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General Properties and Effects of Some Husbandry Practices on Milk Yield in Dairy Farms of Ondokuz Mayıs District of Samsun Province
Murat Satılmış | Savaş Atasever
In this study, it was aimed to reveal the structural properties and the effects of husbandry practices on milk yield in dairy farms of Ondokuz Mayıs district of Samsun. While the data were obtained by face-to-face surveys and observations in a total of 59 farms those had ≥10 head cattle between January and June 2018, environmental factors affecting daily milk yield (DMY) were separately evaluated. Important negativeneses were determined on the barn type, bedding material using, calving pens, weaning period of calves, claw care and udder cleaning in the farms. It was informed that local bazaars and cooperatives were commonly used for raw milk marketing, and high feed price was the most important problem. DMY was significantly affected by the experience of farm owner, number of the milking cows, amount of concentrate feed that given and milking type. It was concluded that farm properties and herd management methods have to be restored to elevate milk production in the investigated farms.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impact of Essential Feed Crops and Feed Additives on Red Meat and Milk Markets
Nihat Fidan | Zeki Bayramoğlu
All feeds used in animal nutrition are classified in various ways, including raw, semi-processed and processed, depending on the additives they contain. Animal feed input, which is generally classified as coarse and mixed feed, constitutes about 30-40% of the total production costs in cattle farms. Therefore, supply-demand elasticity of feed input, input-product price relations and exchange rate changes directly affect the costs, profits and thus sustainability of farms. Additionally, it is necessary to know how the two important activities of the agricultural sector, forage crops production and animal husbandry, affect each other and, if necessary, regulatory measures should be taken. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of cost changes in forage crops production on animal product market. The main data of the study consisted of the time series data of the period 1995-2017 and cross-sectional data obtained from the 107 agricultural farms determined by random sampling method in face-to-face survey method in 2017-2018 production period. Partial equilibrium model used in the study. In the model, diesel and fertilizer prices, which are the most important cost elements in forage crops production; barley, maize and sunflower prices have a statistically significant and positive effect. Partial equilibrium model was used to reveal the effect of cost change in forage crops production on animal product market. Partial balance model results, increasing barley, maize and sunflower prices increase feed prices. Forage crops costs are the highest cost item after purchase of live animal material.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Hayvansal Üretim Sistemlerinde Sera Gazı Emisyonlarının Etkisini Hafifletmeye Yönelik Öneriler
Büşra Akça | Sezen Ocak Yetişgin
Hayvancılık faaliyetleri sonucunda atmosferde karbondioksit (CO2), metan (CH4) ve nitröz oksit (N2O) gazları açığa çıkmakta ve açığa çıkan bu gazlar küresel olarak iklim değişikliğine etki etmektedir. Hayvansal üretim önemli bir endüstri haline gelmiştir ve sera gazı emisyonlarının seviyelerini dikkate değer ölçüde arttırmıştır. Bu bağlamda, sera gazı emisyonlarını azaltma stratejilerinde hayvansal üretimin büyük bir rolü bulunmaktadır. Hayvansal üretim sistemlerinde sera gazı üretimini artıran bazı faktörler bulunmaktadır. Bu unsurlar arasında arazi kullanımı, enterik fermantasyon, gübre yönetimi ve işleme ve nakliye gibi unsurlar en üst sıralarda yer almaktadır. Anılan faktörler arasında enterik fermantasyon ruminantların yem alım seviyesine, yemlerin ruminantlar tarafından sindirilebilirliğine bağlı olarak sindirim sistemlerinde metan (CH4) gazı açığa çıkarmakta ve metan (CH4) emisyonlarını meydana getirmektedir. Ruminantların, diğer çiftlik hayvanlarına oranla daha yüksek biyokütleleri ve sindirim ürünleri nedeniyle sera gazı emisyonlarına etkisi daha fazladır. Sera gazını hafifletmeye yönelik yapılan son çalışmalarda, literatürde farklı azaltma stratejileri vurgulanmaktadır. Bu derleme makalede sera gazı emisyonlarını azaltmaya yönelik stratejiler ele alınmıştır.
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