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The Effect of Some Aromatic Plants Wastes on The Cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) P. Kumm. (Oyster Mushroom).
Kutret Gezer | Oğuzhan Kaygusuz | Betül Gamze Bayuk | Remzi Kaygusuz | Semih Akgün
In this study, the effects of some herbal wastes such as daphne (Laurus nobilis), thyme (Origanum onites) and cumin (Cuminum cyminum) on the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus were investigated. While compost formula consisted 43% wheat straw+ 43% poplar dust+ 10% wheat bran+ 4% gyps mixture was used as the control group, 20% to 40% of herbal waste was added to this formula in the experiment groups. Total number of mushroom was counted in both the experiment and the control groups. Then, the harvested mushrooms were weighed and morphological features of caps were measured and recorded. As a result of obtained data, while it was detected that compost contained 20% cumin waste had the highest number of primordium (34), the control group had the lowest number of primordium (21 items). The highest biological yield was detected as 35.8% in the group contained 20% cumin waste. The lowest biological yield was detected in the control group with 24.6%.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Efficient in vitro Clonal Propagation of Muscari neglectum Guss. Ex. Ten Using Thidiazuron- α Naphthalene Acetic Acid
Çiğdem Alev Özel | Fatma Ünal
Muscari neglectum Guss. Ex Ten, is an ornamental, herbaceous perennial plant species that grows in the Mediterranean countries with attractive and scented blue-colored flowers. The plant has low seed output, seed dormancy, low germination and propagation rates. This study aimed to develop a reliable microclonal propagation protocol for M. neglectum using TDZ (Thidiazuron)-NAA (α Naphthalene acetic acid) to induce bulblets, roots, and acclimatization of the regenerated bulblets. Maximum number of bulblets per explant (8.25±0.05) was noted on MS medium containing 0.0454 µM TDZ-5.37 µM NAA. The bulblets regenerated in each type of culture medium were very vigorous, and acclimatized easily following rooting on a subculture. Here we show that this protocol is a useful clonal micropropagation system for this important ornamental plant.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Drought Stress Responses of Sunflower Germplasm Developed after Wide Hybridization
Roumiana Dimova Vassilevska-Ivanova | Lydia Shtereva | Ira Stancheva | Maria Geneva
Response of sunflower germplasms viz. cultivated sunflower H. annuus and two breeding lines H. annuus x T. rotundifolia and H. annuus x V. encelioides developed after wide hybridization were used for identification of drought tolerant sunflower genotypes at the seedling growth stage. Three water stress levels of zero (control), -0.4, and -0.8 MPa were developed using polyethyleneglycol-6000 (PEG-6000). Physiological and biochemical stress determining parameters such as root and shoots length, fresh weight, antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), guaiacol peroxidase (GPO), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and antioxidant metabolite content (total antioxidant capacity, total phenols and total flavonoids content) were compared between seedlings of all three genotypes. Results revealed that sunflower genotypes have similar responses at two osmotic potentials for shoot and root length and fresh weight. The data also showed that drought stresss could induce oxidative stress, as indicated by the increase level of ascorbate peroxidase and guaiacol peroxidase at -04 MPa in H. annuus cv 1114. Although the activity of ascorbate peroxidase and guaiacol peroxidase was differentially influenced by drought, the changes of antioxidant enzyme activities such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase, and ascorbate peroxidase subjected to drought stress follow a similar pattern in both breeding lines, indicating that similar defense systems might be involved in the oxidative stress injury in sunflowers. Increase in content of phenols and flavonoids were detected for all three genotypes under stress, which showed that these were major antioxidant metabolites in scavenging cellular H2O2.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The Effects of Dairy Management on Milk Quality Characteristics
Pylyp Petrov | Yaroslava Zhukova | Demikhov Yuriy
The article focuses on the impact of different dairy management types on quality characteristics of organic and conventional milk. The study was conducted during 9 months (spring-autumn), raw milk samples were collected from organic and conventional dairy farms from two Ukrainian regions. The milk samples were analyzed for dry matter, total protein and non-protein nitrogen, ammonia content and values of stable isotopes 13С/12С were measured in fat and milk protein fractions. The values of dry matter, total protein, true protein and non-protein nitrogen content do not represent a statistically significant effect of farming type. The values of ammonia content, ammonia/non-protein nitrogen and ammonia/total protein ratios were statistically significant and reflected the impact of farming type which is, probably, linked with different protein content in cows’ diet. Conversion of some parameters on the dry matter allows more precise differentiation among types of milk, including statistically significant differences (e.g. total protein and ammonia content). The values of δ13C in fat fraction (-26.00‰) and protein fraction (-22.89‰) of organic milk were statistically significant differed in comparison with conventional milk (-23.14 ‰ and -19.15‰ respectively), due to the high amount of maize in the diet on conventional farm. The values of Δδ13C also were statistically significant: 3.99‰ in conventional milk and 3.11‰ in organic. It was established that conventional milk has a greater range of the different parameter seasonal variations than organic milk.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]First Report of Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated genetic transformation of aquatic Rice paddy herb (Limnophila aromatica)
Allah Bakhsh | Muhammad Aasim | Muhammad Abu Bakar Zia | Muhammet Doğan | Gökhan Sadı | Mehmet Karataş | Khalid Mahmood Khawar
The study presents first report of Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation in Rice paddy herb (Linmophila aromatica). A. tumefaciens strain C58C1 harboring pBin19 Plasmid containing β-glucuronidase (GUS) and neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII) gene, under the control of 35S promoter and NOS terminator was used. Shoot tip explants were inoculated for 30 min followed by co-cultivation for 72 h and selected on agar semi solidified MS medium containing 100 mg/l Kanamycin and 1.0 mg/l BA; whereas total number of 78 putative transgenic shoots were obtained. The shoots were rooted on MS medium containing 1.0 mg/l IBA and 100 mg/l Kanamycin where 43 plants survived and rooted. Expression of GUS gene in the putative transgenics was confirmed by histochemical GUS assay. Visible localised gus expression was noted in a few cells and callus tissues of 4 plantlets that were photographed using compound light microscope.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Improvement on The Ellis and Roberts Viability Model
Guoyan Zhou | Feifei Zhang | Shaoyun Wu
With data sets of germination percent and storage time of seed lot of wheat and sorghum stored at three different storage temperature(t, °C) with three different water content (m, %) of seeds, together with data set of buckwheat and lettuce reported in literatures, the possibility that seed survival curve were transformed into line by survival proportion and the relationship that logarithm of average viability period (logp50) and standard deviation of seed death distribution in time (δ)with t, m and interaction between t and m were analysed. Result indicated that survival proportion transformed seed survival curve to line were much easier than the probability adopted by Ellis and Roberts, and the most important factor affecting logp50 and δ of seed lot was interaction between t and m. Thus, Ellis and Roberts viability model were suggested to be improved as Ki=Vi-p/10K-CWT (t×m) to predict longevity of seed lot with initial germination percent unknown, a new model of Gi/G0=A-P/10K-CWT(t×m) was constructed to predict longevity of seed lot with initial germination percent already known.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]How is nutrition linked to agriculture and education?
Sayed Mohammad Naim Khalid
Agricultural development is now expected to proceed in a way that maximizes opportunities to improve health and nutrition. Accordingly, the term “nutrition-education-agriculture linkages” describes the set of relationships that shows the mutual dependence of nutrition, education and agriculture. Changes in nutrition or education status are expected to affect agricultural production; conversely changes in the agricultural sector can have significant effects on individual health and nutritional status. Professionals in are trained in nutrition or agriculture, but very few will be trained in both. It is therefore difficult to begin discussions on nutrition-focused agricultural programs and policies. How do we begin to identify these linked outcomes? And how do we begin to think about ways to impact factors that are outside of our sector of expertise? This paper provides a simple framework for thinking critically about nutrition, education and agriculture linkages. The purpose is to help readers identify the linkages of greatest importance to their goals and to begin thinking about how to take steps toward integrating programs more effectively.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of Farming System on Camels Calving Interval in Western Sudan
Sallam Abdelfadeil Bakheit | Bernard Faye | Adam Ismail Ahmed | Intisar Musa Elshafei
Eighteen (18) lactating she-camels and two mature male for mating were used to determine the effect of Management System on camel calving interval, The camels were maintained under semi-intensive (N = 9) and Traditional management system (N = 9) in North Kordofan State, western Sudan. The experimental females in each group kept together with the bull during 18 months. Blood samples were collected from jugular vein since 4-months post-partum and continue 14 successive months at monthly interval. The serum samples were separated and stored at -20°C and were analysed for progesterone concentration using progesterone specific radio immuno assay (RIA) kits. The results indicated that under semi-intensive system 77.8% of females had been pregnant in 5th - 8th month post-partum and the calving interval varying between 17 to 20 months. Under traditional system and during the experimental period 44.5% of females were pregnant in the 11th – 16th month and the calving interval varying between 23 to 28 months. The ratios of pregnant vs non-pregnant during experimental period in semi-intensive and traditional were 88.9% vs 11.1% and 44.5% vs 55.5%, respectively. Beside the behavioural signs progesterone level consider a good indicator for pregnancy in camels. In pregnant females Progesterone concentration increased significantly during early months. The range of Progesterone concentration varied between 1.10 – 5.76 ng/ml and 0.67 – 2.53 ng/ml in semi-intensive and traditional system, respectively. Our results allow quantifying this impact. With a supplemented diet including 2 Kg of concentrates and 5 kg of roughages per day, the fertility rate will be improved of 67%. It would be possible to expect more than two fold young camels in a year by supplemented 5 kg of concentrates. We conclude that under semi-intensive management dietary supplement during post-partum and early lactation period improves reproductive parameters for instance shortened calving interval.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Functional Quality and Colour Attributes of Two High-Lycopene Tomato Breeding Lines Grown under Greenhouse Conditions
Ilahy Riadh | Siddiqui Mohammed Wasim | Tlili Imen | Piro Gabriela | Lenucci Marcello Salvatore | Hdider Chafik
This study investigates the antioxidant components (total carotenoids, lycopene, β-carotene, total phenols, flavonoids, ascorbic acid and total vitamin C) as well as the hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant activities (HAA and LAA) of tomato genotypes consisting of one ordinary cultivar Rio Grande and the two high-lycopene breeding lines HLT-F71 and HLT-F72. The correlation of nutritional value to L∗, a∗, b∗ colour indexes and a∗/b∗ ratio was also investigated in whole and fresh cut tomato fruits. Except for β-carotene content, significant differences were found among cultivars for antioxidants. The berries of both HLT-lines recorded higher antioxidant contents, HAA and LAA (TEAC and FRAP assays) than Rio Grande. Under controlled conditions, HLT-F72 reached the highest levels of total carotenoids (165.5 mg β-ca Eq per kg fw), lycopene (150.1 mg per kg fw) and total phenolics (549.7 mg GAE per kg fw). However, HLT-F72 exhibited the highest levels of ascorbic acid (193.3 mg per kg fw), total vitamin C (271.6 mg per kg fw) and flavonoids (450.5 mg RE per kg fw). Line HLT-F71 showed the highest HAA (148.0 µM Trolox per 100 g fw and 4.2 mM FRAP per g fw) and LAA values (258.5 µM Trolox per 100 g fw and 3.2 mM FRAP per g fw respectively). Colour readings in red ripe fresh cut tomato berries particularly a∗, b∗ and the ratio a∗/b∗ could represent an indicator not only for lycopene but also for other phytochemicals and resulting antioxidant activities. HLT-Lines may serve as a starting point for the development of semi-determinate growth habit tomato cultivars with higher functional quality.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of Some Beneficial Bacteria in Casing Soil on Growth and Yield of Cultivated Mushroom Agaricus bisporus
Mehmet Çetin | Hatice Özaktan | Kaya Boztok
This research was carried out to determine the interaction between some bacteria naturally existing in casing soil and Agaricus bisporus (Sylvan Hauser A15) hypha in laboratory (in vitro) and cultivation (in vivo) conditions, and to confirm its effects on mushroom yield. Totally 32 bacteria (3 Gram (+) and 29 Fluorescent Pseudomonads) was isolated from casing soil and healthy sporophores. As a result of in vitro experiment carried out to determine the effects of bacteria on mycelium growth of A. bisporus, 24 bacterial isolates were found more effective at the rate of 2 to 115% than control treatment. To determine the effects of bacterium, chosen at the end of in vitro experiments, on mushroom yield in cultivation conditions, three experiments were established in March, May and July in 2008. At the end of experiments, bacterial isolates provided 8 – 40 % increase in total yield. Population density and change in population number related to time was observed during growing period, after the inoculation of bacterial isolates into casing soil. According to the results, Pseudomonas fluorescens (T 4/2 and Ş 8), P.putida (Ş 2/1 and Ş 10) and Bacillus mycoides (T 7/2) bacterial isolates were colonized successfully both in casing soil and sporophores.
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