[ Publié dans: economia e sociologia rural ]
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Résultats 1191-1200 de 1,253
Soybean processing industry in Brazil: structural change, conduct and some performance indicators
Aguiar, D.R.D.
Biblioteca Nacional de Agricultura - Brazil
Growth and instability of income of cashew crop in the state of Ceara, Brazil
Pessoa, P.F.A. de P. | Lemos, J. de J.S.
Biblioteca Nacional de Agricultura - Brazil
Expert systems for agricultural economists: potential and relevance
Silva, C.A.B. da
Biblioteca Nacional de Agricultura - Brazil
Changes in the pattern of agroindustrial development: the case of Northern of Parana, Brazil
Assumpcao, A.G. de | Galina, L.A. | Consoni, R.
Biblioteca Nacional de Agricultura - Brazil
Sources of growth and instability of agriculture in Northeast of Brazil
Lemos, J. de J.S.
Biblioteca Nacional de Agricultura - Brazil
Competitive analysis of soybean production in the direct planting systems and conventional planting at brazilian cerrado region
Alvim, M.I. da S.A. | Valle, S.M.L.R. do | Lima, J.E. | Silva, O.M. da
Biblioteca Nacional de Agricultura - Brazil
Productive structure, intersectorial relations and agricultural cooperatives at Parana state for the years of 1980 and 1985
Rodrigues, R.L. | Guilhoto, J.J.M.
Biblioteca Nacional de Agricultura - Brazil
Regional evolution of labor productivity in the agricultural sector of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, through a Markov matrix
Stulp, V.J.
Biblioteca Nacional de Agricultura - Brazil
Social benefits of corn substitution by cassava pellets in hog ration state of Ceara
Silva, A.S. da | Khan, A.S.
Biblioteca Nacional de Agricultura - Brazil
Intersectorial analysis of the Brazilian economy: an application of the social accounting matrix
Santana, A.C. | Campos, A.C.
Biblioteca Nacional de Agricultura - Brazil