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Ensemble work for pupils' self-regulated learning
Arnicane, A., Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (Latvia)
Music schools in Latvia provide pupils with musical education both in the towns and rural areas of Latvia. Studies include instrumental playing, history of music, and music theory lessons. An actual pedagogical problem at the time is activation of pupils' learning. Self-regulated learning acquires significant meaning for pupils' future life. A way of helping pupils' self-regulation in learning is differentiation of learning methods and forms. The aim of the paper is to research the meaning of music schools' ensemble work (collective performance) for enhancing pupils' self-regulated learning. Learning is a process where an individual inherits accumulated experience of the society acquires skills, knowledge, attitudes, enhances his experience, individually and responsibly working and discovering himself, nature and society. Learning as an activity is based on learning experience. According to L.S. Vygotsky's theory of learning, the cultural development depends upon social interaction. The use of ensemble work (collective performance) in school as a form of learning activity and method observes a reciprocal movement towards didactic goal, includes the components of due learning contents (knowledge, skills, instrumental playing experience, attitudes), the results of learning process and its evaluation. Analysis of the obtained data shows that music teachers choose ensemble work as method and form of teaching to indirectly influence the self-regulated learning of pupils, whereas the pupils do not fully understand the significance of ensemble work for enhancing self-regulated learning techniques.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Teacher education: the focus on doctoral studies
Luse, N., Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (Latvia)
The Bologna Process started in 1999, aiming to elaborate an overarching framework of qualifications for the European Higher Education Area. The doctoral level as the third cycle was introduced for promoting closer links between research and higher education. The implementation of doctoral programme of pedagogy has strengthened the area of educational research. The general goal of the doctoral education is to provide doctoral students with an in-depth knowledge of the field of research and the capability to produce novel scientific knowledge independently. The aim of the paper is to characterize the realisation of teachers' education as doctoral training in the context of Bologna Process strategies. The seminar in Salzburg set up ten basic principles concerning doctoral education. Learning outcomes in the field of research training are one of the basic building blocks of European higher education quality. The quality of teachers' education on doctoral studies level is depending on advanced learning outcomes of an individual. The goals of doctoral education are increasing internationalisation, co-operation between academies, promoting academic careers and establishing post-doctoral positions. The investigation about research training was carried out at Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy doctoral study programme in pedagogy. A questionnaire about aspects of doctoral studies was developed for obtaining information for analysis and was given to teachers (doctoral students). Respondents were asked to complete the questionnaire focusing on learning outcomes. The estimation of the results was made summing the answers, and the percentage was calculated. Feedback from doctoral students plays an important role in the further development of the curricula.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The physical activities and healthy eating habits of the post-graduate students of Latvia University of Agriculture
Markevics, M., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Markevica, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
This study was conducted to investigate the lifestyle of post-graduate students. The purpose of the present study was to find out opinion of the post-graduate students how significant are physical activities and healthy eating in their life. The study was initiated due to the growing knowledge of the importance of healthy food. The study was carried out by using empirical methods and the opinion of post-graduate students living in Latvia analysed. The authors have used questionnaire method and in February 2008 received answers from 86 respondents who are the post-graduate students of Latvia University of Agriculture (LLU). Studies showed that the biggest part of research subjects appreciates the importance of physical activities and healthy eating, and treats it as a positive part of the post-graduate studies process.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The professional readiness to purpose pedagogical work during the teaching practice in the school educational environment
Baltusīte, R., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The article deals with the issue of the impact of teaching practice on training of the future educators. At the Institute of Education and Home Management of the Latvia University of Agriculture, approaches of human pedagogy and education lie at the basis of the conceptual grounds of the school practice. The phases of the school practice are characterized and the readiness obtained by the students within the training are discussed. In every phase of the school practice, students gradually adapt themselves to the school, pedagogic and educational environments. Results of student survey on the development of readiness to pedagogic work in school educational environment and the developing role of competency are presented.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Development of critical thinking for medical students in chemistry course
Kazusa, I., Riga Stradins Univ. (Latvia)
Placing emphasis on high level of responsibility, professionalism and tendency for improvement is expected from medical students. A continuous flow of information puts medical students in front of a choice between the already known and the new. It is therefore necessary to think flexibly and to be ready to verify information and admit mistakes – it is necessary to be able to think critically. While studying chemistry in Riga Stadiņš University, students have an opportunity to use critical thinking methods for certain purposes – investigation of laws of nature. Development of critical thinking therefore is an integral component rather than the goal of medical education. A complex education method with linked didactic methods was developed – the goals are development of critical thinking during practical work, development of study process organization skills, and critical analysis of information, situation modelling, self-assessment and self-dependence. In order for used didactic methods to work, levels of student qualification were taken in consideration and students were offered an opportunity to evaluate their work themselves. By adapting different forms of studying to each topic of theoretic course and practical work, it was possible to find the most effective as proven by student questionnaires. As research shows, the most effective didactic methods are: 1) special assignments where students have to verify given facts; 2) situations where students are directed towards intensified analysis of conditions of assignment; 3) mastering of science-based research principles which include promotion of theories, practical testing, result analysis, and conclusion drawing.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Role of university lifelong learning process implementation
Jurgelane, I., Riga Technical Univ. (Latvia) | Grizane, T., School of Business Administration Turiba, Riga (Latvia) | Jankova, L., Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (Latvia)
Nowadays the need for a qualitative, accessible and varied lifelong learning is becoming more and more necessary. In Latvia, different institutions take part in the implementation of lifelong learning; however, in spite of the negative factors of demography and migration, changes of work force supply and demand, investment and information shortage, the role of universities has not been properly investigated. The role of higher education in lifelong learning was studied in 9 state universities of Latvia in the period of 2013 – 2015. Monographic analysis and method of synthesis, data statistical research methods – grouping, comparison, relative and average indicators, as well as dynamics line analysis was used in the article. The study proved that the number of occupied work places has increased in 2015. However, it has not reached the average of ten and seven years since 2006 and 2009. Comparing with the free vacancies, the number of them has increased by 2164, especially in the profession group specialists and senior specialists, which as well as executives, is the target audience of universities, which in its turn is a lifelong learning event insufficiently used potential. The universities have suffered because of demographic and migration factors: the rate of student number increases (-9.4%). In order to reach the goals of education politics, universities try to direct education function from studies to lifelong learning; they try to improve existing lifelong learning courses and programs, as well as to propose new ones in order to offer something for workforce corrections.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Career-related possible selves of rural adolescents
Pavulens, J., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The first independent career related decisions are made during the ninth grade of the elementary school when the further educational institution is selected. The concept of possible selves can be used in career education to help students increase self-awareness, explore and generate options, and formulate plans to achieve future goals. The aim of the article is to examine rural adolescents’ ability to generate career-related possible selves and plausible strategies to attain these possible selves. On the basis of the Possible Selves Theory, the open-ended measure was developed by the author. The pilot research was carried out in Latvia in January 2013. Forty six nine-graders from two rural elementary schools and two rural secondary schools participated in the research. Next year and adult possible selves generated by rural adolescents include such domains as education, employment, leisure activities, physical and personal development, as well as interpersonal relationships and lifestyle. The most important ones are domains of education and employment. Statistically significant differences of the results among the gender subgroups are not found in the research, statistically significant differences exist between the possible selves and their attaining strategies generated by rural secondary school students and rural elementary school students.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Students’ opinions about the prospective hospitality manager’s competitiveness during pedagogical experiment
Iriste, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Katane, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Academic staff of higher education institutions has to extend students’ vision and promote their variability of views on competitiveness in order to promote prospective hospitality managers’ competitiveness. The aim and goal of academic activities of the university teaching staff is to search for appropriate or relevant means and provide the necessary conditions to foster the students’ thinking and understanding of the concept of ‘competitiveness’ according to a new paradigm of this notion. The pedagogical experiment was carried out at the Latvia University of Agriculture. The aim of the study was to promote the opinions’ change regarding the notion of prospective hospitality managers’ competitiveness; the developed competitiveness self-assessment method was used as a pedagogical tool. The results of the research (the concluding statistics of the Wilcoxon test and the Sign Test) show that the students’ opinions regarding the notion of prospective hospitality managers’ competitiveness have significantly changed before and after their competitiveness self-assessment. Thus the theoretically grounded method of competitiveness self-assessment approved by students and experts, including a questionnaire of the students’ survey, significantly extended the students’ vision as a pedagogical tool influencing the opinions regarding competitiveness notion among representatives of the prospective hospitality managers’ profession.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Entrepreneurship education at university: innovative models and current trends
Capiene, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Ragauskaite, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
Entrepreneurship education is a relevant topic in today’s study programs of higher education at two levels: as research object and as development of skills while preparing students. In fact, the latter is one of the most important objectives in Lithuanian universities aiming together with other disciplines at developing students’ entrepreneurial skills. The main aim of the article is to analyse theoretical and practical models of entrepreneurship education applied in universities and introduce development trends. Teaching process involves various methods, internships, consultation and instruction, but usually all activities are not systematically applied. From the behavioural perspective, this study analyses students towards entrepreneurship through the opportunity identification, motivational factors, information source, resources impact and entrepreneurial ability. Hypothetical deductive approach was used through a population sample of 194 students of Aleksandras Stulginskis University Faculty of Economics and management. The research summarized in this paper students attitude toward motives, factors encouraging and preventing entrepreneurship and information sources in the higher education institutions. The gap between teaching methods and student attitude towards at entrepreneurship educations can be reduced supplementing collaboration among stakeholders in the entrepreneurship education. In final part of the article, trends of entrepreneurship education in university enabling to assess dimensions of the development of entrepreneurship education are presented.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Awaiting Industry 4.0: transformation of tertiary education in the Baltic Countries and Finland
Jansons, E., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Rivza, B., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
Baltic States and Finland are vibrant regions with similar sized population and historical experience. Their adaptation to the new digital era is undermined by lack of professionals. Across the EU a major reason for labour shortage in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields professionals lies in the insufficient supply of higher education graduates due to stagnant enrolment rates in STEM fields. The aim of this research addresses the existing trends in tertiary STEM education in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. This includes the tasks of analysing the quantitative trends (enrolment and graduation) in the HEIs of Baltics and Finland over the period from 2013 to 2017 as well as analysing the structural changes taking place in the respective higher education systems from 2013 to 2018. The Baltic States combined have numerical advantages in terms of young people, and young professionals (25−34 year olds) with tertiary education. However, in terms of the number of students and graduates Finland is at the forefront. The largest proportion of students enrolling in STEM fields lie within Finland (33.9%) whereas the smallest one is in Latvia (24.0%). Finland is also a leader in the share and total number of information and communication technology (ICT) graduates. In the period 2013−2017 Latvia’s results improved in two (5th and 6th) of the STEM study fields, Lithuania made a remarkable result in one STEM (6th) field by 46.9%, Estonia saw a relative increase in the 5th and 6th study field while Finland experienced a numerical decrease in all three STEM fields.
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