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Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) load, lipid reserves and biotransformation activity in migrating Atlantic salmon from River Mörrum, Sweden
Hansson, Maria C. | Persson, Maria E. | Larsson, Per | Schantz, Torbjörn von
Atlantic salmon accumulate high levels of contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in their lipids during the adult growth phase spent at sea. The lipids are later utilized during migration for swimming and biological adaptations. We hypothesize that migrating salmons' biotransformation processes are affected by the high levels of built-up PCBs compared to salmon that in a pre-migrational stage. For these analyses we sampled adult Atlantic salmon during migration in the Swedish River Mörrum and measured the 21 most common PCB congeners (∑PCB) and lipid levels in muscle tissue, aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR2) and cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1) transcript levels as well as ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase activity (EROD) in liver. We also determined which AHR2 genotypes the salmon carried. We show that EROD activity is correlated to CYP1A1 level but not to ∑PCB concentration. ∑PCB concentration does not predict levels of neither the AHR2 nor CYP1A1 genes. We find no associations between specific AHR2 transcription levels and AHR2 genotypes or a correlation between AHR2 and CYP1A1 transcription levels, which is in direct contrast to pre-migrational adult salmon from the Baltic Sea. When we compare River Mörrum to salmon we have previously sampled in the Baltic Sea we show that migrating salmon have significantly lower lipid levels in their muscles; higher muscle concentrations of ∑PCB on a lipid basis; and significantly lower CYP1A1 and EROD levels compared to salmon from the Baltic Sea. Also, transcript levels of three out of four AHR2 genes are significantly different. In conclusion, migrating Swedish Atlantic salmon carry higher concentrations of PCBs in their lipids compared to salmon in the Baltic Sea, but have lower activation of biotransformation genes and enzymes. Our results indicate that accumulated pollutants from the Baltic Sea are deactivated inside the migrating salmon's lipid tissues and increase in concentration when migration is initiated thereby limiting their impact on biotransformation processes. Migrating Atlantic salmon in the Swedish River Mörrum carry high PCB concentrations in their lipids but have low activation of biotransformation enzymes in the liver compared with salmon from the Baltic Sea
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Photolytic degradation of methyl-parathion and fenitrothion in ice and water: Implications for cold environments
Weber, Jan | Kurková, Romana | Klánová, Jana | Klán, Petr | Halsall, Crispin J.
Here we investigate the photodegradation of structurally similar organophosphorus pesticides; methyl-parathion and fenitrothion in water (20 °C) and ice (−15 °C) under environmentally-relevant conditions with the aim of comparing these laboratory findings to limited field observations. Both compounds were found to be photolyzed more efficiently in ice than in aqueous solutions, with quantum yields of degradation being higher in ice than in water (fenitrothion > methyl-parathion). This rather surprising observation was attributed to the concentration effect caused by freezing the aqueous solutions. The major phototransformation products included the corresponding oxons (methyl-paraoxon and fenitroxon) and the nitrophenols (3-methyl-nitrophenol and nitrophenol) in both irradiated water and ice samples. The presence of oxons in ice following irradiation, demonstrates an additional formation mechanism of these toxicologically relevant compounds in cold environments, although further photodegradation of oxons in ice indicates that photochemistry of OPs might be an environmentally important sink in cold environments. Photodegradation of methyl-parathion and fenitrothion in water and ice under environmentally-relevant conditions is described.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Origin of polluted air masses in the Alps. An overview and first results for MONARPOP
Kaiser, August
The contribution of ZAMG to MONAROP consists of special weather forecasts to control the SOCs sampling procedure and of the analysis of the specific transport processes for SOCs, which is still in progress. In this paper, air pollutant transport into the Alps is demonstrated by examples of inorganic pollutants: Measurements of NOx and ozone provide evidence for air pollutant transport by local wind systems (valley and slope winds), especially at low elevated sites of the Alps. In addition, trajectory analyses for the high elevation sites demonstrate the importance of large scale synoptic air pollutant transport. The effects of these transport processes with different spatial and temporal scales are governed by the physical and chemical properties of the particular pollutant. First results for the high alpine MONARPOP stations show that air masses from east Europe influence mostly Sonnblick (Austria), whereas the influence of the Po basin is strongest at Weissfluhjoch (Switzerland). Effects of meteorological transport processes on air pollution in the Alps are demonstrated by examples of inorganic pollutants and first conclusions for SOCs are drawn.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Spatial distribution and vertical profile of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, tetrabromobisphenol A, and decabromodiphenylethane in river sediment from an industrialized region of South China
Zhang, Xiu-Lan | Luo, Xiao-Jun | Chen, She-Jun | Wu, Jiang-Ping | Mai, Bi-Xian
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), and decabromodiphenylethane (DBDPE) were detected in fifteen surface sediments and two sediment cores collected from a river in one heavily industrialized region of South China. TBBPA and DBDPE were detected with concentrations ranging from 3.8 to 230 ng/g dw and from 23 to 430 ng/g dw, respectively. Σtri-hepta-BDEs and Σnona-deca-BDEs ranged from 0.7 to 7.6 ng/g dw and from 30 to 5700 ng/g dw, respectively. Σtri-hepta-BDEs showed an increasing trend whereas for Σnona-deca-BDE two sediment cores revealed a decreasing trend in more recent sediment layers which may attributed to the introduction of DBDPE. The rapid increasing trend for TBBPA and DBDPE in recent sediment layers well reflected the rising demand of these two compounds in study area. Ubiquitous and historical contamination by PBDE, TBBPA, and DBDPE in river sediments from an industrialized region of South China
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Assessment of atmospheric sulfur with the epilithic moss Haplocladium microphyllum: Evidences from tissue sulfur and δ34S analysis
Liu, Xue-Yan | Xiao, Hua-Yuan | Liu, Cong-Qiang | Xiao, Hong-Wei | Wang, Yan-Li
The application of geochemical signals in mosses is more and more popular to investigate the deposition of atmospheric pollutants, but it is unclear whether records of atmospheric sulfur in mosses differ between their diverse habitats. This study aimed to investigate the influence of growing condition on tissue sulfur and δ³⁴S of Haplocladium microphyllum. Epilithic and terricolous mosses in open fields, mosses under different canopy conditions were considered. We found that tissue sulfur and δ³⁴S of mosses under different habitats were not consistent and could not be compared for atmospheric sulfur research with each other even collected at the same site, moss sulfur and δ³⁴S records would be distorted by subsoil and upper canopies in different degrees, which possibly mislead the interpretation of atmospheric sulfur level and sources. Consequently, mosses on open rocks can be used reliably to assess atmospheric-derived sulfur in view of their identical sulfur and δ³⁴S evidences. Mosses on open rocky surfaces are reliable bioindicators of atmospheric sulfur deposition.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Assessment of present and future risk to Italian forests and human health: Modelling and mapping
A review of ozone pollution in Italy shows levels largely above the thresholds established by EU regulation for vegetation and human health protection. The Italian air quality monitoring network appears quantitatively inadequate to cover all the territorial surface, because of scarcity and unequal distribution of monitoring sites. By applying the integrated assessment model RAINS-Italy to the year 2000, the whole of Italy exceeds the AOT40 critical level for forest, while Northern and central areas show strong potential of O3 impact on human health with 11% of territory >10 O3-induced premature deaths. Two scenarios for the year 2020, the Current Legislation and the Maximum Technical Feasible Reduction, show a reduction of AOT40Forest by 29% and 44%, SOMO35 by 31% and 47%, and O3-induced premature deaths by 32% and 48%, compared to 2000. RAINS-Italy can be used to improve the map quality and cover areas not reached by the national monitoring network. AOT40 and SOMO35 are and will be high enough to affect forest and human health all over Italy.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Introducing an integrated climate change perspective in POPs modelling, monitoring and regulation
This paper presents a review on the implications of climate change on the monitoring, modelling and regulation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Current research gaps are also identified and discussed. Long-term data sets are essential to identify relationships between climate fluctuations and changes in chemical species distribution. Reconstructing the influence of climatic changes on POPs environmental behaviour is very challenging in some local studies, and some insights can be obtained by the few available dated sediment cores or by studying POPs response to inter-annual climate fluctuations. Knowledge gaps and future projections can be studied by developing and applying various modelling tools, identifying compounds susceptibility to climate change, local and global effects, orienting international policies. Long-term monitoring strategies and modelling exercises taking into account climate change should be considered when devising new regulatory plans in chemicals management. Climate change implications on POPs are addressed here with special attention to monitoring, modelling and regulation issues.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Mercury bioaccumulation and risk to three waterbird foraging guilds is influenced by foraging ecology and breeding stage
We evaluated mercury (Hg) in five waterbird species representing three foraging guilds in San Francisco Bay, CA. Fish-eating birds (Forster's and Caspian terns) had the highest Hg concentrations in thier tissues, but concentrations in an invertebrate-foraging shorebird (black-necked stilt) were also elevated. Foraging habitat was important for Hg exposure as illustrated by within-guild differences, where species more associated with marshes and salt ponds had higher concentrations than those more associated with open-bay and tidal mudflats. Importantly, Hg concentrations increased with time spent in the estuary. Surf scoter concentrations tripled over six months, whereas Forster's terns showed an up to 5-fold increase between estuary arrival and breeding. Breeding waterbirds were at elevated risk of Hg-induced reproductive impairment, particularly Forster's terns, in which 48% of breeding birds were at high risk due to their Hg levels. Our results highlight the importance of habitat and exposure timing, in addition to trophic position, on waterbird Hg bioaccumulation and risk. The influence of foraging habitat, trophic position, and exposure timing on mercury bioaccumulation and risk to reproduction is evaluated in three waterbird guilds.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Modelling the risk of Pb and PAH intervention value exceedance in allotment soils by robust logistic regression
Soils of allotments are often contaminated by heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants. In particular, lead (Pb) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) frequently exceed legal intervention values (IVs). Allotments are popular in European countries; cities may own and let several thousand allotment plots. Assessing soil contamination for all the plots would be very costly. Soil contamination in allotments is often linked to gardening practice and historic land use. Hence, we predict the risk of IV exceedance from attributes that characterize the history and management of allotment areas (age, nearby presence of pollutant sources, prior land use). Robust logistic regression analyses of data of Swiss allotments demonstrate that the risk of IV exceedance can be predicted quite precisely without costly soil analyses. Thus, the new method allows screening many allotments at small costs, and it helps to deploy the resources available for soil contamination surveying more efficiently. The contamination of allotment soils, expressed as frequency of intervention value exceedance, depends on the age and further attributes of the allotments and can be predicted by logistic regression.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Volatile organic compounds from Italian vegetation and their interaction with ozone
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emitted from vegetation (particularly isoprenoids) represent an important source of atmospheric hydrocarbons almost double the anthropogenic source. When biogenic VOC mix with NOx in the presence of UV radiation, ozone (O3) is formed. In Italy, optimal conditions for O3 formation in terms of VOC/NOx ratios and abundance of UV radiation occur for long periods of the year. Moreover, Italian vegetation includes several species that are strong and evergreen isoprenoid emitters, and high temperatures for part of the year further stimulate these temperature-dependent emissions. We review emission of isoprenoids from Italian vegetation, current knowledge on the impact of rising O3 levels on isoprenoid emission, and evidence showing that isoprenoids can increase both the O3 flux to the plant and protection against oxidative stress because of their antioxidant functions. This trait not only influences plant tolerance to O3 but also may substantially alter the flux of O3 between atmosphere and biosphere. The capacity to emit isoprenoids confers to plants tolerance to O3 and alters the flux of O3 between atmosphere and biosphere.
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