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Village chicken characteristics and their seasonal production situation in Jamma District, South Wollo, Ethiopia
Mengesha, M. | Tamir, B. | Dessie, Tadelle
This study was conducted in four Peasant Associations in Jamma district, with the objectives of assessing village chicken production situation and their characters. A total of 120 households from four PAs were involved in the study. A single-visit and multi-subject type of survey was conducted using structured questionnaires between November and December 2005, which was complemented by one arrival survey in August 2005 aiming at assessing seasonal variation in village chicken production. The survey work indicated that, the overall average flock size was 5.6±0. 8 per household. Flock size was significantly higher (p<0.05) for rich households than medium and poor households. Average flock size was not significantly (P>0.05) affected by PAs and agro ecologies. Major phenotypic appearance of chicken flock was white (28.9 %) followed by gray (25.9%). The mean of age at first lay, number of clutches per hen per year and number of eggs laid per clutch per hen were 5.05±1.34 months, 5.06±1.65 and 15.39±5.05, respectively. The mean hatchability was 84% per hen per household. The ratio of male to female was around 1:3. The purpose of keeping poultry was mainly for sale (38.11) followed by home consumption (31.56%). Of all classes of chicken, significant (P<0.05) variation between seasons and prices were observed for cockerels, which were 10.5 in winter and 9.0 Birr in summer seasons while season had significant (P<0.05) effect on the body weight of local cockerels and the body weight of cross bred hens was also affected by agro ecology. For better productivity, changing traditional management would be the first priority.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Milk market of small scale artisan cheese factories in selected livestock watersheds of Honduras and Nicaragua
Holmann, Federico J.
Surveys were made of rural artisan cheese factories located in the region of Olancho, Catacamas, and Juticalpa in Honduras (n=10) and in Esquipulas and Muy-Muy in Nicaragua (n=13). The objective was to analyze the milk market of small rural artisan cheese factories in livestock watersheds of Honduras and Nicaragua to determine if there is a market for higher milk production; how much additional milk can the market absorb in each season of the year; there is a market for milk of higher hygienic quality. The main buyer of the milk from small and medium scale farmers in Honduras and Nicaragua is the rural artisan cheese industry, which absorbs almost 80% of the milk produced in both countries. Total milk production during the rainy season is about twice that during the dry season, causing an over-supply and scarcity of milk, respectively. The shortage of fluid milk during the dry season leads to an unsatisfied market. The artisan cheese factories in Honduras and Nicaragua would be willing to buy 76% and 55% more milk during the dry season, but this supply is not available due low milk productivity. This fact suggests that an aggressive program for the promotion of shrub legumes with sugarcane to supplement the herd during the dry season would have more impact that the promotion of grasses or legumes for the rainy season when there is little market for additional milk produced. In addition, rural artisan cheese factories in Honduras and Nicaragua, that consider the milk they collect is of bad quality, would be willing to pay a higher price if the option to collect milk of better hygienic quality exists. In Honduras this price would be about 9 % higher during the dry season and 11% higher during the rainy season. In Nicaragua the cheese factories would be willing to pay a milk price which is 17% higher, but only during the rainy season. As a result, large incentives exist in both countries to increase milk production during the dry season and to improve the hygienic quality of milk in the studied areas.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impact of the adoption of Brachiaria grasses: Central America and Mexico
Holmann, Federico J. | Rivas Ríos, Libardo | Argel M., Pedro J. | Pérez, E.
Livestock production plays a key role in tropical Latin America in a changing economic environment. This study focuses on documenting the transformations of extensive production systems by using superior forage germplasm supplied by regional research systems. The adoption of improved Brachiaria grasses was evaluated from 1990 to 2003 to estimate its impact in terms of animal productivity and income in Central America and Mexico. Information on seed sales in the local market made it possible to estimate the areas planted and the value of additional milk and beef production attributable to adoption. Mexico presents the highest volume of marketed seed and of area established with improved pastures. Among Central America countries, Costa Rica was outstanding in terms of the high volume of seed sold and the area planted, followed by Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. The annual growth rate of seed sales was very high during the study period, reaching 32% in Mexico, 62% in Honduras, 45% in Nicaragua, 39% in Costa Rica, and 54% in Panama. The area planted with Brachiaria species during this period totaled 6.5% of the total surface of permanent grasses in Mexico, 12.5% in Honduras, 1.0% in Nicaragua, 18.7% in Costa Rica, and 0.1% in Panama. Excluding Nicaragua and Panama, where adoption is low, Brachiaria grasses account for 24%-55% of total annual milk production and for 5%-18% that of beef. These figures clearly demonstrate that those adopting new Brachiaria cultivars are farmers mainly oriented toward milk production and, to a lesser extent, beef. In monetary terms, the value of additional production attributable to the adoption of Brachiaria grasses in the selected study countries was estimated at US$1084 million per year, 78% corresponding to milk and 22% to beef. Due to the magnitude of the livestock sector in Mexico, adoption generates slightly more than 80% of production profits. Study results indicate that the investment of public funds in Central America and Mexico to support the International Network for Evaluation Tropical Pastures (RIEPT, its acronym in Spanish) paid off in terms of adoption of improved grasses and significant increases in the supply of milk and beef, fundamental items in the diet of consumers from all income levels in the region.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Village chicken production systems in Ethiopia: 1. Flock characteristics and performance
Dessie, Tadelle | Tadesse, M. | Yami, A. | Peters, Kurt J.
Breed preference and breeding practices for goats in agro-pastoral communities of semi-arid and sub-humid areas in Tanzania
Chenyambuga, S.W. | Lekule, F.P.
A study was carried out to determine farmers’ preferences for goat breeds, desired traits, management and breeding practices in agro-pastoral communities of central and eastern Tanzania. A total of 552 goat keepers from semi-arid and sub-humid areas were involved. Information on goat flock size, breed preferences, breeding practices, traits preferred and husbandry practices was collected using a well structured questionnaire. Out of the 552 household heads, only 21.3% were women. Most of the farmers kept indigenous goats belonging to the Small East African breed and the mean number of goats per household was 8.9 ± 1.0. The majority of the farmers (53.4%) preferred to keep the Small East African goat breed rather than the exotic breeds. The Small East African breed was preferred to exotic breeds because the animals are easier to feed, prolific, tolerant to drought and endemic diseases. Most farmers (70.8%) practiced uncontrolled mating using bucks from either their own flock (66.7%) or neighbours’ flocks (33.3%).Uncontrolled mating was preferred because it is easier to practice (41.2%) and cheaper (41.2%). The buck to doe ratio was 1:3 in semi-arid and 1:2 in sub-humid areas. Breeding males were selected based on body size by the majority (85%) of the goat farmers. It is concluded that livestock keepers in semi-arid and sub-humid areas in Tanzania prefer the Small East Africa goats because the animals are abundantly available and well adapted to the local environmental conditions.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The feed value of indigenous multipurpose trees for sheep: The case of Vernonia amygdalina (Girawa) Buddleja polystachya (Chocho) and Maesa lanceolata (Kelewa)
Haile, Aynalem | Tolemariam, T.
The feed resources base, the feeding systems and feed values of three indigenous trees Girawa, Anfare and Kelewa (Local (Amharic), Ethiopian names ) were studied for sheep in sub humid, mid altitude area of south western Ethiopia. The study involved a survey of the feed resources base and assessment of the feeding systems, chemical analysis and in vitro dry matter digestibility. In addition, Girawa was selected to study its effect on growth performances using 32 lambs. The levels of Girawa used for the growth performance study in groups I, II, III and IV, respectively were 100 g/d, 200 g/d, 300 g/d and 400 g/d. The main feed resources for sheep in Jimma area were found to be natural pasture, crop residues, crop aftermaths and indigenous multipurpose trees. Grazing on natural pasture constituted the main feeding system. The indigenous trees were cut and fed occasionally. The levels of CP ranged from 186.2 to 244.4 g/kg DM with minimum level in Anfare. Higher values were recorded for Girawa. Organic matter content was higher for Anfare (924.3 g/kg DM) and lower for Girawa (877.9 g/kg DM). In vitro dry matter digestibility values were 0.448, 0.422 and 0.458 for Girawa, Anfare and Kelewa, respectively. Supplementation of Girawa had an effect (p<0.01) on live weight gains of lambs. Lambs that were offered 400 g/d of Girawa had a higher daily live weight gain (95.1 g/d) compared to those supplemented with 200 (43.3 g/d) and 300 g/d (50.5 g/d) of Girawa as well as the control group (34.0 g/d). Weight gains were not different between the control group and those supplemented with 200 and 300 g/d of Girawa. It was concluded that these feed resources represent a great potential for sheep production in areas where the resources are available. It is also suggested that more studies are needed on higher level of Girawa than the present study on animal performances along with its anti-nutritional effects.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Small ruminant production in coffee-based mixed crop-livestock system of Western Ethiopian Highlands: Status and prospectus for improvement
Shenkute, S. | Legasse, G. | Tegegne, Azage | Hassen, A.
The study was conducted in Goma district of Jimma Zone of Ethiopia with the objectives of documenting the reasons why farmers in coffee dominant mixed-farming systems of western Ethiopia keep small ruminants, and identifying the constraints and opportunities for improvement of this sector. Results are based on diagnostic survey of 160 sample households, group discussions and personal observation. The study district was stratified into three groups based on flock distribution as: sheep dominating, goat dominating and mixed flock sites. The average land holding per household was 1.93 ha. In Goma where coffee and chat are the major cash sources for farmers, small ruminant are also primarily kept for cash generation as reported by 94% of the sampled households. The second main reason for keeping small ruminant in the study area was for saving mainly in time of coffee failure. Keeping small ruminants as a source of manure was the third important reason. From the interviewed households, 59.4, 32.1, 23.5, and 19.4% of them utilize communal grazing, aftermath grazing, roadside grazing, and riverside grazing, respectively for their animal as a sources of feed. Most small ruminants are either tethered or herded all the seasons due to the cultivation of perennial crops and predators. All small ruminants are housed for protection from adverse weather conditions and predators. The major problems for small ruminant production and marketing were: feed and grazing land shortage, lack of input, predators, diseases and parasites and marketing problems. In order to exploit the current growing demand of small ruminant meat at local and international markets, research and development interventions are required with regard to the identification of alternative feed resources and strategic feeding management, identification of causes of diseases and their control methods and improving marketing efficiency through appropriate policy.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]A review of productive and reproductive characteristics of indigenous goats in Ethiopia
Dereje, T. | Mengistu, U. | Getachew, A. | Yoseph, M.
Goat production in Ethiopia contributes significantly to national export earnings and the livelihoods of rural households. In the past, a number of research works were conducted to evaluate and improve the performance of indigenous goats. However, systematically compiled information is not available concerning the level of performance of indigenous goats in the country. In this paper, level of performance for major economic traits of indigenous goats is reviewed and discussed. It is apparent from the information presented in this review that the performance of indigenous goat breeds of Ethiopia is highly variable between different management systems. Many of the research reports show that age at first kidding and kidding intervals appear to be shorter in the traditional systems while reproductive efficiency in terms of growth rate, carcass yield, milk yield, litter sizes and survival rate are higher under improved management systems. In terms of body weight and growth rate, lowland goats are not better than those in the other agro-ecologies. Though productivity of indigenous goats is generally considered as low, there is high potential among the indigenous Ethiopian goat breeds under improved management systems. They also produce skins suitable for production of high quality leather products.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Production aspects of intensification and milk market quality in Amhara region, Ethiopia
Addisu, B. | Mesfin, B. | Mekonnen, Kindu | Duncan, Alan J.
The study was carried out in June 2010 in selected villages of Amhara region of Ethiopia, representing three levels of market quality (high, medium and low), with the general objective of developing a systematic understanding of the links between market opportunities and productivity increases in livestock, with a focus on dairy production. The present report focuses on production aspects of dairy intensification in Amhara region. Findings showed that feeding of concentrates for dairy cattle was more prominent in high market quality sites compared to medium and low market quality sites, which indicated the level of feed intensification as the market quality improved. The contribution of grazing to total diet was higher for indigenous than crossbred cows. Indigenous cows were allowed to graze freely throughout the year and were expected to meet their feed requirement from grazing, especially in the wet and harvest (crop aftermath grazing) seasons, and supplemented during the dry season when the condition of grazing pasture deteriorated. Crossbred cows that demanded better nutrition for better milk production were only allowed to graze for a limited number of hours in a day when grazing pasture was in better condition. They were mostly kept indoors during the dry season to meet their feed requirements through stall feeding. The proportion of crossbred cows exceeded that of indigenous cows in high market quality sites but the reverse applied in medium and low market quality sites. Milk yield data indicated that there is room for increasing average productivity by improving management practices. Due consideration should be given to alleviate the problems in reproductive and milk yield performance to increase productivity and improve dairy-derived income.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Livestock innovation systems and networks: Findings from smallholder dairy farmers in Ethiopia
Asres, A. | Sölkner, Johann | Puskur, Ranjitha | Wurzinger, Maria
This paper uses household and key informant survey data from Ethiopia to: (1) understand the organizational structures that influence change in dairy production systems; (2) explore how local-level innovation system networks are functioning in the smallholder dairy production and (3) identify intervention points for strengthening innovation capacity. Results revealed that public sector actors are the major role players in the dairy production system despite their minor role in marketing linkages. We also found out that the private sector actors play peripheral roles in the network. Differences between innovator and non-innovator social networks were observed, with innovators exhibiting greater access to sources of production knowledge, inputs, credits and markets. Important institutions that could strengthen the stakeholders’ ability to identify, implement and adapt sustainable practices were not included in the processes. We recommend for policy guidance to reform the current agricultural extension system to address institutional and policy issues that constrain effective agricultural innovation system.
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