AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
Recherche avancée
Date de publication

Résultats 51-60 de 161

Redevelopment of land contaminated by gas works residues


Johnson, M.S. (Department of Botany, Liverpool University (UK)) | Bell, R.M.

European Union - Belgium

Biochemical indicators of subsurface pollution


Dermer, Otis C. (Otis Clifford) | Curtis, Vivian S. | Leach, Franklin R.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Concentrations of heavy metals in forty sewage sludges in England


Sterritt, R.M. | Lester, J.N. (Imperial College of Science and Technology, London (UK). Dept. of Civil Engineering, Public Health Engineering Lab.)

European Union - Belgium

Kepone effects on larval development of mud-crab and blue-crab


Bookhout, C.G. (Duke Univ., Durham NC (USA). Dept. of Zoology) | Costlow, J.D. | Monroe, R.

European Union - Belgium

Monitoring for land application of wastewater


Aulenbach, D.B. | Clesceri, N.L. (Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, NY (USA). Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering)

European Union - Belgium

The absorption and evaporation of tritiated water vapor by soil and grassland


Garland, J.A. (E. and M.S. Division AERE, Harwell, Oxon. (UK))

European Union - Belgium

An analysis of trade-offs in food production costs and soil conservation by an interregional programming and multigoal model


Saygideger, O. | Heady, E.O. | Vocke, G.F. | Sposito, V.A. (Iowa State Univ., Ames (USA))

European Union - Belgium

Significance of leaf surface characteristics in plant responses to air pollution


Varshney, C.K. | Garg, K.K. (Jawaharlal Nehru Univ., New Delhi (India). School of Environmental Sciences)

European Union - Belgium