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The leachability, bioaccessibility, and speciation of Cu in the sediment of channel catfish ponds
Liu, R. | Zhao, D.
There have been growing concerns about the environmental impact of Cu applied in the catfish pond aquaculture. In this paper, sediments taken from three commercial catfish ponds were studied for content, leachability, bioaccessibility, and speciation of sediment-bound Cu. Results showed that the Cu was concentrated in the top 10 cm of the sediments and the peak Cu concentrations ranged from the background level to about 200 mg/kg. Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure showed only 1-8% of sediment Cu was leachable while bioaccessible Cu, evaluated by physiological based extraction test, accounted for up to 40-85% of total Cu. Due to the high redox potential in the surface sediments, acid-volatile sulfide was not a significant binding phase. The sequential extraction results showed that the residual phase (forms in lattices of primary and secondary minerals) was the major Cu fraction in the first two pond sediments but carbonate-bound, Fe/Mn oxide-bound and organically bound Cu, as well as the residual fraction, seemed equally important in the third pond. Careful disposal of the Cu-laden pond sediment is necessary.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Defense and avoidance of ozone under global change
Tausz, M. | Grulke, N.E. | Wieser, G.
The level II approach of the critical loads concept adopted by the UNECE aims at a flux based evaluation and takes into account environmental factors governing stomatal conductance. These factors will probably be affected by global change. The flux concept predicts that a decrease in stomatal conductance would protect trees from air pollution effects by decreasing uptake. However, experimental evidence is inconclusive. Numerous results suggest that pollutants and factors subject to global change (drought, CO2) may interact and even exacerbate effects, probably because antioxidative defense systems are involved in both, defense against pollutant effects and protection from natural stress. An effective pollutant dose, which is weighted by physiological defense capacity, would better predict such effects. In this review paper we argue that the flux-based approach is imperfect, because global change effects may also modify the physiological susceptibility to ozone. Instead, a flux concept weighted by defense capacity should be tested. Modeling of ozone effects on plants should include a measure for the plant defense capacity.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impact of elevated CO2 and nitrogen fertilization on foliar elemental composition in a short rotation poplar plantation
Marinari, S. | Calfapietra, C. | De Angelis, P. | Mugnozza, G.S. | Grego, S.
The experiment was carried out on a short rotation coppice culture of poplars (POP-EUROFACE, Central Italy), growing in a free air carbon dioxide enriched atmosphere (FACE). The specific objective of this work was to study whether elevated CO2 and fertilization (two CO2 treatments, elevated CO2 and control, two N fertilization treatments, fertilized and unfertilized), as well as the interaction between treatments caused an unbalanced nutritional status of leaves in three poplar species (P. x euramericana, P. nigra and P. alba). Finally, we discuss the ecological implications of a possible change in foliar nutrients concentration. CO2 enrichment reduced foliar nitrogen and increased the concentration of magnesium; whereas nitrogen fertilization had opposite effects on leaf nitrogen and magnesium concentrations. Moreover, the interaction between elevated CO2 and N fertilization amplified some element unbalances such as the K/N-ratio. CO2 enrichment reduced foliar nitrogen and increased the magnesium concentration in poplar.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Use of ethylenediurea (EDU) to ameliorate ozone effects on purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
Szantoi, Z. | Chappelka, A.H. | Muntifering, R.B. | Somers, G.L.
Purple coneflower plants (Echinacea purpurea) were placed into open-top chambers (OTCs) for 6 and 12 weeks in 2003 and 2004, respectively, and exposed to charcoal-filtered air (CF) or twice-ambient (2x) ozone (O3) in 2003, and to CF, 2x or non-filtered (NF), ambient air in 2004. Plants were treated with ethylenediurea (EDU) weekly as a foliar spray. Foliar symptoms were observed in >95% of the plants in 2x-treated OTCs in both years. Above-ground biomass was not affected by 2x treatments in 2003, but root and total-plant biomass decreased in 2004. As a result of higher concentrations of select cell wall constituents (% ADF, NDF and lignin) nutritive quality was lower for plants exposed to 2x-O3 in 2003 and 2004 (26% and 17%, respectively). Significant EDU x O3 interactions for concentrations of cell wall constituents in 2003 indicated that EDU ameliorated O3 effects on nutritive quality. Interactions observed in 2004 were inconsistent. EDU can potentially ameliorate negative effects of O3 on nutritive quality in purple coneflower.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Seasonal variation of sediment toxicity in the Rivers Dommel and Elbe
Hsu, P. | Matthai, A. | Heise, S. | Ahlf, W.
Contaminated sediment in the river basin has become a source of pollution with increasing importance to the aquatic ecosystem downstream. To monitor the temporal changes of the sediment bound contaminants in the River Elbe and the River Dommel monthly toxicity tests were applied to layered sediment and river water samples over the course of 10 months. There is an indication that contaminated sediments upstream adversely affected sediments downstream, but this process did not cause a continuous increase of sediment toxicity. A clear decrease of toxic effects in water and upper layer sediment was observed at the River Elbe station in spring related to high water discharge and algal blooms. The less obvious variation of sediment toxicity in the River Dommel could be explained by stable hydrological conditions. Future monitoring programmes should promote a more frequent and intensive sampling regime during these particular events for ecotoxicological evaluation. Significant impacts of hydrological and biological factors on the ecotoxicological quality in two European rivers (Elbe and Dommel).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Psidium guajava 'Paluma' (the guava plant) as a new bio-indicator of ozone in the tropics
Furlan, C.M. | Moraes, R.M. | Bulbovas, P. | Domingos, M. | Salatino, A. | Sanz, M.J.
Psidium guajava 'Paluma' saplings were exposed to carbon filtered air (CF), ambient non-filtered air (NF), and ambient non-filtered air + 40 ppb ozone (NF + O3) 8 h per day during two months. The AOT40 values at the end of the experiment were 48, 910 and 12 895 ppb h-1, respectively for the three treatments. After 5 days of exposure (AOT40 = 1497 ppb h-1), interveinal red stippling appeared in plants in the NF + O3 chamber. In the NF chamber, symptoms were observed only after 40 days of exposure (AOT40 = 880 ppb h-1). After 60 days, injured leaves per plant corresponded to 86% in NF + O3 and 25% in the NF treatment, and the average leaf area injured was 45% in NF + O3 and 5% in the NF treatment. The extent of leaf area injured (leaf injury index) was explained mainly by the accumulated exposure of ozone (r2 = 0.91; p < 0.05). Psidium guajava 'Paluma', a tropical species widely used in Brazilian food industry, is a potential sensitive bio-indicator of ozone.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Integrated effects of air pollution and climate change on forests: A northern hemisphere perspective
Bytnerowicz, A. | Omasa, K. | Paoletti, E.
Many air pollutants and greenhouse gases have common sources, contribute to radiative balance, interact in the atmosphere, and affect ecosystems. The impacts on forest ecosystems have been traditionally treated separately for air pollution and climate change. However, the combined effects may significantly differ from a sum of separate effects. We review the links between air pollution and climate change and their interactive effects on northern hemisphere forests. A simultaneous addressing of the air pollution and climate change effects on forests may result in more effective research, management and monitoring as well as better integration of local, national and global environmental policies. Simultaneous addressing air pollution and climate change effects on forests is an opportunity for capturing synergies in future research and monitoring.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Intercontinental transport of aerosols and photochemical oxidants from Asia and its consequences
Wuebbles, D.J. | Lei, H. | Lin, JT.
The intercontinental transport of aerosols and photochemical oxidants from Asia is a crucial issue for air quality concerns in countries downwind of the significant emissions and concentrations of pollutants occurring in this important region of the world. Since the lifetimes of some important pollutants are long enough to be transported over long distance in the troposphere, regional control strategies for air pollution in downwind countries might be ineffective without considering the effects of long-range transport of pollutants from Asia. Field campaigns provide strong evidence for the intercontinental transport of Asian pollutants. They, together with ground-based observations and model simulations, show that the air quality over parts of North America is being affected by the pollutants transported from Asia. This paper examines the current understanding of the intercontinental transport of gases and aerosols from Asia and resulting effects on air quality, and on the regional and global climate system. Air quality over parts of North America is being affected by pollutants transported from Asia.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Spatial and temporal variability of sediment deposition on artificial-lawn traps in a floodplain of the River Elbe
Baborowski, M. | Büttner, O. | Morgenstern, P. | Krüger, F. | Lobe, I. | Rupp, H. | Tumpling, W.V.
Artificial-lawn mats were used as sediment traps in floodplains to measure sediment input and composition during flood events. To estimate the natural variability, 10 traps were installed during two flood waves at three different morphological units in a meander loop of the River Elbe. The geochemical composition of deposited and suspended matter was compared. The sediment input showed weak correlations with concentration and composition of river water. It also correlated poorly with flood duration and level as well as distance of trap position from the main river. This is due to the high variability of the inundation, different morphological conditions and the variability of sources. The composition of the deposits and the suspended matter in the river water was comparable. Hence, for the investigated river reach, the expected pollution of the floodplain sediments can be derived from the pollution of the suspended matter in the river during the flood wave. The deposition of polluted sediments on floodplains is characterised by a high local variability.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Geochemical and isotopic constraints on groundwater-surface water interactions in a highly anthropized site. The Wolfen/Bitterfeld megasite (Mulde subcatchment, Germany)
Petelet-Giraud, E. | Negrel, Ph | Gourcy, L. | Schmidt, C. | Schirmer, M.
The Bitterfeld/Wolfen region is a megasite with multiple contaminant sources from more than a century of industrial activity, which have a considerable impact on the environment. At present, the contaminated groundwater covers an area of about 25 km2 and poses a threat for the surrounding aquifers and the Mulde River. This study focuses on the Schachtgraben, a man-made channel in the Mulde Floodplain that collects the effluents of the industrial area. It aims to characterise the relationship between surface water (channels, rivers) and the groundwater in the shallow Quaternary aquifer. Waters are Ca-SO4 type with TDS reaching 3.8 g L-1 in the industrial area. Stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H) show that two of the rivers are recharged mainly by groundwater that can be divided into two groups. Strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) designate different geochemical end-members and enable the identification of mixing between natural and anthropogenic surface and groundwater. Modern geochemical and isotope techniques demonstrated groundwater to be the main source of surface water pollution in a hotspot of pollution in the Elbe Watershed.
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