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Résultats 571-580 de 4,023
Impacts of multiple stressors on ecosystem function: Leaf decomposition in constructed urban wetlands
Mackintosh, Teresa J. | Davis, Jenny A. | Thompson, Ross M.
The impact of stormwater on stream biota is well documented, but less is known about the impacts on ecosystem processes, such as the breakdown of organic matter. This study sought to establish whether the degree of urbanisation affected rates of leaf-litter breakdown within constructed wetlands. A litter bag method was used to ascertain rate of decomposition along a gradient of urbanisation (total imperviousness, TI), in constructed wetlands in western and south-eastern Melbourne. A significant positive relationship between TI and breakdown rate was found in the south-eastern wetlands. The significant reduction in rate of invertebrate-mediated breakdown with increasing concentration of certain metals was consistent with other studies. However, overall there was an increase in rate of breakdown. Studies have shown that the effects of heavy metals can be negated if nutrient levels are high. Our results suggest that other parameters besides exposure to contaminants are likely to affect leaf litter breakdown.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Phytotoxicity and uptake of roxarsone by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings
Fu, Qing-Long | Blaney, Lee | Zhou, Dong-Mei
Roxarsone (ROX), the primary aromatic arsenical additive (AAA) used in animal feeding operations, is of increasing concern to environmental and human health due to land application of ROX-laden animal manure. Few studies have investigated the phytotoxicity, uptake mechanisms, and speciation of AAA in crop plants. In this study, wheat seedlings were employed to address these issues under hydroponic conditions. Compared to inorganic arsenic, ROX was less toxic to wheat root elongation. Wheat roots were more sensitive to ROX stress than shoots. For the first time, metabolized inorganic arsenic was detected in plants, although ROX was the predominant detected arsenic species in wheat seedlings. ROX uptake and toxicity to roots were inhibited by humic acid at concentrations higher than 50 mg/L due to interaction with ROX. Phosphate enhanced ROX uptake, but no trends were observed for ROX uptake in the presence of glycerol at concentrations lower than 250 mM. In addition, ROX uptake was significantly decreased by silicate (Si(IV), 0.5–10 mM) and the metabolic inhibitor, 2,4-dinitrophenol (0.5–2 mM), indicating that ROX transport into wheat roots was actively mediated by Si(IV)-sensitive transporters. These findings provide important insights into the fate and speciation of AAA in soil-water-plant systems relevant to human health.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Location and speciation of gadolinium and yttrium in roots of Zea mays by LA-ICP-MS and ToF-SIMS
Saatz, Jessica | Stryhanyuk, Hryhoriy | Vetterlein, Doris | Musat, Niculina | Otto, Matthias | Reemtsma, Thorsten | Richnow, Hans H. | Daus, Birgit
Increasing production of rare earth elements (REE) might lead to future contamination of the environment. REE have been shown to accumulate in high concentrations in roots of plants. Plant experiments with Zea mays exposed to a nutrient solution containing gadolinium (Gd) or yttrium (Y) with 10 mg L−1 Gd or Y were carried out to investigate this accumulation behaviour. Total concentrations of 3.17 g kg−1 and 8.43 g kg−1 of Gd and Y were measured in treated plant roots. Using a novel combination of laser ablation mass spectrometry and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry, imaging of location and concentration of Gd and Y was carried out in root thin sections of treated roots. Single spots of elevated REE concentration were found at the epidermis, while inside the cortex, weak signals of Gd+ and Y+ were aligning with the root cell structures. The composition of Gd-containing secondary ions proves an REE-oxide phase accumulated at the epidermis, limiting REE availability for further uptake.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Heavy metals bound to fine particulate matter from northern China induce season-dependent health risks: A study based on myocardial toxicity
Zhang, Yingying | Ji, Xiaotong | Ku, Tingting | Li, Guangke | Sang, Nan
Substantial epidemiological evidence has consistently reported that fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular outcomes. PM2.5 is a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets composed of multiple components, and there has been high interest in identifying the specific health-relevant physical and/or chemical toxic constituents of PM2.5. In the present study, we analyzed 8 heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn, Mn and Co) in the PM2.5 collected during four different seasons in Taiyuan, a typical coal-burning city in northern China. Our results indicated that total concentrations of the 8 heavy metals differed among the seasons. Zn and Pb, which are primarily derived from the anthropogenic source, coal burning, were the dominant elements, and high concentrations of these two elements were observed during the spring and winter. To clarify whether these heavy metals in the locally collected PM2.5 were associated with health effects, we conducted health risk assessments using validated methods. Interestingly, Pb was responsible for greater potential health risks to children. Because cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a main contributor to the mortality associated with PM2.5 exposure, we performed experimental assays to evaluate the myocardial toxicity. Our in vitro experiments showed that the heavy metal-containing PM2.5 induced season-dependent apoptosis in rat H9C2 cells through a reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated inflammatory response. Our findings suggested that heavy metals bound to PM2.5 produced by coal burning play an important role in myocardial toxicity and contribute to season-dependent health risks.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Did policies to abate atmospheric emissions from traffic have a positive effect in London?
Font, Anna | Fuller, Gary W.
A large number of policy initiatives are being taken at the European level, across the United Kingdom and in London to improve air quality and reduce population exposure to harmful pollutants from traffic emissions. Trends in roadside increments of nitrogen oxides (NOX), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate matter (PM), black carbon (CBLK) and carbon dioxide (CO2) were examined at 65 London monitoring sites for two periods of time: 2005–2009 and 2010–2014. Between 2005 and 2009 there was an overall increase in NO2 reflecting the growing evidence of real world emissions from diesel vehicles. Conversely, NO2 decreased by 10%·year−1 from 2010 onwards along with PM2.5 (−28%·year−1) and black carbon (−11%·year−1). Downwards trends in air pollutants were not fully explained by changes in traffic counts therefore traffic exhaust emission abatement policies were proved to be successful in some locations. PM10 concentrations showed no significant overall change suggesting an increase in coarse particles which offset the decrease in tailpipe emissions; this was especially the case on roads in outer London where an increase in the number of Heavy Good Vehicles (HGVs) was seen. The majority of roads with increasing NOX experienced an increase in buses and coaches. Changes in CO2 from 2010 onwards did not match the downward predictions from reduced traffic flows and improved fleet efficiency. CO2 increased along with increasing HGVs and buses. Polices to manage air pollution provided differential benefits across London's road network. To investigate this, k-means clustering technique was applied to group roads which behaved similarly in terms of trends to evaluate the effectiveness of policies to mitigate traffic emissions. This is the first time that London's roadside monitoring sites have been considered as a population rather than summarized as a mean behaviour only, allowing greater insight into the differential changes in air pollution abatement policies.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The impacts of surface ozone pollution on winter wheat productivity in China – An econometric approach
Yi, Fujin | Jiang, Fei | Zhong, Funing | Zhou, Xun | Ding, Aijun
The impact of surface ozone pollution on winter wheat yield is empirically estimated by considering socio-economic and weather determinants. This research is the first to use an economic framework to estimate the ozone impact, and a unique county-level panel is employed to examine the impact of the increasing surface ozone concentration on the productivity of winter wheat in China. In general, the increment of surface ozone concentration during the ozone-sensitive period of winter wheat is determined to be harmful to its yield, and a conservative reduction of ozone pollution could significantly increase China's wheat supply.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cu-Zn isotope constraints on the provenance of air pollution in Central Europe: Using soluble and insoluble particles in snow and rime
Novák, Martin | Sipkova, Adela | Chrastny, Vladislav | Stepanova, Marketa | Voldrichova, Petra | Veselovsky, Frantisek | Prechova, Eva | Bláha, Vladimír | Curik, Jan | Farkas, Juraj | Erbanova, Lucie | Bohdalkova, Leona | Pašava, Jan | Mikova, Jitka | Komárek, Arnošt | Krachler, Michael
Copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) isotope ratios can be used to fingerprint sources and dispersion pathways of pollutants in the environment. Little is known, however, about the potential of δ65Cu and δ66Zn values in liquid and solid forms of atmospheric deposition to distinguish between geogenic, industrial, local and remote sources of these potentially toxic base metals. Here we present Cu-Zn deposition fluxes at 10 mountain-top sites in the Czech Republic, a region affected by extremely high industrial emission rates 25 years ago. Additionally, we monitored isotope composition of Cu and Zn in vertical and horizontal atmospheric deposition at two sites. We compared δ65Cu and δ66Zn values in snow and rime, extracted by diluted HNO3 and concentrated HF. Cu and Zn isotope signatures of industrial pollution sources were also determined. Cu and Zn deposition fluxes at all study sites were minute. The mean δ65Cu value of atmospheric deposition (−0.07‰) was higher than the mean δ65Cu value of pollution sources (−1.17‰). The variability in δ65Cu values of atmospheric deposition was lower, compared to the pollution sources. The mean δ66Zn value of atmospheric deposition (−0.09‰) was slightly higher than the mean δ66Zn value of pollution sources (−0.23‰). The variability in δ66Zn values of atmospheric deposition was indistinguishable from that of pollution sources. The largest isotope differences (0.35‰) were observed between the insoluble and soluble fractions of atmospheric deposition. These differences may result from different sources of Cu/Zn for each fraction. The difference in isotope composition of soluble and insoluble particles appears to be a promising tool for pollution provenance studies in Central Europe.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The role of PVP in the bioavailability of Ag from the PVP-stabilized Ag nanoparticle suspension
Romih, Tea | Jemec, Anita | Kos, Monika | Hočevar, Samo B. | Kralj, Slavko | Makovec, Darko | Drobne, Damjana
We assessed the bioavailability of Ag from Ag nanoparticles (NPs), stabilized with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), to terrestrial isopods which were exposed to 10, 100 and 1000 μg Ag NPs/g of dry food. Different Ag species were determined in the NP suspension that was fed to isopods: (i) total Ag by atomic absorption spectroscopy, (ii) the sum of Ag-PVP complexes and free Ag+ by anodic stripping voltammetry at the bismuth-film electrode, and (iii) free Ag+ by ion-selective potentiometry. The amounts of Ag species in the consumed food were compared to the masses of Ag accumulated in the isopod digestive glands. Our results show that all three Ag species (Ag NPs, Ag-PVP complexes and free Ag+) could be the source of bioaccumulated Ag, but to various degrees depending on the exposure concentration and transformations in the digestive system. We provide a proof that (i) Ag NPs dissolve and Ag-PVP complexes dissociate in the isopod digestive tract; (ii) the concentration of free Ag+ in the suspension offered to the test organisms is not the only measure of bioavailable Ag. The type of NP stabilizer along with the NP transformations in the digestive system needs to be considered in the creation of new computational models of the nanomaterial fate.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Serum POP concentrations are highly predictive of inner blubber concentrations at two extremes of body condition in northern elephant seals
Peterson, Michael G. | Peterson, Sarah H. | Debier, Cathy | Covaci, Adrian | Dirtu, Alin C. | Malarvannan, Govindan | Crocker, Daniel E. | Costa, Daniel P.
Long-lived, upper trophic level marine mammals are vulnerable to bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Internal tissues may accumulate and mobilize POP compounds at different rates related to the body condition of the animal and the chemical characteristics of individual POP compounds; however, collection of samples from multiple tissues is a major challenge to ecotoxicology studies of free-ranging marine mammals and the ability to predict POP concentrations in one tissue from another tissue remains rare. Northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) forage on mesopelagic fish and squid for months at a time in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, interspersed with two periods of fasting on land, which results in dramatic seasonal fluctuations in body condition. Using northern elephant seals, we examined commonly studied tissues in mammalian toxicology to describe relationships and determine predictive equations among tissues for a suite of POP compounds, including ΣDDTs, ΣPCBs, Σchlordanes, and ΣPBDEs. We collected paired blubber (inner and outer) and blood serum samples from adult female and male seals in 2012 and 2013 at Año Nuevo State Reserve (California, USA). For females (N = 24), we sampled the same seals before (late in molting fast) and after (early in breeding fast) their approximately seven month foraging trip. For males, we sampled different seals before (N = 14) and after (N = 15) their approximately four month foraging trip. We observed strong relationships among tissues for many, but not all compounds. Serum POP concentrations were strong predictors of inner blubber POP concentrations for both females and males, while serum was a more consistent predictor of outer blubber for males than females. The ability to estimate POP blubber concentrations from serum, or vice versa, has the potential to enhance toxicological assessment and physiological modeling. Furthermore, predictive equations may illuminate commonalities or distinctions in bioaccumulation across marine mammal species.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Genotoxic effects of cadmium and influence on fitness components of Lymantria dispar caterpillars
The current study extends our previous findings concerning the sensitivity of Lymantria dispar larvae to cadmium in light of ecotoxicological risk assessment. Here we report the results of the comet assay performed for the first time on this species. We examined the chronic effects of two cadmium concentrations (50 and 100 μg Cd/g dry food) on DNA integrity and haemocyte viability, as well as on fitness-related traits (larval mass and development duration parameters). All parameters were assessed individually and then used to calculate the integrated biomarker response (IBR) index. Egg-masses of L. dispar were collected from two locations in Serbia - the uncontaminated Homolje mountains and a metal-polluted area near Bor copper mines, smelter and refinery. Distinctive patterns in the response of these populations to cadmium exposure were noticed. In haemocytes of larvae from the pollution-free location both cadmium treatments increased the level of DNA damage, although in a similar range. Haemocyte viability and larval mass were reduced, while duration of the fourth instar and total development time were prolonged in a concentration-dependent manner. Cadmium tolerance was noticeable in the population from the metal-contaminated site at all organizational levels. Nevertheless, haemocyte viability in that population was reduced by the stronger treatment. Haemocyte viability was recognized as a promising biomarker due to the evident response of both populations to dietary cadmium. Genotoxicity, fitness-related traits and the IBR index could be used for biomonitoring of sensitive populations not previously exposed to metals.
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