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Ohmik Evaporasyon İşlemiyle Elde Edilen Dut Pekmezinde Renk Değerlerinin İncelenmesi
Ferit Ak | Serdal Sabancı
Evaporasyon işlemi sıvı gıda ürünü içerisinde bulunan suyun fiziksel olarak uzaklaştırılmasıdır. Bu işlemde geleneksel ısıtma teknikleri sonucunda istenmeyen bileşen oluşumu, kalite kaybı ve aroma kayıpları meydana gelmektedir. Bu nedenle gelişen teknoloji ile geleneksel gıda işlemi uygulamalarının yerini alternatif teknikler almaktadır. Bu tekniklerin başında ohmik ısıtma işlemi gelmektedir. Ohmik ısıtma işlemi iki elektrot arasında alternatif akım geçirilerek ürünün ısınma prensibine dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın ana amacı üç farklı voltaj gradyanı kullanılarak elde edilen dut pekmezinin renk değerlerinin incelenmesidir. Örnekler ohmik evaporasyon işlemi ile üç farklı voltaj gradyanında atmosferik koşullar altında %22,2 Suda Çözünür Kuru Madde (SÇKM) içeriğinden %68 SÇKM değerine kadar evaporasyon işlemine tabi tutulmuştur. Örneklere ait L*, a*, ve b* renk değerleri ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen L*, a*, ve b* değerlerinden beyazlık ve kahverengileşme gibi bazı renk indeksleri hesaplanmıştır. Beyazlık indeksi (Bİ) ve kahverengileşme indeksi (Kİ) incelendiğinde, en yüksek değerler geleneksel yöntemde elde edilirken en düşük değerler 15 V/cm voltaj gradyanında elde edilmiştir. Toplam renk değişim değerinin 3,73-8,97 arasında değiştiği, en düşük renk değişim değerinin geleneksel yöntemle elde edildiği ve bu değerin yükselen voltaj gradyanı ile arttığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, dut pekmezi örnekleri renk değişimleri açısından incelendiğinde genel anlamda voltaj gradyanın artmasından olumsuz etkilendiği tespit edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte fiziksel kalite değerlerinin başında yer alan renk değerleri bakımından nispeten daha düşük voltajlı ohmik evaporasyon işleminin kullanılabileceği düşünülmektedir.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Quality Determination of Dairy Farm Wastewater in Dinajpur
Motaharul Islam | Mst. Taslema Nasrin | Md. Mofizul Islam
At present environmental pollution is a talked about issue. Due to environmental pollution, humans and animals face threats. The scientist has pointed out that waste is one reason for climate change. Solid, liquid, gaseous etc. are different types of waste. The experiments were conducted to determine the chemical constituents present in dairy farm wastewater, wastewater management practice and environmental impact and compare it with the groundwater Dinajpur Sadar upazila. The data concerning the dairy farm wastewater in Dinajpur was obtained through a designed questionnaire, and separate area inspection interacting with the proprietor and workers in the dairy farm. Randomly collected samples from different dairy farms. The chemical constituents of the wastewater sample were determined by a laboratory experiment. The wastewater contained Mg, Na, Ca, Cl-, K, EC, P, HCO3-, pH, TDS, DO, COD, Zn, S, BOD, HT and NO3-. The Na, K, Ca and pH concentration of wastewater under the range in groundwater in Dinajpur. However, concentrations of P, TDS, Mg, EC, Cl-, HCO3- and HT are above the groundwater range in Dinajpur. The produced wastewater was disposed of either through drainage or piping systems on fellow land, ponds, open lakes, roadside land, urban drains, and rivers. The unplanned wastewater disposal creates bad odor, and environmental pollution, seduces the growth of mosquitoes decreases the water quality, soil quality and health hazards. Therefore, it can be concluded that the prevailing dairy farm wastewater disposal system not being satisfactory. The proper disposal system should be improved to reduce environmental impacts.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Determining Some Chemical and Microbiological Changes in the Ripening Process of Kashar Cheese
Sevda Urçar Gelen | Mustafa Atasever | Özgür Kaynar
In the present study, some microbial, chemical, and physicochemical characteristics occurring during ripening were observed in unpackaged and vacuum-packed Kashar cheese samples. Some microbial and chemical properties of Kashar cheese samples were studied Also, the free fatty acid ratio was determined with the SDS-Page Electrophoresis to determine proteolysis during the ripening period and with the High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) for lipolysis. Physical, chemical, and microbiological analyzes were made at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 days of ripening during which the changes in the number of microbiologically total aerobic mesophilic bacteria (TAMB), Lactobacillus spp., Lactococcus spp., Pseudomonas spp., yeast-mold, lipolytic, and proteolytic bacteria were determined. In the present study, % lactic acid, pH, dry matter percentage, color parameters (L, a and b values) and water activity (aw) were analyzed during ripening and the changes during storage were defined. Lactobacillus spp., Lactococcus spp., TAMB, and proteolytic bacteria counts and % lactic acid ratios were higher in vacuum-packed Kashar cheeses. It was found that lipolysis and proteolysis were higher in cheese samples stored open during ripening.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The Effect of Resveratrol and Catalase on Post-Thaw Angora Buck Semen
Mustafa Bodu | Ali Erdem Öztürk | Zeliha Kılınç | Ömer Hatipoğlu | Mehmet Bozkurt Ataman | Mustafa Numan Bucak | Mustafa Kul
This research aimed to examine the impact of resveratrol and catalase on the motility, plasma membrane integrity, acrosomal membrane integrity, and mitochondrial activity of Ankara buck semen following freeze-thawed process. In this study, semen samples obtained from four mature bucks were divided into four groups: control (C), resveratrol 500 µM/ml (R), catalase 50 IU/ml (CAT), and resveratrol 500 µM/ml + catalase 50 IU/ml (CATR). After dilution with Tris/egg yolk extender, the semen samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and then thawed for assessment. The CATR group gave the highest values across all evaluated parameters (motility, plasma membrane integrity, acrosomal membrane integrity, and mitochondrial activity) compared to the other groups (61 ± 1.0%, 72.6 ± 0.70%, 70.73 ± 0.67%, 60.9 ± 0.79%, respectively) (p<0.05). In conclusion, the combination of catalase and resveratrol significantly improved the quality of buck semen after freeze-thawed process, thereby contributing to enhanced reproductive outcomes and genetic preservation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Influence of Grape Heterogeneity on Berry Quality Traits in Table Grapes A Study on the ‘Alphonse Lavallée’ Variety
Seda Sucu | Neval Topcu Altıncı
The study, conducted in 2023 at the vineyard of the Agricultural Research and Application Center of Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University, focused on the Alphonse Lavallée grape variety, a significant cultivar among table grapes. The research aimed to assess the impact of berry density on various quality parameters. Grape berries were selected across five different density categories (Y0-Y4), including a control group, to evaluate their physical characteristics (including width, length, weight, firmness, and skin color), chemical properties (pH, total titratable acidity, and soluble solids content), and phytochemical attributes (encompassing total phenol content, total antioxidant capacity, and total monomeric anthocyanin levels). The findings revealed that critical quality indicators—namely, soluble solids content, pH, total antioxidant capacity, and total monomeric anthocyanin—were maximized under the Y4 treatment. In contrast, the highest total phenol content was recorded in the Y2 and Y3 treatments. These results underscore the importance of berry density and berry/skin volume as key determinants of grape berry quality. The study contributes valuable insights into the role of these factors in enhancing the overall quality of table grapes, particularly in the context of the Alphonse Lavallée variety.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Used in Urban Area for Landscape Planning and Design Spatial and Temporal Variations in Chromium (Cr) Concentrations in Picea orientalis L.
İlknur Zeren Çetin
This study investigates the spatial and temporal variations in chromium (Cr) concentrations in Picea orientalis L., across different directions (north, east, south, and west) and plant organs (outer bark, inner bark, and wood) in a forested region. The research, conducted over eight age periods spanning 1980 to 2020, aimed to assess the effectiveness of Picea orientalis L. as a biomonitor for Cr pollution. The highest Cr concentrations were observed in the east direction, particularly in the inner bark and wood, while the lowest levels were found in the west. The study was conducted in an urban area near the industrial zone and highway, as well as in forested regions. A total of 100 trees were selected for the study, with samples collected from three different organs: outer bark (OB), inner bark (IB), and wood. Samples were taken from each organ at breast height (approximately 1.3 meters above the ground) to ensure consistency. The sampling covered various age periods, specifically 1980–2020, to analyze temporal changes in Cr concentrations. Statistical analysis revealed significant variations in Cr concentrations across most directions and periods, with notable increases during certain periods, especially in the west direction. These variations can be attributed to several factors, including the proximity to industrial sources of pollution, which typically release higher levels of chromium into the environment. The eastern direction likely experiences greater exposure to these emissions due to prevailing wind patterns and urban runoff, leading to increased accumulation in Picea orientalis L. Additionally, seasonal changes, temperature fluctuations, and soil characteristics may influence the bioavailability of chromium, affecting its uptake by the tree. The results suggest that Picea orientalis L. can effectively reflect Cr pollution levels, with significant directional and temporal variations that highlight the influence of these environmental factors on Cr accumulation. This study underscores the potential of Picea orientalis L. as a valuable tool for monitoring and managing Cr pollution in forested environments.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of Crop Geometry and Weed Management Practices on Yield and Yield Attributes of Spring Maize in Banke, Nepal
Narayan Prasad Belbase | Shankar Paudel | Rajesh Yadav
The experiment was conducted in Banke, Nepal, from February 2021 to May 2021 to find suitable spacing and weed management practices for spring maize. The experiment was conducted in a split-plot design in which main plots consisting of two spacings (S1:60 cm × 25 cm and S2:60 cm × 30 cm) and subplots consisting of five weed management practices as, W1: weedy check, W2: weed free, W3: atrazine @ 2 kg a.i. ha-1 as pre-emergence herbicide, W4: atrazine as pre-emergence herbicide followed by single-hand weeding at 30 DAS, and W5: straw mulch. Observations were taken for different parameters, that are, cob length, cob circumference, number of grains per cob, number of ears per hectare, thousand-grain weight, and grain yield. Based on spacing non-significant variations were found for all traits except for the number of ears per hectare. The highest number of ears per hectare (61667 ears ha-1) was found in S1 (60 cm × 25 cm). Based on weed management practices all the traits were significantly different, except the number of ears per hectare and thousand grain weight. The highest value of grain yield (6.15 mt ha-1) was found in straw mulch, and the lowest grain yield (3.72 mt ha-1) was found in the weedy check. A positive correlation was observed between yield and different weed management practices (WEM) (r = 0.5**) and other yield-attributing traits, that are, number of ears per hectare (NE) (r = 0.62**), the number of grains per cob (NK) (r = 0.82**), cob length (CL) (r = 0.47**), cob diameter (CD) (r = 0.68**), and total grain weight (TGW) (r = 0.52**). A negative correlation was observed between yield and spacing (S) (r = -0.41*).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Neuroprotective Efficacy of β-caryophyllene on Cerebellar Changes Caused by Bisphenol A in Rats via Alleviating Oxidative Stress
Ahmad Yahyazadeh | Fatih Mehmet Gür | Hatice Yaren Kuloğlu
Exposure to bisphenol A (BP), an environmental pollutant, is potentially harmful to both human health and the environment. The purpose of the current research was to evaluate the effectiveness of β-caryophyllene (CF) (200 mg/kg) on rat cerebellar tissues exposed to BP (250 mg/kg). Thirty-five randomly selected male rats were split into five groups as: control (CON), olive oil (OL), BP, CF, and CF+BP. On day 15 of the experiment, all rats' cerebellar tissues were immediately extracted, followed by stereological and histological examination. Our results revealed that MDA level was significantly elevated in the BP group compared to the CON group (p<0.05). While no significant difference was detected in the mean cerebellar volume among the experimental groups, the BP group’s the Purkinje cell number was significantly reduced when compared to the CON group (p<0.05). In the CF+BP group, we found a significantly lower level of MDA and higher number of Purkinje cells compared to the BP group (p<0.05). Histopathological examination revealed that the BP group had the marked neuronal deterioration; however, in the CF+BP group, this structural alteration was not as severe than the BP group. Our findings showed that exposure to BP caused oxidative damage to cerebellar tissues, and administration of CF attenuated BP-induced toxicity via improvement of oxidative stress.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Some Yield and Growth Traits of Anatolian Buffaloes and the Effects of First Calving Age and Calving Interval on These Traits
Ahmet Akyol | Hüseyin Erdem
Numerous in-depth studies have described the fertility traits, growth performance and milk yield traits of dairy animals, which are considered indicators of welfare, but there are limited studies examining these traits within the framework of cause-effect relationships, especially in buffaloes. The aim of this study was to determine the changes in some milk, growth and fertility traits of Anatolian buffaloes over the years in some dairy farms where the Buffalo Breeding Project in Public Conditions was implemented in Samsun province and, to investigate the effects of first calving age (FCA) and calving interval (CI) on milk and growth traits. The study was conducted in 27 buffalo farms (3295 buffalo cows and 3317 buffalo calves) located in Bafra district, the region with the highest buffalo population in Samsun province, Türkiye. The data was taken from records previously kept within the scope of the relevant project. The data such as growth characteristics [birth weight (BW), 6th and 12th-mo live weight (LW) values of calves born between 2013-2020] and lactation traits of cows [lactation milk yield (LMY) and lactation duration (LD)] and FCA and CI values were analyzed by analysis of variance. The effect of years on LMY of buffalo cows was found to be significant, and significant positive changes were determined from year to year. In addition, the BW, 6th-mo, and 12th-mo LW values of calves also varied from year to year. As the FCA value of buffaloes increased, the BW, 6th-mo, and 12th-mo LW values of calves and LMY of cows increased. Similarly, CI values affected the BW values of calves (P<0.01), and LMY and LD values increased in parallel with the increase in CI values. Consequently, determining the lactation and growth traits of buffaloes could benefit developing herd management practices that would optimize these performance indicators.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The Extent and Patterns of Digitalization in Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy (PLAS) Farms in South Africa
Sukoluhle Mazwane | Moraka Nakedi Makhura | Athula Ginige
This study sought to develop an index for agricultural digitalization by applying composite confirmatory analysis (CCA). Another aim was to determine the factors that affect the development of digitalization in PLAS farms. Data on the indicators of the three dimensions of digitalization were collected from 300 Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy (PLAS) farms in South Africa using semi-structured questionnaires. Confirmatory composite analysis (CCA) was employed to reduce the items into three digitalization dimensions and ultimately to a digitalization index. Standardized digitalization index scores were extracted and fitted to a linear regression model to determine the factors affecting digitalization. The results revealed that the model shows practical validity and can be used to measure digitalization as measures of fit (geodesic distance, standardized root mean square residual, and squared Euclidean distance) were all below their respective 95%quantiles of bootstrap discrepancies (HI95 values). Therefore, digitalization is an emergent variable that can be measured using CCA. The average level of digitalization in PLAS farms was 0.02 and varied significantly across provinces. Although farmers have attempted to digitalise their farms, there are still minimal levels of digitalization in PLAS farms. The results further reveal different digitalization patterns. As judged by the estimated weights of various dimensions of digitalization, the use of digital technologies to collect, store, analyse, and disseminate (CSAD) farm-related data contributed more towards the digitalization index. The second most important component of digitalization was automation digitalization. In contrast, value chain digitalization was the least significant contributor. The factors that significantly influence digitalization were age, gender, farm type, network type, and cellular data type. Since PLAS farmers have not embraced much digitalization, it is important to focus on awareness and capacity building. A balanced approach to digitalization would benefit PLAS farms by ensuring that strategies to integrate digital solutions within the value chain are developed. To foster and support the digitalization in PLAS farms, policymakers and stakeholders should tailor their strategies to fit specific socioeconomic factors.
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