCA was carried out on four materials: sand- bentonite mix, red earth- bentonite mix (amended soil), Waste Foundry Sand (WFS)- Bentonite mix, and WFS- marine clay mix. The former two are commonly used cover soils and the latter two are alternative materials proposed. Environmental impacts based on the extraction of resources, processing, transportation to the site, and site preparation were considered using the ‘cradle to site’ approach. Analysis was carried out in OpenLCA software using the ReCiPe (H) Midpoint method of impact assessment. Required data for analysis was taken from the Ecoinvent database supplemented with inputs from a field survey. The use of WFS in landfill cover systems was found to be sustainable using LCA studies when compared to conventional materials.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Machine Learning-based Calibration Approach for Low-cost Air Pollution Sensors MQ-7 and MQ-131
L. R. S. D. Rathnayake, G. B. Sakura, N. A. Weerasekara and P. D. Sandaruwan
Air quality is a vital concern globally, and Sri Lanka, according to WHO statistics, faces challenges in achieving optimal air quality levels. To address this, we introduced an innovative IoT-based Air Pollution Monitoring (APM) Box. This solution incorporates readily available Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) sensors, specifically MQ-7 and MQ-131, for measuring concentrations of Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Ozone (O3) ,Arduino and "ThingSpeak" platform. Yet, those COTS sensors are not factory-calibrated. Therefore, we implemented machine learning algorithms, including linear regression and deep neural network models, to enhance the accuracy of CO and O3 concentration measurements from these non-calibrated sensors. Our findings indicate promising correlations when dealing with MQ-7 and MQ-131 measurements after removing outliers.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]A Projection Study of Gaseous Pollutants Formed, Potential Health Effects and Clinical Codification in Piyungan Landfill
E. Fikri, Y. W. Firmansyah A. S. Afifah and R. K. Dewi
The world is currently facing significant environmental challenges due to increasing urbanization and globalization. Human activities can produce greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as CO2 and CH4. One of the contributors to GHG generation is the open dumping of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), particularly because much of the waste is organic. It undergoes anaerobic decomposition, leading to the formation of GHGs, particularly methane. However, CH4 has a high potential for energy generation, and if harnessed properly, it can be highly beneficial. This study aims to assess the total air pollutants emitted from the landfill gas (LFG), including methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nonmethane organic compounds (NMOC) at the Regional Piyungan landfill in D.I. Yogyakarta province. The study also projected the year when the production of these gaseous pollutants would peak and when they are expected to be exhausted. Additionally, the study aimed to identify the potential health problems and clinical codification caused by these gaseous pollutants. To achieve these objectives, the LandGEM 3.03 version of the model developed by USEPA was used for the period 2023-2071. Clinical coding used the 2019 version of the ICD-10 reference. The estimated values for total LFG were 1.648E+04 (2024) and 1.584E+04 (2025) Mg/year, while CH4 was estimated at 4.403E+03 (2024) and 4.230E+03 (2025) Mg/year. CO2 was estimated to be 1,208E+04 (2024) and 1,161E+04 (2025) Mg/year, and NMOC was projected at 2,839E+01 (2024) and 2,727E+01 (2025) Mg/year. Some of the toxic effects that can occur cause respiratory, visual, and mental disorders with a variety of clinical codes.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices on Climate Change Among Rice Farmers in Central Luzon, Philippines
E. N. Farin, R. R. Sazon, R. A. Sazon, D. V. Rogayan Jr., K. B. Manglicmot, S. G. Mendoza and E. M. Cabal
The Philippines has been listed as the topmost affected country by climate change. One of the sectors affected by this climatic change is the agricultural sector. This study aimed to document the knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAPs) on climate change among rice farmers as a baseline study in disseminating the practices on disaster risk reduction management to rice farmers in Central Luzon to reduce risks and improve the rice yield and income of rice farmers. A total of 969 respondents were randomly sampled from the seven provinces of Central Luzon. A survey questionnaire and an unstructured questionnaire were used as instruments in gathering the needed data. Descriptive and thematic analysis were used in analyzing the data. Results revealed that rice farmers are knowledgeable and have favorable attitudes toward the impact of climate change on farming. They sometimes practice climate-smart agricultural practices. Generally, the farmers are affected by weather and climatic conditions as well as the hazards that cause a reduction in rice yield. Climate change has affected farmers in their social well-being, economic aspect, and rice production. In terms of climate change disaster adaptation measures, the farmers sometimes adopt measures in terms of flood and drought and seldom adopt measures in typhoons, erosion, and volcanic eruptions. The study recommends the conduct of capability training on disaster risk reduction in rice production (such as early planting and planting of high-yielding varieties) based on the specific needs of each province.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Determination of Mycotoxigenic Fungi and Total Aflatoxins in Stored Corn from Sites of Puebla and Tlaxcala, Mexico
K. Saez-Gomez, R. Avila-Sosa, M. Huerta-Lara, F. Avelino-Flores and R. Munguia-Pérez
This paper aimed to evaluate the contamination with mycotoxigenic fungi and total aflatoxins in stored corn from different sites in Puebla and Tlaxcala, Mexico. Methodology. The study was conducted at two sites in Puebla (San Salvador El Seco and Junta Auxiliar La Resurrección) and two sites in Tlaxcala (Tlaltepango and Nativitas). A total of 80 samples of stored corn were collected. Identification of Aspergillus flavus was performed by microculture techniques and specific taxonomic keys (macromorphological and micromorphological). Then, samples of contaminated corn were selected, and aflatoxin production was confirmed using a direct solid-phase ELISA kit. A total of 25 A. flavus strains were identified. Other possible mycotoxin-producing fungi were Penicillium (n=52) and Fusarium (n=19). Regarding total aflatoxin contamination, all samples were contaminated within a range of 1.589 to 11.854 μg/kg, and the average concentration was 6.3 μg/kg corn. Implications. The detection of mycotoxigenic fungi in the samples tested and of aflatoxins in corn highlights the importance of monitoring these fungi. Since food safety is at risk, it shows the need for methods to control these fungi and their metabolites.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The Global Clothing Oversupply: An Emerging Environmental Crisis
M. S. Neethu and R. Bhuvaneswari
Fashion is a potent visual indicator of our times, almost a language that speaks for us and something popular or in style, a zeitgeist. Fashion, specifically fast fashion, has gained prominence in discussions about fashion, sustainability, and environmental awareness. The speed of the hedonic treadmills continues to increase exponentially, and the so-called fast fashion has won legions of young fans who can snap up relatively cheap clothes online, but the trend masks darker environmental problems. Concerns about the fashion industry’s environmental impact have increased in recent years. This realization was prompted by accumulated evidence of a rise in clothing consumption due to greater availability and affordability. This shift has fostered not only heedless and hasty clothing consumption but also heedless and hasty clothing disposal. This article attempts to elucidate the relationship between humans and the environment. It also tries to incorporate the concepts of sustaincentrism and traceability to pave the way for sustainable development. This study employs an experimental survey method to ascertain consumers’ perceptions of sustainable fashion and to assess the implications of their current purchasing behavior. The SPSS software is used to analyze the data’s reliability, and regression analysis was employed to determine the fashion industry’s environmental impact. The survey results indicate optimism for a rise in ethical business strategies and the adoption of sustainable approaches within the fashion industry, thereby establishing a green economy.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]System of Wheat Intensification: An Innovative and Futuristic Approach to Augment Yield of Wheat Crop
Maninder Singh, Arshdeep Singh, Anita Jaswal and Shimpy Sarkar
There is a new method of wheat production called the System of Wheat Intensification (SWI) that manages seed treatment, seed rate, spacing, weeding, and watering. The SWI and traditional methods of wheat sowing differ from each other in terms of potential yield. In comparison to the traditional method of wheat sowing, SWI allows seed treatment, which increases the number of tillers, the number of grains in spike, and the weight of the grain. Wheat seeding in the traditional approach is done at a much closer distance than in the SWI method, which results in faulty germination as a result of increased competition between the plants. In SWI, proper root formation in the early stages of crop growth can be encouraged by increasing the space between plants and rows, as well as increasing the density of plants. For small and medium-sized farmers, it is a great way to boost productivity and income while reducing food poverty at the same time. Using organic manure instead of chemical fertilizer is a new strategy that helps support sustainable agriculture. To help the poorest farmers and enhance their productivity and profit, SWI should be recommended.
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