AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Pollution ]
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Résultats 81-90 de 121

Total airborne mercury and its possible origin


Brosset, C. (Swedish Water and Air Pollution Research Inst., Goeteborg (Sweden))

European Union - Belgium

Reactions of chrome tannery sludge with organic and mineral soils


Wickliff, C. (US Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, Oregon (USA). Corvallis Environmental Research Lab.) | Volk, V.V. | Tingey, D.T. | Griffis, W.L. | Trunk, M.Y. | Witherow, J.L.

European Union - Belgium

Effect of heavy metals on microorganisms in soils near secondary lead smelter


Bisessar, S. (Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto (Canada). Phytotoxicology Section)

European Union - Belgium

Aluminium toxicity to fish in acidic waters


Baker, J.P. (Duke Univ., Durham, NC (USA). School of Forestry and Environmental Studies) | Schofield, C.L.

European Union - Belgium

Occurrence and distribution of chemical pollutants in Lake Mariut, Egypt, 1: residues of organochlorine pesticides


Saad, M.A.H. (Alexandria Univ. (Egypt). Oceanographic Dept.) | Abu Elamayem, M.M. | El-Sebae, A.H. | Sharaf, I.F.

European Union - Belgium

Fecal coliform densities in a western watershed [irrigation, river basin, Colorado]


Psaris, P.J. (Black and Veatch, Denver, Col. (USA)) | Hendricks, D.W.

European Union - Belgium

Potential effects of acid precipitation on soil nitrogen and productivity of forest ecosystems


Aber, J.D. (Wisconsin Univ., Madison (USA). Dept. of Forestry) | Hendrey, G.R. | Botkin, D.B. | Francis, A.J. | Melillo, J.M.

European Union - Belgium

The effect of pH and calcium on fish and fisheries


Brown, D.J.A. (CERL Freshwater Biology Unit, Nottingham (UK). Midlands Region Scientific Services Dept.)

European Union - Belgium

Oxidant effects on forest tree seedling growth in the Appalachian Mountains [USA]


Duchelle, S.F. | Skelly, J.M. | Chevone, B.I. (Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg, VA (USA). Dept. of Plant Pathology and Physiology)

European Union - Belgium

The influence of surface structure on predicted particle dry deposition to natural grass canopies


Davidson, C.I. | Miller, J.M. | Pleskow, M.A. (Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA (USA). Depts. of Civil Engineering and Public Policy)

European Union - Belgium