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Zeytinyağı Sanayii Yan Ürünü Karasuyun Macar Fiğ- tritikale Silajlarının Kalitesi ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerine Etkisi
Asuman Arslan Duru | Dilek Aksu Elmalı | Osman Yüksel | Metin Duru
Bu çalışmada amaç, zeytinyağı sanayii yan ürünü olan karasuyun Macar fiğ-tritikale silajlarına farklı dozlarda ilavesinin kimyasal kompozisyon, fermentasyon, fiziksel, mikrobiyolojik özellikleri ve in vitro sindirilebilirlikleri üzerine etkisini incelemektir. Araştırma silajları belirtilen şekilde oluşturulmuştur: (i) %100 Macar fiğ-tritikale silajı (kontrol); (ii) %95 Macar fiğ-tritikale + %5 karasu; (iii) %90 Macar fiğ-tritikale + %10 karasu; (iv) %85 Macar fiğ-tritikale + %15 karasu; (v) %80 Macar fiğ-tritikale + %20 karasu. Silolama dönemi 56 gün devam etmiştir. Sonuç olarak, karasu ilavesiyle silajların koku, organik madde, pH ve suda çözünebilir karbonhidrat içerikleri azalmış; kuru madde, ham kül, ADF, ham yağ ve Fleig puanı artmıştır. Ham protein, ham selüloz, NDF, amonyak azot, laktik asit bakterileri, in vitro kuru madde ve organik madde sindirilebilirlikleri bakımından görülen farklılıklar önemli bulunmamıştır. Araştırma silajlarında sülfit indirgeyen anaeroblar, Listeria spp., Enterobactericeae ve maya içeriğine rastlanmamıştır. Küf içeriği, %15 karasu içeren grupta bir örnekte saptanmıştır. Araştırma sonunda, Macar fiğ-tritikale karışımlarından oluşan silajlara %20 düzeyine kadar karasu ilavesinin herhangi bir olumsuz etkisinin olmadığı sonucuna varılmıştır.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Gluten ve Gluten Metabolizması Bozukluğuna Bağlı Oluşan Hastalıklar
Aybüke İmik | Ceren Gezer
İnsanların beslenmesinde gluten içeren besinler önemli yer tutmaktadır. Gluten metabolizması bozukluğuna bağlı oluşan hastalıklar bulunmakta olup bunlar çölyak hastalığı, buğdaya karşı IgE aracılı alerji ve çölyak dışı gluten duyarlılığı olarak sınıflandırılabilir. Bireylerin gluten duyarlılıkları arasında farklılıklar olup gluten duyarlılığı olan bireylerin gluten içeren besinleri tüketmeleri durumunda en başta bağırsak dokusu olmak üzere birçok dokuda histopatolojik yapılarında ve otoimmun sistemlerinde önemli değişiklikler meydana gelebilir. Dokuların histopatolojik yapısındaki değişiklikler dokulara göre değişmektedir. Otoimmun sistemdeki değişiklikler ise Transglutaminaz, Gliadin, IgA, IgG, CD4 ve CD8 gibi parametrelerden en az birinin veya birkaçının incelenmesi ile tespit edilebilir. Gluten metabolizması bozukluğuna bağlı oluşan hastalıklarda etkili tedavi şekli glutensiz/gluten kısıtlı diyet olmakla birlikte bağışıklık sisteminde rol alan mekanizma ve moleküllerin saptanması yeni tedavi yöntemlerini oluşturulmasına yol gösterebilir. Bu çalışmada amaç gluten ve gluten metabolizması bozukluğuna bağlı oluşan hastalıklar arasındaki ilişkinin derlemesidir.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]AutoCAD Yazılımı Kullanılarak Alansal ve Zamansal Bazlı İklim Sınıfı ve Referans Evapotranspirasyon Haritalarının Oluşturulması – Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi, Türkiye Örneği
Selçuk Usta
Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi için alansal ve zamansal bazlı iklim sınıfı ve ETo haritalarının oluşturulması amaçlanmıştır. Öncelikle, bölgedeki 15 şehrin De Martonne kuraklık indeksi yöntemine göre ay bazında iklim sınıfları belirlenmiştir. Daha sonra bölgedeki mevcut meteoroloji istasyonları tarafından ölçülen iklim verilerinin uzun yıllar ortalama değerleri kullanılarak, FAO-56 Penman-Monteith yöntemi tabanlı CROPWAT yazılımı ile şehir bazında aylık ortalama ETo değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Elde edilen iklim sınıfı ve ETo değerlerinin alansal ve zamansal değişimini gösteren haritaların oluşturulmasında ise AutoCAD yazılımı kullanılmıştır. Bu haritalardan okunan ETo değerleri, T.C. Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü (TAGEM) tarafından hazırlanan “Türkiye’de Sulanan Bitkilerin Bitki Su Tüketimleri” isimli rehberde bölge şehirleri için verilen ETo değerleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Karşılaştırma kriteri olarak ortalama mutlak göreceli hata oranı (MAPE) dikkate alınmıştır. ETo haritaları kullanılarak doğruluk oranı %89,85 (MAPE= %10,15) düzeyine ulaşan günlük ortalama ETo değerleri tahmin edilmiştir. İklim sınıfı ve ETo değerlerinin konum ve zamana bağlı olarak kolaylıkla belirlenebildiği bu haritaların özellikle ETo hesaplamaları için gerekli olan güncel iklim verilerinin ölçülemediği veya temin edilemediği kırsal kesimlerdeki ETo’a dayalı bitki su tüketimi (ETc) ve sulama programı çalışmaları ile sulama sistemleri ve su iletim yapılarının tasarımı ve projelendirilmesinde kullanılabileceği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Köpeklerden Toplanan Rhipicephalus sanguineus Türü Kenelerden Coxiella brunetii’nin PCR ile Tespiti ve Moleküler Karakterizasyonu
Ali Bilgin Yılmaz | Adnan Ayan | Ezgi Şababoğlu | Yaşar Göz | Burçak Aslan Çelik | Özgür Çelik | Özge Oktay Ayan
Zorunlu hücre içi bakteri olan Coxiella burnetii, insanlar da dahil olmak üzere omurgalıların zoonotik bir hastalığı olan Q ateşinin etkenidir. Yaygın enfeksiyon yolları kontamine ahır tozunu solumak ve enfekte hayvanların atıklarıyla temastır. Bu çalışmanın materyalini Haziran-Eylül 2019 tarihleri arasında Türkiye’nin doğusundaki Van ilinde bulunan 70 sokak köpeğinden toplanan 200 adet kene oluşturmuştur. Toplanan keneler %70’lik alkol içeren tüplere alınarak parazitoloji laboratuvarına nakledilmiştir. hangi etiketlerin yapıştırıldığı. Keneler tüplere yerleştirildi ve sıvı nitrojen ile dondurularak ezildi. DNA, kit üreticisinin protokolüne göre izole edildi. Coxiella burnetii’nin DNA’sını tespit etmek için IS1111 tekrarlayan transpozaz gen bölgesine özel bir Trans 1, Trans 2 primer çifti kullanıldı. Saflaştırılmış amplikonların çift yönlü dizi analizi, DNA dizileyici ile gerçekleştirildi. IS1111 transpozaz genini hedef alan PCR sonucunda 200 kenenin 2’sinde (%1) Coxiella burnetii pozitif sonuç elde edildi. Van ilinde serbest dolaşan köpeklerde Q ateşi epidemiyolojisinde potansiyel risk faktörleri ve kenelerin önemi, parazit kene türleri ve köpeklerde C. burnetii pozitif kenelerin prevalansı belirlenerek vurgulanmıştır.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Determination of Thermal Efficiency and Fuel Consumption Rate of a Pressure Cooker Fueled with Blends of Waste Vegetable Oil and Kerosene
Oluwafemi Emmanuel Ogundahunsi | Isaac Olatunde Olaoye | Precious Akintobi Fabunmi
In Nigeria, before the removal of subsidy on kerosene in 2016, the product was accessible to low-income individuals and is intended to be used as a fuel for cooking, lighting, or heating. Recently, kerosene is rapidly vanishing from rural families and it is becoming inaccessible due to its ever-rising cost. Therefore, to ease the hardship of low-income individuals to have access to high thermal efficiency cookers with affordable fuel, a study was carried out to determine the thermal efficiency and fuel consumption rate of a pressure cooker fueled with a blend of waste vegetable oil and kerosene. Based on this, a low-cost pressure cooker was developed with locally available materials to aid the atomization of fuel during cooking. Along with this, vegetable oil was blended with kerosene to enhance the quantity of kerosene used to fuel the pressure cooker. This cooker fueled with blends of vegetable oil and kerosene was analyzed for its thermal efficiency and fuel consumption rate and was also compared to the conventional kerosene stove. The result shows that the constructed pressure cooker has a thermal efficiency of 52% which is 20% more than the conventional kerosene stove but the developed pressure cooker consumes more fuel (48.62 ml) than the conventional kerosene wick stove (33.78 ml). Though the pressure cooker consumes more fuel, the thermal efficiency per time with respect to the fuel consumed is much better than conventional kerosene stoves which makes the developed cooker cheaper and more affordable both to low-income earners and for rural dwellers.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparative Investigation of Tongue and Esophagus Morphometry in Swiss Albino and Balb-c Mice
Osman Yılmaz | Yeşim Ayırtır Başdinç | Hüseyin Karadağ
This study was carried out to obtain morphometric measurement values of tongue and esophagus in Swiss Albino and Balb-c mice, to examine the biometric differences of these measurements between sexes and groups. Thirty-two mice, 16 Swiss Albino (8 males, 8 females) and 16 Balb-c (8 males, 8 females), were used for this study. Mice anesthetized with the ketamine-xylazine combination were fixed by the technique. The tongue and esophagus of the mice were carefully dissected and removed. Then, morphometric measurements of the dissected organs were taken, and statistical analysis was performed. When the morphometric measurement values were examined, it was seen that all of the measurement values obtained from both Swiss Albino and Balb-c mice were higher in males than in females. Statistically significant differences were observed between the groups in all morphometric measurement values of tongue and esophagus in both mouse races (p<0.05). Additionally, positive and significant correlations were found between morphometric measurement values of tongue and esophagus in both groups according to gender. Differences in morphometric measurement values of the tongue and esophagus were determined between genders and groups in Swiss Albino and Balb-c mice. Furthermore, this study provided basic morphometric data that will benefit various scientific fields related to the tongue and esophagus in these animals, especially anatomical studies.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Can Biochar Made from Rice Husk Affect Savanna Soils’ pH, Electrical Conductivity, and Soil Respiration?
Ammal Abukari | Prince Cobbinah
Biochar is now gaining awareness as a sustainable tool for soil health improvement, boosting carbon (C) storage and the enhancement of nutrient cycling in agricultural soils. This study assesses the effects of biochar on soil respiration, pH, and electrical conductivity (EC) in savanna soils over a 45-day incubation trail in the laboratory. Four different biochar treatments (0, 2, 4, and 6 t/ha) were used in the study. The treatments were established at 26°C, and after 2, 5, and 10 days, the CO2 levels were recorded. After incubation for 0, 5, 10, and 45 days, the EC and pH were assessed. As the rate of application of biochar increased, the rate of CO2 evolution increased as well. During the first two days of incubation, the CO2 evolution rate rose by a value of 129 at 2 t/ha biochar, 146 at 4 t/ha biochar, and 168 ug CO2/g soil/d at 6 t/ha biochar above the 0 t/ha biochar. Following five days of incubation, the amounts of CO2 evolution that were higher than the control were 99 with 2 t/ha, 116 with 4 t/ha, and 120 ug CO2/g soil/d with 6 t/ha of biochar. The increase in CO2 evolution above the control treatment at 10 days of incubation was 61 with 2 t/ha, 79 with 4 t/ha, and 87 ug CO2/g soil/d with 6 t/ha of biochar. Analogously, rising patterns in CO2 emissions were noted. Throughout the whole incubation period, the biochar treatments' soil EC and pH were greater than those of the control treatment. After applying biochar, there were increases in the evolution of CO2, however after 10 days of incubation, the percentage of C evolved from the addition of biochar decreased as the rates of biochar increased. At two t/ha, four t/ha, and six t/ha, the percentage C developed was 1.74 %, 1.66%, and 0.82% of the applied biochar C, respectively. Although the CO2 evolved ratio to the total amount of biochar C typically reduced with increasing biochar rates, this study shows that the addition of biochar increases soil respiration, EC, and pH.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of Partially Replacing the Commercial Soybean Meal, With A Soaked and Boiled Raw Full-Fat Soybean in Broiler Diets
Mammo Mengesha Erdaw | Alemayehu Guteta
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of partially replacing the commercial soybean meal (SBM) with a home-treated, locally produced raw-full fat soybean (RFFSB) in the diets of broilers. A 3×2×2+1 factorial arrangement was used to conduct this feeding trial. A test ingredient (RFFSB) was differently soaked (0, 6 or 12 hrs), drained, boiled (25 or 35 min) and sundried. Following this, it was hammered to pass through a 0.2-mm sieve, then 12 experimental diets were formulated, replacing the SBM by such a home-treated-RFFSB at 50 or 75%. The control diet didn’t contain any RFFSBN. Totally 13 experimental diets were prepared and every treatment was replicated 3 times and 10 chicks per replicate. The results revealed that replacing the commercial SBM by a treated RFFSB had no significant interaction effects on any measured parameter. However, soaking and then boiling it (RFFSB) had significant (P<0.05) interaction effect on the BWTG (1-13d and 14-28d). When increasing the soaking time, the FI (feed intake), BWTG (body weight gain) and feed efficiency were significantly (P<0.05) decreased. When increasing the boiling duration, both FI and feed efficiency (14-28d) were improved. But, when increasing the replacement rate of RFFSB, the feed efficiency was deteriorated. Broilers fed on both control and diets, containing a non-soaked RFFSB had higher (P<0.05) BWTG (1-13d). Birds fed on diets containing RFFSB that was soaked for the longest period (12 hrs) had significantly lower BWTG. Birds fed on diets, containing prolonged boiling duration had significantly (P<0.05) higher BWTG and feed efficiency. There was no interaction (P> 0.05) effect on both carcass yield and cut-products. Neither increasing a boiling time nor a replacement rate had (P<0.05) any influence on the WT (weight) of the carcass. Birds on both control and on non-soaked RFFSB diets had better WT of carcass products. There was no interaction (P>0.05) effect on organ developments. However, increasing the soaking-duration significantly (P<0.05) reduced the organ developments. Therefore, it is concluded that commercial SBM can be replaced by a non-soaked, but boiled raw soybean in diets of broilers.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Energy Balance and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Production in Türkiye
Osman Özbek | Sadiye Ayşe Çelik | İrem Ayran Çolak | Osman Gökdoğan
The objective of this study was to determine the energy use and greenhouse gas emissions associated with sesame production. Energy use efficiency indicators and greenhouse gas emission rates were calculated for the 2022-2023 production season. The energy input and output for sesame production were found to be 12079.15 MJ ha-1 and 30052.44 MJ ha-1, respectively. The study found an energy use efficiency of 2.49, with a specific energy of 12.20 MJ kg-1, an energy productivity of 0.08 kg MJ-1, and a net energy value of 17973.29 MJ ha-1. The direct and indirect energy inputs were calculated to be 4584.41 MJ ha-1 (37.95%) and 7494.74 MJ ha-1 (62.05%), while the renewable and non-renewable energy inputs were calculated to be 469.12 MJ ha-1 (3.88%) and 11610.03 MJ ha-1 (98.65%), respectively. The calculation shows that the total greenhouse gas emissions are 380.52 kgCO2-eq ha-1 and the greenhouse gas emission rate is 0.38 kgCO2-eq ha-1. Sesame production is highly profitable for the 2022-2023 production season in terms of energy use efficiency.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of Heat and Drought Stress on Sustainable Agriculture and Future Food Security in Türkiye
Serpil Bas | Dilek Killi
This review investigates the effects of heat and drought stress on future food security of Turkish agriculture. Temperature average is expected to rise to 3.2°C at the end of the current century while annual precipitation will decline more than 10% in the west and south and rise by 20% in the north of Türkiye, implying that climate change will affect ecosystem sustainability. It is therefore crucial to develop strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change such as adjusting the planting schedule, reduced tillage, fertiliser microdosing, pre-sowing seed treatment, and the application of growth promoting bacteria to improve tolerance to stress by comprehending how plants respond physiologically and biochemically under these stress conditions. Long-term heat stress may hinder photosynthetic electron transport, decreasing the plant's ability to make use of energy for photosynthesis. The immediate response of plants under drought stress involves closing stomatal openings to reduce water loss through stomatal conductance. Combined heat and drought stress have a greater adverse effect on plant development and production than their effects in isolation. Plant phenotyping can play a major role in “climate-proofing” Turkish agriculture through the identification and development of crop varities with improved prouctivity, climate resilience and input requirements. Digital agriculture will also improve the efficiency of Turkish agricultural systems as the adapt to a hotter drier climate. To ensure future food security and the viability of the agro-economic system in Türkiye steps must be taken to make Turkish agriculture more robust in preparation for the impacts of climate change.
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