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Contrasting effects of biochar nanoparticles on the retention and transport of phosphorus in acidic and alkaline soils
Chen, Ming | Alim, Nurguzal | Zhang, Yitao | Xu, Nan | Cao, Xinde
Land application of biomass-derived biochar has been increasingly recommended as a beneficial soil amendment for nutrients (such as N, P) retention. However, the small-scale biochar particles, especially those in the nano-scale range, may carry nutrients downward the soil profile, reducing nutrition retention and posing a potential risk to the groundwater. In this study, column experiments were conducted to investigate the retention and transport of phosphorus (P) in two acidic and two alkaline soils as affected by wood chip-derived biochar nanoparticles (NPs). In acidic paddy and red soils, biochar NPs facilitated the retention of P, increasing by about 24% and 16%, respectively, compared to the biochar absence. It is because biochar NPs stabilize soil Fe/Al oxides and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), thereby reducing the release of Fe/Al oxides- and DOC-associated P. In contrast, in alkaline huangmian and chao soils, retention of P was reduced in the presence of biochar NPs, decreasing by about 23% and 18%, respectively. It was mainly due to the increased transport of Fe/Al oxides-associated P in effluents. Moreover, biochar NPs could also act as a P carrier, mediating the retention of P. The diffusive gradients in thin films provided in-suit measurement of labile P in soil profiles, showing much lower labile P from retained P in acidic soils than that from alkaline soils though the labile P with biochar NPs presence was increased in all soils. Our findings indicate that biochar NPs have contrasting effects on the retention of P in acidic and alkaline soils, implying the cautious land applications of biochar for nutrients retention in soils with different acidities.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Seasonal and spatial distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in the sediments along the Yangtze Estuary, China
Guo, Xing-pan | Liu, Xinran | Niu, Zuo-shun | Lu, Da-pei | Zhao, Sai | Sun, Xiao-li | Wu, Jia-yuan | Chen, Yu-ru | Tou, Fei-yun | Hou, Lijun | Liu, Min | Yang, Yi
Antibiotics resistance genes (ARGs) are considered as an emerging pollutant among various environments. As a sink of ARGs, a comprehensive study on the spatial and temporal distribution of ARGs in the estuarine sediments is needed. In the present study, six ARGs were determined in sediments taken along the Yangtze Estuary temporally and spatially. The sulfonamides, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones resistance genes including sul1, sul2, tetA, tetW, aac(6’)-Ib, and qnrS, were ubiquitous, and the average abundances of most ARGs showed significant seasonal differences, with relative low abundances in winter and high abundances in summer. Moreover, the relative high abundances of ARGs were found at Shidongkou (SDK) and Wusongkou (WSK), which indicated that the effluents from the wastewater treatment plant upstream and inland river discharge could influence the abundance of ARGs in sediments. The positive correlation between intI1 and sul1 implied intI1 may be related to the occurrence and propagation of sulfonamides resistance genes. Correlation analysis and redundancy discriminant analysis showed that antibiotic concentrations had no significant correlation to their corresponding ARGs, while the total extractable metal, especially the bioavailable metals, as well as other environmental factors including temperature, clay, total organic carbon and total nitrogen, could regulate the occurrence and distribution of ARGs temporally and spatially. Our findings suggested the comprehensive effects of multiple pressures on the distribution of ARGs in the sediments, providing new insight into the distribution and dissemination of ARGs in estuarine sediments, spatially and temporally.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The toxic effect of sodium fluoride on Spodoptera frugiperda 9 cells and differential protein analysis following NaF treatment of cells
Zuo, Huan | Ma, Yukun | Kong, Ming | Yang, Yanhua | Lü, Peng | Qiu, Lipeng | Wang, Qiang | Ma, Shangshang | Chen, Keping
Accumulation of excess fluoride has a destructive effect on the environment, endangering human health, affecting organism growth and development, and leading to damage to the biological chain, thereby affecting ecological environment balance. In recent years, numerous studies focused on the molecular mechanisms associated with fluoride toxicity; however, fluoride-toxicity mechanisms in insect cells remain unclear. This study explored the toxic impact of sodium fluoride (NaF) on Spodoptera frugiperda 9 (Sf9) insect cells. High concentrations of NaF (10−4 M, 10−3 M and 10−2 M) resulted in cell enlargement, cell membrane blurring and breakage, and release of cellular contents. Dose-response curves indicated that NaF-specific inhibition rates on Sf9-cell activity increased along with increases in NaF concentration, with a half-inhibitory concentration (IC50) for NaF of 5.919 × 10−3 M at 72 h. Compared with controls, the percentages of early and late apoptotic and necrotic cells clearly increased based on observed increases in NaF concentrations. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used to detect differentially expressed proteins in Sf9 cells treated with IC50 NaF, identifying 17 proteins, seven of which were upregulated and 10 downregulated. These results demonstrated that Sf9 cells showed signs of NaF-mediated toxicity through alterations in cell morphology, apoptosis rates, and protein expression.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Remediation effectiveness of Phyllostachys pubescens biochar in reducing the bioavailability and bioaccumulation of metals in sediments
Zhang, Chao | Shan, Baoqing | Zhu, Yaoyao | Tang, Wenzhong
Biochar has potential for application for in situ metal-contaminated sediment remediation, mainly because of its cost-effectiveness. In this study, the effectiveness of Phyllostachys pubescens (PP) biochar for immobilization of cadmium (Cd) chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) by decreasing the bioavailable fraction was investigated using a series of laboratory sediment remediation microcosms. The results demonstrated that biochar could significantly reduce the bioavailable fraction of metals (except for Cr) by diffusive gradients in thin film (DGT) measurement in porewater. Additionally, amended sediment treated with 15% w/w biochar resulted in 79.71%, 73.20%, 54.86%, 49.75%, 31.16% and 0.99% reductions in the acid-soluble fraction for Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn, Cd, and Cr, respectively. Similarly, bioaccumulation of metals (except for Cr) by Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri was reduced by 18.45%–59.15% in biochar amended sediment. PP biochar at 15% could also reduce the inhibition or lethality rate by 37.5%, 18.1% and 36.3% for Chlorella vulgaris, Daphnia magna and luminescent bacteria Vibrio qinghaiensis, respectively. Overall, these results demonstrate the potential for biochar application for in situ sediment remediation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of low-levels of three hexabromocyclododecane diastereomers on the metabolic profiles of pak choi leaves using high-throughput untargeted metabolomics approach
Zhang, Yanwei | Guo, Qiqi | Tan, Dongfei | He, Zeying | Wang, Yuehua | Liu, Xiaowei
The ecological toxicity of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) on animals, including fish and mice, has been reported, but its effects in plants, particularly its toxic mechanism, have rarely been investigated. An untargeted metabolomics approach for comprehensive assessment was selected to study the alterations in the metabolic profiles in pak choi leaves induced by exposure to trace-level amounts of HBCD diastereomers over 30 days. A supervised orthogonal partial least-squares-discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) was performed to investigate differences between the HBCD and control groups. The discriminating metabolites were identified using public databases. The results indicated that the toxicity of the HBCD diastereomers was ordered as γ-HBCD > α-HBCD > β-HBCD. 13 metabolites were identified as potential biomarkers to discriminate the presence of HBCD toxicity. The lipid, carbohydrate, nucleotide and amino acid metabolic pathways affected were found in accordance with animals and humans, and also HBCD could induce the interference of the secondary metabolite pathways. The system of the stress defences was activated, including signalling pathway, antioxidant defence system, shikimate and phenylpropanoid metabolism. The carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism were disturbed by HBCD intervention, and the lipid, amino acid and secondary metabolite metabolism were regulated for HBCD stress prevention. These results provide insights into the mechanism and degree of HBCD phytotoxicity.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Critical analysis of the relationship between imposex and butyltin body burden in Nassarius reticulatus and Nucella lapillus
Rial, D. | Bellas, J. | Ruiz, J.M.
Imposex is a disorder caused by organotins, mainly tributyltin, which results in the appearance of male sexual characteristics in females of gastropod mollusks. The main objective of this work was to make a critical analysis of the relationship between imposex and butyltin body burdens in Nucella lapillus and Nassarius reticulatus. Specifically, this study evaluates possible additive effects among butyltins, proposes scales of effects based on robust statistical criteria as alternatives to existing ones and defines the body burdens of TBT in N. lapillus and N. reticulatus corresponding to the assessment classes (ACs) of the Vas Deferens Sequence Index (VDSI) established by OSPAR. Data of organotin body burdens and biological effects was retrieved from the ICES Dataset and from scientific literature. All responses, except the percentage of females displaying Imposex (IMPF) in Nucella lapillus, showed a sigmoidal profile regarding to the body burden of mono- (MBT), di- (DBT) and tributyltin and sum of butyltins (SumBTs). TBT and the SumBTs were better indicators of the VDSI or Relative Penis Size Index/Relative Penis Length Index (RPSI/RPLI) responses than MBT or DBT in most cases. From a statistical point of view, RPSI/RPLI and VDSI were better indicators of contamination by TBT than IMPF, although both RPSI and RPLI showed lower sensitivity than VDSI. The model used for describing the joint effect of butyltins provided a statistically significant fitting to the data assuming a null effect for both MBT and DBT for N. lapillus, and a lower toxic contribution of MBT and DBT with respect to TBT for N. reticulatus. RPSI or RPLI values, equivalent to the ACs for VDSI, were proposed as alternative criteria when measuring moderate to high levels of imposex. TBT concentrations in N. reticulatus and N. lapillus tissues, corresponding to the ACs were calculated and provided valuable information for cross-species comparisons.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Are there fitness costs of adaptive pyrethroid resistance in the amphipod, Hyalella azteca?
Heim, Jennifer R. | Weston, Donald P. | Major, Kaley | Poynton, Helen | Huff Hartz, Kara E. | Lydy, Michael J.
Pyrethroid-resistant Hyalella azteca with voltage-gated sodium channel mutations have been identified at multiple locations throughout California. In December 2013, H. azteca were collected from Mosher Slough in Stockton, CA, USA, a site with reported pyrethroid (primarily bifenthrin and cyfluthrin) sediment concentrations approximately twice the 10-d LC50 for laboratory-cultured H. azteca. These H. azteca were shipped to Southern Illinois University Carbondale and have been maintained in pyrethroid-free culture since collection. Even after 22 months in culture, resistant animals had approximately 53 times higher tolerance to permethrin than non-resistant laboratory-cultured H. azteca. Resistant animals held in culture also lacked the wild-type allele at the L925 locus, and had non-synonymous substitutions that resulted in either a leucine-isoleucine or leucine-valine substitution. Additionally, animals collected from the same site nearly three years later were again resistant to the pyrethroid permethrin. When resistant animals were compared to non-resistant animals, they showed lower reproductive capacity, lower upper thermal tolerance, and the data suggested greater sensitivity to, 4, 4′-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), copper (II) sulfate, and sodium chloride. Further testing of the greater heat and sodium chloride sensitivity of the resistant animals showed these effects to be unrelated to clade association. Fitness costs associated with resistance to pyrethroids are well documented in pest species (including mosquitoes, peach-potato aphids, and codling moths) and we believe that H. azteca collected from Mosher Slough also have fitness costs associated with the developed resistance.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The effects of insecticides on butterflies – A review
Braak, Nora | Neve, Rebecca | Jones, Andrew K. | Gibbs, Melanie | Breuker, Casper J.
Pesticides, in particular insecticides, can be very beneficial but have also been found to have harmful side effects on non-target insects. Butterflies play an important role in ecosystems, are well monitored and are recognised as good indicators of environmental health. The amount of information already known about butterfly ecology and the increased availability of genomes make them a very valuable model for the study of non-target effects of pesticide usage. The effects of pesticides are not simply linear, but complex through their interactions with a large variety of biotic and abiotic factors. Furthermore, these effects manifest themselves at a variety of levels, from the molecular to metapopulation level. Research should therefore aim to dissect these complex effects at a number of levels, but as we discuss in this review, this is seldom if ever done in butterflies. We suggest that in order dissect the complex effects of pesticides on butterflies we need to integrate detailed molecular studies, including characterising sequence variability of relevant target genes, with more classical evolutionary ecology; from direct toxicity tests on individual larvae in the laboratory to field studies that consider the potentiation of pesticides by ecologically relevant environmental biotic and abiotic stressors. Such integration would better inform population-level responses across broad geographical scales and provide more in-depth information about the non-target impacts of pesticides.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ambient concentrations and deposition rates of selected reactive nitrogen species and their contribution to PM2.5 aerosols at three locations with contrasting land use in southwest China
Song, Ling | Liu, Xuejun | Skiba, Ute | Zhu, Bo | Zhang, Xifeng | Liu, Meiyu | Twigg, Marsailidh | Shen, Jianlin | Dore, Anthony | Reis, Stefan | Coyle, Mhairi | Zhang, Wen | Levy, Peter | Fowler, David
The fast economic development of southwest China has resulted in significant increases in the concentrations of reactive nitrogen (Nr) in the atmosphere. In this study, an urban (Chengdu, CD), suburban (Shifang, SF) and agriculture (Yanting, YT) – dominated location in the Sichuan Province, southwest China, were selected to investigate the atmospheric composition of Nr, their concentrations and deposition rates. We measured Nr concentrations in precipitation (NH₄⁺, NO₃⁻ and organic N (DON)), the gas phase (NH₃ and NO₂), and the aerosol particles (PM₂.₅), and calculated their fluxes over a two year period (2014–2016). Total annual N deposition rates were 49.2, 44.7 and 19.8 kg N ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ at CD, SF and YT, respectively. Ammonia concentrations were larger at the urban and suburban sites than the agricultural site (12.2, 14.9, and 4.9 μg N m⁻³ at CD, SF and YT, respectively). This is consistent with the multitude of larger sources of NH₃, including city garbage, livestock and traffic, in the urban and suburban areas. Monthly NO₂ concentrations were lower in warmer compared to the colder months, but seasonal differences were insignificant. Daily PM₂.₅ concentrations ranged from 7.7 to 236.0, 5.0–210.4 and 4.2–128.4 μg m⁻³ at CD, SF and YT, respectively, and showed significant correlations with fine particulate NH₄⁺ and NO₃⁻ concentrations. Ratios of reduced to oxidized N were in the range of 1.6–2.7. This implies that the control of reduced Nr especially in urban environments is needed to improve local air quality.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Concentration of uranium in the soils of the west of Spain
Santos-Francés, Fernando | Gil Pacheco, Elena | Martínez-Graña, Antonio | Alonso Rojo, Pilar | Ávila Zarza, Carmelo | García Sánchez, Antonio
While determining the uranium concentration in the rock (background level) and soils on the Iberian Massif of western Spain, several geochemical anomalies were observed. The uranium concentration was much higher than the geochemical levels at these locations, and several uranium minerals were detected. The proposed uranium background levels for natural soils in the west of Salamanca Province (Spain) are 29.8 mg kg−1 in granitic rock and 71.2 mg kg−1 in slate. However, the soil near the tailings of abandoned mines exhibited much higher concentrations, between 207.2 and 542.4 mg kg−1.The calculation of different pollution indexes (Pollution Factor and Geo-accumulation Index), which reveal the conditions in the superficial horizons of the natural soils, indicated that a good percentage of the studied samples (16.7–56.5%) are moderately contaminated. The spatial distribution of the uranium content in natural soils was analysed by applying the inverse distance weighted method.The distribution of uranium through the horizons of the soils shows a tendency to accumulate in the horizons with the highest clay content. The leaching of uranium from the upper horizons and accumulation in the lower horizons of the soil could be considered a process for natural attenuation of the surface impacts of this radiogenic element in the environment. Environmental restoration is proposed in the areas close to the abandoned mining facilities of this region, given the high concentration of uranium. First, all the tailings and other mining waste would be covered with a layer of impermeable material to prevent leaching by runoff. Then, a layer of topsoil with organic amendments would be added, followed by revegetation with herbaceous plants to prevent surface erosion.
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