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Phytoplankton groups as indicators of eutrophication in the Boka Kotorska bay [Adriatic sea, Montenegro (Yugoslavia)]
Vuksanovic, N. (Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Yugoslavia))
During complex studies of phytoplankton, the role of particular phytoplankton groups was examined, as one of important indicators of eutrophic processes in the Bay of Boka Kotorska (Adriatic sea, Montenegro (Yugoslavia)). Throughout summer 1999, investigations have been performed at representative locations (Kotor, Tivat and Hercegnovi bays) at the depths of 0, 5, 10 and 20 m. Maximal values of microphytoplankton were found in Kotor Bay in July (2.1 x 10**6 cells/cubic dm). In Tivat Bay, maximal values of microphytoplankton were found in June, although they were ten times lower (2.4 x 10**5 cells/cubic dm). In the Bay of Hercegnovi, mean values were lower, while maximal quantity of microphytoplankton was found in August (2.6 x 10**3 cells/cubic dm). In the Boka Kotorska Bay, the maximal percentage of 95% of the group Bacillariophyceae was found in the most productive surface layers at the depths of 0 and 5 m. The impact of eutrophication was the most visible in the Kotor Bay. It decreased towards the open sea. Diatoms populations (Bacillariophyceae) were dominant in the Bay, while the participations of other groups is insignificant. Consequently, it means that Bacillariophyceae are the most adapted group to the eutrophic conditions of the Boka Kotorska Bay.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Application of bioindicators in evaluating the water quality of the Sumanka Hydrosystem [Serbia, Yugoslavia]
Miljanovic, B. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju) | Maletin, S. | Djukic, N. | Pujin, V. | Markovic, Z. | Ivanc, A. | Teodorovic, I. | Zivic, N.
In the period from May to August in 1996, the samples for hydro-biological and inchthyological from the following localities were collected: the Klaicka river, the Radevacka river, the Sumanka river and the Lipovacka river (Serbia, Yugoslavia). The water quality was determined n the basis of bioindicator values and the abundance of particular species of phytoplankton, zooplankton, bottom fauna and fish community. According to the portion of plankton organisms, the saprobic index for the Klaicka river was between 2.01 and 2.57, for the Radevacka river it was between 2.83 and 2.93, for the Sumanka river between 2.59-2.78 and for the Lipovacka river this index had a value between 2.72 and 2.83. Among the botton fauna, 10 zoobenthic groups were determined. The highest frequency and abundance was registered in the groups of Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera, and the water quality is between oligo- o-beta-mesosaprobic (the Lipovacka river), -beta-mesosaprobic (the Klaicka river), o-beta to alfa-mesosaprobic (the Radevacka river) and beta to alfa-mesosaprobic (the Sumanka river). The ichthyofauna of the Klaicka and Sumanka rivers include the species like southern barbel, chub and spirlin. Basing on the fact, the water quality was determined as beta-mesosaprobic (1.65). The majority of results point to the satisfactory biological quality of water in this hydroecosystem, which is, therefore, considered to be one of the potential sources of water supply.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-][Wastewater purification efficiency appreciation using a rapid microbiological test]
Tibru, I. | Nichita, I. | Savescu, E. | Mircov, V.D. (Facultatea de Medicina Veterinara, Timisoara (Romania))
The surface water quality preservation is dependent on the used technology of wastewater purification, waters that are thrown in natural streams and on the used methods for the purification efficiency evaluation. The field microbiological test (FMT) is made of a concentrated culture medium that allows the evidencing of enterobacteria below values of 100/cubic cm, therefore it was used for sanitary ranking of treated wastewaters at the sewage treatment plant of Timisoara (Romania). We noted a 100% correlation between FMT and the official coliform bacteria test.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Some of trace elements in the water of Bokakotorska Bay [Adriatic sea, Montenegro, Yugoslavia]
Joksimovic, D. | Kljajic, Z. | Filipovic, S. (Univerzitet Crne Gore, Kotor (Yugoslavia). Institut za biologiju mora)
In this work, we were investigated level and source of trace elements in industrial and sea waters in Bokakotorska Bay (Adriatic sea, Montenegro, Yugoslavia). The ranges concentration in (microgram/cubic dm) in seawater are as follows: Hg (0.1-0.4); As (0.1-0.9); Pb (2.3-10.0); Zn (3.0-12.0); Cu (2.3-8.4); Cr (0.8-3.0); Cd (0.1-1.0); Ni (0.9-3.0); Mn (0.2-0.5). The average levels of trace elements in the samples collected from industrial effluents of factory ILK were 110 - 16500 times higher than concentrations of trace elements in other industrial effluents.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Metal pollution index precision assessed from toxicity tests
Teodorovic, I. (Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad (Yugoslavia). Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Institut za biologiju) | Djukic, N. | Dalmacija, B. | Maletin, S. | Miljanovic, B. | Bokorov, M.
To evaluate precision and reliability of recently introduced Metal Pollution Index as a method for metal pollution monitoring of surface waters, a series of toxicity tests with Daphnia magna have been undertaken. The sampling sites (the River Danube wetlands and Hydrosystem DTD (Danube - Tisza - Danube), Serbia, Yugoslavia) for this study have been chosen according to previously recorded high MPI values. Chemical characterization and WET (whole effluent toxicity) testing of selected waste waters at the chosen sampling sites, and the recipient water toxicity testing upstream and downstream the discharger evaluated the validity of MPI, and, on the other hand, discriminated the effects of background pollution. The results of acute and chronic toxicity tests of water and sediment corresponded well with MPI values, which leads to a conclusion that MPI could be regarded as a reliable and precise method for metal pollution monitoring of surface waters.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of vapours of chlorpropham and ethofumesate on wild species
Franzaring, J. | Kempenaar, C. | van der Eerden, L.J.M.
Effects of vapours of two herbicides on plantlets of fourteen wild higher plant species and two bryophytes were screened in fumigation experiments using foliar injury, chlorophyll fluorescence and growth as response parameters. After vaporisation of the herbicides for 48 h, concentrations in the chambers reached 77 g m−3 in the chlorpropham treatments and 184 ng m−3 in the ethofumesate treatments. Despite the higher concentrations of the volatile chlorpropham (vapour pressure, VP: 1.3 mP), plants showed no foliar injury, but vapours of this herbicide caused leaf crinkling in the agriophyte Agrostemma githago. The less volatile ethofumesate (VP: 0.56 mP) caused foliar injury in all higher species, with lowest no observed effect concentrations (NOECs) of 75 ng m−3. Chlorpropham affected growth only in Agrostemma, while ethofumesate reduced growth in one third of the higher plant species. Chlorophyll fluorescence proved to be a less suitable response parameter compared to foliar injury and growth. No adverse effects were observed in mosses, probably due to the slow growth and hence small doses of herbicides taken up. The extent of foliar injury due to ethofumesate showed a weak positive relationship to relative growth rates and specific leaf area in the tested higher plant species.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Measurements of odours by sensory analysis or olfactometry
Gouronnec, A.M. (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Gif sur Yvette (France). Institut de Protection et de Surete Nucleaire)
L'olfactometrie ou la mesure des odeurs par analyse sensorielle permet de quantifier les odeurs. Les methodes disponibles donnent acces a la mesure de trois grandeurs: la concentration d'odeur, l'intensite de l'odeur et la gene olfactive. Dans les deux premiers cas, la mesure fait appel a un jury d'experts preselectionnes et dans le troisieme cas, la methode fait appel a un jury de population locale. Il est ainsi possible, non seulement de caracteriser les sources d'odeur et de les comparer entre elles, mais aussi de caracteriser l'environnement d'une source d'odeur
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Critical loads for nutrient nitrogen: calculations and mapping by empirical method for France | Calcul et cartographie des charges critiques azotées en France : application de la méthode empirique
Party, J.P. ((Sol-Conseil, Strasbourg (France))) | Probst, A. | Thomas, A.L. | Dambrine, E.
La cartographie des charges critiques azotées pour la France a été entreprise par la méthode empirique. Pour cela, une carte numérique de la nature de la végétation est nécessaire. L'absence d'une cartographie adaptée à ce besoin a conduit à entreprendre une première synthèse de l'information contenue dans les cartes du CNRS au 1/200 000 disponibles sur support papier pour tout le territoire français. Une première typologie de synthèse est présentée pour l'ensemble de la France. Elle comporte 76 unités pour lesquelles 99 pour cent de l'information des légendes d'origine ont été conservées. 41 de ces unités (deux tiers pour les forêts, un tiers pour les landes et prairies) qui représentent en nombre un peu plus de 40 pour cent des unités recensées sur les cartes étudiées, présentent a priori une sensibilité aux charges critiques. Leur niveau de sensibilité est défini selon le manuel de cartographie de la CEE-ONU (1996) et les recommandations du RIVM. La carte de la végétation définie par la typologie établie a été digitalisée, puis thématisée pour les charges critiques azotées, par quart du territoire français (nord-est, nord-ouest, sud-ouest et sud-est). L'assemblage de ces quatre cartographies a permis de produire les cartes attendues au 1/1 000 000 (végétation, charges critiques azotées pour les forêts et les prairies). Enfin, une comparaison avec les résultats obtenus par la méthode SMB au pas de 50 km a été effectuée
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ozone levels and foliar injuries on Mediterranean species | Niveaux d'ozone et endommagement foliaire sur quelques essences méditerranéennes
Dalstein, L. ((Groupe d'Etudes des Forêts Subalpines, Nice, France))) | Teton, S. | Cottereau, C. | Vas, N.
En France, dans les Alpes-Maritimes, une recherche est menée pour connaître l'impact éventuel de l'ozone sur l'endommagement foliaire repéré ces dernières années sur peuplements de pins d'Alep, sylvestre et cembro. L'étude s'effectue dans le cadre d'un contrat franco-italien Interreg 2 et d'un programme Primequal. Cet article donne tout d'abord, les résultats pour l'été 1999, intéressant les niveaux de concentration d'ozone mesurés depuis le littoral azuréen jusqu'au massif du Mercantour au moyen d'analyseurs physico-chimiques et de capteurs passifs. La dose d'AOT 40 et la somme cumulée des concentrations horaires sont indiquées pour les périodes de mesure estivales. Les capteurs passifs se situent notamment parmi des placettes de suivi d'arbres. Afin d'appréhender l'impact de la pollution par l'ozone sur ces écosystèmes forestiers, des notations d'endommagement foliaire sont effectuées. Des correspondances sont recherchées entre les niveaux moyens d'ozone et les degrés d'atteinte des trois principales essences suivies (pins d'Alep, sylvestre et cembro). Il semble y avoir une corrélation entre augmentation des concentrations d'ozone et endommagement foliaire au moins en ce qui concerne les pins cembro
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-][Stakes of pesticides in atmosphere] | Les pesticides dans l'air: quels enjeux?
Lamiot, F.