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Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Karayoluyla Nakil Koşullarının Mortalite ve Karkas Kalitesine Etkisi
Ömer Faruk Güngör | Necmettin Ünal
Son yıllarda gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde kaliteli et üretimi ve et üretim kayıplarını azaltma ile ilgili yapılan bilimsel araştırma sayısında artış olduğu bilinmektedir. Yapılan araştırmalarda nakil koşullarının etin raf ömrünü ve etin görünümünü etkilediği bildirilmiştir. Kara yolu ile nakil koşullarının hayvan refahı kurallarına uygun olmadığı durumlarda mortality, karkas ezikleri meydana gelmekte ve etin normal pH’sı değişmektedir. Bu nedenle nakledilecek havanların özellikleri (ırk, tür, cinsiyet, yaş ve yetiştirme şekli) ve nâkilin etkenleri (bakıcılar, şoförler, yükleme, boşaltma, araç, alan, mevsim, açlık, susuzluk, sosyal grup, yolun mesafesi ve durumu) dikkate alınarak yapılacak iyi bir planlama üretim kayıplarını azaltacak ve et kalitesini artıracaktır. Bu derlemede, hayvanların karayoluyla nakillerinin planlanmasında dikkat edilmesi gereken kriterler hakkında araştırmacılara ve alanda çalışanlara kapsamlı bilgi sunmak amaçlanmıştır.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Relationships of Some Husbandry Practices with Calf Loss Rate in Dairy Farms: A Case Study of Alacam County of Samsun Province
Ahmet Serkan Kural | Savaş Atasever
In this study, the relationships between some husbandry practices and calf losses in dairy farms were investigated. A total of 39 farms enrolled to Alacam Cattle Breeders Association (CBA) of Samsun, Turkey, were evaluated by structural factors (education level of farm owner: EL, personnel number: PN, experience of farm owner: EF and number of cows: NC) and husbandry practices (individual calf housing: ICH, calving pen: CP and weaning period: WP). The questionnaires for interview, observations on farm level and records of CBA belonging to 2018 and 2019 were examined. While no significant difference was found among the all groups, dead calf per farm (0.64±0.25) and mean of calf loss rate (CLR) per farm (3.42±1.07%) were assumed within the acceptable thresholds. Presenting more attention on calf rearing methods was suggested to be diminishing approach to decrease the calf mortality in the farms.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The Relationship Between Vitamin B12 and Telomere Length: A Systematic Review
Zeyneb Yıldırım | Emine Merve Ekici
Telomeres are natural nucleoprotein structures that cover the ends of chromosomes. The phenomenon of telomere shortening, which plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability of the genome, occurs gradually over time when cells undergo division due to the end replication issue. Multiple studies have demonstrated a correlation between telomere shortening and a range of illnesses, including diabetes, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and mortality. Diet and lifestyle can affect telomere length. There exists a beneficial association between telomere length and the Mediterranean diet, particularly with regards to the consumption of dietary fiber derived from whole grains and vegetables. Micronutrients such as vitamins and trace elements also play a role in cell metabolism. Some micronutrients, such as vitamin D, folate, and vitamin B12, are associated with telomere biology and cellular aging. Vitamin B12 is essential for DNA synthesis and epigenetic methylation processes. The present systematic review examines the results from clinical trials conducted in humans evaluating the role of vitamin B12 on telomere length. Cellular senescence is a state characterized by inflammation, altered cellular metabolism, genomic instability, and telomere dysfunction, which can be induced by changes in methylation patterns and oxidative stress. Vitamin B12 maintains antioxidative defense. Through these pathways, sufficient amounts of vitamin B12 may potentially play a role in the restoration of DNA damage. Most of the evidence is based on very few randomized clinical trials. Therefore, more extensive prospective cohort studies and better-designed randomized clinical trials are required to validate the correlations outlined in this review.
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