AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology ]
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Résultats 151-160 de 356

Zeytinyağı Sanayii Yan Ürünü Karasuyun Macar Fiğ- tritikale Silajlarının Kalitesi ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerine Etkisi


Asuman Arslan Duru | Dilek Aksu Elmalı | Osman Yüksel | Metin Duru

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Gluten ve Gluten Metabolizması Bozukluğuna Bağlı Oluşan Hastalıklar


Aybüke İmik | Ceren Gezer

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AutoCAD Yazılımı Kullanılarak Alansal ve Zamansal Bazlı İklim Sınıfı ve Referans Evapotranspirasyon Haritalarının Oluşturulması – Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi, Türkiye Örneği


Selçuk Usta

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Köpeklerden Toplanan Rhipicephalus sanguineus Türü Kenelerden Coxiella brunetii’nin PCR ile Tespiti ve Moleküler Karakterizasyonu


Ali Bilgin Yılmaz | Adnan Ayan | Ezgi Şababoğlu | Yaşar Göz | Burçak Aslan Çelik | Özgür Çelik | Özge Oktay Ayan

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Determination of Thermal Efficiency and Fuel Consumption Rate of a Pressure Cooker Fueled with Blends of Waste Vegetable Oil and Kerosene


Oluwafemi Emmanuel Ogundahunsi | Isaac Olatunde Olaoye | Precious Akintobi Fabunmi

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Comparative Investigation of Tongue and Esophagus Morphometry in Swiss Albino and Balb-c Mice


Osman Yılmaz | Yeşim Ayırtır Başdinç | Hüseyin Karadağ

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Can Biochar Made from Rice Husk Affect Savanna Soils’ pH, Electrical Conductivity, and Soil Respiration?


Ammal Abukari | Prince Cobbinah

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Effects of Partially Replacing the Commercial Soybean Meal, With A Soaked and Boiled Raw Full-Fat Soybean in Broiler Diets


Mammo Mengesha Erdaw | Alemayehu Guteta

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Energy Balance and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Production in Türkiye


Osman Özbek | Sadiye Ayşe Çelik | İrem Ayran Çolak | Osman Gökdoğan

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Effects of Heat and Drought Stress on Sustainable Agriculture and Future Food Security in Türkiye


Serpil Bas | Dilek Killi

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