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Tourism planning and strategy implementation: practice in municipalities of Latvia
Rozite, M., Turiba Univ., Riga (Latvia) | Steina, A. van der, University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
The aim of this paper is to summarise the experience gained at different levels of tourism destination planning in Latvia, identify the problems encountered during strategy planning and implementation, analyse the causes, and search for solutions. Theoretical aspects of the tourist destination planning have been extensively reviewed in publications, yet the research on what main problems planners have faced during the planning process, has been insufficient. In the last twenty years of Latvian tourist destination planning, at different levels, part of the plans were developed as documents; however, not all of them were implemented. The qualitative research summarises the experience of municipalities and tourism destination planning in Latvia. The research results show formally drafted tourism development documents of different levels and types in Latvia conform to modern planning theory and practice. In some cases even the latest knowledge and experience; create unique, innovative and competitive solutions. Tourism planning at the local level is often a painful process which raises a number of unresolved issues and unimplemented activities. The most significant differences observed from a comparison of theory and good planning practices in tourism development planning in Latvia are that the planning process is implemented within the boundaries of one municipality without taking into account the larger boundaries of tourist destinations. The involvement of entrepreneurs has only been formal and major, large-scale investment projects have not been planned or implemented.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Dimensions and attributes building corporate reputation of rural businesses
Sontaite-Petkeviciene, M., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania)
Given the intensive competition between rural businesses, building and managing good corporate reputation of rural businesses is gaining its popularity among business owners, marketers as well as among scholars. Building and managing good corporate reputation is considered to be one of the crucial goals for businesses that lead to successful competition in ever changing business world. The aim of this research is to determine dimensions and attributes for building good corporate reputation in the framework of rural businesses. To reach the aim, this paper adopts analysis and synthesis of scientific and practical literature in the field of corporate reputation management and, focus group discussion. 23 attributes of corporate reputation representing 7 corporate reputation dimensions were generated from scientific and practical literature. Generated attributes were provided for the evaluation and discussion during the focus group discussion to 7 representatives of rural businesses’ stakeholder groups, namely: customer, employee, supplier, business owner, media, local community, and expert. Empirical research proved 7 rural businesses’ corporate reputation dimensions: Products and Services, Innovation, Workplace, Governance, Citizenship, Leadership and Performance, each of the dimensions constituting of 3−4 corporate reputation attributes. For the further research, quantitative research to test corporate reputation dimensions and attributes and calculate its weights in the context rural businesses is necessary.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Digital performance indicators in the EU
Grinberga-Zalite, G., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Hernik, J., West Pomeranian Univ. of Technology in Szczecin (Poland)
Today technological progress is reshaping global economic development and changing the overall welfare of societies. Therefore, it is important to assess challenges and readiness of the European Union to use its capacity to ensure that technologies benefit people and bring them towards more inclusive societies enhancing opportunities to use artificial intellect for making health, education, agriculture, services and manufacturing industries more efficient and user friendly. The Digital Economy and Society Index analyses the digital performance of the EU Member States across five main dimensions: connectivity, human capital, use of internet, integration of digital technology, digital public services. However, despite intention to jointly develop Digital Single Market, the gap between the EU top digital countries and less digitally advanced countries remains large. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the digital performance indicators of the EU countries, in particular focusing to Poland and Latvia to assess their progress and potential of their human capital’s digital skills. The research is based on theoretical literature studies on industrial revolution stages, European Union Commission documents, indexes and publications available in relevant public institutions such as ministries and industry reports. The research employed monographic method, analysis and synthesis methods as well as graphical data analysis. The research results give evidence that currently Poland’s human capital is significantly better prepared for making use of future digital economy challenges than Latvia’s human capital, and there is a close link between countries’ R and D expenditures proportion of GDP and their human capital’s readiness to integrate in digital economy.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Lies on labels, or cases of misleading consumers on the example of vegetable oils
Hernik, J., West Pomeranian Univ. of Technology in Szczecin (Poland) | Grinberga-Zalite, G., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
In 2018, the Polish Trade Inspection in the whole country carried out an assessment of unrefined vegetable oils and olive oils of various categories. First of all, the correctness of marking, physicochemical parameters, storage conditions, traceability of products and their dates of minimum durability were assessed. In total 380 batches of products were inspected. Results of the examination show that producers cheat consumers by providing, for example, untrue nutritional values or false information about dietetic or health traits. The purpose of this article is to determine what consumers should know to verify the correctness of information on product labels independently. The theoretical part of the article was based on the EU regulations analysis regarding vegetable oils properties, including the characteristics of olive oil. The empirical part concerned data from Polish Trade Inspection reports, as well as statistical data on production and sale of oil and olive oil from the portal Statista. In this article methods of documentary research and comparative analysis were used. For the main conclusion it can be assumed that products of poor quality or incorrect labeling can be found in each product category; therefore, consumers should pay attention to such elements as information in their native language, a full list of ingredients, or correct indication of nutritional values.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Creation of social innovation in rural areas
Ragauskaite, A., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Zukovskis, J., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania)
Social innovations are recognized as one of the most promising innovations in solving social problems in rural areas. When assessing the creation of social innovation, it should be noted that not only the goal and the result but also the whole process of creation of social innovation is important. The analysis of theoretical and practical research has revealed that traditional methods of solving problems in rural areas are not working, which consequently leads to search for innovative solutions. The most obvious social problems in rural areas, such as an aging society, youth departure, lack of breakthrough and innovative ideas, etc. can be noticed when assessing factors of social environment. At this stage, the solutions sought through the prism of social innovation can become those that will ensure the wellbeing of the rural area and support people living there. Social innovation is widely spread at the level of the European Union; however, in Lithuania, social innovation is taking just the first steps. The article analyses the case of Sėlynė village in Rokiškis region, during which social innovation that succeeded to unite rural community has been created. The article aims to analyse the process of creation of social innovation in rural areas from the theoretical point of view and to present the case of Sėlynė village of Rokiškis region. The main problem is the complex understanding of the creation process of social innovation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Housing vulnerability for seniors in Latvia
Rasnaca, L., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia) | Rezgale-Straidoma, E., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
The study concentrates on housing vulnerability during the post-crisis period in Latvia and how it has impacted vulnerable groups, particularly seniors. Housing vulnerability includes objective and subjective factors. Seniors 65+, especially those seniors who live alone are one of the vulnerable groups in sense of housing security. It could be characterized by parameters of housing quality and housing expenses adequacy. The EU policy examines perceptions of insecurity in few areas, including housing security and old-age income insecurity – of not having an adequate income in old age. The number of single senior 65+ households is increasing in both rural and urban areas. The study explores housing vulnerability for older persons – seniors 65+, one of social groups in disadvantageous economic situation. Authors explore how housing vulnerability affects seniors, especially those who are over the age of 65+ and are living alone. The challenging issues were construction of theoretical background integrating housing security during social changes in the post-crisis period with disadvantageous situation of seniors 65+. The comparative quantitative approach is based on data from descriptive statistics. The research design is quantitative comparative analysis. To make a comparison, there were selected two groups: single seniors 65+ and all households. The proposition is that in the post-crisis period housing vulnerability for seniors 65+ was decreasing, but differs from average parameters of housing vulnerability for total population. The restriction of current study is analyses that cover only single seniors 65+. The results show significant differences in housing quality and proportional housing maintenance expenditures between single seniors 65+ and all households.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Practical evidence of web-based idea management systems: classification and application view
Mikelsone, E., BA School of Business and Finance, Riga (Latvia) | Volkova, T., BA School of Business and Finance, Riga (Latvia | Liela, E., BA School of Business and Finance, Riga (Latvia
Multiple information systems have been developed during the last decade to gain more from collaboration, knowledge management and ideas. One type of such tools is the idea management systems (IMS) – a manageable systematic tool to generate and evaluate ideas. However, there is a lack of research which explores what web-based IMS are, and how they materialize practically. To fill the gap, the paper aims to create classification and application description of web-based IMS by adapting the theoretical and empirical research approaches. To achieve this aim, first, scientific papers, book chapters, and proceedings focused on the idea management and IMS were analysed using a systematic literature review method and content analysis technique. Based on the analyses, several possible classifications of IMS criteria were found. Second, commercially available web-based IMS evaluation was conducted to verify the criteria and to add data-based classification criteria. Analysis of IMS has helped to characterize parities and disparities of web-based IMS. Results prove that IMS could be classified by their application focus – as ‘active’ and ‘passive’. Dominant type is the active IMS. IMS could also be classified by the sources involved in the idea management – internal, external or mixed IMS. The main structural features of the web-based IMS are idea generation, idea evaluation, and idea retention. Results prove that there are no important differences between theoretical and empirical research results. .
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Recent land cover changes in Latvia
Baders, E., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Lukins, M., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Zarins, J., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Krisans, O., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Jansons, A., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Jansons, J., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
Increase in use of biomass as renewable source of energy in Europe is tightly linked to the policies aimed at mitigation of climate changes i.e. reductions of greenhouse gas emissions. Both for assessment of the carbon sequestration and emissions as well as for assessment of potential amounts of biomass for renewable energy, information of land cover dynamics are essential. Therefore, the aim of our study was to improve accuracy of estimates of the land use changes in the time period between 1990 and 2014. Land use categories were determined in accordance to UNFCCC: wetland, cropland (arable land, bare field), forest, grassland, settlements (urban/suburban area), and other land. Combination of data from National forest inventory (NFI) sample plots and analysis of Landsat images were used. For the classification based on Landsat images vegetation index (NDVI) was estimated and linked to known information on the land use type from NFI sample plot data. In the analysed period, the most significant changes were found for forest lands – the total area of forest land during the last two decades had increased by 1% (64.5 thousand ha). Similar increase (1.2%) was observed also in the area of cropland. Both of these tendencies were primarily the result of marginal field area reduction (by 2.6%). Increase in forest area and thus annual increment has led to an increase in above-ground biomass by 10.2 m**3 haE-1.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Forest regeneration quality – factors affecting first year survival of planted trees
Dumins, K., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia);Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Lazdina, D., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
The early stage of forestry is crucial for successful and sustainable forest management. One third of the reforested forest in Latvia is regenerated by planting with different kinds of tree seedlings. The success of forest regeneration by planting depends on correctly prepared soil and choice of the right seedling material. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of different soil preparation methods and used type of seedlings on tree survival and growth rate after the first growing season. For this study six young stand sites located in the north-west and central part of Latvia were established in three forest types and in each site soil was prepared in furrows by disc trenching, in mound and left untreated. Reforestation was conducted in the spring of 2017 with four tree species Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris, Alnus glutinosa and Betula pendula and three seedling types were used, bare roots, containerized and improved root system. The evaluation of survival and measure of annual increment was conducted at the end of the first growing season in the autumn of 2017. Results showed that overall the highest seedling survival rate provided soil prepared in mound (90%), and seedlings with improved root system, though the lowest survival rate was observed for bare root seedlings. Containerized seedlings have a higher proportional increment if compared to bare root and improved root system seedlings, but differences are not significant yet (p is greater than 0.05). In conclusion, the survival rate of outplanted seedlings differs by chosen stocktype and soil preparation method used in forest regeneration and for various tree species impact of chosen stock type on survival rate differs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Characteristic of browsing damages in Norway spruce stands
Desaine, I., Skogssallskapet, SIA, Riga (Latvia) | Baders, E., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Katrevics, J., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Smilga, J., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia) | Jansons, J., Latvian State Forest Research Inst. Silava, Salaspils (Latvia)
Browsing damages are becoming more common due to almost doubling of population densities of cervids in Latvia during last 20 years; however, the figures are still lower than those observed in western and northern European countries. Consequently, the frequency of damages in young stands is increasing, too. Protection against browsing becomes more difficult, as the trees grow older; also the bark-stripping may result in a long-term deterioration of stem quality. Therefore, the aim of the study was to assess the factors affecting bark striping damages in pole-stage Norway spruce stands. Data were collected in 4 sample plots in damaged Norway spruce stands in western Latvia, measuring the tree parameters: height, diameter, branch characteristics and damage parameters: size, proportion from the stem circumference. Results of the modelling reveal that both damage parameters were significantly influenced by the branch length and thickness in the whorl closest to the breast height and the size of damages – also by breast height diameter of the tree. It suggests that increasing productivity of trees would not reduce the browsing problem. Since the silvicultural goal is the reduction of the size of branches, especially in bottom-log of the stem, protection against bark-stripping needs to be developed and cervid population densities controlled to reduce the problem.
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