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Economic impacts of semi-subsistence farm support measure of Latvian rural development programme 2007-2013
Benga, E., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Priekuli, Priekuli parish, Priekuli Municipality (Latvia). Inst. of Agricultural Resources and Economics
The evaluation of EU Member States’ co-founded programmes was assigned particular importance in recent years. The core question to be answered in programme evaluation is whether the stated objectives are accomplished by particular intervention. Until recently, the use of ‘naïve’ estimates was common in the evaluations of EU Member States Rural Development Programmes. The use of these estimates leads to potentially substantial selection bias resulting from using the outcomes of non-participants as a proxy for the possible outcomes of participants in the case of non-participation. The effectiveness of interventions on outcomes of interest can be better evaluated by propensity score matching (PSM). The objective of the study is to determine the net average effects from semi-subsistence farm support measure of the Latvian Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013. To reach the research objective, propensity scores based on the most important characteristics were calculated for participants and non-participants of the measure and average treatment effects for gross value added were evaluated by matching methods. The research results show that the positive programme effects evaluated by ‘naïve’ estimators are overestimated in comparison with the results obtained by more rigorous PSM method.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Support in the job search for long term unemployed social benefit receivers
Bickovska, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Pavulens, J., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Nowadays, when the general rate of unemployment in Latvia is not that high anymore, there are still a lot of people who are unemployed for many years and during all those years they are abusing the budget of municipality by receiving social benefits. The aim of the article was to examine the way how the long-term unemployed social benefit receivers assess the meaning of support in job searching. On the basis of The Theory of Planned Behaviour a questionnaire was developed by the authors, 37 long-term unemployed social benefit receivers registered in Riga Social Service were asked to take part in the survey and gave informed consent. The results show that the respondents who are longer unemployed receive more support from their families. Statistically significant correlations (p=0.03) were found between the duration of unemployment and person’s determination to search a job, the unemployed who are longer without a job are less active in job searching process. Direct support in the job searching process is deeply connected with the possibility to share individual’s thoughts and emotions with the family. There is no statistically significant correlation between men and women responses.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Latvian services sector development model: internet solution
Bogdanova, O., Riga Technical Univ. (Latvia)
The paper “Latvian Services Sector Development Model: Internet Solution” addresses an issue of the quality of business environment in the Latvian services sector. In the paper, there are analyzed governmentally supported information systems, data bases and e-services aiming at simplification of B2G communication process, identified their advantages and drawbacks, as well as determined potential for their further development. As a result, a model for optimization of governmental on-line tools, fostering an access to business-related information and fulfilment of administrative procedures in the services sector, has been developed. The paper provides a diversified four-layer solution, which may be progressively realized, depending on the available financial resources.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Support payments for agriculture and rural development in Latvia
Pilvere, I., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia) | Nipers, A., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia) | Pilvere-Javorska, A., Baltic Advisory, SIA, Dobele (Latvia)
The European Union (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) affects the development of the agricultural industry and rural areas in all the Member States. A very important role is played by various support payments as one of the policy instruments. The CAP has been developing and is being reformed; therefore, it is important to assess the effect of various CAP support instruments on the development of the agricultural industry. Therefore, the research aim is to assess the support instruments and kinds of support as well as their effects on selected agricultural indicators. The research study proceeds in three stages or phases: first, the identification of the total amount of support payments paid and the key kinds of support; second, a detailed analysis of the key kinds of support; third, the identification of associations between the amounts of support payments and other agricultural and farm performance indicators. The research found that in the period 2005 – 2014 in Latvia, the total amount of support amounted to EUR 4.3 billion, of which EUR 520 million or 12% were received by approximately 1000 FADN farms. The most significant kinds of financial support in Latvia were direct payments, accounting for 47% of the total amount of support and financial assistance provided for rural development with 39%. The total amount of financial support and the amount of area-based payments affected the key agricultural indicators as well.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Resilience in agriculture: how can CAP direct payments impact it?
Zickiene, A., Lithuanian Inst. of Agrarian Economics, Vilnius (Lithuania)
The increasing frequency and magnitude of adverse meteorological events together with the growing uncertainty in the upcoming future pose more and more challenges to agriculture. Therefore, the future sustainability of agriculture will increasingly depend on its resilience, i.e. the capacity to withstand various perturbations and to recover from them. The direct payment (DP) system of the EU Common agricultural policy (CAP) is the most financed EU support scheme for agriculture; however, research on its impact on the important phenomena of resilience is scarce and fragmented. In order to fill this gap, this paper offers an extensive overview of literature and a summarized list of factors that are mentioned most often as potentially influencing the agricultural resilience. Based on this, the possible impact of DP on agricultural resilience was analysed. In this paper, it is argued that this impact is transferred mostly through changing farms’ financial capabilities as well as farmers’ attitudes and behaviour, and is both positive and negative. Such phenomena as low crop insurance uptake and decrease in productivity may be due to the overcrowding effects of direct payments. These hypotheses are being tested in a survey, conducted in the meantime.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The economic impacts of the 2013 reform on the Hungarian agriculture
Mizik, T., Corvinus Univ. of Budapest (Hungary)
The impacts of agricultural policies are decisive on the agricultural sector, especially in the case of the European Union’s (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The 2013 CAP reform introduced several new measures. In budgetary terms, basic payment and greening were the most significant ones. Besides, coupled supports, young farmer and small farmers scheme should be mentioned. To reveal the changes caused by these measures, the time horizon of the study is 2013−2017. Since the subsidies represent a significant part of the income generated in the agricultural sector, the basic hypothesis of the study is that the production units concerned (individual farms, private enterprises) gave economically rational answers. In practice, this means trying to fully adapt to the changes to maximize support. Based on the analysed datasets (Hungarian Central Statistical Office and Hungarian State Treasury), it became evident that farmers responded rationally: splitting up farms against capping, moving towards the lowest resistance to comply with greening, plus associating them with the extra support of coupled payments. Generational renewal is a key issue; however, the present form of young farmers’ scheme needs to be refined to be more effective. Small farmers scheme is a good opportunity for farmers with less than 5.5 ha and most of the concerned farmers chose well. However, there are about 6,000 farms that are too small for the standard system, while 772 farms that are too large for the small farmers scheme.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cross-border assignment – the study method supporting internationalization of SMEs [small- and medium- sized enterprises] and linkage between HEIs [higher education institutions] and industry
Lescevica, M., Vidzeme Univ. of Applied Sciences, Valmiera (Latvia) | Titov, E., Estonian Entrepreneurship Univ. of Applied Sciences, Tallinn (Estonia)
The variety of study methods used at universities still is conservative and more pragmatic, but there is an increasing tendency to change study methodology to more and more student-centred and to focus on the students’ ability to become valuable workforce for SMEs. The necessity for development of study methods clearly demonstrates the research problem. At the same time, universities are facing pressure from governmental authorities to internationalize – student and teacher mobility, international partners and projects are highly recommended. The main process at universities is the study process. But also internationalization should support the study process and students in achieving practice-based learning outcomes. Facing these challenges, NOBANET network of universities has elaborated and piloted the study method Cross-Border Assignments (CBA) linking students’ future ability to successfully incorporate in the job market and the requirement for internationalization of studies. The aim of this article is to introduce and assess the CBA as a method to involve student work and students to engage in entrepreneurship problems. The authors have collected and analysed feedback of 10 CBAs implemented in 6 different universities. The feedback was received by using questionnaires with mainly closed questions. The results show that companies are satisfied with students’ work and they also appreciate teachers. The main conclusion about assessment of this method gives valuable contribution to scientific literature as a description of modern study method and good practice in linking HEIs and SMEs. Gratitude is expressed to the Nordic Council of Ministers for funding NOBANET project and project EKOSOC-LV, part 5.2.2. and INTERFRAME-LV.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Legal aspects and support instruments for social entrepreneurship in the Baltic States
Perkune, L., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Licite, L., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
Social entrepreneurship plays an increasing role in society. It is evidenced not only by the inclusion of a section on social entrepreneurship in the Europe 2020 strategy but also by the engagement of European countries in making legal documents on social entrepreneurship as well as designing support programmes in order to help entrepreneurs to start up a social entrepreneurship business. The research aim is to characterise the legal aspects of social entrepreneurship and support instruments for the promotion of social entrepreneurship in the Baltic States. In order to achieve the aim, the research analysed legal acts and strategic policy documents regulating social entrepreneurship in Latvia as well as analysed the legal framework for social entrepreneurship in Lithuania. To do the analysis, the research examined the kinds of support for starting up a social entrepreneurship business in the Baltic States. The research has found that no uniform definition of social entrepreneurship is available in Europe, which does not result in a unanimous opinion on what a social enterprise should be. In the Baltic States, the Social Enterprise Law has been passed in Latvia and Lithuania; besides, the laws mainly focus on the integration of target groups into society, addressing no other essential problems that could be solved by means of social entrepreneurship, e.g. environmental protection.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparison of the support for catch crops in the Baltic Sea region countries
Krievina, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Priekuli, Priekuli Parish, Priekuli Municipality (Latvia). Inst. of Agricultural Resources and Economics | Leimane, I., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Priekuli, Priekuli Parish, Priekuli Municipality (Latvia). Inst. of Agricultural Resources and Economics
Catch crops contribute to soil and environmental quality, which has determined a growing interest in their use as a nature-based solution. Though, the introduction of catch crops increases the complexity of farm management and is related with additional costs. In Latvia, the area under catch crops accounts for less than 5% of the arable land, while 30% is bare over the winter. In order to identify the possibilities for promoting of catch crops in Latvia, the objective of the study is to explore the support practices for growing of catch crops in the Baltic Sea region countries. The paper seeks to explore the main benefits associated with the growing of catch crops, followed by the study and synthesis of the main support measures. For the study, numerous information sources have been explored and appropriate research methods applied. Catch crops reduce nutrient leaching from the soil, transfer nutrients to the next crop, improve soil quality, reduce soil erosion, and mitigate climate change; these benefits can translate also at farm level, mainly as reduced N inputs. Growing of catch crops is being increasingly supported in the Baltic Sea countries – as a greening measure and by different agri-environment and climate measures of the RDPs 2014−2020. Growing of economic focus area catch crops (supported in quite a similar approach in these countries) and introduction of agri-environment scheme for catch crops (supported in directly and/or indirectly targeted way) can contribute to the solving of environmental problems and decrease the share of bare land left over the winter in Latvia.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Role of the European Fishery Fund support in the development of the Latvian costal areas
Puzulis, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Priekuli, Priekuli Parish, Priekuli Municipality (Latvia). Inst. of Agricultural Resources and Economics | Veveris, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Priekuli, Priekuli Parish, Priekuli Municipality (Latvia). Inst. of Agricultural Resources and Economics
Purpose of the paper is to assess contribution of the European Fishery Fund (EFF) and European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) in the development of coastal areas. The article reviews particulars of implementation of the Fishery Funds in various planning periods, in more detail analysing the implementation impact in the period of 2014−2020, based on analysis of the needs, goals and projects of the current period. Even though the European Fishery Fund (EFF) in Latvia is being implemented since 2007, there is a lack of scientific publications on its impact on the coastal development. EMFF for the period 2013−2020 has a dual role in the development of coastal areas – as a development tool of the fishery sector and as a development tool of communities in the fishery areas. It is implemented by using communityled local development (CLLD/LEADER) approach. In case of Latvia, a multi-fund approach – EFF/EMFF and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) is already being used for two planning periods. We conclude that the impact of EFF/EMFF on the development of coastal areas is more directed at development of infrastructure of the coastal communities but is less engaged in the fishery development matters - accordingly increasing other activities and preserving historic and cultural heritage for development of tourism and place of residence in the coastal area in interaction and in addition to EAFRD rural development measures of the coastal areas.
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