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Methane emissions from a dairy feedlot during the fall and winter seasons in Northern China
Gao, Zhiling | Yuan, Huijun | Ma, Wenqi | Liu, Xuejun | Desjardins, R.L.
Accurately determining methane emission factors of dairy herd in China is imperative because of China’s large population of dairy cattle. An inverse dispersion technique in conjunction with open-path lasers was used to quantify methane emissions from a dairy feedlot during the fall and winter seasons in 2009–2010. The methane emissions had a significant diurnal pattern during both periods with three emission peaks corresponding to the feeding schedule. A 10% greater emission rate in the fall season was obtained most likely by the higher methane emission from manure during that period. An annual methane emission rate of 109 ± 6.7 kg CH₄ yr⁻¹ characterized with a methane emission intensity of 32.3 ± 1.59 L CH₄ L⁻¹ of milk and a methane conversion factor (Yₘ) of 7.3 ± 0.38% for mature cattle was obtained, indicating the high methane emission intensity and low milk productivity in Northern China.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Solubilization properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by saponin, a plant-derived biosurfactant
Zhou, Wenjun | Yang, Juanjuan | Lou, Linjie | Zhu, Lizhong
The enhanced solubilization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by saponin, a plant-derived non-ionic biosurfactant, was investigated. The results indicated that the solubilization capabilities of saponin for PAHs were greater than some representative synthetic non-ionic surfactants and showed strong dependence on solution pH and ionic strength. The molar solubilization ratio (MSR) of saponin for phenanthrene was about 3–6 times of those of the synthetic non-ionic surfactants, and decreased by about 70% with the increase of solution pH from 4.0 to 8.0, but increased by approximately 1 times with NaCl concentration increased from 0.01 to 1.0 M. Heavy metal ions can enhance saponin solubilization for phenanthrene and the corresponding MSR values increased by about 25% with the presence of 0.01 M of Cd²⁺ or Zn²⁺. Saponin is more effective in enhancing PAHs solubilization than synthetic non-ionic surfactants and has potential application in removing organic pollutants from contaminated soils.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cocaine and other illicit drugs in airborne particulates in urban environments: A reflection of social conduct and population size
Viana, M. | Postigo, C. | Querol, X. | Alastuey, A. | López de Alda, M.J. | Barceló, D. | Artíñano, B. | López-Mahia, P. | García Gacio, D. | Cots, N.
Levels of cocaine and other psychoactive substances in atmospheric particulate matter (PM) were determined in urban environments representing distinct social behaviours with regard to drug abuse: night-life, university and residential areas. Three cities (with population >1 million and <0.3 million inhabitants) were selected. Mean daily levels of drugs in PM were 11–336 pg/m³ for cocaine, 23–34 pg/m³ for cannabinoids, and 5–90 pg/m³ for heroin. The highest levels were recorded on weekends, with factors with respect to weekdays of 1–3 for cocaine, 1–2 for cannabinoids and 1.1–1.7 for heroin. Higher levels were detected in the night-life areas, pointing towards consumption and trafficking as major emission sources, and possibly ruling out drug manufacture. The similarities in temporal trends at all sites suggested a city-scale transport of psychoactive substances. Correlations were detected between cocaine and amphetamine consumption (r² = 0.98), and between heroin and cannabinoids (r²>0.82).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) in riverine and marine sediments of the Laizhou Bay area, North China
Pan, Xiaohui | Tang, Jianhui | Chen, Yingjun | Li, Jun | Zhang, Gan
PCN congeners were analyzed in marine and riverine sediments of the Laizhou Bay area, North China. Concentrations of PCNs ranged from 0.12 to 5.1 ng g⁻ ¹ dry weight (dw) with a mean value of 1.1 ng g⁻ ¹ dw. The levels of PCNs varied largely, with industrial group approximately ten folds higher than those of the rural in riverine sediment. A strong impact by direct discharge from local factories was suggested. Similar compositional profiles were found within groups. High resemblance of compositional profiles between industrial samples and Halowax 1014 was observed. It was indicated that PCNs in riverine sediments were mainly from release of industrial usage, with additional contributions from industrial thermal process at certain sites. In marine sediments, it was suggested that PCNs along the coast of Laizhou Bay were mainly controlled by riverine input. While in the central bay, PCN distributions were possibly impacted by combined multiple factors.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Transfer functions for solid–solution partitioning of cadmium for Australian soils
de Vries, W. | McLaughlin, M.J. | Groenenberg, J.E.
To assess transport and ecotoxicological risks of metals, such as cadmium (Cd) in soils, models are needed for partitioning and speciation. We derived regression-based “partition-relations” based on adsorption and desorption experiments for main Australian soil types. First, batch adsorption experiments were carried out over a realistic range of dissolved Cd concentrations in agricultural soils in Australia. Results showed linear sorption relationships, implying the adequacy of using Kd values to describe partitioning. Desorption measurements were then carried out to assess in-situ Kd values and relate these to soil properties The best transfer functions for solid–solution partitioning were found for Kd values relating total dissolved Cd concentration to total soil Cd concentrations, accounting for the variation in pH, SOM contents and DOC concentrations. Model predictions compared well with measurements of an independent data set, but there was a tendency to underestimate dissolved Cd concentrations of highly polluted soils.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Positive effects of vegetation: Urban heat island and green roofs
Susca, T. | Gaffin, S.R. | Dell’Osso, G.R.
This paper attempts to evaluate the positive effects of vegetation with a multi-scale approach: an urban and a building scale. Monitoring the urban heat island in four areas of New York City, we have found an average of 2 °C difference of temperatures between the most and the least vegetated areas, ascribable to the substitution of vegetation with man-made building materials. At micro-scale, we have assessed the effect of surface albedo on climate through the use of a climatological model. Then, using the CO₂ equivalents as indicators of the impact on climate, we have compared the surface albedo, and the construction, replacement and use phase of a black, a white and a green roof. By our analyses, we found that both the white and the green roofs are less impactive than the black one; with the thermal resistance, the biological activity of plants and the surface albedo playing a crucial role.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Biofilm responses to marine fish farm wastes
Sanz-Lázaro, Carlos | Navarrete-Mier, Francisco | Marín, Arnaldo
The changes in the biofilm community due to organic matter enrichment, eutrophication and metal contamination derived from fish farming were studied. The biofilm biomass, polysaccharide content, trophic niche and element accumulation were quantified along an environmental gradient of fish farm wastes in two seasons. Biofilm structure and trophic diversity was influenced by seasonality as well as by the fish farm waste load. Fish farming enhanced the accumulation of organic carbon, nutrients, selenium and metals by the biofilm community. The accumulation pattern of these elements was similar regardless of the structure and trophic niche of the community. This suggests that the biofilm communities can be considered a reliable tool for assessing dissolved aquaculture wastes. Due to the ubiquity of biofilms and its wide range of consumers, its role as a sink of dissolved wastes may have important implications for the transfer of aquaculture wastes to higher trophic levels in coastal systems.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]An overview of experimental results and dispersion modelling of nanoparticles in the wake of moving vehicles
Carpentieri, Matteo | Kumar, Prashant | Robins, Alan
Understanding the transformation of nanoparticles emitted from vehicles is essential for developing appropriate methods for treating fine scale particle dynamics in dispersion models. This article provides an overview of significant research work relevant to modelling the dispersion of pollutants, especially nanoparticles, in the wake of vehicles. Literature on vehicle wakes and nanoparticle dispersion is reviewed, taking into account field measurements, wind tunnel experiments and mathematical approaches. Field measurements and modelling studies highlighted the very short time scales associated with nanoparticle transformations in the first stages after the emission. These transformations strongly interact with the flow and turbulence fields immediately behind the vehicle, hence the need of characterising in detail the mixing processes in the vehicle wake. Very few studies have analysed this interaction and more research is needed to build a basis for model development. A possible approach is proposed and areas of further investigation identified.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Field-scale operation of methane biofiltration systems to mitigate point source methane emissions
Hettiarachchi, Vijayamala C. | Hettiaratchi, Patrick J. | Mehrotra, Anil K. | Kumar, Sunil
Methane biofiltration (MBF) is a novel low-cost technique for reducing low volume point source emissions of methane (CH₄). MBF uses a granular medium, such as soil or compost, to support the growth of methanotrophic bacteria responsible for converting CH₄ to carbon dioxide (CO₂) and water (H₂O). A field research program was undertaken to evaluate the potential to treat low volume point source engineered CH₄ emissions using an MBF at a natural gas monitoring station. A new comprehensive three-dimensional numerical model was developed incorporating advection-diffusive flow of gas, biological reactions and heat and moisture flow. The one-dimensional version of this model was used as a guiding tool for designing and operating the MBF. The long-term monitoring results of the field MBF are also presented. The field MBF operated with no control of precipitation, evaporation, and temperature, provided more than 80% of CH₄ oxidation throughout spring, summer, and fall seasons. The numerical model was able to predict the CH₄ oxidation behavior of the field MBF with high accuracy. The numerical model simulations are presented for estimating CH₄ oxidation efficiencies under various operating conditions, including different filter bed depths and CH₄ flux rates. The field observations as well as numerical model simulations indicated that the long-term performance of MBFs is strongly dependent on environmental factors, such as ambient temperature and precipitation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Monitoring of heavy metal concentrations in home outdoor air using moss bags
Rivera, Marcela | Zechmeister, Harald | Medina-Ramón, Mercedes | Basagaña, Xavier | Foraster, Maria | Bouso, Laura | Moreno, Teresa | Solanas, Pascual | Ramos, Rafael | Köllensperger, Gunda | Deltell, Alexandre | Vizcaya, David | Künzli, Nino
One monitoring station is insufficient to characterize the high spatial variation of traffic-related heavy metals within cities. We tested moss bags (Hylocomium splendens), deployed in a dense network, for the monitoring of metals in outdoor air and characterized metals’ long-term spatial distribution and its determinants in Girona, Spain. Mosses were exposed outside 23 homes for two months; NO₂ was monitored for comparison. Metals were not highly correlated with NO₂ and showed higher spatial variation than NO₂. Regression models explained 61–85% of Cu, Cr, Mo, Pb, Sb, Sn, and Zn and 72% of NO₂ variability. Metals were strongly associated with the number of bus lines in the nearest street. Heavy metals are an alternative traffic-marker to NO₂ given their toxicological relevance, stronger association with local traffic and higher spatial variability. Monitoring heavy metals with mosses is appealing, particularly for long-term exposure assessment, as mosses can remain on site many months without maintenance.
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