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Mandating responsible flagging practices as a strategy for reducing the risk of coastal oil spills
Miller, Dana D. | Hotte, Ngaio | Sumaila, U Rashid
As human civilization is becoming more aware of the negative impact our actions can inflict upon the natural world, the intensification of fossil fuel extraction and industrial development is being met with increasing opposition. In Western Canada, proposals that would increase the volume of petroleum transported by pipelines and by tankers through the coastal waters of British Columbia have engaged the province in debate. To ease public concern on the risk of a coastal oil spill, there are additional commitments that involved parties could make. There is evidence to show that the practice of registering vessels under foreign flags of states that have exhibited failure in compliance with international obligations is more common amongst petroleum tankers that have been involved in large-scale oil spills. To prove that they are committed to reducing the risk of oil spills, businesses need to stop registering their vessels under flags of foreign, non-compliant states.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The application of a carrier-based bioremediation strategy for marine oil spills
Sheppard, Petra J. | Simons, Keryn L. | Adetutu, Eric M. | Kadali, Krishna K. | Juhasz, Albert L. | Manefield, Mike | Sarma, Priyangshu M. | Lal, Banwari | Ball, A. S.
The application of recycled marine materials to develop sustainable remediation technologies in marine environment was assessed. The remediation strategy consisted of a shell carrier mounted bacterial consortium composed of hydrocarbonoclastic strains enriched with nutrients (Bioaug SC). Pilot scale studies (5000l) were used to examine the ability of Bioaug-SC to degrade weathered crude oil (10gl−1; initially 315,000±44,000mgl−1) and assess the impacts of the introduction and biodegradation of oil. Total petroleum hydrocarbon mass was effectively reduced by 53.3 (±5.75)% to 147,000 (±21,000) mgl−1 within 27weeks. 16S rDNA bacterial community profiling using Denaturant Gradient Gel Electrophoresis revealed that cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria dominated the microbial community. Aquatic toxicity assessment was conducted by ecotoxicity assays using brine shrimp hatchability, Microtox and Phaeodactylum tricornutum. This study revealed the importance of combining ecotoxicity assays with oil chemistry analysis to ensure safe remediation methods are developed.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of coastal urbanization on sandy beach coleoptera Phaleria maculata (Kulzer, 1959) in northern Chile
González, Sergio A. | Yáñez-Navea, Katherine | Munoz, Mauricio
The beetle Phaleria maculata is a common inhabitant of the upper intertidal fringe of Chilean beaches. Anthropogenic intervention in coastal areas has increased intensely, leading to changes in the flora and fauna of sandy beaches. To examine the impact of human activities on P. maculata, we studied several beaches along the northern Chilean coast. Beaches were characterized based on morphodynamics and the level of intervention, leading to the estimation of an “Urbanization Index” based on various indicators. The analysis showed a significant inverse correlation between the rate of urbanization and night sky quality. Larval and adult beetles were almost absent on beaches with high levels of urbanization. The results of simple and multiple correlations based on nMDS ordination showed an inverse relationship between increases in urbanization and the abundance of beetles. Because darkling beetles are very sensitive to human interventions on sandy beaches, we suggest that they are ideal indicator organisms for the health of these environments.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impact of pond aquaculture effluents on seagrass performance in NE Hainan, tropical China
Herbeck, Lucia S. | Sollich, Miriam | Unger, Daniela | Holmer, Marianne | Jennerjahn, Tim C.
The impact of pond aquaculture effluents on the distribution and performance of seagrasses was examined in NE Hainan, tropical China. Samples were taken along transects in three back-reef areas with different extent of aquaculture production in their hinterland. High δ15N in seagrass leaves and epiphytes (6–9‰) similar to values in pond effluents documented aquaculture as dominant nitrogen source in the back-reefs with decreasing impact with distance from shore. Seagrass species abundance, shoot density and biomass were lower and concentrations of nutrients, chlorophyll and suspended matter were higher at nearshore sites with high and moderate pond abundance than at the control site. High epiphyte loads and low δ34S in seagrass leaves suggest temporal shading and sulphide poisoning of the nearshore seagrasses. Observed gradients in environmental parameters and seagrass performance indicate that the distance from the pond outlets and size of the adjacent pond agglomeration are major determinants of seagrass degradation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Distribution and transfer pattern of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) among the selected environmental media of Ny-Ålesund, the Arctic: As a case study
Zhang, Peng | Ge, Linke | Gao, Hui | Yao, Ting | Fang, Xiaodan | Zhou, Chuanguang | Na, Guangshui
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) were analyzed in multi-environmental samples collected from Ny-Ålesund, the Arctic to explore their legacy and transfer patterns. PCBs were ubiquitously in the environmental media, within the ranges of 1.73–6.27 and 9.18–141.1pgm−3 in vapor and aerosol, 2.76–10.8, 3.09–8.32, 22.5–56.3, 35.4–51.4 and 31.8–39.6ngg−1 (dry weight) in soil, sediment, plant, bird guano and reindeer faeces, respectively. The spatial distribution patterns exhibited a general southward decline in soil and sediment from the bay entrance to the inner bay. The concentration ratios of plants to soil inferred that no distinguished selective adsorption of PCBs congeners by plants existed and PCBs were mainly attributed to the air deposition on plant surface. The fugacity ratios among vapor, aerosol and soil indicted that the equilibrium status has not been reached and the net transferring direction was air–soil.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Levels of endocrine disrupting compounds in South China Sea
Zhang, Li-Peng | Wang, Xin-Hong | Ya, Miao-Lei | Wu, Yu-Ling | Li, Yong-Yu | Zhang, Zu-lin
The occurrence of estrogens in the aquatic environment has become a major concern worldwide because of their strong endocrine disrupting potency. In this study, concentrations of four estrogenic compounds, estrone (E1), 17β-estradiol (E2), 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2), estriol (E3) were determined with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analyses in surface water from South China Sea, and distributions and potential risks of their estrogenic activity were assessed. The estrogenic compounds E1, E2 and E3 were detected in most of the samples, with their concentrations up to 11.16, 3.71 and 21.63ngL−1. However, EE2 was only detected in 3 samples. Causality analysis, EEQ values from chemical analysis identified E2 as the main responsible compounds. Based on the EEQ values in the surface water, high estrogenic risks were in the coastal water, and low estrogenic risks in the open sea.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Predictable pollution: An assessment of weather balloons and associated impacts on the marine environment – An example for the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
O’Shea, Owen R. | Hamann, Mark | Smith, Walter | Taylor, Heidi
Efforts to curb pollution in the marine environment are covered by national and international legislation, yet weather balloons are released into the environment with no salvage agenda. Here, we assess impacts associated with weather balloons in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA). We use modeling to assess the probability of ocean endpoints for released weather balloons and predict pathways post-release. In addition, we use 21months of data from beach cleanup events to validate our results and assess the abundance and frequency of weather balloon fragments in the GBRWHA. We found between 65% and 70% of balloons land in the ocean and ocean currents largely determine final endpoints. Beach cleanup data revealed 2460 weather balloon fragments were recovered from 24 sites within the GBRWHA. This is the first attempt to quantify this problem and these data will add support to a much-needed mitigation strategy for weather balloon waste.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Variability of the dissolved nutrient (N, P, Si) concentrations in the Bay of Annaba in relation to the inputs of the Seybouse and Mafragh estuaries
Ounissi, Makhlouf | Ziouch, Omar-Ramzi | Aounallah, Ouafia
Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), phosphate (PO4) and silicic acid (Si(OH)4) loads from the Seybouse and the Mafragh estuaries into the Bay of Annaba, Algeria, were assessed at three stations of the Bay over three years. The Seybouse inputs had high levels of DIN and PO4, in contrast to the Mafragh estuary’s near-pristine inputs; Si(OH)4 levels were low in both estuaries. The DIN:PO4 molar ratios were over 30 in most samples and the Si(OH)4:DIN ratio was less than 0.5 in the Seybouse waters, but nearly balanced in the Mafragh. The specific fluxes of Si–Si(OH)4 (400–540kgSikm−2yr−1) were comparable in the two catchments, but those of DIN were several-fold higher in the Seybouse (373kgNkm−2yr−1). The inner Bay affected by the Seybouse inputs had high levels of all nutrients, while the Mafragh plume and the outer marine station were less enriched.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Acetylcholinesterase activity in the host–parasite system of the cod Gadus morhua and acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus gadi from the southern Baltic Sea
Podolska, M. | Nadolna, K. | Szostakowska, B.
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity measurement is widely used as a specific biomarker of neurotoxic effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate AChE activity in a host fish (the cod) and its acanthocephalan parasite Echinorhynchus gadi from the southern Baltic. AChE activity in hosts and parasites was inversely related: the highest cod AChE activity corresponded to the lowest E. gadi enzymatic activity and vice versa (“mirror effect”). This is the first report on the simultaneous application of this biomarker in cod and its acanthocephalan parasites. Results obtained for the host–parasite system are complementary and provide comprehensive information about the response of this biomarker. Analysis of the system allows for detection of a greater number of factors influencing AChE activity in the marine environment than separate analysis of the host and parasites. Thus, AChE activity measurement in a host–parasite system may be considered to be a promising tool for biomonitoring.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Simulations of dredged sediment spreading on a Posidonia oceanica meadow off the Ligurian coast, Northwestern Mediterranean
Capello, M. | Cutroneo, L. | Ferranti, M.P. | Budillon, G. | Bertolotto, R.M. | Ciappa, A. | Cotroneo, Y. | Castellano, M. | Povero, P. | Tucci, S.
The sandy deposits from dredging can have negative effects on the environment such as increase in suspended solids in the water column and their consequent transport. An experimental study was conducted to characterize water masses, dynamics, and sedimentation rates on the Ligurian continental shelf (Italy), where both a sand deposit, that could be used for beach nourishment, and a nearby Posidonia oceanica meadow coexist. The environmental plan provides a mathematical simulation of the sediment-dispersion to evaluate the possible impact on the meadow. It has been calculated that the dredging could double the concentration of suspended particles, but its scheduling will preclude a sediment accumulation. All the information obtained from this work will be used to study the environmental feasibility of the sand deposit exploitation and as starting point for drawing up the monitoring plan in case of dredging.
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