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[Studies on re-stabilizing measures in forests injured by air pollution in the Southern Taunus]
Krieter, M. (Mainz Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Geographisches Inst. Umweltforschungsstation)
[Possibilities and limits of fertilization for re-stabilizing diseased forest stands]
Isermann, K. (BASF A.G., Limburgerhof (Germany, F.R.). Landwirtschaftliche Versuchsstation)
[The influence of calcium fertilization, mineral fertilization and artificial rain on the soil fauna in Norway spruce forests]
Funke, W. (Ulm Univ. (Germany, F.R.)) | Jans, W.
[Restabilizing measures, fertilization. Final evaluation - further research requirements]
Evers, F.H.
Quality and utilization of wood from damaged trees
Becker, M. (Freiburg Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. fuer Forstpolitik und Raumordnung)
Water pollution by fertilizers and pesticides
This study reflects the growing consensus among experts whose viewpoints were not always the same that some changes in agricultural practices are necessary to limit the environmental costs to society.--Publisher's description.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Uptake of Al, Ca and P in black spruce seedlings: effect of organic versus inorganic Al in nutrient solutions
Arp, P.A. (New Brunswick Univ., Fredericton (Canada)) | Ouimet, R.
Neutralization of acidic raindrops on leaves of agricultural crop and boreal forest species
Hutchinson, T.C. (Toronto Univ. (Canada). Inst. for Environemtal Studies) | Adams, C.M. | Gaber, B.A.
Chemical composition of precipitation at Long Island, NY
Lee, Y.N. (Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (USA). Dept. of Applied Science, Environmental Chemistry Div.) | Shen, J. | Klotz, P.J.
Spatial and temporal pattern of sulfate and nitrate wet deposition in Ontario
Tang, A.J.S. (Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto (Canada). Air Resources Branch) | Chan, W.H. | Chung, D.H.S. | Lusis, M.A.