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Résultats 381-390 de 7,989
Diet influences on growth and mercury concentrations of two salmonid species from lakes in the eastern Canadian Arctic
Chételat, John | Shao, Yueting | Richardson, Murray C. | MacMillan, Gwyneth A. | Amyot, Marc | Drevnick, Paul E. | Gilla, Haradīpa | Köck, Günter | Muir, Derek C.G.
Diet, age, and growth rate influences on fish mercury concentrations were investigated for Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in lakes of the eastern Canadian Arctic. We hypothesized that faster-growing fish have lower mercury concentrations because of growth dilution, a process whereby more efficient growth dilutes a fish’s mercury burden. Using datasets of 57 brook trout and 133 Arctic char, linear regression modelling showed fish age and diet indices were the dominant explanatory variables of muscle mercury concentrations for both species. Faster-growing fish (based on length-at-age) fed at a higher trophic position, and as a result, their mercury concentrations were not lower than slower-growing fish. Muscle RNA/DNA ratios were used as a physiological indicator of short-term growth rate (days to weeks). Slower growth of Arctic char, inferred from RNA/DNA ratios, was found in winter versus summer and in polar desert versus tundra lakes, but RNA/DNA ratio was (at best) a weak predictor of fish mercury concentration. Net effects of diet and age on mercury concentration were greater than any potential offset by biomass dilution in faster-growing fish. In these resource-poor Arctic lakes, faster growth was associated with feeding at a higher trophic position, likely due to greater caloric (and mercury) intake, rather than growth efficiency.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Rapid uptake and slow depuration: Health risks following cyanotoxin accumulation in mussels?
Camacho-Muñoz, Dolores | Waack, Julia | Turner, Andrew D. | Lewis, Adam M. | Lawton, Linda A. | Edwards, Christine
Freshwater cyanobacteria produce highly toxic secondary metabolites, which can be transported downstream by rivers and waterways into the sea. Estuarine and coastal aquaculture sites exposed to toxic cyanobacteria raise concerns that shellfish may accumulate and transfer cyanotoxins in the food web. This study aims to describe the competitive pattern of uptake and depuration of a wide range of microcystins (MC-LR, MC-LF, MC-LW, MC-LY, [Asp3]-MC-LR/[Dha7]-MC-LR, MC-HilR) and nodularins (NOD cyclic and linear) within the common blue mussel Mytilus edulis exposed to a combined culture of Microcystis aeruginosa and Nodularia spumigena into the coastal environment.Different distribution profiles of MCs/NODs in the experimental system were observed. The majority of MCs/NODs were present intracellularly which is representative of healthy cyanobacterial cultures, with MC-LR and NOD the most abundant analogues. Higher removal rate was observed for NOD (≈96%) compared to MCs (≈50%) from the water phase. Accumulation of toxins in M. edulis was fast, reaching up to 3.4 μg/g shellfish tissue four days after the end of the 3-days exposure period, with NOD (1.72 μg/g) and MC-LR (0.74 μg/g) as the dominant toxins, followed by MC-LF (0.35 μg/g) and MC-LW (0.31 μg/g). Following the end of the exposure period depuration was incomplete after 27 days (0.49 μg/g of MCs/NODs). MCs/NODs were also present in faecal material and extrapallial fluid after 24 h of exposure with MCs the main contributors to the total cyanotoxin load in faecal material and NOD in the extrapallial fluid. Maximum concentration of MCs/NODs accumulated in a typical portion of mussels (20 mussels, ≈4 g each) was beyond greater the acute, seasonal and lifetime tolerable daily intake. Even after 27 days of depuration, consuming mussels harvested during even short term harmful algae blooms in close proximity to shellfish beds might carry a high health risk, highlighting the need for testing.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The auxin herbicide mecoprop-P in new light: Filling the data gap for dicotyledonous macrophytes
Périllon, Cécile | Feibicke, Michael | Sahm, René | Kusebauch, Björn | Hönemann, Linda | Mohr, Silvia
Mecoprop-P (MCPP-P) is an auxin herbicide which has been used against dicotyledonous weed plants since the 1980s. While fate and monitoring data of MCPP-P in the aquatic environment revealing concentrations up to 103 μg/L in freshwaters are well documented, only very few toxicity data and no studies with dicotyledonous macrophytes have been published in open literature so far. To fill up this essential data gap, a microcosm study was conducted in order to test the sensitivity of nine dicotyledonous and one Ceratophyllales macrophyte species. The plant species were exposed to seven MCPP-P concentrations ranging from 8 to 512 μg/L for 21/22 days in one microcosm per concentration, and two further microcosms served as controls. Plant preparation was adapted to each species and endpoints were measured to calculate growth rates. Data were generated to obtain effect concentrations (ECX) which then were used to construct species sensitivity distribution curves (SSD). Eight species proved to be sensitive to MCPP-P in the tested concentration range with EC₅₀ values ranging from 46.9 μg/L for Ranunculus aquatilis to 656.4 μg/L MCPP-P for Ludwigia repens. Taking the EC₅₀ values of this study and published data for autotrophic organisms into account, a hazard concentration (HC₅) of 2.7 μg/L was derived from the SSD curve, while an SSD curve without dicotyledonous macrophytes resulted in an about 100 times higher HC₅ (360.8 μg/L MCCP-P). This confirms that a re-evaluation for old auxin herbicides by including dicotyledonous test species into the environmental risk assessment may be indicated. Furthermore, the use of MCPP-P in bitumen felts as protection against rooting by plants is not in the focus of any risk regulation so far. This application, however, can lead to high run-off concentrations that can enter surface waters easily, exceeding the new regulatory acceptable concentration values.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Seasonal variations in the mass characteristics and optical properties of carbonaceous constituents of PM2.5 in six cities of North China
Luo, Lining | Tian, Hezhong | Liu, Huanjia | Bai, Xiaoxuan | Liu, Wei | Liu, Shuhan | Wu, Bobo | Lin, Shumin | Zhao, Shuang | Hao, Yan | Sun, Yujiao | Hao, Jiming | Zhang, Kai
Carbonaceous constituents have various adverse impacts on human health, visibility, and climate change. Although comprehensive studies on the characteristics of carbonaceous constituents have been conducted recently, systematic studies covering both the mass characteristics and light-absorption properties of carbonaceous constituents on a regional scale in China are quite limited. In this study, current seasonal measurements of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) in PM₂.₅ were investigated during autumn and winter (1–30 October 2017 and December 18, 2017 to January 17, 2018) in six selected cities located at the eastern foot of the Taihang Mountains: Beijing, Baoding, Shijiazhuang, Handan, Xinxiang, and Zhengzhou. Seasonal variations were similar when Beijing was excluded. The lowest concentrations of OC (18.33 ± 9.39 μg/m³) and EC (7.66 ± 5.64 μg/m³) were observed in Xinxiang (autumn) and Beijing (winter), respectively, while the highest concentrations of OC (38.43 ± 62.10 μg/m³) and EC (12.24 ± 24.67 μg/m³) occurred in Baoding during winter mainly due to elevated fuel combustion for space heating. The results of the potential source contribution function (PSCF) analysis suggested that border zones between several provinces in North China should be highlighted in order to strengthen pollution control. Moreover, by separating the optical properties of brown carbon from those of black carbon, we were able to estimate the contributions of brown carbon to the PM₂.₅ total light-absorption coefficient. The results show that the brown carbon absorption coefficient (at 405 nm) in winter at six sites accounted for 21.2%, 33.3%, 34.7%, 39.1%, 48.6%, and 23.3% of the PM₂.₅ light absorption, which are values that are comparable to the contribution of black carbon in Xinxiang. These results provide a more comprehensive understanding of carbonaceous constituents on a regional scale.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Phenolic compounds seasonal occurrence and risk assessment in surface and treated waters in Minas Gerais—Brazil
Ramos, Ramatisa L. | Moreira, Victor R. | Lebron, Yuri A.R. | Santos, Amanda V. | Santos, Lucilaine V.S. | Amaral, Míriam C.S.
This study provided a monitoring of phenolic compounds occurrence in a river and in its treated water by a conventional water treatment plant (WTP) throughout a year-period, in Minas Gerais - Brazil. Furthermore, the environmental risk (hazard quotient - HQ), the human health risk (margin of exposure - MOE), and the cancer risk were calculated for the compounds. The results indicated that sixteen out of the seventeen investigated phenolic compounds were detected at some point during the sampling campaign. The most frequent compounds in the raw surface water were 2,3,4–trichlorophenol (234TCP), 2,4–dimethylphenol (24DMP), and 4–nitrophenol (4NP), whereas in treated water were 4NP and bisphenol A (BPA). In addition, the highest total concentration values were corelated to the months in which there was less precipitation, demonstrating that the presence of this micropollutants may be subject to seasonality. From the treated water results, it was not possible to state the efficiency of the conventional WTP in eliminating the phenols, since in some samples the phenolic compounds were totally removed and in others their increase or formation occurred. Regarding to the risk assessments, most of the evaluated compounds were considered highly toxic to some trophic level and posed a significant human health risk. Additionally, the risk reduction of phenolics using conventional WTP was low.The sixteen phenols contamination in surface and drinking waters appears to be subject to seasonality. Besides that, an alarming risk for environment and human health was identified.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Human impact on C/N/P accumulation in lake sediments from northeast China during the last 150 years
Bao, Kunshan | Zhang, Yifeng | Zaccone, Claudio | Meadows, Michael E.
Lakes and lake sediments are significant components of the global carbon (C) cycle, and may store very large amounts of organic matter. Carbon sequestration in lakes is subject to substantial temporal and spatial variation and may be strongly affected by human activities. Here, we report accumulation rates (AR) of organic C (OC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorous (TP), and investigate their responses to anthropogenic impact over the past 150 years by analyzing 62 sediment cores from 11 shallow lakes in the Songnen Plain, northeast China. From the center of each of the lakes, we selected one master core for age determination by ²¹⁰Pb and ¹³⁷Cs radioisotopes. The contents of OC, TN, TP, dry bulk density and mass specific magnetic susceptibility were then determined for all cores. The regional OCAR, TNAR and TPAR up-scaling from the multiple cores yielded mean values of 51.63 ± 15.13, 2.50 ± 0.98, and 0.90 ± 0.21 g m⁻² yr⁻¹, respectively. Nutrient AR in the studied lakes increased by a factor of approximately 2 × from the middle 19th century to the 1950s, and approximately 5 × after the 1950s. Elemental ratios show that the increase in OCAR is mainly the result of C autogenesis from the growth of aquatic plants stimulated by agricultural intensification, including increased chemical fertilizer application and farmland expansion. Significantly enhanced nutrient burial by these lakes after the 1950s resulted from increased anthropogenic impacts in northeast China. More sustainable agricultural practises, including a decrease in P fertilizer use, would result in a lowering of OCAR, TNAR and TPAR in the future.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Associations of exposure to cadmium, antimony, lead and their mixture with gestational thyroid homeostasis
Margetaki, Katerina | Vafeiadi, Marina | Kampouri, Mariza | Roumeliotaki, Theano | Karakosta, Polyxeni | Daraki, Vasiliki | Kogevinas, Manolis | Hu, Howard | Kippler, Maria | Chatzi, Leda
Maintaining thyroid homeostasis during pregnancy is vital for fetal development. The few studies that have investigated associations between metal exposure and gestational thyroid function have yielded mixed findings. To evaluate the association of exposure to a mixture of toxic metals with thyroid parameters in 824 pregnant women from the Rhea birth cohort in Crete, Greece. Concentrations of three toxic metals [cadmium (Cd), antimony (Sb), lead (Pb)] and iodine were measured in urine using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and thyroid hormones [Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (fT4), and free triiodothyronine (fT3)] were measured in serum in early pregnancy. Associations of individual metals with thyroid parameters were assessed using adjusted regression models, while associations of the metal mixture with thyroid parameters were assessed using Bayesian Kernel Machine Regression (BKMR).Women with high (3rd tertile) concentrations of urinary Cd, Sb and Pb, respectively, had 13.3 % (95%CI: 2.0 %, 23.2 %), 12.5 % (95%CI: 1.8 %, 22.0 %) and 16.0 % (95%CI: 5.7 %, 25.2 %) lower TSH compared to women with low concentrations (2nd and 1st tertile). In addition, women with high urinary Cd had 2.2 % (95%CI: 0.0 %, 4.4 %) higher fT4 and 4.0 % (95%CI: −0.1 %, 8.1 %) higher fT3 levels, and women with high urinary Pb had 4 % (95%CI: 0.2 %, 8.0 %) higher fT3 levels compared to women with low exposure. The negative association of Cd with TSH persisted only when iodine sufficiency was unfavorable. BKMR attested that simultaneous exposure to toxic metals was associated with decreased TSH and increased fT3 and revealed a potential synergistic interaction of Cd and Pb in association with TSH. The present results suggest that exposure to toxic metals even at low levels can alter gestational thyroid homeostasis.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Spatial distribution and influencing factors on the variation of bacterial communities in an urban river sediment
Ge, Yi | Lou, Yinghua | Xu, Minmin | Wu, Chao | Meng, Jun | Shi, Lei | Xia, Fang | Xu, Yan
The water and sediments of urban rivers are spatially heterogeneous because of the influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors. However, the spatial and functional diversity of bacterial communities in urban river sediments are unclear. We investigated the spatial distribution of microbial compositions in sediments in Qingdao section of the Dagu River, and the effects of sediment physiochemical properties on the variation were explored. Among the seven heavy metals analyzed, only the average concentration of Cd significantly exceeded the safety limit for sediments. The detailed composition and spatial distribution of bacterial communities fluctuated substantially between sites along the river. Bacterial datasets were separated into three clusters according to the environmental characteristics of sampling areas (the urbanized, scenic, and intertidal zones). For the urbanized zone, Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes, Bacteroidetes, and Gammaproteobacteria were significantly enriched, implying the effects of human activity. In the intertidal zone, Alphaproteobacteria and Deltaproteobacteria were significantly enriched, which are associated with S redox processes, as in the marine environment. Variation partitioning analysis showed that the amount of variation independently explained by variables of Na, Al, total S and Zn was largest, followed by sediment nutrients, while heavy metals and pH explained independently 13% and 9% of the variance, respectively. Overall, microbial structures in the Dagu River exhibited spatial variation and functional diversity as a result of natural and anthropogenic factors. The results will enable the prediction of the changes in urban river ecosystems that maintain their ecological balance and health.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Environmental microplastic and nanoplastic: Exposure routes and effects on coagulation and the cardiovascular system
Lett, Zachary | Hall, Abigail | Skidmore, Shelby | Alves, Nathan J.
Plastic pollution has been a growing concern in recent decades due to the proliferation and ease of manufacturing of single use plastic products and inadequate waste and recycling management. Microplastic, and even smaller nanoplastic, particles are persistent pollutants in aquatic and terrestrial systems and are the subject of active and urgent research. This review will explore the current research on how exposure to plastic particles occurs and the risks associated from different exposure routes: ingestion, inhalation, and dermal exposure. The effects of microplastics on the cardiovascular system are of particular importance due to its sensitivity and ability to transport particles to other organ systems. The effects of microplastics and nanoplastics on the heart, platelet aggregation, and thrombus formation will all be explored with focus on how the particle characteristics modulate their effect. Plastic particle interactions are highly dependent on both their size and their surface chemistry and interesting research is being done with the interaction of particle characteristics and effect on thrombosis and the cardiovascular system. There is significant uncertainty surrounding some of the findings in this field as research in this area is still maturing. There are undoubtedly more physiological consequences than we are currently aware of resulting from environmental plastic exposure and more studies need to be conducted to reveal the full extent of pathologies caused by the various routes of microplastic exposure, with particular emphasis on longitudinal exposure effects. Further research will allow us to recognize the full extent of physiological impact and begin developing viable solutions to reduce plastic pollution and potentially design interventions to mitigate in-vivo plastic effects following significant or prolonged exposure.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Risk of gastric cancer in the environs of industrial facilities in the MCC-Spain study
García-Pérez, Javier | Lope, Virginia | Fernández de Larrea-Baz, Nerea | Molina, Antonio J. | Tardón, Adonina | Alguacil, Juan | Pérez-Gómez, Beatriz | Moreno, Víctor | Guevara, Marcela | Castaño-Vinyals, Gemma | Jiménez-Moleón, José J. | Gómez Acebo, Inés | Molina-Barceló, Ana | Martín Hernández, Vicente | Kogevinas, Manolis | Pollán, Marina | Aragonés, Nuria
Gastric cancer is the fifth most frequent tumor worldwide. In Spain, it presents a large geographic variability in incidence, suggesting a possible role of environmental factors in its etiology. Therefore, epidemiologic research focused on environmental exposures is necessary.To assess the association between risk of gastric cancer (by histological type and tumor site) and residential proximity to industrial installations, according to categories of industrial groups and specific pollutants released, in the context of a population-based multicase-control study of incident cancer conducted in Spain (MCC-Spain).In this study, 2664 controls and 137 gastric cancer cases from 9 provinces, frequency matched by province of residence, age, and sex were included. Distances from the individuals’ residences to the 106 industries located in the study areas were computed. Logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs) for categories of distance (from 1 km to 3 km) to industries, adjusting for matching variables and potential confounders.Overall, no excess risk of gastric cancer was observed in people living close to the industrial installations, with ORs ranging from 0.73 (at ≤2.5 km) to 0.93 (at ≤1.5 km). However, by industrial sector, excess risks (OR; 95%CI) were found near organic chemical industry (3.51; 1.42–8.69 at ≤2 km), inorganic chemical industry (3.33; 1.12–9.85 at ≤2 km), food/beverage sector (2.48; 1.12–5.50 at ≤2 km), and surface treatment using organic solvents (3.59; 1.40–9.22 at ≤3 km). By specific pollutant, a statistically significant excess risk (OR; 95%CI) was found near (≤3 km) industries releasing nonylphenol (6.43; 2.30–17.97) and antimony (4.82; 1.94–12.01).The results suggest no association between risk of gastric cancer and living in the proximity to the industrial facilities as a whole. However, a few associations were detected near some industrial sectors and installations releasing specific pollutants.
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