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Effect of lead increments on the yield and lead content of tomato plants
Balba, A.M. (Alexandria Univ. (Egypt). Dept. of Soil and Water Sciences) | El Shibiny, G. | El-Khatib, E.S.
Characterization of phytotoxic aluminum in soil solutions from phosphogypsum amended soils
Alva, A.K. (Florida Univ., Lake Alfred, FL (USA). Citrus Research and Education Center) | Sumner, M.E.
Seasonal cycle of polychlorinated biphenyls in the waters of the catchment basin of the river Seine (France)
Chevreuil, M. (Paris Univ. (France). Inst. d'Hydrologie et de Climatologie) | Granier, L.
Long-term changes in the Cu, Pb, and Zn content of forest soil organic horizons from north-east Scotland
Billett, M.F. (Aberdeen Univ. (United Kingdom). Dept. of Plant and Soil Science) | Fitzpatrick, E.A. | Cresser, M.S.
Distribution and budget of cadmium and lead in an agricultural region near Adelaide, South Australia
Merry, R.H. (Division of Soils CSIRO, Glen Osmond, SA (Australia)) | Tiller, K.G.
Relationships between the partitioning of lead in sediments and its accumulation in the marine mussel, Mytilus edulis near a lead smelter
Bourgoin, B.P. (Trent Univ., Peterborough, Ont. (Canada). Environmental and Resource Studies Program) | Risk, M.J. | Evans, R.D. | Cornett, R.J.
Uptake of selenium by freshwater phytoplankton
Riedel, G.F. (Academy of Natural Sciences, Benedict, MD (USA). Benedict Estuarine Research Lab.) | Ferrier, D.P. | Sanders, J.G.
Mercury in plants, soil and atmosphere near a chlor-alkali complex
Maserti, B.E. (Istituto di Biofisica C.N.R., Pisa (Italy)) | Ferrara, R.
Needle and lichen sulphur analysis on two industrial gradients
Manninen, S. (Oulu Univ. (Finland). Dept. of Botany) | Huttunen, S. | Torvela, H.
Nutritional status of declining spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.): effect of soil organic matter turnover rate
Hambuckers, A. (Liege Univ. (Belgium). Dept. of Microbial Ecology) | Remacle, J.