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The analysis of the implementation of the land consolidation project of the parts of Alksnėnai and Sūdava cadastral area
Laimutis, A., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Puziene, R., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The land consolidation project of the parts of Vilkaviškis district municipality, Pilviškiai and Klausučiai elderates, Alksnėnai and Sūdava cadastral area is analysed in the article, the main indicators of the project, the meaning of land consolidation, the need to improve the order of the execution and implementation of these activities are described in the article. The survey was carried out to examine the opinion of the participants of the project regarding the advantages of the proceeding and results of the project as well as some of its drawbacks.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Updating georeferential data
Salkauskiene, V., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Jakubauskaite, V., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
Land cover objects are reflected in a set of georeferential data and are constantly changing. These changes can be accurately examined by computer and interactive information systems. One of the main advantages of computer information systems is the fact that their maps can be constantly improved and updated. The update of georeferential data was conducted in a selected area using the ArcGIS software. After the analysis of the Lithuanian land cover data, the area meeting the following criteria was selected: a diverse landscape, the abundance of different objects (built-up areas, forests, bodies of water), an adjacent city and good access to major metropolitan areas. The article presents the updated georeferential data and tracks changes in the updated data of built-up areas, areas overgrown with trees and shrubs, dams, swimming pools, lakes, ponds and roads in the selected area within the period from 2008 to 2015. The results revealed that changes occurred in all analysed layers. It proves that land cover objects are constantly changing. The greatest change was observed in the data of built-up areas. In comparison with 2008, in 2015 even 41% of built-up areas was changed (i.e. the old boundaries were revised, new and defunct built-up areas were discovered), 125 new areas have overgrown with trees and bushes and 46 changes were observed in ponds and pools.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Actual problems of agricultural land market in Latvia
Vesperis, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Agricultural land is one of the most valuable natural resources which can be found in Latvia, since agricultural land has long time served as an important resource of economic activity and food production. Efficient use of this valuable resource depends not only on technologies and knowledge at disposal of farmers but also on regulations concerning the real estate market and taxation of the real estate. Recent changes of the real estate market regulation as concerns agricultural land are analysed in this paper to identify a possible influence on the use of agricultural land.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Global navigation satellite systems technical solutions developments of farmland processing in Latvia
Ratkevics, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Celms, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Baumane, V., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) services in Latvia nowadays provide not only for a variety of navigation and surveying needs, but also they are used in agricultural production. The time period when satellite navigation systems equipment and services in agricultural businesses appeared in Latvia and were treated as objects of interest and research has passed. GNSS equipment and enabling modules are purchased, installed and used in agricultural equipment extending their capabilities. A growing number of entrepreneurs provide for this service segment. In the publication of 2014, the authors pointed out that a preparatory and investigation phase in using precision farming systems (including GNSS technology related to them) in Latvia has come to an end transforming into massive practical implementation in the process of agricultural business. The analysis of the obtained information confirmed that during the last year further satellite navigation technology usage in agricultural machinery has grown from simple and approximate level usage to high accuracy and stability navigation services. Growth dynamics and its further development forecasted earlier by the authors coincided with the last year’s actual development indicators of a stable and growing demand for global navigation system services for farming machinery and technical solutions for their user segment. The aim of the article is to justify the forecast expressed in the last year’s publication regarding the increase of the use of precision farming systems thus confirming the fact that their application has moved from a research phase to massive practical implementation and operation in agricultural production.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Application of mathematical-cartographic modelling in optimising the structure of the regional landfill of solid non-hazardous waste of the Lutsk management cluster [Ukraine]
Korol, P., Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National Univ., Lutsk (Ukraine) | Petrovych, O., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) | Pavlyshyn, V., Rivne Research and Design Inst. of Land Management, SE, Lutsk (Ukraine). Volyn Branch
Ukraine is one of the countries where the problem of waste management is particularly acute and deteriorating every year. The Regional Waste Management Plan in Volyn region by 2030 envisages a reduction in the total amount of landfilled waste from 97.68% to 30%, and the number of sites for their disposal – up to 4–8 regional landfills per region. Ecological-economic mechanism of solid non-hazardous waste (SNHW) management is based on a harmonious combination of environmental constraints with the economic attractiveness of regional landfills and involves working with geographically defined objects based on the use of methods of processing geospatial information, one of which is mathematical-cartographic modelling. Thus, the main purpose of this work is to substantiate the possibilities of applying the method of mathematical-cartographic modelling in the design of the system of regional landfills of SNHW in the Volyn region. In order to address the issue of placement of SNHW management facilities, the territory of the region is divided into four management clusters. The division of the territory took into account the composition, properties, methods of solid waste collection, logistics, load on waste processing complexes, volumes of waste generated, spatial planning, etc. Three probable options for the location of regional landfills have been developed for the Lutsk SNHW cluster. The results of the study can be used in the development and adjustment of regional plans, waste management programs, as well as in the work of the executive bodies of the united territorial communities.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Public administration of agricultural land: case of Samara region
Vlasov, A., Samara State Univ. of Economics (Russian Federation) | Vasilieva, D., Samara State Univ. of Economics (Russian Federation) | Parsova, V., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
As result of land reform in Russian Federation the public administration of agricultural land has been totally transformed. Land reform was carried out in order to solve problems in the sphere of agriculture, housing construction, ecology, creating a plurality of land ownership forms, introducing land use payments, etc. The decision to cancel monopoly of state ownership in land and to create institution of private property was made. The land redistribution projects for each farm were made, where stock of shares, stock of land redistribution and stock of land administered by previous soviet village councils was represented. The example of the Samara region was used to develop mechanisms for transfer of public land to private ownership. Currently, the situation with use of the land in many agricultural enterprises can be considered as unsatisfactory due to unsystematic economic activity − there are no or are not implemented scientifically based crop rotations, natural soil fertility is not taken into account, there is no modern cartographic material indicating the size of the fields, degree of slope and degree of erosion. Significant deterioration of the agro-ecological situation and the spread of negative processes on arable land require changes in national land policy and development of comprehensive measures to organize rational use of land. In the near future, a significant modernization of national and federal land legislation is planned, which will affect all subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of the management and use of agricultural land.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Issues of abandoned lands in Lithuania (following the example of Raseiniai district, Sujainiai cadastral area)
Stravinskiene, V., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Gecaite, D., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The media frequently refers to the concept of abandoned land. The reasons for its occurrence are discussed and the ways to diminish the problem are being searched for. Various sources of information were used for the research. They enabled the authors to identify the concept of abandoned lands. In addition, the situation of abandoned lands was analysed and causes of occurrence of such lands in one cadastral area of mid-Lithuania municipality were defined. According to the set of data, concerning abandoned lands (AŽ_DRLT), the data, provided in the mentioned data set and the data obtained during field testing were compared. The survey of the terrain was conducted in the early autumn of 2013 and repeated in the late spring of 2014. In order to find out why the land was abandoned, the surveyor of cadastral area was additionally interviewed. On the basis of the latest data of 2014, 123 spaces of abandoned lands, which occupy 59.74 ha, were found in Sujainai cadastral area. Having analysed the set of abandoned land data, it was identified that boundaries of 95 abandoned plots corresponded to the situation in the area, whereas boundaries of 28 areas should be corrected. Moreover, the abandoned areas that had not been marked were found while the land abandonment in the terrain was obvious. Although the amount of abandoned land is decreasing in both the area analysed and throughout Lithuania, the situation is not favourable. Having conducted the research, it was found that the main reasons for land abandonment in Sujainai cadastral area were as follows: poor fertility in non-productive lands (up to 32 points) and reclamation; no potential land consumers, purchasers or tenants of land areas of high productivity or it is complicated and expensive to pursue agricultural activity there.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cadastral data as a basis for rational use and protection of land
Tykhenko, O., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) | Bavrovska, N., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine)
Without cadastral information, it is difficult to make any decisions about land. But in order for the system of state land cadastre to work effectively, it is necessary that the information in it is up-to-date, complete and reliable. The article analyses in detail the existing legislative and regulatory acts and draws conclusions from the methodological principles of keeping the state land cadastre in the part concerning the consideration of factors of influence on the quality of land accounting. The status of agricultural land use was monitored and land conservation measures recommended. The authors have analysed in detail the public information on the soil cover of Ukraine, which is displayed on the Public Cadastral Map of Ukraine. The necessity of enrichment of the cadastre with new information and indicators is investigated, which allows to solve a wider range of problems regarding the use of land as a spatial basis and the purpose of development of the multifunctional cadastre.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Environmental problems of agricultural land use in the Samara region
Zudilin, S., Samara State Agricultural Academy (Russian Federation) | Konakova, A., Samara State Agricultural Academy (Russian Federation)
The zones of ecological trouble cover about 15% of the territory of Russia, where the main production capacities and the most productive agricultural lands are concentrated. The Samara region is characterized by a distinct natural zonality from a typical forest-steppe in the North with a forest cover close to 30%, to an open dry steppe in the South with a natural forest cover of only 0.1...0.2%. The article presents an analysis of land use in the Samara region on the example of the Borsky municipal district. Research methods include environmental analysis and statistical data analysis.The article presents an analysis of the land use of the Borskiy municipal district. During zoning, the territory of the district is divided into the northern, central and southern parts. Assessment of environmental and economic parameters showed heterogeneity of the territory and the need for detailed consideration of climatic, soil, economic conditions in the design of landscape optimization systems, even in the municipal area. In general, the district's land fund experiences an average anthropogenic load, the ecological stability of the territory as a whole is characterized as unstable stable. In comparison with other areas of the Central MES, the municipal Borskiy district belongs to the category with an average ecological intensity with a stabilization index of 0.59 units due to the beneficial influence of the Buzuluksky area.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Role of brownfields regeneration in sustainable use of natural resources
Jankava, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia). Dept. of Land Management and Geodesy | Parsova, V., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia). Dept. of Land Management and Geodesy | Berzina, M., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia). Dept. of Land Management and Geodesy | Palabinska, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia). Dept. of Land Management and Geodesy
With growing importance of the global economy, one of the basic natural resources − intensity of land use − is also increasing, which often is the cause of land degradation processes. The causes and manifestations of brownfields are diverse, and their elimination is the first prerequisite for the sustainable use of land resources and development of each region. Improvement, maximal and efficient engagement in economic activity of brownfields is one of the key challenges for sustainable resource use that makes significant contribution to regional development. The reuse of brownfields has significant impact on sustainable development as it meets all three of its objectives: improving the economy, improving social cohesion and the environment. The aim of the article is on the basis of special literature examples to examine issues of sustainable development, evaluation and restoration of brownfields, transformation of brownfields into recreational areas, as well as further use of brownfields in cities and rural areas.
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