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Résultats 31-40 de 217
Microbial degradation for pollution control. Potential and prospects
Nyns, E.-J. (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). Unite de Genie Biologique)
Combined anaerobic digestion of animal slurries and food industry liquid by-products
Georgacakis, D. | Tsavdaris, A. (Agricultural Univ. of Athens (Greece). Dept. of Agricultural Engineering)
Energy production from biomass and wastes: present limitations and potential improvements
Jewell, W.J. | Cummings, R.J. | Richards, B.K. (Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY (USA). Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering)
Domestic wastewater treatment in small farms and private houses
Wierzbicki, K. (Institute for Building, Mechanization and Electrification in Agriculture, Warsaw (Poland)) | Kuczewski, K. | Eymontt, A.
Influence of immobilization supports on the kinetic constants of anaerobic digestion of cheese whey
Borja, R. (Instituto de la Grasa y sus Derivados, Sevilla (Spain)) | Martin, A. | Fiestas, J.A. | Duran, M.M. | Luque, M. | Colmenarejo, J.M.
In-reactor digestion of solid wastes
Baeten, D. | Verstraete, W. (Gent Univ. (Belgium). Center for Environmental Sanitation)
Preliminary investigation on the use of natural zeolites for pig slurry odor control
Balsari, P. | Bertolotto, C. (Turin Univ. (Italy). Inst. of Agricultural Mechanics)
Possibilities and potentials of anaerobic wastewater treatment with emphasis on the UASB-system
Lettinga, G. | Rinzema, A. | Hulshoff Pol, L.W. (Agricultural Univ. of Wageningen (Netherlands). Dept. of Environmental Engineering)
Effects of the recirculation on the anaerobic digestion of cow manure in a biofilm reactor
Sanchez Hernandez, E.P. (National Center for Scientific Research, La Habana (Cuba). Environmental Pollution Dept.) | Weiland, P. | Travieso Cordoba, L.
Treatment of animal wastes and uses of treated residues
Hobson, P.N. (Aberdeen Univ. (United Kingdom). Dept. of Molecular and Cell Biology)