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Résultats 81-90 de 99
Clinical outcome of cutaneous mast cell tumors in dogs
Kokorevica, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Matise-Van Houtana, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
A prospective study was performed on 15 client-owned dogs to assess the clinical outcome after surgical excision of canine cutaneous mast cell tumors (MCTs) depending on histologic grade and completeness of surgical margins. The surgical margins were evaluated as complete, close or incomplete if they were more than 3 mm, from 1 to 3 mm or less than 1 mm wide, respectively. Survival time for dogs with low grade MCT (based on grading by M. Kiupel et al.) was 409 days compared with only 60 days for dogs with high grade tumor. Dogs with high grade tumors had significantly shorter survival time and worse prognosis than dogs with low grade tumors (p=0.013). Complete excision was associated with lower possibility and longer time to tumor recurrence, as well as longer survival, however, marginal surgical border status did not have a significant impact on time to tumor recurrence and survival. It was also found that tumor duration but not tumor size had a significant impact on surgical margin status (p=0.047). Tumor size significantly affected survival time with larger tumors being correlated with shorter survival (p=0.03). The results of our study suggest that grade, tumor size and recurrence are significant factors for MCT prognostication.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of ignition timing on emissions of spark ignition engine using E85 fuel
Gailis, M., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Pirs, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
This experimental study assesses the influence of ignition timing on emissions from a production four cylinder port injection spark ignition engine. The aim of this research was to evaluate the necessity of ignition timing correction when the regular gasoline vehicle is being adapted for the use of E85 fuel. Tests were conducted in the Alternative Fuels Research Laboratory of Latvia University of Agriculture in December 2013. The engine was fuelled with the ethanol-gasoline blend E85 or the commercial gasoline A95. The engine was tested within a vehicle in a chassis dynamometer in steady state conditions, which resemble driving at 50 km hE-1 and 90 km hE-1. The original engine control unit was replaced with a programmable one. Engine-out and tailpipe exhaust gas samples were taken and analysed with a FTIR-type analyser AVL SESAM. Carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), acetaldehyde and unburned ethanol emission volumetric share is presented. CO, HC and acetaldehyde emissions were not affected by variation of the ignition timing within the tested range. NOx and ethanol emissions were reduced with the ignition timing retard. The emissions of CO, HC and NOx were reduced, when the engine was fuelled with the E85 fuel, comparing with the gasoline use. Ignition timing, optimized for the gasoline, was found suitable for the E85 fuel from the emission analyses point.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Heating of low-power induction motor under no-load mode and different cooling conditions
Gedzurs, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The paper discusses heat transfer and the step response of a low-power induction motor to no-load mode under fan cooled and naturally cooled conditions. In Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) in the electric drive laboratory the experimental tests were performed on a 1.1 kW totally enclosed fan cooled three phase induction motor with a fan mounted on a shaft for fan cooled conditions and with a fan taken off for naturally cooled conditions. The transient temperatures are measured in nine points of the stator end windings and in two points of the stator frame using thermocouples. Temperature is measured by using K type thermocouples and Pico-Log TC – 08 data logger. The current and voltage are measured by using Simple Logger II L562 two channel data logger. Measurement data are processed and archived using data loggers Pico-Log Recorder, Simple Logger II and Data View software. The experimental test results show that ventilation plays an essential role in the heating process of small power induction motors. Mathematical and virtual models of induction motor windings heating are represented to simulate the heating process of induction motor under no-load mode and different cooling conditions.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Flock structure, level of production, and marketing of three Ethiopian goat types kept under different production systems
Tadesse, D. | Urge, Mengistu | Animut, G. | Mekasha, Yoseph
This study was conducted to characterize three Ethiopian indigenous goat types in terms of their composition and dynamics, productivity, and marketing. A set of semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect information from 155 goat owners based on single-visit-interviews. The study indicates that breeding females constituted the largest average flock composition followed by weaners and kids. Goat owners in the study areas relied mainly on births and purchases to build their flock while sales and deaths were the major routes of disposal. Lower commercial offtake (28%) and higher mortality (24%) rates were estimated for all study areas but the figures were lower in pastoral and agro-pastoral systems. On average, female goats in the study area gave first birth at the age of 1.4 years, kidded every 8.6 months and stayed on production/kidding for about 5 years, giving daily milk yield of 0.37 liter. Based on the estimates given by respondents, Somali and highland goats were characterized to have bigger age at first kidding and longer kidding life time, respectively. For other traits such as kidding interval and daily milk yield, no significant performance difference was observed among the goat types. In all study areas, goats were sold mainly at the farm gate when money is needed to buy grains and other farm inputs. Average age at sale/slaughter of male goats was about 1.4 years. Consumers, producers, traders, butchers and brokers were the major buyers of live goats in the study areas. The participation of goat producers in the market was constrained by seasonality of market, low price, and lack of market information and infrastructure.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Prediction of live body weight using various body measurements in Ugandan village pigs
Walugembe, M. | Nadiope, G. | Stock, J.D. | Stalder, K.J. | Pezo, Danilo A. | Rothschild, Max F.
A study to develop body weight prediction equations based on various body measurements was conducted in rural Kamuli district, Uganda. Body weight (kg) and body measurement data (cm) were collected from 411 pigs between 15 and 127 kg from both local and exotic (mainly crossbreds) pigs. Five body measurements; body length, heart girth, height, body width and flank-to-flank were taken from each pig. Prediction models were developed by regressing weight on pig body measurements. The models were developed for pigs categorized as < 40kg, ≥ 40 kg and an overall single prediction model. Mean weights of < 40 kg and ≥ 40 kg were 27 ± 6.5 kg and 63 ± 19.6 kg, respectively. Body length and heart girth were used to predict (R2 = 0.89) weight for the < 40 kg pigs with the prediction equation; Weight = -41.814 + 0.296 (body length) + 0.654 (heart girth). Four body measurements; body length, heart girth, height and body width were strongly predictive (R2 = 0.92) of live body weight for the ≥ 40 kg pigs with the prediction equation; Weight = -108.198 + 0.228 (body length) + 1.094 (heart girth) + 0.267 (height) + 0.922 (body width). The flank-to-flank measurement did not affect model prediction (p > 0.05) and quadratic terms also did not improve accuracy and were not included in any prediction models. These results suggest that live weight could be accurately estimated using two or more pig body measurements. It was concluded that this weight estimation tool would empower Ugandan small scale pig farmers by providing them with an accurate estimate for the animal’s live weight and giving them better bargaining power when selling their pigs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of maturity stages of Fig (Ficus sur) fruits on chemical composition, in vitro digestibility and in sacco dry matter degradability
Diba, D. | Mekasha, Yoseph | Urge, Mengistu | Tolera, Adugna
The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of fruits maturity stages at harvest on chemical composition, in vitro digestibility and in sacco degradability of Ficus surfruits (FSF). The treatments involved different maturity stages of Ficus sur fruits . Color, moisture content, and texture were used to distinguish among the fruit maturity stages. Fruits at early, mid, and late stages of maturity were collected from five trees and analyzed. The proximate composition of the fruits varied only slightly (0 to 3%) with the progress in maturity of the fruits. The exception was the DM content which increased from 45 to 87% with increasing maturity. The condensed tannins were low (<2%) for all the stages of maturity. In vitro and in sacco measurements indicated that the fruits at all stages of maturity were theoretically only slightly inferior to cereal grains as sources of digestible energy. However, the high washing loss in the in sacco study (38 to 42%) indicates that much of the digestible carbohydrate was in the form of soluble sugars which, depending on the levels used in the diet, could compromise the realizable net energy value of the diet. As in cereal grains, the crude protein content was relatively low (7.07 to 7.33% in DM).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Relationship between normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and forage biomass yield in the Vakinankaratra region, Madagascar
Rahetlah B.V. | Salgado P. | Andrianarisoa B. | Tillard E. | Razafindrazaka H. | Le Mezo L. | Ramalanjaona V.L.
Dairy cow production is an important livestock activity in the highlands of Madagascar and specifically in the Vakinankaratra region. Despite the increase of global milk production over the last decades, cow productivity remains low due to both quantity and quality feed constraints. Elephant grass and Italian ryegrass are the most cultivated forage grass, during the wet and warm season and the dry and cool season, respectively. An experiment under field conditions was carried out to evaluate the ability of the satellite-derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to develop a tool for estimating biomass yields of Elephant grass and Italian ryegrass. Results showed moderate to strong but significant relationship between plant height and biomass yield (R² = 0.64 to 0.92), between NDVI and biomass yield (R² = 0.52 to 0.73) and between NDVI and plant height (R² = 0.61 to 0.74) of Elephant grass and Italian ryegrass, respectively. These results suggest that NDVI has potential to provide a tool for dynamic monitoring and management of pastureland forage production. (Résumé d'auteur)
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]From taboo to commodity: history and current situation of cavy culture in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Maass, Brigitte L. | Metre, TK | Tsongo, F | Mugisho, AB | Kampemba, FM | Ayagirwe, R.B.B. | Azine, PC | Bindelle, J. | Chiuri, Wanjiku L.
L'espace pastoral dans la région de M'sila, Algérie : état et perspectives de réhabilitation
Senoussi A. | Hadbaoui I. | Huguenin J.
L'état des parcours steppiques de la région de M'Sila traverse de profondes évolutions que nous avons étudiées en nous intéressant à la caractérisation et la forte transition des systèmes d'élevage moutonniers de cette région. Nous avons mené des entretiens auprès de 30 éleveurs, répartis sur 11 zones potentiellement pastorales de la steppe algérienne (pluviométrie entre 100 et 400 mm/an) autour de M'Sila. Les systèmes d'exploitation des parcours sont le système pastoral (13,3%), en régression, et le système agro-pastoral (86,7%) qui augmente avec les défrichements. Les déplacements pour l'été en mauvaise année peuvent être importants. Tous les éleveurs ont recours à une complémentation alimentaire, économiquement rentable. Cette situation induit une rapide dégradation des sols qui se traduit par une désertification du milieu (64,5 % des sols sont très dégradés pour seulement 17,6% corrects). Par ailleurs, les cheptels continuent à augmenter. En conséquence, les pâturages (parcours naturels et vaine pâture) se trouvent chroniquement en état de surcharge, parfois toute l'année. Devant cette situation préoccupante, de nouvelles stratégies à envisager devraient s'appuyer à la fois sur des réhabilitations (régénération naturelle ou plantation pastorale) et sur des systèmes alternatifs d'associations élevage – agriculture (avec les périmètres agricoles). (Résumé d'auteur)
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Indigenous chicken production in the South and South East Asia
Bett, R.C. | Bhuiyan, A.K.F.H. | Khan, M.S. | Silva, Gamamada Liyanage Lalanie Pradeepa | Le Thi Thuy | Sarker, S.C. | Abeykoon, M.N.D. | Thi T H Nguyen | Sadef, S. | Kariuki, Eunice | Baltenweck, Isabelle | Poole, Elizabeth J. | Okeyo Mwai, Ally | Ibrahim, Mohamed N.M.