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The energy wood resource availability from commercial thinnings in Latvia
Osis, M., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The article presents the part of PhD studies of the energy wood harvesting technologies in thinning, and its development possibilities. A possibility for energy wood procurement and use in Latvia as a good amount of not used energy, including estimation of how much wood for energy purposes could be available in Latvia is analyzed. Research has been made in two parts using forest stands cutting area in three different ages to get an average volume of energy wood per ha. First part of the research has been done in a 60 years old forest stand cutting area in the way that total chips volume is measured and then recalculated to the thinning area. The average volume from studied forest stand was 20.32 m**3 haE-1. The second part of the study shows that from 30 till 45 years old forest stands cutting area by the measuring possible removal tress, the energy wood volume could be 23.74 – 33.5 m**3 haE-1. Including the slash from this forest stands cutting area the possible volume of wood for energy purposes could be ~ 33 – 47 m**3 haE-1. The calculations also have been done to study available energy wood resources from whole forest stands thinning area. Totally the available energy wood volume in Latvian conditions is 0.85 million m3 yrE-1.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Review about investigations of Salix spp. in Europe
Pucka, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Lazdina, D., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
Willow species are nowadays extensively studied. Species are being investigated to evaluate their use and role in various sectors of national economy. The use of willows in short rotation coppice (SRC) for biomass and energy production has a priority in the European Union policy. There are many countries that have grants and financial aid system for so-called ‘green energy’ production. Willow species also have other economically and ecologically important features: resistance to contaminants, strong root system, high tannin contents, decorative, etc. Willow SRC systems are used for phytoremediation and in wastewater purification, in combination with biomass production. There are several countries of Eastern Europe researching adequacy of the willow SRC for the farmland contaminated by radionuclides segregated from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. Willows are used for quarry restoration, water sludge treatment, erosion control etc, but the most important field at the moment is the biomass production.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Potential areas of low productivity agriculture lands for SRC [short rotation coppice] energy wood production in Vidzeme region [Latvia]
Makovskis, K., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Lazdina, D., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
Aim of the paper is to identify low productivity lands distribution in Vidzeme region, identify enterprises that could use wood chips from willow plantations established on these lands as the main resource in electricity and heat production and calculate produced wood ash amount from these enterprises that could be used as fertilizer and could be recycled in SRC plantations. For better soil fertility evaluation and economic turn predictions all agricultural lands are evaluated in quality units, where one quality unit in money is equal to 5.38 EUR or 70 kg of rye. According to studies, traditional farming in lands, which are below 38 quality units, could be unproductive. In Vidzeme region are 501,880 ha of agriculture lands from which 206,574 ha (52%) are lands with quality assessment under 38 units. According to local farmers’ opinion, the real quality unit, below which economically profitable farming is impossible, are 25 quality units. There are 87,900 ha of agricultural lands under 25 quality units, which represent 18% from all agricultural lands in region. These lands could be used by growing SRC plantations in 2013; the region has 48 enterprises that used wood chips, with total amount of 170,500 oven-dried tonnes per year. Wood chips from SRC plantation could be used in these enterprises. To fulfil the wood chip demand in the region, about 17,000 – 34,000 ha of agricultural land should be planted with SRC plantations. To increase the yields from these lands, fertilization is recommended. In this region are more than 300 enterprises, which use wood as the main resource for electricity or heat production leading to 14,000 oven-dried tons of wood ash production every year.
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