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Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Fattening of Morkaraman Lambs with Different Dietary Plant Protein Sources
Mazhar Burak Can | Alperen Varalan | Halit İmik
This study investigated the effects of different plant protein sources incorporated into feed concentrates on the live weight gain and feed conversion ratio of Morkaraman lambs by days 28, 42 and 56 of fattening, and presents a cost-benefit analysis. The study animals included 24 male Morkaraman lambs with a mean age of 9 months, which were assigned to 3 study groups. The dietary plant protein sources provided to the animals were soybean meal and safflower meal in Group I, wheat gluten in Group II, and corn gluten in Group III. The total feed intake values (kg) of Group I, Group II and Group III were 40.75±1.08, 39.18±0.88, and 37.67±0.62, respectively, during the period between days 0-28 of fattening; 62.77±1.67, 60.14±0.96, and 57.54±1.28, respectively, during the period between days 0-42 of fattening; and 83.31±1.89, 77.79±1.43, and 75.97±1.67, respectively, during the period between days 0-56 of fattening (p<0.05). The live weight gain values (kg) of Group I, Group II and Group III during the period between days 0-56 of fattening were 14.82±0.84, 11.97±0.51, and 13.71±0.91, respectively (p<0.05). The feed conversion ratio was observed not to have a statistically significant effect on production yields (p>0.05). In conclusion, while the highest income from live weight gain during the period between days 0-56 of fattening was achieved with the use of soybean meal and safflower meal as dietary plant protein sources, the lowest fattening cost was achieved with the use of corn gluten.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Improved Tomato Varieties and Farm Size: Major Determinants of Level of Output of Tomato Crop in Ondo State, Nigeria
Olanrewaju Oladoyin
The study aimed to evaluate the economic viability and profitability of cultivating improved tomato varieties in Akure North and Ifedore Local Government Areas of Ondo State, Nigeria. Primary data were collected through a well-structured questionnaire, with a sample size of 150 farmers selected using snowball sampling through a multi-stage procedure. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, farm budgeting techniques, and multiple regression. Findings revealed that 36.7% of farmers were within their active working age. Most farmers (71.3%) were female, and 73.3% were married, with an average household size of seven. Around 40.7% of the farmers had higher education (HND/B.Sc.), and 68.7% were members of farming associations. Economic analysis indicated a total cost of N208,374.04 and a net income of N601,625.96, yielding a return on investment (ROI) of 3.89, meaning N2.89 profit for every N1 invested. The study also highlighted that farm size, farming experience, educational level, and agrochemical applications significantly influenced tomato production. Challenges identified included unfavorable climate, theft, price instability, poor seed supply, and inadequate capital. The study recommended government support in providing subsidies and resources for farm expansion and better extension services to ensure a steady supply of improved tomato varieties.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Analysis of Challenges Facing and Factors Influencing the Profitability of Dairy Cattle Enterprises in Southwestern Uganda
Denis Waiswa | Aytekin Günlü
In this study, challenges experienced by dairy cattle enterprises in Southwestern Uganda and the factors influencing their profitability were respectively analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression in STATA 15.0 statistical software. Eighteen questions relating to the challenges experienced by dairy producers in the study area were factor analyzed using principal components analysis with varimax rotation. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin’s measure of sampling adequacy was 0.643, above the commonly recommended value of 0.6, and Bartlett’s test of sphericity was significant (ꭓ² (153) = 1670.13, P<0.001). Using both the scree plot and eigenvalues greater than 1 to determine the underlying components, the analysis yielded five factors explaining a total of 67.42% of the variance in the data. These factors were investment constraints, productivity constraints, climatic and environmental conditions, veterinary and social security services, and marketing constraints, which explained 21.32%, 13.01%, 11.97%, 11.03%, and 10.097% of the variance after rotation, respectively. The factors hypothesized to influence the profitability of dairy enterprises were; daily milk yield per lactating cow, the prevalence rate of diseases, percentage of lactating cows to those raised on the enterprise, attendance of animal production training, the unit production cost of milk, and enterprise size according to the number of animals raised. Regression analysis results of these factors revealed that the unit production cost of milk, enterprise size, and daily milk yield per lactating cow were statistically significant. The estimated model had an R-squared value of 0.92. The recommendations emphasized in this study were reducing milk production costs, rational use of production resources, adopting improved cattle breeds, improving feeding by supplementing animal diets with concentrate feeds to increase milk yield, and general improvement in dairy herd management practices, including disease control strategies.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Profitability and Technical Efficiency Analysis of Rice Production in Quan’ Pan Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria
Vihi Samuel Keghter | Makwin Francis Malel | Jesse Birma | Owa Grace Tijesu | Selzing Peter Musa | Ochelle Blessing | Mwolgwan Nandom
This study investigated how profitable and technically effective rice farming was in Quan’ Pan Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria. Using a multistage sample method, 120 respondents were drawn. The study’s findings proved that the farmers were 40 years old on average. The men were higher in numbers constituting 81.0% of the study population. 83% of the people were married and a greater number (81%) of them had at least some form of formal education with a typical household size of 9 persons. Findings from the study also showed that the farmers owned an average of 2.0 hectares of farmland and had acquired an average farming experience of 12 years. For the most of them (78.0%), farming was their primary occupation. The result also demonstrated that 78.0% never accessed credit or bank loans for farming as majority (63%) of the respondents acquired their farmlands through inheritance. The entire cost (total cost) of farming operation/ha incurred by the farmers was 139733 while the average output obtained per hectare was 699kg at a prevailing market/selling price of 285/kg. The total revenue (TR) measured in naira value of 199, 215 was realized. Gross margin (GM) and net farm income (NFI) stood at 70932 and 59482 respectively. The return on investment (ROI) was 0.42 meaning that for every naira spent on rice production, a profit of 0.42 is made. Age, educational level, farm size, farming experience and extension contact all had positive direct relationship with net income from rice production at 1%. The rice growers’ mean technical efficiency score was 0.659. Major constraints to rice production were high fertilizer prices (72%), inadequate capital (53%), lack of improved seeds (47%). The research suggests that government should subsidize farming inputs like recommended fertilizer and herbicides so as to reduce the over bearing cost burden of these inputs on farmers. Financial institutions should make credit facilities available and affordable to the farmers.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Economic Assessment of Vegetable Seeds Marketing in Rajshahi District of Bangladesh
Fahad Ibne Salam | Mahbuba Akther Mishu | ASM Golam Hafeez | Sourav Mohan Saha
An efficient seed marketing system is very crucial for boosting vegetable production in Bangladesh. This study evaluated the vegetable seed marketing channels in Bangladesh including profit margins of various traders and different problems faced by them. Primary data from 45 vegetable farmers and 30 seed traders in Rajshahi district were collected by face-to-face interview. Descriptive and profitability analysis were employed, while problem confrontation index (PCI) was used to rank the problems. The findings revealed that vegetable seeds were traded through six major marketing channels. Private agents supply the majority of seeds where dealers, wholesalers, retailers and farmers were the key actors in the channels. However, rural market traders had the highest marketing margin and terminal market traders had the lowest. BCR for terminal market traders was 1.53 that is highest among the traders’ categories where BCR for rural market traders was lowest (1.36). Lack of bank loan facilities, inadequate capital, lack of separate market place, and lack of technical know-how were the major ranked problems faced by traders. The study recommends providing credit facilities to the traders, arranging a separated market place and proper training to increase technical knowledge.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Empirical Analysis of Productivity among Broiler Farmers
Godfrey Onuwa
Broiler production supplements income of smallholder farm households. Profitability and productivity and analysis are important considerations in measuring efficiency or performance of a farm business; hence, improved output and income are not only a function of increase in the scale of production, but also how efficiently the resources are being utilized. This study therefore estimates the profitability and level of productivity among broiler farmers in Jos North, Plateau State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was employed to select respondents for this study. Primary data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics, farm budgeting model and Total Factor Productivity (TFP) analysis. The study revealed that the net farm income of broiler production was ₦96,900/flock size; suggesting a relatively profitable venture with prospects for improved economic potentials. The estimated percentage profit margin was 45.6%; indicative of the percentage net margin accruable to the farmer from the estimated gross margin and benefit-cost ratio was 0.84. Furthermore, most (54.3%) of broiler farmers were sub-optimally productive as their TFP indices were below the optimal scale; attributable to sub-efficient input mix and cost of production inputs. In addition, constraints of broiler production in the study area included the following; high cost of feeds (92.9); high cost of chicks (85.7%); financial constraints (80%); high cost of poultry equipment (55.7%); high cost of medication (35.7); disease outbreak (28.6%) and inefficient market system (21.4%). Improving access to and subsidy of poultry feeds, chicks, production inputs and credit, extension, medical services and cooperative formation for market linkages are strongly recommended.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Technical Efficiency of Sweet Potato Production: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis
Godfrey C. Onuwa | Solomon T. Folorunsho | Ganiyu Binuyo | Mercy Emefiene | Onyekwere P. Ifenkwe
The level of yield among sweet potato farmers is on a decline; low output and yield differences was observed, indicating the existence of inefficiency in production systems and variations in input utilization. Efficiency in resource use must be sustained in order to improve productivity and maximize farm output. This study therefore analyzed the technical efficiency of sweet potato production. Multi-stage sampling techniques were adopted in selecting 94 respondents for this study. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics and stochastic frontier production function. The socioeconomic variables of the respondents affected their farm efficiency and level of farm output. The estimated ratio of the L/R test was 0.579; indicating a goodness of fit of the frontier model and thus a rejection of the null hypothesis. The coefficients of sweet potato seeds (vines) (0.362) and labour (0.439) were positive and statistically significant at 5% level of probability, while the coefficients of farm size (-1.333), fertilizer (-0.452) and herbicides (-0.766) were negative but statistically significant at 5% level of probability. The inefficiency model revealed that the coefficient of farm capital (-0.172), education (-2.281), access to credit (-0.472), farming experience (-0.639), extension contact (-0.733) and membership of cooperatives (-0.396) were negative and statistically significant at 5% level of probability. The mean technical efficiency was 0.62 (62%) implying that the sweet potato farmers in the study area were not producing at optimal capacity. The constraints identified significantly affected sweet potato production in the study area. Subsidizing input costs; sensitizing farmers on appropriate farming practices, cooperative formation and efficiency in resource utilization; improving access to agricultural inputs, technology, farm capital, credit and extension services, market linkages, farm labour supply and the development of indigenous technologies in sweet potato production are strongly recommended.
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