[ Publié dans: Research for Rural Development ]
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Résultats 11-20 de 29
Impact of radio and television programmes on rural people: A case study of three villages [in Bangladesh]
Kabir, M.K. | Bhattacharjee, M.K.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council - Bangladesh
Equity, disparity and gender perspectives in Bangladesh: A case study of two villages [in Bangladesh]
Kabir, N.N.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council - Bangladesh
Participation of women in the CVDP of BARD: A case study of two Comilla villages [in Bangladesh]
Choudhury, M.A.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council - Bangladesh
Basic needs and ecology of two ecologically different villages in Sylhet: A bench mark survey [in Bangladesh]
Sarwar, H. | Ara, S.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council - Bangladesh
Cultivation of fish fry: A study in Comilla zone [in Bangladesh]
Chowdhury, M.H.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council - Bangladesh
Comparative study on model farmers and training and visit system of agricultural extension [in Bangladesh]
Ilah, S.M. | Sharifullah, A.K. | Ahsan, K.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council - Bangladesh
Village courts and their functions: Study of two Union Parishads in Comilla [in Bangladesh]
Quader, M.A.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council - Bangladesh
Training need assessment of thana level officers
Quddus, M.A. | Banu, T. | Azad, A.K.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council - Bangladesh
State of the art: IRD [Intergrated Rural Development] in Bangladesh
Solaiman, M. | Bose, T.R.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council - Bangladesh
Implementation of compulsory primary education: A study of two primary schools [in Bangladesh]
Begum, S.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council - Bangladesh