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Résultats 151-160 de 356
Fish Freshness Detection Through Artificial Intelligence Approaches: A Comprehensive Study
Sabire Kılıçarslan | Meliha Merve Hız Çiçekliyurt | Serhat Kılıçarslan
Fish is regarded as an important protein source in human nutrition due to its high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids In traditional global cuisine, fish holds a prominent position, with seafood restaurants, fish markets, and eateries serving as popular venues for fish consumption. However, it is imperative to preserve fish freshness as improper storage can lead to rapid spoilage, posing risks of potential foodborne illnesses. To address this concern, artificial intelligence techniques have been utilized to evaluate fish freshness, introducing a deep learning and machine learning approach. Leveraging a dataset of 4476 fish images, this study conducted feature extraction using three transfer learning models (MobileNetV2, Xception, VGG16) and applied four machine learning algorithms (SVM, LR, ANN, RF) for classification. The synergy of Xception and MobileNetV2 with SVM and LR algorithms achieved a 100% success rate, highlighting the effectiveness of machine learning in preventing foodborne illness and preserving the taste and quality of fish products, especially in mass production facilities.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The Effects of Acorn Flour on Some Quality Characteristics of Chicken Patties
Eylem Ezgi Fadıloğlu | Haluk Ergezer
The study was carried out to develop chicken patties by incorporating acorn flour as a meat replacer at 3%, 6%, and 9% levels in the formulation. For this purpose, the chemical (moisture, protein, fat, ash), pH, thiobarbituric acid (TBA), and color analyses in the raw and cooked chicken patties were analyzed. In addition, the cooking properties (cooking yield, diameter reduction, thickness reduction), functional properties (moisture and fat retention) and sensory properties were examined on cooked chicken patties. There were significant changes in the chemical, cooking, functional, and color properties of chicken patties with acorn flour. The moisture and protein values decreased, in both raw and cooked samples incorporated with acorn flour but fat level increased only in raw acorn flour added samples. Lightness (L*) and redness (a*) values decreased significantly. The addition of acorn flour caused an increase in b* values of raw samples and a decrease in cooked samples. Acorn flour was not effective in preventing lipid oxidation. The addition of acorn flour contents in chicken patties improved functional and cooking properties, decreased cooking loss, and increased moisture and fat retention. The use of acorn flour improved the quality parameters of patties, but the addition of acorn flour resulted in a darker color in patties. The use of acorn flour in chicken meatballs did not negatively affect sensory properties except color. In conclusion, acorn flour can be used as a filler and binder in chicken patties.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Physicochemical Characterization and Butanol Impact on Canola and Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesels: A Comparative Analysis with Binary Biodiesel Blends
Seda Şahin | Fatma Yılmaz
In this study, the physicochemical properties of canola and waste cooking oil biodiesels, as well as various binary biodiesel blends, were investigated according to TS EN 14214 and ASTM D 6751 standards. Critical parameters such as density, kinematic viscosity, cold filter plugging point (CFPP), calorific value, flash point, copper strip corrosion, water content, and ester yield were evaluated. The findings highlighted the notable density of C100 and W100 biodiesels, with the addition of butanol reducing density. While viscosity values adhered to standards, the addition of butanol was observed to decrease viscosity. CFPP values indicated compliance with standards only for C100 and C75W25. Flash points of C100 and W100 biodiesels met standards, but the addition of butanol to binary biodiesel blends lowered flash points. Copper strip corrosion values were determined to comply with standards for all fuels. Calorific values demonstrated the prominence of C100 and W100 biodiesels, with the addition of butanol observed to decrease calorific values in binary biodiesels. While water content favored canola biodiesel over waste cooking oil biodiesel, the addition of butanol to binary biodiesels increased water content. Regarding ester yield, C100 biodiesel exhibited the highest yield, and the addition of butanol to binary biodiesels increased ester yield. In conclusion, this study thoroughly analyzed the physicochemical properties of biodiesel and blend fuels, revealing the impact of butanol addition on these properties.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]A Comprehensive Assessment of Apple Production in Jumla District, Nepal: Status, Economics, Marketing and Challenges
Roshan Thapa | Sudip Ghimire | Prakriti Bhattarai | Shreeja Acharya | Bidhya Poudel Chhetri | Rabin Kushma Tharu
Apple production is a vital sector of agriculture in Nepal, significantly impacting local livelihoods and the regional economy. This study, conducted in Jumla District, Nepal, from January to July 2022, aims to comprehensively assess apple production, including its existing conditions, economic implications, marketing and challenges. The research hypothesizes that while apple production in Jumla District contributes significantly to the local economy, it faces challenges related to pest and disease management, marketing, and adoption of modern practices. Using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), descriptive statistics were computed based on data collected from a sample of 80 respondents selected through simple random sampling. The result revealed that agriculture constituted the primary source of income for 73.75% of the population, with an average landholding size of 0.3428 ha and an apple-growing land area of 0.3164 ha. Income from apple production, along with vegetables and fruits, was a major income source. The average annual sales of apple production were 7.291 t/ha. Labor costs accounted for 45.67% of the total cost of apple production, with an average total production cost of NPR 238,097.2 and average gross returns of NPR 485,500. Apple productivity was 9.71 t/ha, demonstrating its economic viability with net returns of NPR 247,402.80 per ha and benefit cost ratio of 2.039. However, the study found that farm produce only sufficed for 6-9 months, with pest and disease incidence and marketing issues as major challenges. Interventions should address pest and disease management, marketing strategies, and modern practices adoption to enhance sustainable and profitable apple production in Jumla. Efforts to extend farm produce sufficiency should also be explored, highlighting apple production's potential and the need for targeted support to overcome challenges and foster sector development.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Production of Functional Chocolate with Lycium Barbarum L. (Wolfberry) Additive
İhsan Güngör Şat | Emine Takım | Halil İbrahim Binici
In this study, a new bitter chocolate with functional properties was produced by using different tempering temperatures with different ratios of wolfberry addition and physicochemical, antioxidant, textural and sensory properties of these chocolates were determined. It was observed that fruit ratios on bitter chocolate had a statistically significant (P<0.01) effect on DPPH, ABTS and hardness values, while there was no significant effect on total flavonoid amounts. It was determined that tempering temperature had a significant effect (P<0.01) on pH, reducing sugar, sucrose, total phenolic content (TPC), DPPH, ABTS, total flavonoids (TFC) and hardness values, while it had no significant effect on total dry matter and total sugar values. The rich total phenolic and antioxidant content of the added wolfberry fruit and its substitution for sugar improved the functional properties of the chocolate. As a result of the study, it was possible to introduce a value-added functional product with wolfberry additive to the market, thus pioneering the production of new products as well as the fresh use of the fruit.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of Inoculation of Lactobacillus plantarum at Different Doses on Triticale (Triticosecale wittmack) Silage on Quality, Fermentation and Aerobic Stability Properties and Feed Value
Hayrettin Çayıroğlu
This study was conducted to determine the effects of different doses of Lactobacillus plantarum (LP) inoculation into triticale silage on fermentation, quality, feed value, and aerobic stability. This study used three doses of LP bacteria strains (MF098786 strain) isolated from homemade pickles as inoculants. As LP dose, 1×106, 1×108 and 1×109 cfu/mL levels were used. The LP inoculation was applied by spraying onto by using a sterile injector at 1 mL per 1 kg material. The prepared silages were incubated for 60 d. The treatment groups in the study consisted of triticale control (TC), 1×106 (LP6T), 1×108 (LP8T) and 1×109 cfu/kg DM (LP9T) LP inoculated triticale. The LP inoculation of triticale silage improved silage fermentation, chemical and microbiological properties, silage quality, and feed value, and aerobic stability of the product, regardless of dose application. This application did not change the silage's organic matter, ash, and hemicellulose contents but decreased the crude fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber contents. While there was no significant change in color parameters in all silages, a decrease in the ultimate pH value, and improvement in Flieg score and RFV were detected. The LP inoculation into triticale silage increased the number of lactic acid bacteria and decreased the number of yeast in the silages. This application improved the total digestible nutrient and energy values of LP9T silage compared with other silages. When LP doses were evaluated within themselves, it was determined that all doses gave almost similar results in terms of the parameters studied. However, when the data obtained from the research are evaluated as a whole, LP inoculation at the level of 1×109 cfu/mL can be recommended to triticale silage, because of the positive effects of silage on total digestible nutrient, digestible energy, metabolizable energy, and net energy contents.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Factors Affecting Melon Farmers’ Knowledge Sources and Their Attitudes Towards Input Use; The Case of Hatay Province
Aybüke Kaya
The aim of study is to reveal the factors affecting the knowledge sources used by melon farmers in Hatay province, and their attitudes towards input use. In addition, the research also investigated farmers’ attitudes towards plant protection knowledge and support policies. In the study was surveyed with melon farmers. The data were obtained through face to face interviews during the period of Summer-2022. In the study, factor analysis was used to determine farmers’ the factors affecting the knowledge sources. Factors affecting the knowledge sources used by farmers were determined as two-way and one-way communication. The factors affecting the sources that farmers depend on in dose adjustment were determined as internal and external factors. Besides, farmers think that the knowledge sources should be understandable and accessible. On the other hand, farmers think that the sources they depend on should be accurate and reliable. In melon cultivation, chemicals are used excessively to combat diseases and pests. Also, farmers stated that if precautions are not taken while spraying, poisoning may occur. Moreover, it is thought that empty pesticide containers should be destroyed and excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides may harm products and the environment. Furthermore, farmers claimed that support policies for melon production were not sufficient. As a result, it has been understood that melon farmers have a good level of education and are conscious individuals. However, it is thought that the training and extension activities will help farmers increase their income and environmental awareness.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Çanakkale İli Ezine İlçesi Geyikli Beldesinden Toplanan Salicornia europaea Popülasyonunda Bazı Kalite Parametrelerinin Belirlenmesi
Tolga Sarıyer | Murat Şeker
Çanakkale Ezine İlçesine bağlı olan Geyikli beldesi Çanakkale’nin batısında bulunmaktadır. Yörede, doğadan toplanarak tüketilen pek çok bitkiden birisi olan Deniz Börülcesi (Salicornia europaea); Türkiye’de farklı bölgelerde de toplanıp sebze olarak kullanılmaktadır. Türkiye’de aktif olarak kültüre alınmamış olmakla birlikte bazı bilimsel denemelerde yer almıştır ve önemli bir halofittir. Deniz börülcesi pek çok besleyici özelliği olduğuna inanıldığından dolayı sık olarak tüketilmekte ve ticarete konu olmaktadır. Bu bitkinin yöreden toplanıp önemli özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi bölgenin tarımsal anlamda gelişimi ve bitki ile yapılabilecek diğer tarımsal çalışmalara yol göstermesi açılarından önemli bir konudur. Çalışmanın amacı Çanakkale Ezine İlçesi, Geyikli beldesinde doğal ortamından toplanan S. europaea bitkisini askorbik asit, toplam karotenoid, suda çözünen kuru madde, pH, titre edilebilir asitlik parametreleri ve luteolin, apigenin, naringin, kateşin flavonoidleri açısından incelemektir. Böylece bölge tarımına katkıda bulunmak ve bu bitki ile yapılabilecek çeşitli çalışmalara yol göstermektir. Çalışma sonucunda değerlendirilen S. europaea popülasyonunun flavonoid içeriklerinin çoktan aza sırasıyla apigenin (649,461 mg/kg), naringin (117,51 mg/kg), kateşin (13,574 mg/kg) ve luteolin (0,984 mg/kg) olarak sıralandığı belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra yüksek bir suda çözünen kuru madde (°Briks) içeriğine (%11,7) sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Elma Posası İlavesinin Yonca Silaj Kalitesine Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi
Yücel Ünal | Behlül Sevim | Erinç Gümüş | Selim Sırakaya | Tugay Ayaşan | Yusuf Cufadar | Osman Olgun | Asuman Duru
Bu çalışma, farklı dozlarda elma posası ilavesinin yonca silajlarının kimyasal kompozisyonu, fermentasyon profili, mikrobiyolojik özellikleri, sindirilebilirlik ve enerji değerlerinin incelenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Çalışma kapsamında, 1-3 cm boyutlarında parçalanan yoncalar anaerob plastik kaplara, kontrol grubuna herhangi bir katkı eklenmeden, muamele gruplarında ise %5 (EP5) ve %10 (EP10) oranlarında elma posası ilave edilerek silolanmıştır. Araştırma sonunda, elma posası ilavesi yonca silajlarının kuru madde, etanol, asetik asit, propiyonik asit, bütirik asit içeriği ve pH değerini düşürürken, Nötral Deterjanda Çözülmeyen Ham Protein (NDICP), laktik asit ve maya sayısını artırmıştır. Yonca silajlarının sindirilebilirlik, enerji değerleri, ham protein, ham yağ, ham kül, nişasta, NDF, ADF, ADL, Asit Deterjanda Çözülmeyen Ham Protein (ADICP) ve laktik asit bakterileri içeriklerine elma posası muamelesiyle önemli bir fark olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Elma posası katkılı gruplarda küf içeriği saptanmamış, Clostridia ise sadece EP10 grubunda gözlemlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak gıda sanayi yan ürünü olan elma posasının olumsuz çevresel etkilerinin azaltılması, yem maliyetlerinin ucuzlatılması ve yonca silajlarının kalitesine pozitif yönde etkisi nedeniyle kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Çekirdekli ve Çekirdeksiz Nar Tanelerinin Ultrason Ön İşlemli Kurutma Kinetiğinin En Çok İki Parametre İçeren İnce Tabaka Modelleri Kullanılarak İncelenmesi
Salih Eroğlu
Bu çalışmada çekirdekli ve çekirdeksiz nar taneleri (Punica granatum L.) ince tabaka halinde farklı sürelerde ultrason ön işlemi (US) uygulandıktan sonra 70 °C’de 1,3 m/s hava hızında kurutulmuştur. Nar tanelerinin kuruma kinetiğinin incelenmesi amacıyla literatürde çok kullanılan ancak karmaşık ve verilerin dönüştürülmesini gerektiren çok parametreli modeller yerine en çok iki parametreli modeller kullanılmıştır. Bu modeller Lewis (Newton), Page, Modifiye Page I, Weibull, Weibull I ve Modifiye Çift Terimli III modelleridir. Kurutma işlemlerini en iyi açıklayan modelin seçilmesi amacıyla hata kareleri ortalamasının kare kökü (RMSE) ve belirleme katsayısı (R2) değerleri incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre çekirdekli nar tanelerinin kurutulmasını tüm işlem koşullarında en iyi Page modelinin açıkladığı belirlenmiştir. Çekirdeksiz nar tanelerinde ön işlemsiz ve 10 dakika US ön işlemli nar tanelerinin kurutulmasını en iyi açıklayan modelin Page modeli, 20 ve 30 dakika US ön işlemli nar tanelerinin kurutulmasını en iyi açıklayan modelin ise Weibull modeli olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, kurutma öncesinde uygulanan farklı sürelerdeki US ön işlemlerinin çekirdekli ve çekirdeksiz nar tanelerinin kuruma sürelerini önemli ölçüde azalttığı belirlenmiştir.
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