AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
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Résultats 61-70 de 127

Quality of water in Zajecar water supply [Serbia, Serbia&Montenegro]


Milenkovic, P. | Marusic, V. | Lucic, G. (Zavod za zastitu zdravlja "Timok", Zajecar (Serbia and Montenegro))

Unassigned data from Czechoslovakia - Antarctica

Dynamics of biomass of stoneworts (Chara spp.) in different depths and localities with different trophic condition of water from the littoral region in Lake Ohrid


Trajanovska, S. (Hidrobioloski zavod, Ohrid (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia))

Unassigned data from Czechoslovakia - Antarctica

Solution projekt for waste water treatment - AD "Fermin", Senta [Serbia, Serbia&Montenegro]


Stanisavljevic, M. (Fakultet zastite na radu, Nis (Serbia and Montenegro). Smer Zastita zivotne sredine) | Radanovic, B. (Garnizona ambulanta, Senta (Serbia and Montenegro))

Unassigned data from Czechoslovakia - Antarctica

Investigation of cyprinid fish species spawning grounds in Lake Ohrid


Talevski, T. | Talevska, M. (Hidrobioloski zavod, Ohrid (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia))

Unassigned data from Czechoslovakia - Antarctica

Testoks (version 1.0) - software for the toxicity tests data analysis


Teodorovic, I. (Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro). Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Departman za biologiju i ekologiju)

Unassigned data from Czechoslovakia - Antarctica

Review of characteristics of zooplankton community in southeastern part of Southern Adriatic [Montenegro, Serbia&Montenegro]


Vukanic, D. | Vukanic, V. (Institut za biologiju mora, Kotor (Serbia and Montenegro))

Unassigned data from Czechoslovakia - Antarctica

Water quality of Moraca river [Montenegro, Serbia&Montenegro] from chemical aspect, in the period 1998-2002, in the light of the existing regulation


Tomic, N. (Hidrometeoroloski zavod Crne Gore, Podgorica (Serbia and Montenegro)) | Vulovic, Lj. | Vujovic, A. | Filipovic, S.

Unassigned data from Czechoslovakia - Antarctica

Activities of extracellular acid, neutral and alkaline phosphomonoester-hydrolases in the water of littoral region of Lake Ohrid


Vasileska, A. | Novevska, V. (Hidrobioloski institut, Ohrid (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia))

Unassigned data from Czechoslovakia - Antarctica

Passive in situ bioremediation. Changes in hydrocarbons content in groundwater in the oil-contaminated area [near Novi Sad, Serbia&Montenegro]


Ivancev-Tumbas, I. (Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Novi Sad (Serbia and Montenegro). Institut za hemiju) | Dalmacija, B. | Becelic, M. | Karlovic, E. | Tamas, Z. | Pesic, V. | Agbaba, J. | Jovanovic, D.

Unassigned data from Czechoslovakia - Antarctica

Drinking water quality in Podgorica [Montenegro, Serbia&Montenegro] - dependence of chlorination by products concentration on the organic matter in water


Karajic, M. | Djurovic, D. (Institut za zdravlje Crne Gore, Podgorica (Serbia and Montenegro))

Unassigned data from Czechoslovakia - Antarctica