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Amendment of an Acid Mine Soil with Compost and Polyacrylate Polymers Enhances Enzymatic Activities but may Change the Distribution of Plant Species
de Varennes, Amarilis | Cunha-Queda, Cristina | Qu, Guiwei
Many soils derived from pyrite mines spoils are acidic, poor in organic matter and plant nutrients, contaminated with trace elements, and support only sparse vegetation. The establishment of a plant cover is essential to decrease erosion and the contamination of water bodies with acid drainage containing large concentrations of trace elements. We tested the application of compost and polyacrylate polymers to promote the growth of indigenous plant species present in the mine area. Soil treatments consisted of unamended soil (control), soil with mineral fertilizers only, soil with fertilizer plus compost, soil with fertilizer plus polyacrylate polymers, and soil with fertilizer plus both amendments. Half of the soil was grown with Briza maxima L. (greater quaking grass), Chaetopogon fasciculatus (Link) Hayek (chaetopogon), and Spergularia purpurea (Persoon) G. Don fil. (purple sandspurry), while the remainder was left bare. In the absence of plants, the greatest improvements in soil conditions were obtained by the application of both amendments, which was associated with the greatest values of protease, acid phosphatase, and β-glucosidase, whereas the activity of cellulase and microbial respiration were similar in soil amended with compost or polymer. Dehydrogenase activity was greatest in soil with compost (with or without polymer), whereas urease activity was impaired by both amendments. In the presence of plants, the application of both amendments led to the greatest activities of protease, urease, β-glucosidase, cellulase, and microbial respiration, but acid phosphatase was mainly enhanced by polymer and dehydrogenase was increased by compost. Plant growth was stimulated in all treatments compared with unamended soil, but the greatest value for total accumulated biomass was obtained in fertilized soil receiving both amendments. However, species responded differently to treatment: while the growth of B. maxima was greatest in soil with compost and polymer, the growth of C. fasciculatus responded better to soil with compost, and S. purpurea grew better in polymer-amended soil. The amendments tested improved the quality of a mine soil and stimulated plant growth. However, botanical composition likely changes over time with amendments, and this needs to be considered when a large scale application of amendments is projected.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Photocatalytic Degradation of Diethyl Phthalate (DEP) in Water Using TiO2
Huang, Wen-Bin | Chen, Chih-Yu
The degradation of diethyl phthalate (DEP) in aqueous solution by titanium dioxide (TiO2) photocatalysis has been investigated in our research. DEP was completely removed in the solution by 50-min irradiation. Results show that DEP degradation rate was affected by initial DEP concentration, photocatalyst amount, light intensity, and pH. Photocatalytic degradation intermediates were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry intermediates were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The major intermediates are methyl benzoate, ethyl benzoate, and carboxylic derivatives. The photocatalytic degradation process was found to obey first-order reaction. Consequently, the result of photocatalytic degradation could be an efficient method of DEP removal from wastewater.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Suspension of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) in Freshwaters: Examining the Effect of CNT Size
O'Driscoll, Nelson J. | Messier, Tammy | Robertson, Michael D. | Murimboh, John
Global demand for carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is increasing dramatically. As CNTs become commonplace, the range of uses is expected to expand as will the potential for release into ecosystems. Recent research suggests that CNTs display increased suspension in water in the presence of natural organic matter (NOM), thus increasing their ability for transport and dispersion. However, it remains unclear how CNT size will affect the suspension of CNTs in natural waters. Here we examine the effect of CNT diameter (10-500 nm) and CNT length (1-40 μm) in the presence of 1% sodium docecyl sulfate (SDS), and two different freshwater NOM extracts on suspension of CNTs in water. Absorbance spectrometry (UV-VIS) was used to determine CNT concentration in solutions over a 68 h period in the dark. Seventy to ninety-five percent of the CNTs settled out of the 1% SDS solution as compared to 23-54% in each of the NOM solutions. The half-life of suspension in solution increased with decreasing CNT diameter (from 13.9 to 138.8 h⁻¹ for solutions containing NOM). These results demonstrate that settling rates are strongly determined by NOM presence in solution as well as CNT size.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Air Pollution and its Impact on Lung Function of Children in Delhi, the Capital City of India
Siddique, Shabana | Banerjee, Madhuchanda | Ray, Manas Ranjan | Lahiri, Twisha
Air pollution is a major contributor to several respiratory problems, it affects the whole population in general but children are more susceptible. Exposure to automobile exhaust is associated with increased respiratory symptoms and may impair lung function in children. In view of this, the study was conducted among the children of Delhi, the capital city of India, where ambient air quality was much above the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The study was conducted in children aged 9-17 years. Pulmonary function test was carried out following the guideline of American Thoracic Society using a portable, electronic spirometer. Air quality data was collected from Central and State Pollution Control Boards. In addition, the level of particulate matter in indoor air was measured by portable laser photometer. Lung function was reduced in 43.5% schoolchildren of the urban area compared with 25.7% of control group. The urban children had increased prevalence of restrictive, obstructive, as well as combined type of lung functions deficits. Besides higher prevalence, the magnitude of lung function deficits was also much more in them. After controlling potential confounders like season, socioeconomic conditions and ETS, PM10 level in ambient air was found to be associated with restrictive (OR = 1.35, 95% CI 1.07-1.58), obstructive (OR = 1.45, 95% CI 1.16-1.82), and combined type of lung function deficits (OR = 1.74, 95% CI 1.37-2.71) in children. Spearman's rank correlation test reaffirmed the association. The study confirms that the level of air pollution is affecting the children.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Concentration Distribution and Bioaccessibility of Trace Elements in Nano and Fine Urban Airborne Particulate Matter: Influence of Particle Size
Niu, Jianjun | Rasmussen, Pat E. | Hassan, Nouri M. | Vincent, Renaud
Trace elements, especially those associated with fine particles in airborne particulate matter (PM), may play an important role in PM adverse health effect. The aim of this paper is to characterize elements in a wide particle size range from nano (57-100 nm) to fine (100-1,000 nm) and to coarse (1,000-10,000 nm) fractions of two urban PM samples collected in Ottawa. Size-selective particle sampling was performed using a micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor, and element concentrations were determined in each different size fraction by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy. A general trend of increasing element concentration with decreasing aerodynamic diameter was observed for elements V, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, and Cd, indicating they were predominately concentrated in the nanoparticle size range. Other elements including Fe, Sr, Mo, Sn, Sb, Ba, and Pb were predominately concentrated in the fine-size range. Increased concentration of elements in the nano and fine particle size range is significant due to their ability to penetrate into the deepest alveolar area of the lungs. This was confirmed by the calculation of median concentration diameters, which were less than 800 nm for most of the investigated elements. Particle size distribution and element correlation analysis suggest that the elements concentrated in the nano- and fine-size fractions originated mainly from vehicular combustion and emission. Long-range airborne transport and soil or road dust resuspension may also contribute. Particle size had an important effect on element bioaccessibility for the studied urban PM samples showing a general trend of increasing element bioaccessibility with decreasing particle size. These results emphasize the importance of acquiring information on nano and/or fine PM-bound elements and their bioaccessibilities for accurate element and PM exposure assessment.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Influence of the Iron-Reducing Bacteria on the Release of Heavy Metals in Anaerobic River Sediment
Gounou, Catherine | Bousserrhine, Noureddine | Varrault, Gilles | Mouchel, J.-M (Jean-Marie)
The impact of autochthonous anaerobic bacteria on the release of metals in river sediment was studied. The sediments were characterized and bacterial activity was monitored in a batch reactor, where the sediments were incubated with a synthetic substrate solution containing glucose as carbon source. The results showed that metal release was correlated to the bacterial growth (carbon mineralization). In particular, a relationship between iron reduction and metal release was observed indicating that iron-reducing bacteria had a strong influence. By reductive dissolution of iron oxides, bacteria also released their associated toxic elements into the liquid phase. While organic analysis showed acetate and butyrate production leading to a decrease in pH and indicating a Clostridium fermentative bacteria activity, the results did not indicate any direct role of organic acids in the dissolution of iron and their associated metals.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Assessing Storm Water Detention Systems Treating Road Runoff with an Artificial Neural Network Predicting Fecal Indicator Organisms
Kazemi Yazdi, S. | Scholz, M.
This paper examines whether multiple regression analysis and neural network models can be applied successfully for the indirect prediction of the runoff treatment performance with water quality indicator variables in an experimental storm water detention system rig. Five biologically mature experimental storm water detention systems with different designs treating concentrated gully pot liquor (spiked with dog droppings) were assessed. The systems were located on The King's Buildings campus at The University of Edinburgh and were monitored for a period of 18 months. Multiple regression analyses indicated a relatively successful prediction of the biochemical oxygen demand and total suspended solids for most systems, but due to a relatively weak correlation between the predictors and both microbial indicators, multiple regression analyses were not applied for the prediction of intestinal enterococci and total coliform colony-forming units. However, artificial neural network models predicted microbial counts relatively well for most detention systems.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of Alkalization of the Environment on the Anatomy of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) Needles
Lukjanova, Aljona | Mandre, Malle
The effects of alkaline dust emitted from a cement plant for over 40 years on the anatomy of needles of Scots pine and lignin accumulation were analysed. Comparative analytical studies were conducted in stands similar as to their silvicultural indicators, climate and age in alkalised and in a relatively unpolluted area. Cross-section of needles were stained, photographed under microscope and measured. It was found that, due to the alkalisation of the environment, the total area of the needle cross-section, needle width and thickness and the area of mesophyll had decreased. At the same time, the vascular bundles and epidermis had increased. The greatest anatomical and biochemical differences between the needles from trees growing under optimum conditions and in the alkalised area were observed in the oldest needles. Visual analysis of cross-sections and biochemical analysis showed accumulation of lignin in older needles but more intensively in alkalised areas than in control.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]An Experimental Study of the Diesel Biodegradation Effects on Soil Biogeophysical Parameters
Martinho, E. | Abreu, M. M. | Pampulha, M. E. | Alegria, F. | Oliveira, A. | Almeida, F.
The purpose of this study was to understand the dynamic conditions of soil/organic mixtures in order to contribute to the study of remediation processes at hydrocarbon spill sites. Induced polarization (IP) and physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters for uncontaminated and artificially contaminated soil samples with diesel oil were evaluated under controlled conditions (constant temperature and soil moisture) during a period of 12 months. In contaminated samples, the resistivity and IP parameters (chargeability and polarizability) decreased during 8 months and remained relatively stable between 8 and 12 months. The observed reduction on resistivity and IP parameters was related to the increase on the granular aggregation of the soil and a decrease on total porosity, caused by diesel-degrading microorganisms. The behavior of the IP parameters observed after 8 months can be explained by a reduction in the microbial activity and, consequently, a decrease of the degradation rate of diesel. In the studied loamy soil with high content of organic matter (96.16 g/kg), the results demonstrate that IP time domain measurements can be used in the evaluation of the evolution of the hydrocarbon degradation even when the concentration is not very high.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Rural O₃ Levels in the Middle Ebro Basin During the Plant Growing Season
Gonzalez, Laura | Bermejo, Raúl | Parra, María Asunción | Elustondo, David | Garrigó, Jordi | Santamaría, Jesús Miguel
Ground-level dynamics of O₃, NO x and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes were characterised at rural sites in the medium Ebro River Basin (Northern Spain) from April to September (2003-2007) and by means of automated and passive monitoring. The study registered high O₃ levels within the area, which were influenced by traffic emissions, and a monthly evolution of these levels consistent with the occurrence of a broad summer maximum, typical of polluted areas. The mean ozone concentration registered in the studied area by means of passive sampling was 87 ± 12 μg m⁻³. The 2008/50/EC objective value for the protection of vegetation was widely exceeded during this study (AOT40 = 57,147 ± 14,114 μg m⁻³ h), suggesting that current ambient levels may pose a risk for crops and vegetation in this important agroindustrial region.
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