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Heavy metal accumulations in forest soils along an urban-rural gradient in southeastern New York, USA
Pouyat, R.V. (Northeastern Forest Experiment Station USDA, Syracuse, NY (USA)) | McDonnell, M.J.
Risk assessment of some heavy metals for the growth of Norway spruce
Lamersdorf, N.P. (Goettingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Inst. of Soil Science and Forest Nutrition) | Godbold, D.L. | Knoche, D.
Effect of pH on the bioaccumulation of low level, dissolved methylmercury by rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Ponce, R.A. (Brooks Rand Ltd., Seattle, WA (USA)) | Bloom, N.S.
Heavy metal effects on soil populations and heavy metal tolerance of Rhizobium meliloti, nodulation, and growth of alfalfa
Angle, J.S. (Maryland Univ., College Park, MD (USA). Dept. of Agronomy) | Chaney, R.L.
Highway pollution
Hamilton, Ronald S. | Harrison, Roy M.
Freshwater pollution | Global freshwater quality
Wheal, Caroline
Testing aluminum-chelate equilibria models using sorghum root growth as a bioassay for aluminum
Shuman, L.M. (Georgia Univ., Griffin, GA (USA). Dept. of Agronomy) | Wilson, D.O. | Ramseur, E.L.
Effects of selected trace metals on germinating seeds of six plant species
Carlson, C.L. (Savannah River Ecology Lab., Aiken, SC (USA). Biogeochemistry Div.) | Adriano, D.C. | Sajwan, K.S. | Abels, S.L. | Thoma, D.P. | Driver, J.T.
The transfer of cadmium from sewage-sludge amended soils into the edible components of food crops
Jackson, A.P. (London Univ. (United Kingdom). Dept. of Geography) | Alloway, B.J.
Effect of lead increments on the yield and lead content of tomato plants
Balba, A.M. (Alexandria Univ. (Egypt). Dept. of Soil and Water Sciences) | El Shibiny, G. | El-Khatib, E.S.