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Résultats 291-300 de 318
The IMAGE-2 model: policy and scientific analysis
Leemans, R. | Kreileman, E. | Alcamo, J.
Climate OptiOns for the Long term (COOL): interim phase report
Berk, M.M. | Hordijk, L. | Hisschemoeller, M. | Kok, M.T.J. | Liefferink, D. | Swart, R.J. | Tuinstra, W.
Assessment of long-term effects of climate change on biodiversity and vulnerability of terrestrial ecosystems
Oene, H. van
Management options for reducing CO(2)-concentrations in the atmosphere by increasing carbon sequestration in the soil
Batjes, N.H.
Assessment of non-point source pollution in the vadose zone | Assessment of nonpoint source pollution in the vadose zone
Corwin, Dennis L. | Loague, Keith M. (Keith Michael) | Ellsworth, Timothy R.
Joint Assessment and Monitoring Programme (JAMP). Summary statistics for contaminants in shellfish and fish 1981-1997, Norwegian biota data
Green, N.W. | Severinsen, G. (NIVA - Norsk Inst. for Vannforskning, Oslo (Norway))
Monitoring of micropollutants in fish and shellfish from the Grenland fjords (S. Norway) 1997
Knutzen, J. | Bjerkeng, B. | Brevik, E.M. | Green, N.W. (NIVA - Norsk Inst. for Vannforskning, Oslo (Norway)) | Becher, G. | Biseth, Aa. | Schlabach, M. | Skaare, J.U.
Energy use reduction potential of passenger transport in Europe and consequences for CO(2) emission
Bouwman, M.E. (Groningen Univ. (Netherlands). Center for Energy and Environmental Studies) | Moll, H.C.
Building materials and CO(2) analysis of Western European emission reduction potentials
Gielen, D.J. (ECN-Policy Studies, Petten (Netherlands).)
MATerial Technologies for greenhouse gas Emission Reduction workshop proceedings, April 2, 1998, Utrecht
Gielen, D.J.