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Screening and Selection of Media Components for Protease Production by Bacillus sp. EBTA6 Using Plackett–Burman Design
Fikriye Alev Akçay | Ayşe Avcı
In this study, effects of medium components and inoculum size on the protease production by Bacillus sp. EBTA6 that was isolated from a home-made Tarhana sample were investigated. The cell-free supernatant of bacterium cultured on a shaking incubator for 24 h was used to test protease activity as the response. With a total number of 11 factors, 12 different experiments were run and the highest experimental protease activity was measured as 2280.4 U/mL. Results were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and the most efficient factors were detected as yeast extract, dipotassium phosphate, casein, and peptone with a contribution of 93.78, 2.19, 1.96, 1.31%, respectively. For validation of the selected factors, a further experiment was performed by using of yeast extract (9.98 g/L), dipotassium phosphate (1.27 g/L), casein (8.69 g/L), and peptone (9.88 g/L) obtained from the design equation. The experimental response was found as 2411.4 U/mL which was only 5.5% higher than the predicted response showing that the model was applicable.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Trace Elements Concentrations and Human Health Risk Evaluation for Four Common Fish Species in Sinop Coasts (Black Sea)
Ayşe Gündoğdu | Saniye Türk Çulha | Fatma Koçbaş
In the study, Trachurus trachurus, Engraulis encrasicolus, Merlangius merlangius euxinus, and Mullus barbatus from along the coast of Sinop were analysed for the content of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni) and aluminium (Al) in the muscle. Zn, Pb and Cd concentrations were determined to be lightly higher than the acceptable rates in fish samples. The provisional tolerable daily and weekly intake of trace metals in our work were all under than the limits set by the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization, while for Cd, only M. barbatus was higher than FAO limits. E. encrasicolus and M. barbatus had the highest values for the collected total target danger section, but they did not posture a potential hazard within the diet of local residents. For carcinogenic and non carcinogenic risk assessment, the results were lower than the admissible rate of EPA. In the four fish species in the work, the Target cancer risk values of Ni were greater than 10-4, whereas the Target cancer risk values of Pb were smaller than 10-6. According to these results, it is thought that the Ni concentration in fish does pose a carcinogenic risk due to long-term and continuous consumption.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Fatty Acid Compositions of Organic Animal Products
Ceyhun Yücel
In this review, it is aimed to compare the contents of unsaturated fatty acids (Mufa, Pufa) which are essential for human health of products obtained from animals (meat, milk, eggs) grown in organic and conventional (conventional) conditions. Although the unsaturated fatty acid content and amounts of animal products reflect product quality and nutrients, organic animal products contain more unsaturated fatty acids depending on their growing systems (extensively) and accordingly it is determined to be of higher quality and nutritious. Organic agriculture, which is the cornerstone of sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry, and organic livestock, which is an integral part of it, uses natural resources effectively. It is an environmentally friendly production model that does not use additives and aims to provide healthier products with the quantity of products to consumers.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]A Study on Milk Yield, Fertility and Milk Quality Characteristics of Primiparous Red-Holstein and Holstein-Friesian Cows
Atakan Koç | Ramazan Gürses
The aim of this study was to determine the reproductive characteristics, milk yield and milk quality of Primiparous Red-Holstein (RH) and Holstein-Friesian (HF) cows. For this aim, records and monthly taken milk samples of 83 RH and 14 HF raised on a farm in Aydın, Turkey were used. The averages of the first calving age (FCA), gestation length (GL), days open (DO), calving interval (CI), daily milk yield (DMY), 305-day milk yield (305-dMY), solid non-fat (SNF) and Log10 somatic cell count (Log10SCC) of milk were found to be 27.6±0.24 mo, 278.4±1.09 d, 144.0±7.12 d, 421.4±7.66 d, 22.7±0.21 kg, 6981±137.0 kg, 9.8±0.04% and 4.59±0.024 (38905 cells/ml), respectively. Except for DMY, the differences between the breeds were statistically insignificant for FCA, GL, DO, CI, 305-dMY, SNF and Log10SCC. DMY averages for RH and HF were 21.8±0.21 kg and 24.3±0.49 kg, respectively. The effect of season on FCA and the effect of lactation month on SNF and Log10SCC were also found to be statistically significant. Apart from DMY, not any significant difference was observed between RH and HF breeds in terms of the characteristics emphasized.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates and Intra-row Spacing on Yield and Yield Components of ‘Improved Huruta’ Shallot Variety (Allium cepa var.ascalonicum) at Haramaya, Eastern Ethiopia
Tsegaye Shimelis Hordofa | Kebede Woldetsadik | Wassu Mohammed
Agronomic practices for the newly released shallot variety have not been conducted in Eastern Ethiopia. To assess the effect of nitrogen fertilizer rates and intra-row spacing, a field experiment was conducted in 2017 which consisted of seven rates of nitrogen (0, 25, 50, 75,100,125 and 150 kg N ha-1) and three intra-row spacing (7.5, 10 and 12.5 cm) in factorial combination and it was laid out in a RCBD with three replications. Results of the analysis revealed that all bulb yield and yield components of the variety were highly significantly influenced by the main effects of nitrogen fertilizer and intra-row spacing. Moreover, the interaction of nitrogen fertilizer and intra-row spacing significantly influenced days to maturity, plant height, and average bulb weight and bulb dry matter. The application of 125 kg N ha-1gave high total and marketable bulb yield advantage of 32.45% (13.89 t ha-1) and 40.8% (15.47 t ha-1), respectively over the control. Plants spaced at 7.5 cm had total and marketable bulb yield advantage of 35.94% (14.54 t ha-1) and 32.83% (12.42 t ha-1), respectively over plants spaced at 12.5 cm. Therefore, intra-row spacing of 7.5 cm with the application of 125 kg N ha-1 is used for optimum yield in the study area although further research should be needed to come up with conclusive recommendation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Milk Yield, Reproduction and Milk Quality Characteristics of Simmental and Red-Holstein Cattle Raised in a Dairy Farm in Aydın Province: 1. Reproduction and Milk Yield
Atakan Koç | Çağrı Arı
In this study, fertility and milk yield characteristics of Simmental (SIM) and Red-Holstein (RH) cattle raised in a private dairy farm in Aydın province were determined. For fertility traits, days open (DO), calving interval (CI), gestation length (GL) and number of inseminations per pregnancy (NIPP), for milk yield traits lactation length (LL), lactation milk yield (LMY), 305-days milk yield (305-dMY), peak time (PT) and peak milk yield (PMY) were determined. The means of DO, CI, GL and NIPP of RH and SIM breeds were 109.44±5.66 d and 96.06±3.51 d, 389.16±5.70 d and 380.37±3.54 d, 279.71±0.469 d and 284.94±0.303 d, 1.88±0.099 and 1.85±0.065; the means of LL, LMY, 305-dMY, PT and PMY were 333.00±5.405 d and 322.72±3.233 d, 8235.32±148.099 kg and 7357.03±88.122 kg, 7628.78±109.148 kg and 6938.09±64.945 kg, 46.55±2.196 d and 44.46±1.218 d, and 34.68±0.567 kg and 31.47±0.314 kg, respectively. Although, significant fertility and milk yield differences were obtained between the breeds, the favorable performances of both SIM and RH breeds in terms of all features, considered as the environmental factors such as management-feeding-housing-herd management provided to animals in the farm were also suitable.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Residual Effects of Organic Manure on Onion Varieties’ Mineral Content
Şafak Ceylan | Funda Yoldaş | Nilgün Saatçı Mordoğan
This study was conducted to determine the residual effects of chicken manure applications on nutrients in leaves and bulbs of second crop onion that grown after lettuce in greenhouse conditions. In the study, residual effects of chicken manure in 4 different doses (control, 20 t ha-1, 40 t ha-1, 60 t ha-1) and chemical fertilizers applied in the recommended amounts are investigated. Three onion varieties, called Burgaz, Snow white, Champion, were used. In the study, the lowest nutrient uptake was observed in control. However, the highest mineral content in leaves and bulbs were determined in the plots, that on average 40 t ha-1 chicken manure was applied to. In terms of leaf nutrient content, when the varieties were compared to each other, Ca, Mg, and Cu contents were found to be the highest in the Burgaz variety. Phosphorus, Zn, Mn contents were analyzed to be the highest in Snow white while N values determined maximum in Champion. The Champion variety contained higher nutrient values in bulbs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]In ovo Feeding Technology for Optimization of Incubation and Hatching in Broiler Chickens
Brian Tainika | Ahmet Şekeroğlu
This paper provided a brief account of the need of in ovo feeding technology for efficient incubation and hatching as driven by the current and projected poultry production figures. After substantial laboratory experiments in the early 1980s, in ovo vaccination technology became applicable in the commercial broiler hatcheries. The scientific theories that enabled the use of in ovo vaccination facilitated the process of injecting the various nutrient composition into broiler eggs/embryo (in ovo feeding) considering the injection site and the stage of embryonic development. Some studies of in ovo feeding have found scientifically positive effects on incubation properties but they remain insufficient at the commercial level thus, the adoption of the application is very slow compared to other embryo management techniques. Therefore, continuous studies on the best nutrient compositions, combinations, and concentrations are required for the commercial use of in ovo feeding technology.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Organic Agriculture in Turkey
Serpil Tıraşcı | Ümmügülsüm Erdoğan | Vecihi Aksakal
Turkey as well as in the developing world science, technology and the changing rural development and manufacturing approach accordingly with industry, has changed the shape of the realization of agricultural activities. As a result of new production methods, environmental and human health deteriorated and scientists have turned to organic agriculture. Organic farming practices, which started in the 1980s in our country, have improved significantly with the publication of the organic farming regulation in 1994 and the regulation was last regulated in 2018. Our country with conditions favourable for organic agriculture in terms of soil and water resources, climate, variety of products, this study was prepared in order to see how organic agriculture has progressed over the years and at what stage it is today. In 1990, 8 organic products were produced in Turkey with 313 farmers in an area of 1,037 ha. According to the latest data 73,563 farmers have grown 2,371,612 tons of organic products in 626,885 ha organic agriculture area. In addition, the organic product range produced was increased to 213. When we look at the export situation, it is seen that the total export amount is 111,690,675 tons and a significant amount of this export amount is 41.633,896 tons of wheat and wheat products. Looking at the import data, it is known that the total import amount is 175,865,85 tons and the most imported product is soybeans (non-seed) (99,446 tons). Although a significant increase in organic agriculture production has been observed compared to previous years, it is anticipated that this increase may increase even further considering Turkey's agricultural potential.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of Domestic Wastewater Sewage Sludge Applications on Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Tomato Plant
Mustafa Öztürk | Şükrü Aslan | Ahmet Demirbaş
Use of sewage sludge in agriculture is an alternative disposal technique for this waste. Accordingly, the effects of using the sludge obtained from Sivas Waste Water Treatment Plant in different doses (0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% (w/w) and chemical fertilization) on the yield and nutrient concentration of tomato plants were investigated. The study was carried out with three replications according to the experimental pattern of randomized plots in the plastic pots with the capacity of 3 kg under the greenhouse conditions of Plant and Animal Production Department of Sivas Cumhuriyet University. It has been determined that the weight of the plants roots, stems and green components dry matter increases due to the increasing sewage sludge application and the highest efficiency is in the sewage sludge application of 5%. In addition, it has been determined that the concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) which are among the macro nutrients, tend to increase depending on the increasing dose of the sewage sludge. The concentrations of copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) which are among the micro nutrients, increased with the increasing amount of sludge. In this context, it is thought that the sludge can be used in plant breeding, provided that it falls within the boundaries of the legal legislation.
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