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Résultats 41-50 de 85
The impact of soil penetration resistance on winter wheat yield and development
Dinaburga, G., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Formation of yield in crop cultivation is affected by influence of many factors. Simple summation of individual factors is quite rare occasion. Interaction among factors is a dynamic value. The effect of interactions varies depending on the crop development stages as well as by graduation of factors. The study aimed to evaluate the soil penetration resistance effect on winter wheat grain yield and development. It allows specifying recommendations for soil treatment difference criteria for use in site-specific soil tillage. Field trials were carried out at the Research and Study farm Vecauce of Latvia University of Agriculture during the years 2005-2007 to investigate factors influencing formation of winter wheat grain yield. Forty seven points (distributed as grid 50x50 m) were selected in the winter wheat Triticum aestivum L. field. All points were attached to their geographic coordinates. Data shows significant effect of soil resistance to grain yield - increase of soil penetration resistance by 100 kPa cmE-2 reduced yield of winter wheat by 0.37 to 0.48 t haE-1. By contrast in 2007 a significant linear regression relationship between soil penetration resistance and the yield was not detected. Differences of fresh weight of winter wheat plants in tillering stage and the beginning of stem elongation were insignificant compared to different groups of soil penetration resistance at soil layers 0.10-0.30 m in both experimental years. Higher impact of soil penetration resistance on flag leaf area difference had soil resistance at the layer of 0.20 - 0.30 m and differences were significant in both trial years.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Removal of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with summer pruning of apple trees
Surikova, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Karklins, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The objective of the research was to study the removal of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with summer-pruned branches of apple-trees grown on dwarfing rootstocks under the influence of applied moisture regulation methods. The investigation was done at the Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing in Dobele, on the basis of an existing field experiment planted in 1997 with cultivar 'Melba' (rootstock B9) at 1.5 - 4 m trees spacing distances. Three different treatments of soil moisture management were compared: control (without moisture regime regulation), sawdust mulch and fertigation. Inter-row strips were covered by grass vegetation (Lolium perenne L. and Poa pratensis L., in proportion 1:3). Pruning of apple-trees was done in mid-July. The results of the research showed that the applied soil water regulation treatments (mulch and fertigation) had significant influence (p is less than 0.05) on the apple-tree biomass (leaves, one-year and older wood) removed by summer pruning, as well as on the content of dry matter in biomass. The contents of N and K were influenced both by the treatment and age of tree vegetative parts, but the content of P did not differ significantly among treatments or tree parts (p is greater than 0.05). Removal of N with summer-pruned leaves and branches was 30 kg haE-1 N in the mulch treatment and 16 - 17 kg haE-1 in control and fertigation treatments (p is less than 0.05). Removal of K in the control treatment was 19 kg haE-1, in the mulch treatment 40 kg haE-1, but in the fertigation treatment 27 kg haE-1 (p is less than 0.05). Removal of P varied from 5.04 to 9.84 kg haE-1, no significant differences were found among treatments (p is greater than 0.05).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of winter hardiness and productivity of five highbush blueberries cultivars in Latvia
Sterne, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Abolins, M., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Winter hardiness is very important for introducing and commercial cultivation of blueberries in North Europe. Winter survival in the field is influenced by multiple factors that are influenced by uncontrollable environmental parameters. In the years 2006-2008, in eight farms were surveyed in different fruit-growing areas of Latvia, which produce highbush blueberries. We were interested in the plants physiological conditions (winter hardiness) after the winter, yields and the growth conditions. All study sites were evaluated by 6-year-old plant of highbush blueberry cultivars 'Polaris', 'Chippewa', 'Patriot', 'Northblue' and 'Duke'. After the year 2006/2007, the highest winter hardiness was observed for 'Polaris', 'Chippewa', 'Northblue' and 'Patriot'. The lowest winter hardiness was observed in 'Duke'. December 2007, January and February 2008 changing weather conditions did not do significant damage in plantations. 'Patriot' and 'Chippewa' had the highest average yield (kg per bush) throughout the production period, cultivar 'Northblue' had the lowest yield. On the other hand, 'Northblue' had the highest 100 berry weight. Cultivar 'Patriot' had the largest berry size - most of the berries had a diameter of 15 - 16 mm.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Methodology of dietary fibre determination in grain products
Ozolina, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Gramatina, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Kunkulberga, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The dietary fibre is edible parts of plants' carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion in human small intestine. Diets naturally rich in dietary fibre support to prevent constipation, improve gastrointestinal health, glucose tolerance and the insulin response, and reduce the risk of colon cancer, hyperlipidemia, hypertension and other coronary heart disease risk factors. About 45% of the dietary fibre intake comes from grains and grain mixtures. In Latvia, there are neither data, nor investigations of the dietary fibre content in grain products during processing and in the end products in which manufacturers and consumers are interested. The aim of this paper was an approval of dietary fibre determination methodology by using analytical equipment the Full option science system (FOS) Analytical Fibertec E 1023. The dietary fibre determination experiments were carried out in the Research Laboratory of the Department of Food Technology at the Latvia University of Agriculture in 2009. The Total Dietary Fibre (TDF) content was analyzed in the samples of rye whole grain flour, rye whole grain bread, and wheat biscuit. Experiments showed that the fibre content in rye whole grain flour is 13.8 g 100 gE-1, in rye whole grain bread - 11.6 g 100 gE-1, and in the wheat biscuit - 1.9 g 100 gE-1. Reached data are comparable with results of other researchers' data.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Inhibition of microbial growth of a salad with meat in mayonnaise by different packaging technologies
Levkane, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Muizniece-Brasava, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The objective of the research was the shelf life extension of a salad with meat in mayonnaise. The microbial stability of the salad with meat in mayonnaise packaged under vacuum, in modified atmosphere, and using 'Sous vide' technology was examined and compared with conventionally packaged (in ambient air) salad. The salads were packaged in polyamide/polyethylene pouches with barrier properties as well as in pouches made from biodegradable plasticized poly-β-hydroxybutyrate or polylactic acid film. Control samples without preservatives were packed in traditional polypropylene containers covered with non-hermetic lids. PURASA L Powder Opti Form (sodium lactate) in the amount 5 g kgE-1, 10 g kgE-1, and 15 g kgE-1, and ethyl alcohol in the amount of 2 ml were used as single preservatives for separate samples. The studies of the samples were carried out after 1, 3, 7, 10, 15, 18, 25, 29, 42, and 52 storage days at the temperature of +4+-0.5 deg C. Experimentally the quality of the salad with meat in mayonnaise was characterized by measuring the total plate count of microorganisms. The obtained results indicate that different packaging technologies and addition of preservatives show significantly different influence on the microbial growth in different samples. 'Sous vide' packaging technology was effective for the shelf life extending and guarantee of safety of the salads with meat in mayonnaise.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Geographical differences in growth and quality characters of Scots pine Latvian populations
Neimane, U., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
In the study the growth and stem quality characters of geographically different Latvian Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations were evaluated. In various regions of Latvia proportionally to the distribution of Scots pine 21 sample plot was established in 85 to 95 years old pure stands in forest type Myrtillosa growing conditions. In every sample plot 100 trees were evaluated estimating height of the tree, diameter at breast height, stem volume, length and quality of the branch-free stem section, relative branch thickness, branch angle and stem straightness. Pine populations were compared in different seed zones (Western and Eastern), as well as in various regions (Western, Central, South-eastern, North-eastern). In order to describe the geographical differences of populations with help of growth features, tree height was chosen because the relation between height and stem quality features is positive. The populations of the Eastern seed zone substantially overcome the populations of the Western seed zone both in terms of growth features, as well as in stem quality. Substantial are also differences between populations growing in various regions in terms of average height, length and quality of branch-free stem section, relative branch thickness and branch angle, but not stem straightness. Western populations present the lowest growth feature values and stem quality. The height and stem quality features of the North-eastern populations considerably exceeded the features of other regions' populations.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Christmas tree cultivation as an alternative land use - possibilities and profitability
Sirgmets, R., Estonian Univ. of Life Sciences, Tartu (Estonia)
Cultivation of Christmas trees is not a very common activity in Estonia at the moment. There are about 290 000 hectares of former agricultural and pasture lands, which are out of use in Estonia (Aastaraamat Mets 2007, 2008). Taking into account the knowhow from Europe, the hypothetical plantation was established and calculation of profitability was made. Profitability of Christmas tree cultivation was compared to the other alternative possibilities of land use. Achieving the output of saleable Christmas trees at least 50%, cultivation of Christmas trees is very competitive compared to other possibilities of land use, but at same time it is also the most capital-intensive.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Feeding entire male pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) with high amylose barley cultivar (Hordeum vulgare): impact on boar taint and performance
Chen, G., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Food Science | Andersson, K., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Animal Nutrition and Management | Andersson, R., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Food Science | Lundstroem, K., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Food Science | Zamaratskaia, G., Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Upsala (Sweden). Dept. of Food Science
The effect of dietary supplement with 17% high-amylose barley (Hordeum vulgare, HAB) 'Karmose' on boar taint was studied on 72 crossbred entire male pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) Swedish Yorkshire dams x Swedish Landrace sires). All pigs were fed the same commercial diet (12.4 MJ metabolised energy (ME) per kg, digestible crude protein (CP) 13.5%) twice a day until the average live weight (LW) in the pen reached 100 +- 11.8 kg. Then, 32 out of 72 pigs received an HAB diet. Half of these pigs received HAB for 14 days and the other half for 28 days. The pigs were slaughtered at an average LW of 122.3 +- 8.6 kg (age 167.2 +- 7.5 days). The HAB diet did not affect performance, carcass and meat quality characteristics, and puberty status, but reduced plasma skatole levels in the pigs (least squares means, 3.6 vs. 2.0 ng mlE-1, P = 0.037). However, this diet failed to reduce skatole, indole and androstenone levels in fat (P is greater than 0.10). Nevertheless, it is desirable to continue investigation of HAB to optimise the feeding procedure to improve efficiency of HAB effect on fat skatole levels. Additionally, validation of a greater amount of HAB in the diet should be performed.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Helicobacters and morfological changes in the gastric mucosa of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris)
Berzina, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Birgele, E., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
This study was performed to detect morphological changes of the gastric mucosa according to the prevalence of helicobacters in the gastric mucosa of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) from the Small animal clinic of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Latvia within 2008 year period. Mucosal samples were taken from several places of cardiac, fundic and pyloric gland region of the stomach to detect helicobacters with light histological examination. Seventeen dogs of eighteen sampled animals showed presence of tightly spiraled helicobacters. Compared to gastric regions our study showed significantly higher prevalence of helicobacters in the cardiac and fundic gland region than in the less effected pyloric gland region of the stomach. Histological examination also showed the depth of location of helicobacters in gastric pits and deeper glandular epithelium of the gastric mucosa in different regions of the stomach. In the pyloric gland region helicobacters are located deeper in the gastric pits and glandular epithelium than in the gastric mucosa of cardiac and fundic gland region Morphological changes of gastric mucosa was divided into 4 groups: 1) mucosa without morphological changes, 2) mucosal hyperemia, 3) mucosal erosions, and 4) mucosal polips. Morphological changes especially mucosal polips are significantly more in the pyloric gland region than in the cardiac and fundic gland region. The amount of morphological changes in the helicobacter positive and negative samples were not significantly different in the cardiac and fundic gland region, but in the pyloric gland region morphological changes of the gastric mucosa are significantly more in the helicobacter positive samples than in the helicobacter negative samples.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Development of social transfers in the social security system in Latvia
Mistre, B., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
In the paper, the philosophical and historical evolution of social transfers and their role in Latvia's social security system have been investigated. Definitions of social transfers have been studied, and a classification of social transfers has been made. The most suitable social security system, which, to a great extent, depends on social policies and a socio-economic situation in a country, is elaborated in every country. Latvia's social security system includes state social insurance, state social benefits, social services, and social assistance that are based on financing from both the state basic budget and the state special budget, and municipal budgets. Social transfers have a significant role in the social security system in order to provide protection for the population in social risk situations; they impact the welfare of the population during this period.
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