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Résultats 41-50 de 306
Bringing about an end to ocean dumping [Alternative uses for sludge, including acclaiming strip-mines for pasture].
Feliciano D.V.
Anaerobic digestion of brewery byproducts.
Keenan J.D. | Kormi I.
Parasite ova in anaerobically digested sludge [Ascaris, Toxocara, Toxascaris, Trichuris spp.].
Arther R.G. | Fitzgerald P.R. | Fox J.C.
Environmental recovery in a marine ecosystem impacted by a sulfite process pulp mill.
Cross S.F. | Ellis D.V.
Methyl bromide and bromide-ion in drainage water after leaching of glasshouse soils.
Wegman R.C.C. | Greve P.A. | Heer H. de | Hamaker P.
The concentration of methyl bromide and bromide-ion was determined in irrigation water, drainage water and surface water during the leaching periods of two glasshouse soils after application of methyl bromide. The maximum concentrations in drainage water were 9.3 g m('-3), and 72 g m('-3) for bromide-ion. These concentrations were determined within 24 h after the start of leaching. During the leaching procedure fish mortality was observed in the ditches around one of the glasshouses. The average half-life for the decline of methyl bromide in surface water under field conditions was calculated to be 6.6 h at a water temperature of about 11 deg C. Methyl bromide and bromide-ion concentrations were determined by gas chromatography.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of mean-cell residence time on organic composition of activated sludge effluents.
Saunders F.M. | Dick R.I.
Characterization of air pollutants from an activated sludge process.
Scheff P.A. | Holden J.A. | Wadden R.A.
Municipal wastewater reutilization on cultivated soil.
Terry R.E. | Tate R.L.
Biological treatment of wool scouring wastewater.
Chao A.C. | Yang W.F.
Direct measurement of gaseous nitrogen losses from an effluent irrigation area [Santa Barbara County; California].
Ryden J.C. | Lund L.J. | Whaley S.A.