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Bazı Peyzaj Bitkilerinde Krom Konsantrasyonunun Tür, Organ ve Trafik Yoğunluğuna Bağlı Değişimi
Hakan Şevik
Günümüzde insan ve çevre sağlığını tehdit eden en önemli problemlerin başında hava kirliliği gelmektedir. Hava kirliliğinin pek çok bileşeni bulunmakla birlikte, bunlar arasında ağır metaller ayrı bir öneme sahiptir. Bunun sebebi ağır metallerin bazılarının düşük konsantrasyonlarda bile toksik olmaları, canlılar için besin elementi olan birçok ağır metalin bile yüksek konsantrasyonlarda zararlı olmaları, canlı bünyesinde biyobirikme eğiliminde olmaları, doğada kolay kolay bozulmamaları ve bunlara ek olarak sanayi ve trafik kaynaklı olarak havadaki konsantrasyonlarının sürekli artmasıdır. Bundan dolayı özellikle trafiğin yoğun olduğu, sanayi faaliyetlerinin yürütüldüğü ve nüfusun yoğun olduğu alanlar gibi riskli alanlarda havadaki ağır metal konsantrasyonlarının izlenmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada da, Samsun kent merkezinde yetiştirilen ve peyzaj çalışmalarında sıklıkla kullanılan; Tilia tomentosa, Aesculus hippocastanum, Ligustrum vulgare ve Catalpa bignoides türlerinin, trafiğin yoğun olduğu, az yoğun olduğu ve hemen hemen hiç olmadığı alanlarda yetişen bireylerinde Cr konsatrasyonlarının değişimleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında bitkilerden yaprak, kabuk ve odun örnekleri toplanmış, kabuk ve yapraklarda ayrıca yıkama işlemi uygulaması da yapılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, çalışmaya konu türlerde Cr konsantrasyonlarının tür, organ ve trafik yoğunluğu bazında önemli ölçüde değiştiği belirlenmiştir.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Using of Weeds as Food in Eastern Anatolia Region
Zühal Okcu | Benay Kaplan
Several herb can grow naturally thanks to climate and geographical features of Turkey. Although there are approximately one million weed in the world, there are still many unidentified weeds. While more than ten thousand weeds are used as a food, only 3000 weeds species are cultivated in Turkey. Eastern Anatolia region is one of the most important regions of Turkey in terms of consuming weeds. The rate of endemic plants is higher in this region, most of them are important economically, because they can be used as a medicinal plants, spices, ornaments, dyes or food. Not only these are utilized as raw or cooked food but also flavorant.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Use of the Molecular Hydrogen in Agriculture Field
Duried Alwazeer | Ayhan Çiğdem
Social development is possible with agriculture. With the impact of environmental pollution, natural disasters, climate change, food security, and population growth, interdisciplinary "new agriculture" is becoming an important trend of modern agriculture. Hydrogen (H2) is the most common element on earth, making up more than 75% of the mass of the universe. Hydrogen gas is colorless, odorless, and tasteless and is considered a physiologically inert molecule and a potential source for clean energy in the future. Hydrogenated agriculture including mainly hydrogen-rich water (HRW) focuses on the molecular mechanisms underlying improved agricultural product quality. Studies have shown that H2 does not only affect plant growth and development but also affects the nutritional quality and shelf life of the fruit. Hydrogenated agriculture emerges as a promising technology for the sustainability of agricultural products in modern agricultural practices thanks to the different beneficial effects of H2 such as safety, nutritional and antioxidative properties, and high product productivity. In this review, the roles of H2 in plants, seed germination, seedling growth, root development, stomatal opening and closing, pre-harvest freshness, post-harvest freshness, and the changes caused by hydrogenated agriculture at various stages of the plant such as anthocyanin synthesis have been investigated.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The Evaluation of Irrigation Water Resources of Manisa Region in terms of Soil, Plant and Drip Irrigation System
Pınar Doğan | Üstün Şahin
Chemical quality analysis results of 5 surface and 30 groundwater resources commonly used in agricultural irrigation in Manisa province were evaluated and the possible effects on soil, plant and drip irrigation system were determined. In this context, the cation (Ca, Mg, Na, K), anion (CO3, HCO3, CI, SO4), Fe, B contents, pH and electrical conductivity values of the water resources as well as the Percentage Sodium, Sodium Adsorption Ratio and the Adjusted Sodium Adsorption Ratio determined by the calculation Permanent Sodium Carbonate, Langelier Saturation Index, Potential Salinity, Permeability Index and Hardness parameters were used. The results indicated that the potential of problem of surface water resources is higher than that of ground water. Salihli-Köseali, Necati bey farms and Alaşehir-Kasaplı underground water resources are used more serious problems than other underground water resources. According to the type of problem that may occur, recommendations were made on measures including washing, salt-resistant plant growing, addition of organic matter and natural Ca sources and the application of dilute acid.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Changes in Some Heavy Metal Concentratıons Due to Organ and Traffic Density in Tilia tomentosa
Ezgi Abacioglu | Hatice Akarsu | Çiğdem Özer Genç | Ayşe Öztürk
The level of pollution has reached the dimensions that threaten human health, with the rapid urbanization and the increase of energy consumption especially in developing countries. Every year in the world, millions of people lose their lives because of air pollution. Heavy metals have a separate precaution in pollutants, especially in terms of human health, because they can remain intact in nature for long periods of time, they tend to bioaccumulate and some are toxic or carcinogenic even at low concentrations. Therefore, monitoring of heavy metal pollution and determination of risky areas is very important. Biomonitors are the most commonly used methods for monitoring heavy metal pollution. However, determining which organelles are more suitable for monitoring the metal is essential in order to ensure that the monitoring is reliable. In this study, it was aimed to determine the variations of the concentration of Ba, Na, Al, B, Ca, Fe, K, Mg and Mn elements depending on the traffic density in leaves, seeds and branches of Tilia tomentosa which are grown in areas with heavy, low dense and non traffic areas. As a result of the study, it was determined that the heavy metal concentrations in leaves and seeds except Fe were increased due to traffic density. This situation can cause serious problems for human health, especially since the leaves and seeds of linden individuals grown in traffic-intensive areas are consumed as tea.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Behavior of Salmonella, a Zoonotic Pathogen, in Plant Hosts
Elim Gamze Has | Mustafa Akçelik
Salmonella is known as one of the main factors of food-borne gastroenteritis, and with this feature, it poses a great risk in terms of public health and economic losses. It is estimated that of the approximately 94 million cases of salmonellosis occurring in the world each year (about 85 percent of these are food-borne), an average of 150,000 result in death. Current social trends highlight the important health benefits of fresh produce in our daily diet. As an irony; Uncooked consumption of fresh herbal products is increasingly identified as a source of transmission for pathogens of intestinal origin, and epidemics occurring in this way are spreading rapidly. Today, the frequency of anthropogenic pathogen outbreaks associated with fresh produce, spices, and nuts has surpassed those associated with foods of animal origin. Human pathogens in the production chain; It can be transferred to plant material by basic means such as the use of animal manure, contaminated irrigation water, biological vectors (insects and animals) and contaminated seeds. In the light of these data, many intestinal pathogens have been identified as phyllo sphere-associated bacteria. Despite all these findings, there are many unknowns on the persistence and infectivity of Salmonella in contaminated plant hosts. In this review article, the factors affecting the attachment, colonization and survival of Salmonella on plant surfaces, as well as the information on the infection processes that continue with the invasion of plant tissues are discussed in the light of contemporary literature data.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Production of Plant Secondary Metabolites from Cell and Organ Cultures under In vitro Conditions
Tuncay Çalışkan | Rüştü Hatipoğlu | Saliha Kırıcı
Plant secondary metabolites are a group of organic compounds produced by plants to interact with biotic and abiotic factors and for the establishment of defence mechanism. Secondary metabolites are classified based on their biosynthetic origin and chemical structure. They have been used as pharmaceutical, agrochemical, flavours, fragrances, colours and food additives. Secondary metabolites are traditionally produced from the native grown or field grown plants. However, this conventional approach has some disadvantages such as low yield, instability of secondary metabolite contents of the plants due to geographical, seasonal and environmental variations, need for land and heavy labour to grow plants. Therefore, plant cell and organ cultures have emerged as an alternative to plant growing under field conditions for secondary metabolite production. In this literature review, present state of secondary metabolite production through plant cell and organ cultures, its problems as well as solutions of the problems were discussed.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The Effects of Plant Secondary Compounds on Herbivorous Insects
Oğuzhan Yanar | Elif Fatma Topkara
Plants have developed mechanical and chemical defense strategies that are effective against herbivores. Plants contain chemicals that are known as secondary metabolites (allelochemical) and these chemicals do not directly involve in organisms’ reproduction and growth, on the other hand, they affect survival, growth and behavior of species. These compounds usually take ecological tasks and plants use these compounds against diseases, parasites, and predators for interspecies competition. It is known through the observations on feeding of herbivorous insects that these compounds act as deterrent chemicals or they are toxic against them. Feeding is one of the most fundamental and the most important behaviors for herbivorous insects. Even though host plant preference of herbivores is partially depend on nutrients, this behavior greatly depends on secondary chemistry of plants. Effects of secondary compounds on herbivorous insects can be positive or negative.
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