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The Effects of IBA and Paclobutrazol Applications on the Rooting Performance of Blackberry Cuttings
Muhammed Rahmetullah Çiğdem | Alperen Donat | Emircan Dinçer | Kenan Yıldız | Osman Nuri Öcalan
Difficulties in adventitious root formation in blackberry (Rubus fructicosus L.) cuttings create a disadvantage for producers. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of different growth regulator applications on the rooting ability of blackberry hardwood cuttings in order to avoid this problem. The experiment was carried out in the polycarbonate greenhouse of Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University Agricultural Research and Application Center In the experiment, in addition to the control (pure water) group, Indole-3-Butyric Acid (3000 ppm IBA) and different doses of paclobultrazole (500 ppm PBZ1, 1000 ppm PBZ2, 1500 ppm PBZ3) were applied to hardwood cuttings separately and in combination. After the application, the cuttings were planted in perlite medium and left to root for 90 days. At the end of this period, in the cuttings removed; rooting rate, callus formation rate, root number, root length and root diameter parameters were examined. As a result of the study, the highest rooting rate was obtained from the IBA applied cuttings (%42.22), followed by the PBZ1 applied cuttings closest (%33.33). In addition, it was determined that PBZ applications had positive effects on root diameter compared to the control group. The results obtained are important in terms of contributing to the literature and benefiting the enterprises
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of Light and Dark Conditions on Root Development of Black Mulberry (Morus nigra L.) Hardwood Cuttings
Fatmanur Çezik | Çetin Çekiç | Kenan Yıldız | Hakan Karadağ | Osman Nuri Öcalan
This study was carried out to determine the root development of black mulberry hardwood cuttings kept in light and dark conditions. The experiment was carried out in the polyethylene greenhouse of Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University Research and Application Center, in 2021. As material, hardwood cuttings prepared from one-year-old branches of black mulberry trees were used. The cuttings were divided into 3 different groups and planted in rooting beds containing perlite with bottom heating (22±2 °C). First group of cuttings were planted into beds as soon as taken from tree (control), the second group of cuttings were plantend after the cuttings were kept under daylight conditions for 5 days (in the open) and third group cuttings were planted after the cuttings were kept in the dark conditions (in the dark) for 5 days in both conditions soaked in water. All cuttings were dipped in 6000 ppm IBA (indole-3-butyric acid) hormone for 5 seconds just before planting. The experiment is with 3 replications and there are 15 cuttings in each replication. After keeping 90 days in the rooting environment, the cuttings were removed; root number (root/stem), root length (cm), root diameter (mm), decay rate (%), rooting rate (%) and callus formation rate (%) parameters were investigated. As a result of the study, there was no statistical difference between the different conditions in the investigated parameters. The data obtained varied between the following values; rooting rate between 68.89% - 93.33%, decay rate between 24.4% - 55.5%, callus formation rate between 68.8% - 88.8%, number of roots 8.8 - 13.5 root/stem, root length 6.5 - 7.4 cm and root diameter between 1.02 - 1.16 mm.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Türkiye İçin Endemik Astragalus vulnerariae DC. Taksonunun Çelikle Üretimi ve Peyzajda Kullanım Olanakları
Fatma Betül Erbil | Coşkun Sağlam
Türkiye, bulunduğu coğrafik konumu ve arazi yapısından dolayı oldukça zengin doğal bitki çeşitliliğine sahiptir. Bu çalışmada doğal olarak yayılış gösteren Fabaceae familyasına ait endemik Astragalus vulnerariae DC. taksonunun yarı kontrollü serada ilkbahar ve sonbahar dönemlerinde çelikle üretimi yapılarak peyzaj çalışmalarında kullanım alanları belirlenmiştir. Bitki çelikleri köklendirilirken; kontrol grubu, 5.000 ppm ve 10.000 ppm’lik IBA konsantrasyonlarıyla üç uygulama yapılmıştır. Köklenme sonrası elde edilen verilere göre uygulamalar arasında istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir fark elde edilmiştir. A. vulnerariae çeliklerinde en iyi köklenme, ilkbahar döneminde, %60 oranında 5.000 ppm’lik IBA hormon uygulamasında görülmüştür. Hem estetik hem de fonksiyonel özellikleri ile dikkat çeken A. vulnerariae taksonunun peyzaj çalışmalarında, yer örtücü olarak kullanımı başta olmak üzere, kaya bahçeleri, çatı ve teras bahçeleri ve peyzaj onarım çalışmalarında kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Investigation of Rooting Performance of Some Grapevine Rootstocks with Aeroponic Method
Deniz İpek | Hakan Karadağ
In the study, the aeroponic system examined the rooting performances of three grapevine rootstocks (110R, 1103 Paulsen, 5BB) commonly used in Türkiye. IBA was applied to grapevine cuttings to encourage rooting. Grapevine cuttings taken during the winter dormancy period were placed in the aeroponic system after the necessary pretreatments. Significant improvements were observed in root length, root number, and rooting rate during the rooting process of cuttings placed in the aeroponic system. No diseases or pests were observed during the rooting period in the daily checks. As a result of the study, the highest root length was 17.77 cm in 110R rootstock, while the lowest was 7.1 cm in 1103P rootstock. The highest rooting rate was 76.67% in a 25 ppm IBA application in 1103P rootstock and 73.33% in a 100 ppm IBA application. The lowest rooting was 10% in 110R rootstock at 100 ppm IBA application dose and in the control group. The study's results revealed the positive effects of aeroponic systems in increasing rooting performance. The advantages offered by these systems are essential in terms of sustainability and efficiency in agriculture. Considering global challenges such as climate change and the reduction of agricultural areas, aeroponic systems are expected to find wider applications in the future.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Rooting Performances of Promising Black Mulberry (Morus nigra L.) Genotypes Determined in Tokat Province under Same Environmental Conditions
Emircan Dinçer | Onur Saraçoğğlu | Osman Nuri Öcalan
In this study, it was aimed to examine the rooting performance of hardwood cuttings taken from the promising black mulberry genotypes Kemalpaşa, Yelpe, Merkez 3, Merkez 6, Kocacık, Çamdere, and Merkez 7 determined in the province of Tokat under the same environmental conditions. All cuttings were immersed in 6000 ppm IBA solution for 5 seconds before planting and planted on heated bottom tables. The cuttings, which were kept in rooting units for about 3 months, were then removed and measurements were made on them. As a result of the study, statistically, differences were found in root length, root diameter, root number, callus formation rate and rooting rates in the parameters examined. There was no statistically significant difference between genotypes in decay rates. Decay rates of genotypes are between 12.96% - 41.67%, callus formation rates are between 70.83% - 95.39%, rooting rates are between 60.41% - 92.64%, root lengths are between 5.85 - 7.52 cm, root diameters are between 1.42 - 1.75 mm, and root numbers are between 7.87 - 12.67 root/cutting has taken values. In the light of the information obtained as a result of the study, it was determined that Yelpe, Çamdere, and Merkez 6 genotypes showed high rooting success. These results are important in terms of shedding light on the research to be done in order to determine the various studies and the performance of the saplings. It is also a determining factor for enterprises producing saplings.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of Paclobutrazol Applications on Rooting Performance of Black Mulberry (Morus nigra L.) Hardwood Cuttings
Mehmet Emin İşbilir | Onur Saraçoğlu | Emircan Dinçer | Alperen Donat | Ala Asi Mohammed Al-Salihi
Cutting reproduction is the cheapest and most practical method for plants capable of clonal regeneration. However, the difficulties in adventitious root formation in black mulberry cuttings create a disadvantage for mulberry growers. This study aimed to investigate the effect of IBA and Paclobutrazol applications on the rooting ability of black mulberry hardwood cuttings. The experiment was carried out in the polyethylene greenhouse of Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University Agricultural Research and Application Center in February 2022. As a material, hardwood cuttings prepared from one-year-old branches of breeding black mulberry trees within the body of the directorate were used. The study was set up in a randomized plot design with 3 replications and 15 cuttings in each replication. In the study, pure water as a control group, 6000 ppm IBA and doses of 1000 ppm, 2000 ppm and 3000 ppm Paclobutrazol respectively were applied to black mulberry wood cuttings separately and together. After the application, the cuttings were planted in perlite medium. The cuttings were kept in the rooting medium for 90 days and then removed; rooting rate, root number, root length and root diameter values were recorded. As a result of the study, the effect of the applications on the root number of the cuttings was not observed while the rooting rate, root length and root diameter parameters were observed. In terms of rooting rate, the best result was obtained from IBA+PBZ 1000 application (40.00%) compared to the control group (0.0%). The highest root length was determined in IBA 6000 application, and the thickest root diameter values were determined in PBZ 1000 application.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Tissue Culture Studies in Olive Plants on the World and Turkey
Zeliha Çiftçi | Mizgin Ay | Ebru Sakar
Known as the world’s most healthy and natural source of vegetable oil, the history of olives dates back to 10,000 years ago. The homeland of olives, a member of the Oleacea family, is Upper Mesopotamia and Southern Asia, including Southeastern Anatolia and Syria. Olives, BC It started to be cultivated on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean in the year 3000 and is one of the first fruit species cultivated in the Mediterranean region. In this respect, olive has an important place in the economy, nutrition and culture of Mediterranean countries. Currently, in most olive growing countries, olive, leafy stem or cuttings are rooted or by propagating stem shoots from seed or clonal stem. However, the so-called table olives are very difficult or completely impossible to root. The olives, which are very difficult to root, should be supported with biotechnological approaches such as micropropagation method in order to increase the product productivity. So far, many fruit species have been propagated in vitro using tissue culture methods and at the same time, some olive varieties have been successfully propagated by micro-propagation method. It made in tissue culture in the world and Turkey Olives have been compiled resources to work for the researchers in this study.
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