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Development tendencies of land market in Latvia in the framework of land use politics
Dambite, D.(Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia))
Before Latvia initiated the transition to market oriented economies, large collective units, which had the right to use the land, used most of the land but were not necessarily the landowners. This situation provided a special starting point for the return to the market economy in the agricultural sector. The government of Latvia decided to implement restitution of land ownership rights to former owners basing on historical boundaries as a method to privatise and open the land market. There were two processes going on at the same time: the restitution of private ownership rights to land, and the break-up of collective productive units. The restitution processes are the starting point for the development of land markets. Moreover, it represents a necessary condition to open land market. However, the place at which this land market opening is occurring depends on the way each government implemented the land reform.
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