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Effect of Pulsed Ultraviolet Light on Natural Microbial Load and Antioxidant Properties of Fresh Blueberries
Senem Guner | Zeynal Topalcengiz
Blueberries have been drawn more attention in recent years for their antioxidant capacities and proposed health benefits. Pulsed ultraviolet (PUV) light is known for its disinfection effects on the surface of fresh fruits. This study’s aim was to examine the effects of PUV light on naturally present microbial load, antioxidant capacity, and antioxidant enzyme activity of fresh blueberries. Fresh blueberry samples were treated for 30, 60, 90, and 120 s. Samples were stabilized at 13 cm away from the PUV lamp before treatment. Total Aerobic Plate Count (TAPC) and yeast and mold count reduction were observed the highest in samples treated for 90 s, 1.97 and 1.27 log CFU/g, respectively. Antioxidant capacity levels were significantly different for treated samples for 60 and 90 s in FRAP analysis, whereas no differences were observed in results of DPPH analysis. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity as antioxidant enzyme had no difference, however, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) increased by 50% with PUV treatment for 120 s. PUV light treatment of fresh blueberries for 90 s was determined as ideal exposure time among tested time intervals of this study. PUV light illumination can generally enhance antioxidant capacity and antioxidant enzyme activity of fresh blueberries and decrease the population of natural microorganisms of fresh blueberries and similar small fruits.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of Growth Hormone Genetic Polymorphism on Calf Birth Weight
Zeynep Sönmez | Memiş Özdemir | Vecihi Aksakal
The aim of study were to present relationships between birth weight of 94 Holstein calves with genotype structures of each sample’s Growth Hormone (GH) determined through PCR-RFLP method and to detect the population’s genetic variation by determining the genotype and allel frequency distribution. In the study, according to the analysis result, it was determined that Growth Hormone gene LL genotype was 41.9 kg, LL was 40.8 kg, and VV was 42.2 kg for the birth weight. A significant relationship between birth weight with GH genotypes could not be found. It was seen that the calf population is not stable according to Hardy-Weinberg genetic balance test.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Challenges for a Transition from Peasant Agriculture to a Business Agriculture in Burkina Faso
Babou Sogue | Handan Akçaöz
Since the national farmers' day on May 12, 2017 in Kaya, Burkina Faso, the debate on agriculture has been to establish the agricultural entrepreneurship through the concept of agriculture as a family business (ACEF). And it is from this perspective that this study was conducted to analyse the financing possibilities open to family farming and to deduce the constraints of the transition from family farming to enterprise farming. To do this, we used the exegetical method to characterize the existing agricultural formations, to identify the means of financing and the constraints of the agricultural transition. The agricultural sector is strongly dominated by family farming with low physical and financial capital. The means of financing are self-financing and external financing. However, the transition will not be without problems because there are technical and political constraints to overcome.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Antifungal Activity of Some Lactic Acid Bacteria against to Several Soil-borne Fungal Pathogens Isolated from Strawberry Plants
Elif Canpolat | Müzeyyen Müge Doğaner | Sibel Derviş | Çiğdem Ulubaş Serçe
Developing alternative control methods such as using beneficial microorganisms and their metabolites to control the plant diseases has gained so much importance along recent years and research on this area are increasing day by day. In this study the possibilities of using microorganisms which have antimicrobial effects on controlling soil-borne fungi at strawberry production were investigated. Effects of different lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains were studied in vitro and in vivo against the development of several soil-borne fungi. LAB were screened for antifungal activity by using cell free supernatant against Fusarium sp., Rhizoctonia sp., Macrophomina sp., Botrytis sp., Phtopythium sp., Cylindrocarpon sp. and Pestalotiopsis sp. Cell free supernatant of LAB isolates showed antifungal activity against fungi. In vitro effective strains of LAB were used in pot experiments to search their effects on fungal development and the development of the plant. While the antifungal effects of all LAB strains tested in vitro experiments exhibited promising results, in vivo experiments revealed similar effects on different fungi genera.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The Investigation of Antidiabetic Effects of Leontice leontopetalum Extract on Human Pancreatic β Cell Lines (1.1B4) Treated with Streptozotocin
Celal Güven | Eylem Taşkın | Önder Yumrutaş | Leyla Türker Şener | Fulya Dal | Mufide Ahbab | İbrahim Bozgeyik | Işıl Albeniz | Haydar Bağış | Mustafa Pehlivan | Fatih Üçkardeşler | Handan Akçakaya
One of the alternative therapeutic methods is herbal medicine. Leontice leontopetalum belongs to Berberidaceae family. The aim of study was investigated the extract of LL on human pancreatic beta cell-treated with STZ. Materials and methods: The human pancreatic beta cell (1.1B4) line was used the current study. LL’s extracts (1, 10, 100, and 1000 ug/ml) were supplemented in media for twenty-four hours and/or after STZ treatment (10 and 20 mM). Cells survivals (MTT), cells proliferation were shown by using xCelligence. Insulin content and releasing were measured at 1.1, 8.4 and 16.7 mM glucose concentrations. Results: The result of MTT was shown that cell survival was decreased, based on dose-dependent. When looked at xCelligence results, cell proliferation in STZ groups and the lowest and highest concentrations of LL were attenuated in a dose-dependent manner. Also, cotreatments of LL and STZ were decreased as well. The result of insulin-releasing on glucose induction was shown that STZ concentration gave rise to reduce insulin content at low and high glucose levels. Also, co-treatment of LL and STZ attenuated insulin content based on dose. Conclusion: It was considered that LL treatment led to increased insulin realizing, resulting from decreasing insulin content in diabetic beta cells, but decrease cell survival.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Kiraz ve Kayısı Ağacı Reçinelerinden Elde Edilen Yenilebilir Filmlerin Çilek (Fragaria ananassa) ve Yenidünya (Eriobotrya japonica) Meyvelerinin Kaplanmasında Kullanımları
Sema Özmert Ergin | Hilmi Yaman | Meltem Dilek
Bu çalışmada kiraz ve kayısı ağaçlarından sızan reçineler yenilebilir kaplama materyali olarak kullanıldı. Reçinelerin yenilebilir kaplama olarak uygun olup olmadıkları bazı kimyasal özellikleriyle incelendi. Karbon, hidrojen, azot ve kükürt yüzdeleri elementel analiz ile belirlendi. Yapılan analizler sonucunda her iki reçinenin de fenolik madde bakımından zengin olduğu bulundu ve antioksidan kapasitelerinin yüksek olduğu tespit edildi. Termal analizlerle reçinelerden elde edilen filmlerin ısıya karşı davranışları ve ağırlık kayıpları belirlendi. Bu analizlere göre, filmlerin 400°C’ye kadar ısıya dayanıklı oldukları bulundu. Filmlerin SEM ile elde edilen yüzey görüntülerinin homojen ve düzgün bir yapıda oldukları görüldü. Daha sonra, reçinelerden elde edilen film çözeltileriyle çilek ve yenidünya meyveleri kaplandı. 4±1°C’de buzdolabında muhafaza edilen kaplamalı/kaplamasız meyveler; raf ömrü, organoleptik ve mikrobiyolojik özellikler bakımından karşılaştırıldı. Filmlerin kaplanmış meyvelerin raf ömrünü uzattığı görüldü. Depolama sonunda kaplamasız örneklerin toplam bakteri, maya-küf ve koliform bakteri düzeyleri en yüksek seviyedeydi. Ayrıca, kaplamalar meyvelerin organoleptik özelliklerini olumlu etkiledi. Duyusal analiz testine göre kaplamalı meyveler, kaplamasız meyvelerden daha yüksek puanlara sahip oldular. Kiraz ve kayısı ağacı reçineleri yenilebilir kaplama olarak kullanıma uygun materyallerdir.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Investigations on Some Physicochemical Parameters of Demirköprü Dam Lake (Manisa, Turkey)
Saniye Türk Çulha | Mirati Erdoğuş
This study was carried out at 3 different stations in Demirköprü Dam Lake, Köprübaşı, situated in Manisa, between June 2015 – May 2016. Samples collected from the surface and the bottom of the lake were analyzed seasonally in terms of depth (m), temprature (°C), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, salinity (‰), total dissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), secchi disk depth (SD), suspended solid matter (SSM), particulate organic matter (POM), particulate inorganic matter (PIM), ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N), nitrite nitrogen (NO2--N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N), phosphate phosphorus (PO4-3-P), silica (SiO2) and Chlorophyll-a parametres. As a result of this study, according to Inland Water Quality Standards defined in ʽʽSurface Water Quality Management Regulations’’ Demirköprü Dam Lake can be considered; Class-I quality according to measured temperature (15±1.3°C), NO2--N (0.010±0.003 mg/l) and NO3--N (0.04±0.01 mg/l) values; Class-II quality according to measured DO (6.86±0.90 mg/l), EC (591±6.4 µS/cm), SSM (5.90±6.40 mg/l), NH4+-N (0.30±0.09 mg/l) and PO4-3-P (0.08±0.01 mg/l) values; Class-III quality according to measured pH (8.72±0.09) values. Also, according to Turkish Boundary Values of Trophic Classification System of Lakes, Ponds and Reservoirs; the trophic level of the lake is considered eutrophic in regard to PO4-3- and SD values and hypereutrophic in regard to Chlorophyll-a values.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]F1 ve F2 Düzeylerindeki Melez Bezelye Varyetelerinin Fenolojik Özellikleri Arasındaki İlişkilerin Korelasyon Katsayısı Analizi ile Belirlenmesi
Ümit Girgel | Alihan Çokkızgın | Mustafa Çölkesen | Hatice Çokkızgın
Bu çalışma yabani ve ticari bezelye çeşitlerinin (Utrillo ve Bolero) çaprazlaması sonucu elde edilen melez bitkiler üzerinde yapılmıştır. F1 ve F2 generasyonu 2016 yılında Bayburt Üniversitesi, Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi arazisinde yetiştirilmiştir. Araştırmada bakla boyu, ilk bakla yüksekliği, dal sayısı, gövde çapı, bakla uzunluğu, bakla genişliği, bitkideki bakla sayısı ve bakladaki tane sayısı özellikleri üzerine korelasyon katsayısı analizi uygulanmıştır. F1 ve F2 melez bezelye materyaline ait sonuçlar birlikte değerlendirilerek korelasyon analizi göz önüne alındığında, bitki boyu ile dal sayısı (0,4779*), bitki boyu ile ilk bakla yüksekliği (0,4188*) arasında, gövde kalınlığı ile bakla boyu (0,4397*) ve gövde kalınlığı ile bitki başına bakla sayısı arasında (0,6185**) olumlu ve önemli bulunmuştur. Ayrıca dal sayısı ile bitki başına bakla sayısı arasında (0,5774**), bakla boyu ile bakla eni arasında (0,4691*) ve bitki başına bakla sayısı ile baklada tane sayısı arasında (0,4662*) olumlu ve önemli ilişkiler bulunmuştur.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ordu - Boztepe's Tourism and Recreation Potential with Boztepe's Contribution on the City Image
Murat Yeşil | Kübra Nur Beyli
In Ordu, which is located in the Eastern Black Sea Region in Turkey, there is a significant tourism mobility especially in recent years. Having a rich tourism potential, Ordu has become a center of attraction for culture and nature tourism. In this study; the contribution of tourism and recreation potential of Boztepe in the city of Ordu to the image of the city was investigated in the first stage. The Gülez method was used to determine the recreation potential and the recreation potential was determined as "Too High" according to the assessment criteria set out by the method. In the second step, a randomized questionnaire study was conducted with random sampling technique with 100 people, and as a result it was determined that Boztepe was seen as a component contributing to the image of the city. In the last stage, SWOT analysis for the area was applied to reveal the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the field.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Adıyaman İlinde Üretimi Yapılan Bazı Sebzelerin Üretim Maliyetleri ve Kârlılıkları Üzerine Bir Araştırma
İsmail Ukav
Bu çalışmada Adıyaman/Kahta İlçesinin önemli tarım ürünlerinden patlıcan, biber, domates ve hıyarın üretim maliyetlerinin hesaplanması, bunun yanında kullanılan girdilerin parasal değerlerini ortaya konması, gayri safi üretim değerlerinin belirlenmesi ve ürün kârlılıklarının karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Veriler 2016 yılı üretim dönemine aittir. Analizde basit istatistiki yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda 2016 yılında patlıcan, biber, domates ve hıyarın maliyetleri sırasıyla 0,68 TL/kg; 0,81 TL/kg, 0,59 TL/kg ve 0,52 TL/kg olarak hesaplanmıştır. Üretim maliyetlerinin yaklaşık yarısını, emek ve gübre maliyetleri oluşturmaktadır. İncelenen ürünlerin karlılıklarının karşılaştırılması, brüt kâr, net kâr ve nispi kâr hesaplanarak yapılmıştır. Brüt kârı en yüksek ürün biber (2415,00 TL/da), en düşük ürün ise hıyar (582,50 TL/da) olarak saptanmıştır. İlçede ayrıca yoğun yetiştirilen ürünlerden olan patlıcanın brüt karı (2249,50 TL/da) ve domatesin brüt kârı ise 975,75 TL/da olarak bulunmuştur. Net kar; biberde 2245,17 TL/da patlıcanda 2079,74 TL/da domateste 801,60 TL/da ve hıyarda 405,53 TL/da olarak hesaplanmıştır. İşletmelerin yatırdıkları bir TL karşılığında elde ettikleri parayı gösteren nispi kârı en yüksek ürün; biber (3,10)’dir. Nispi karı en düşük ürün 1,34 ile hıyarda belirlenmiştir. İncelenen ürünlerden patlıcanın nispi karı 2,95 ve domatesin nispi karı 1,70 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Yörede özellikle sulu tarımın yaygınlaşmasıyla söz konusu ürünlerin yetiştiriciliğinin gelişeceği ve tarımsal gelirin önemli derecede artacağı öngörülmektedir.
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