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Çukurova Bölgesi Orijinli Anadolu Mandalarının Süt Yağ Asidi Bileşimi
Gökhan Gökçe | Gökhan Tamer Kayaalp
Bu çalışma Çukurova Bölgesinde yetiştirilen mandaların süt yağ asit bileşimini ortaya koymak ve fonksiyonel bir gıda olarak önemini vurgulamak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmamızın materyalini oluşturan mandaların süt yağında en yüksek oranlara sahip yağ asitleri C14:0 (miristik asit) yaz mevsiminde %11,22 ve kış mevsiminde %11,34, C16:0 (palmitik asit) yaz mevsiminde %36,07 ve kış mevsiminde %35,77, C18:0 (stearik asit) yaz mevsiminde %11,23 ve kış mevsiminde %11,20 ve C18:1n9c (oleik asit) yaz mevsiminde %24,63 ve kış mevsiminde %24,77 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan analiz sonucunda mevsimin etkisi istatistiki olarak önemsiz çıkmıştır (P>0,01). Süt yağında doymuş yağ asitlerinin oranları (SFA) (%67,9 ila 68,09), tekli doymamış yağ asitlerinin (MUFA) (%28,87 ila 29,04) ve çoklu doymamış yağ asitlerinin (PUFA) (%3,04 ila 3,06) arasındadır. Çukurova Bölgesinde yetiştirilen mandalarda süt yağ asitlerinin belirlenmesi konusunda yapılan çalışma yok denecek kadar azdır. Bu noktada manda süt yağ asit kompozisyonuna ilişkin genel bir veri elde edilmesi amacı ile yapılan bu çalışma sonuçlarının mevcut durumun tespiti ve gelecekte muhtemel gelişmeler yönünde katkı sağlayacak kapsamlı araştırmalara veri oluşturabileceği öngörülmektedir.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of Indoor Temperature and Humidity Values on Milk Yield and Composition in Anatolian Buffaloes Raised in Semi-Open and Closed Barns in Winter Season
Fatih Özcan | Hüseyin Erdem
In this study, it was aimed to reveal the effect of temperature and humidity values provided by the semi-open and closed barns in the winter season on milk yield and components and the somatic cell count (SCC) level in milk in Anatolian buffaloes, and for this purpose, to compare both barn types and to reveal their suitability for buffalo breeding. In the study, temperature and humidity values were determined between December 2020 and March 2021 in two types of barns with similar feeding conditions in Bafra district, Samsun, and milk samples taken from buffaloes raised in these barns were analyzed. Temperature Humidity Index (THI) values were determined as 61,09±0,211 and 51.08±0.173 for the closed and semi-open barn type, respectively. In the study, in which the type of barn and therefore the temperature and humidity values provided in the barn environment did not affect the amount of milk yield, the milk fat ratio was determined as 8.89±0.227% and 8.16±0.176% for closed and semi-open barns, respectively. While other milk components were not affected by the barn conditions, the logSCC of milk was lower (4.54±0.071) in the closed barns when compared to the semi-open barns (4.73±0.044). Although no statistical difference was determined in the other milk parameters discussed, it was noted that there is an increasing tendency in the closed barns. It was observed that the changes in temperature and humidity values in both barn environments during the period caused nonlinear changes in milk composition. While indoor conditions were more effective on solids-non-fat (SNF), protein and lactose in the closed barn, the highest effect was on the fat ratio and logSCC in the semi-open barns. As a result, it can be said that both types of barns can be used in buffalo breeding since there is no significant difference in milk yield and other components, although there is a slight difference in milk fat ratio and logSCC level in closed and semi-open barns of Anatolian buffaloes in the climatic conditions of the region where the study was conducted.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Number of Bovine Animals in Provinces Incoming Working Field GAP International Agricultural Research and Training Center
Yavuz Han | Galip Bakır | Şahin Tez | Polat İpek
In this review, the share in total and the presence of cattle in provinces of GAPUTAEM has been referred. According to official data of 2012 of TUIK, when number of cattle was 11.972.923 heads in 1991, in 2012 years increased 13.914.912 heads. According to year of 1991, number of cattle increased 16%. In our country, the number of Anatolian Water Buffalo declined from 366.150 heads to 107.435 heads during 1991-2012 and this reduction is 70.6%. 15.977.838 tons milk was obtained from dairy cattle of 5.431.400 heads and average milk yield was 2.942 kg/head. 46.989 tons milk was produced from 46.959 heads of Anatolian Water Buffaloes and average milk yield was 1.006 kg/head. However, there were totally cattle of 1.173.008 heads in study field of Institute. 1.098.895 tons milk was produced from cattle of 451.039 heads. Totally, there were 15.478 heads Anatolian Water Buffaloes in 11 provinces. 6.384 tons milk was produced from 6.738 heads Anatolian Water Buffaloes in 2012. Across the country, despite cattle (domestic) decreased, cattle (cross-bred) and cattle (culture) had increased. The possibility of breeding of native cattle should be investigated. Also, growers and technical staffs should be trained that affected by entering of culture breeds.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Some Carcass Quality Characteristics of Anatolian Buffaloes Slaughtered at a Private Slaughterhouse in Samsun Province
Sena Camcı | Hüseyin Erdem
In this study, it was aimed to reveal some carcass quality characteristics of 60 head Anatolian water buffalo slaughtered in a private slaughterhouse in Samsun. Between February and May 202, information about the animals and their fattening status were obtained from the owners of the animals that came for slaughter on the days when the slaughter was intense. Hot carcass weight, marbling score, back fat thickness, Longissimus dorsi muscle depth and width, muscle pH, muscle and fat color were determined in slaughtered animals. Scales developed for this purpose were used for marbling score and color of muscle and fat, and pH was determined using a pH meter for meat. In the study, it was determined that the age of the slaughtered animals did not affect the carcass quality characteristics, while the fattening period was found to be effective on the carcass weight (P
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