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Research of liquid slurry processing in pig complex
Kazakeviciene, J., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst. | Struseviciene, S.M., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst. | Strusevicius, Z., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst.
The traditional way of dealing with manure - storage, transportation, spreading in the fields - is currently applied very successfully, but is economically very expensive. People complain about very unpleasant smells, which are caused by gasses (indole, merkaptanas, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia) being released from the manure. Scientists are searching for other ways of handling manure which try to convert it to less harmful substances, reduce its odour and at the same time make it thicker by extracting its water content. The aim of our work was to evaluate the composition of slurry after processing it mechanically, and to test the effectiveness of the application of new coagulants and flocculants on its clarification. Fresh liquid manure from 'Sajas' pig complex(Kelme district) and the liquid manure treated in biogas reactors from Lekėčiai pig complex (Šakiai district) was used for research (2006-2008). Anionic coagulants such as aluminium chloride (Al2Cl), ferrous chloride (Fe2Cl) and pollycrilamide cationic flocculant 'Magnofloc 1011' were applied to clarify manure. 40-44% of organic pollutants can be removed from the aerated sewage under constant processing by coagulants and flocculants. The best result in pollutant removal from sewage is achieved when it is processed with 1.5 kg mE-3 norm of aluminium saline (AlCl) and 3.0 g mE-3 norm of flocculant 'Magnofloc 1011'.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Influence of pig complex activities on the Šušvė River pollution with nitrogen compounds
Strusevičius, Z., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst. | Struseviciene, S.M., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst.
The research was made in the Šušvė river basin fertilized with organic fertilizer in the vicinity of a pig complex 'Litpirma' Ltd (25.0 thousand fattening pigs per year), Šiaulėnai local administration, Radviliškis district, in 2001-2006. This article presents total nitrogen concentrations and its amounts leaching from the complex to the basin, in the field drainage water and the Šušvė River (at a distance of 11.6 km from the pig complex). In the investigated Šušvė section, biologically treated wastewater from Šiaulėnai Township and the areas fertilized with organic fertilizers comes into the river. In total, 11.8 t of nitrogen come into the river, of which 4% (0.49 t) come from the township's wastewater, and the rest major part (96% or 11.3 t) is the drainage water coming from fertilized agricultural fields. The dynamics of nitrogen concentrations both in the river and in the drainage outlet is of a seasonal nature: in winter (January – March) concentrations were higher, and in warm season (April – November) – lower. The Šušvė pollution by total nitrogen, both above and below the pig complex activities range, almost all the research period was exceeding the limit (2 mg lE-1). Due to the pig complex activities and intensive agriculture, the runoff of nitrogen pollutants increases from 14.9 to 29.3% in the Šušvė River. This proves that the processes of spontaneous purification are not intensive enough to neutralize completely the pollution from such size pig complex in this particular section of the river.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Modernisation of manure management technologies in large pig complexes of Lithuania
Kazakeviciene, J., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania) | Struseviciene, S.M., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Kaunas (Lithuania). Water Management Inst.
Technologies of keeping livestock and management of manure pig complexes holdings built in the country under the Soviet regime no longer satisfy modern veterinary and environmental requirements. Conditions for the modernisation of such complexes were created as from 2000, when agricultural aid programmes (funds) appeared in Lithuania. Information about old and newly implemented manure management technologies, fertilisation value of manure, and quality of the drainage runoff from manure-fertilised fields has been collected in six large livestock companies. Analysis of collected data revealed that new livestock keeping, feeding and manure management technologies are more cost-effective in using energy and mineral resources and conform to the animal welfare, environmental protection and hygiene requirements that are becoming more and more stringent. As the traditional manure management in economic terms is quite expensive and has a significant impact on the environmental quality, academic community is looking for new manure processing methods. The global development of manure management technologies focuses on the manure processing in biogas plants. Biogas generated from liquid manure and animal waste in such plants is an alternative source of energy.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effectiveness of sedimentation ponds in forest drainage systems in heavy rain periods
Kalnins, J., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Petaja, G., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
Establishment of sedimentation ponds is a method to reduce the negative impact of forest management (fellings, drainage) on the quality of nearby rivers, lakes and streams. The aim of the study was to determine the efficiency of sedimentation ponds in forest drainage systems during high precipitation periods. Nine sedimentation ponds with different drainage areas were analysed. The sedimentation ponds are located in the northern part of Latvia on different types of soils and managed by the Joint Stock Company ‘Latvia’s State Forests’. In order to determine efficiency of these ponds the following parameters in water samples were measured: nitrate (NO3 -), ammonium (NH4 +), phosphate ion (PO4 3-), total nitrogen and total suspended solid concentration. The amount of precipitation was taken into account. Results show that there is a correlation between the amount of precipitation and concentrations of total suspended solids and total nitrogen. Ammonium ion concentration was the only parameter that significantly exceeded water quality standards in Latvia. Only one of the objects had high concentration of pollutants, which could be explained with the peaty soil of its drainage area. In further studies data should be collected more frequently, three or four days during one precipitation period.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Efficiency of wastewater treatment in slaughterhouse in two-stage constructed wetlands
Struseviciene, S.M. | Strusevicius, Z.
The paper presents the investigations performed by Water Management Institute of Lithuania University of Agriculture on the pollution and treatment efficiency of wastewater formed in an up-to-date slaughterhouse built in 2003. Wastewater is canalized from the slaughterhouse by red and green sewerage systems. Initially the wastewater is pre-treated in a fat separator, further treatment process is performed in physical-chemical treatment facilities and settling ponds. After primary treatment, the wastewater is directed into two-stage constructed wetlands of horizontal flow. The wastewater in slaughterhouse is about 4-5 times more polluted than domestic wastewater containing even 20 times higher for concentration. During the primary treatment process (fat separator + physical-chemical treatment device + settling pond), from 73.1 to 98.9% of pollutants are removed. After primary treatment, indices of wastewater are similar to those of domestic wastewater: pH - 8.5, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) - 98 mg lE-1 of O2, Ntotal and Ptotal - 46 and 8.9 mg lE-1 respectively. After biological treatment in two-stage constructed wetlands of horizontal flow, the wastewater satisfies the environmental protection requirements according to organic (BOD5) and biogenic (Ntotal and Ptotal) pollutants and thus may be realised into the environment. Regression dependencies of medium and strong relation (R**2=0.503-0.893) of pollutants BOd5, SS (suspended sediments), Ntotal and Ptotal in treated wastewater on the total of constructed wetlands have been determined.
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