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Microbiological and chemical characterization of waste mud from the waste water purification plants of the plant oil refinery
Trivunovic, V. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju) | Petrovic, O. | Jarak, M. | Galonja, T. | Petkovic, K.
This paper deals with microbiological and chemical analysis of waste mud, produced in wastewater purification plants of the oil refinery. After digest, mud is removed to the filter press. Compressed mud is placed and stored on the storage yard. Content of organic, anorganic and oil matters and also heavy metals contents were determined. Microbiological analysis comprised determination of total count of aerobic organotrophic organisms and many physiological groups of bacteria. As the indicator of the general biochemical activity, enzymatic (dehydrogenase and phosphatase) activities were determined. Waste mud was mixed with soil (chernozem) in 20%, 40% and 60% amount relations. Changes of activities and quantitative fluctuations of the present microflora were observed after 15 and 30 days. Gained results should enable assessing of using-ability of waste mud in soil-quality improvement, in the sense of its utilization as the fertilizer.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Perch as a test organism in water quality evaluation
Ivanc, A. | Etinski, M. | Maletin, S. | Djukic, N. | Miljanovic, B. | Pujin, V. (Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Institut za biologiju)
Perch (Perca fluviatilis) suitability as a water indicator was studied in field and laboratory investigations. It was found out that hematological status of this fish species was a valuable indicator of both temporary and periodical deterioration of dissolved oxygen saturation and can be used as reliable test for water quality evaluation. The anlyzed hematological parametrs were tested for their sensitivity and reliability as indicators of water quality changes. Values of different parameters were given for perch kept under optimal and unfavourable conditions of water oxygen saturation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Membrane enzymes as possible biosenzor for lead monitoring in water
Nikezic, G. (Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinca, Beograd (Yugoslavia). Laboratorija za molekularnu biologiju i endokrinologiju) | Horvat, A. | Todorovic, S. | Vasic, V. | Vujisic, Lj.
In our earlier work, we have shown that enzymes from rat brain synaptosomal membranes, Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and Mg(2+)-ATPase, are promising biological components of a biosensor for lead detection. In this work, we represent our results of investigation with the same enzymes as biological components for the biosensor in presence of Hg(2+) ions in water. It was established that IC50 for Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and Mg(2+)-ATPase is 6.9 and 5.5 x 10E-6 M, and the percentages of inhibition are 96% and 77% respectively. We concluded that these enzymes could be the base for developing biosensors for the presence of Hg(2+) ion in water. Since these enzymes maintain a stable activity for a longer period of time, they could be appropriate as components of biosensors for monitoring water quality.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-][Biocenoses of the river Vlasina and its tributaries [Serbia, Yugoslavia] with special reference to the bottom fauna as indicator of water quality in the spring aspect of 1996]
Paunovic, M. (Institut za bioloska istrazivanja "Sinisa Stankovic", Beograd (Yugoslavia)) | Tanaskovic, M. | Kalafatic, V. | Jakovcev, D. | Martinovic-Vitanovic, V.
During one-year examination of the Vlasina river and its main tributaries, the Luznica and Gradska rivers, Serbia (Yugoslavia), in May 1996, the samples were taken for biological and chemical analysis of the watercourse in the spring aspect. Sampling was performed on the five localities of the Vlasina river, and two tribute localities near the mouth thus including all critical points where the changes of physico-chemical water parameters and qualitative/quantitative biocenoses compositions due to the increasing anthropogenic influence could occur. Data on phytoplankton, zooplankton, periphyton and benthos were analysed together with the physico-chemical water parameters in order to determine communities composition and structure and bioindicator species. Based on these results the status of aquatic environment i.e. water quality, was evaluated.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The importance of some members of biocenosis in protecting the ecological balance on the preserved ecosystem Obedska bara [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Ratajac, R. (Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia)) | Rajkovic, D. | Stojkovic, S. | Bobic, M. | Cokic, S.
The investigations have been done in Krstonosica shaft at 3 points, in February, May and October 1995, and in January and April 1996. They included algae, Rotatoria, Copepoda, Cladocera, and Hydracarina. The species from divisio Bacillariophyta were presented most among the algal species, with 56 species, then from divisio Chlorophyta, with 26 taxons, Euglenophyta 11, Cyanobacteria 9, Pyrrophyta 3, Xanthophyta 2 and Chrysophyta 1. Among animal groups the highest number belonged to the Rotatoria group, 111 taxons have been determined. The highest number was found during autumn season (86), then in spring (73), and only 14 species in winter. The species that mostly prevailed were phytophyl species. The Cladocera group was present with 18 taxons. The phytophyl species from overgrown plants again prevailed. The Copepoda group was present with 10 species and the phytophyl species were prevailed. According to saprobiological characteristics the greatest number belongs to beta-mezosaprobionts, then oligosaprobionts. A small number of species indicates to the eutrophication process and organic pollution of water.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Mineralization exchange of the Danube water [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Savic, R. | Belic, S. (Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za uredjenje voda)
Nowadays, different profile of experts are present opinion that surface water quality are exchanged. Type and degree of mineralization content exchange are shown by argumentation. The work have carried out taking into consideration suitability of Danube water for irrigation. The results of chemical investigation from three sample locations (Bezdan, Novi Sad and Banatska Palanka), Serbia (Yugoslavia) during the period 1981-1995, were analyzed. The main statistical parameters and tests of homogeneity are used during the work. Results have pointed put more or less concentration decreasing of analyzed parameters. From statistical point of view, exchange of electrical conductivity and potassium are prominent on all three localities.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Summer - autumnal aspect of thermal regime on Sava lake [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Popovic, M. | Janac, M. (Institut za vodoprivredu "Jaroslav Cerni", Beograd (Yugoslavia))
Thermal stratification is regularly found in deep lakes, while shallow water bodies remain usually mixed. Despite comparative shallowness, Sava lake (artificial lake), Serbia (Yugoslavia) exibit a prolonged summer stable stratification. Temperature differences between epilimnion and hypolimnion can reach 10 deg C. The steep gradients of up to 3.5 deg C/meter recorded in the metalimnion. The highest differences during a single typical summer day was 1.7 deg C between 0.2 and 0.5 m. Maximum annual thermal accumulation was 112440 J/square cm in 1996.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Deposition of aero-pollutants as a source for pollution of surface storages for water supply
Ristic, R. | Kadovic, R. (Sumarski fakultet, Beograd (Yugoslavia))
Products of wet and dry deposition of aero-pollutants, reached by over-boundary or internal-boundary transport, are significant source of pollution, almost, whole territory of Serbia (Yugoslavia). Products of wet and dry deposition endangere surface storages in two ways: (1) directly, by deposition on surface storages; (2) indirectly, by deposition on surface of catchment areas, and further transporting through hydrographic system. In the period 1992-1996 investigations were carried out at some localities in Serbia (Yugoslavia). Their results show that recorded quantities significantly over pass MDK (maximal permitted quantity). Investigations included analysis of samples of precipitation (rain and snow), soil and sediment from hydrographic system.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-][Oligochaeta community as indicator of water quality in the Bajski canal [Serbia, Yugoslavia]]
Djukic, N. | Miljanovic, B. | Maletin, S. | Ivanc, A. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju)
During the period 1977-1996, Oligochaeta have been studied as indicator of water quality in the Bajski canal, Serbia (Yugoslavia). The locality was characterized by the 13 species from nine genera and two families - Naididae and Tubificidae. Species in genera Limnodrilus, Potamothrix and Branchiura were dominant, defining the environment as natural eutrophic.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-][Copper in the water of the Bor lake basin [Serbia, Yugoslavia]]
Marinkov, Lj. (Institut za bakar, Bor (Yugoslavia). Zavod za PMS, Odelenje za hidrotehniku) | Trajkovic, S. (Univerzitet u Nisu, Nis (Yugoslavia). Gradjevinski fakultet)
The article gives review of concentration of copper in the water of the Bor lake basin. Content of copper in the mud on the bottom of lake and content of copper in the aerosol are analysed. The investigations have shown that the Bor lake is not polluted by copper.
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