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Producing disease-free citrus plants: the Corsican experience
Vanniere, H. (Institut de Recherches sur les Fruits et Agrumes, San Nicolao (France))
Indexing, the ELISA test, Spiroplasma citri culturing, nucellar selection and shoot tip grafting are procedures used in Corsica to maintain virus-free budwood. Corsica has managed to remain free of the major diseases of citrus: Tristeza, Phoma tracheiphila (mal secco), Spiroplasma citri (stubborn) greening and Xanthomonas citri (citrus canker)
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Improving banana phytosanitation and banana production through shoot tip culture
Ganry, J. (Centre de Cooperation International en Recherche Agronomique pour le Developpement, Montpellier (France). Institut de Recherches sur les Fruits et Agrumes)
The advantages of shoot tip planting material in banana production are briefly outlined. The production scheme and ongoing research at IRFA/Vitropic are summarised
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Spreading mechanism, epidemiology and susceptibility test of Black Sigatoka and Sigatoka diseases
Lehmann-Danzinger, H. (Goettingen Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Institut fur Pflanzenpathologie und Pflanzenschutz)
The leaf spot diseases of bananas and plantains, Sigatoka and Black Sigatoka, caused by Mycosphaerella musicola and M. fijiensis var. difformis are distributed worldwide and only in Central America respectively. Epidemiological studies are described in detail including seventy of the pathogens at different sites and correlation with climatic data. Susceptibilities of different banana and plantain genomic groups were found to be nearly identical for both diseases except that Black Sigatoka is more virulent so that both pathogens occupy the same ecological niche. A method developed to test the susceptibility of musa clones to Black Sigatoka using plantlets derived from shoot tip culture is described
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