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Résultats 51-60 de 219
Measuring dry deposition: a re-assessment of the state of the art
Hicks, B.B. (NOAA/ERL Air Resources Lab., Oak Ridge, TN (USA))
Fish species distribution and water chemistry in Nova Scotia lakes
Smith, D.L. (Nova Scotia Dept. of the Environment, Halifax (Canada)) | Underwood, J.K. | Ogden, J.G. | Sabean, B.C.
Snow chemistry in the Flin Flon area of Manitoba, 1981-1984
Phillips, S.F. (Manitoba Dept. of Environment and Workplace Safety and Health, Winnipeg (Canada)) | Wotton, D.L. | McEachern, D.B.
Avoidance of low pH and elevated Al concentrations by brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) alevins in laboratory tests
Gunn, J.M. (Guelph Univ., Guelph, Ont. (Canada). Dept. of Zoology) | Noakes, D.L.G.
Rain, snow and lake water chemistry on and near the precambrian shield of western Canada
Shewchuk, S.R. (Saskatchewan Research Council, Saskatoon (Canada))
Precipitation chemistry measurement in Alberta
Bertram, H.L. (Alberta Environmental Centre, Vegreville (Canada)) | Das, N.C. | Lau, Y.K.
Acid deposition and effects in Nordic Europe; damage to fish populations in Scandinavia continue to apace
Rosseland, B.O. (Directorate for Nature and Management, Trondheim (Norway). Fish Research Div.) | Skogheim, O.K. | Sevaldrud, I.H.
Biology and chemistry of three Pennsylvania lakes: responses to acid precipitation
Bradt, P.T. (Centre for Marine and Environmental Studies, Bethlehem, PA (USA)) | Dudley, J.L. | Berg, M.B. | Barrasso, D.S.
Responses of five species of conifer seedlings to aluminum stress
Hutchinson, T.C. (Toronto Univ. (Canada). Dept. of Botany) | Bozic, L. | Munoz-Vega, G.
Bone concentration of manganese in white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) from acid, circumneutral and metal-stressed lakes
Harvey, H.H. (Toronto Univ. (Canada). Dept. of Zoology) | Fraser, G.A. | McArdle, J.M.